Empowered: A Journey Through the Gifts of the Spirit

Track 8: Speaking in Tongues


“Speaking in Tongues” is an atmospheric and contemplative piece that explores the mysterious beauty of praying and praising God in a language beyond our natural understanding. Rooted in scriptures like Acts 2:4 and 1 Corinthians 14:2, this track focuses on Ruach HaKodesh—“The Holy Spirit”—as the divine source who enables believers to express “mysteries” and worship in spirit and truth.

The arrangement balances ethereal pads and layered vocals, symbolizing the Spirit’s gentle yet transformative presence. The verses portray our human limits in prayer—sometimes words fail to capture the depth of our need or the richness of our worship. Tongues, then, become an intimate expression of surrender, tapping into God’s heart in ways we can’t fully articulate.

Mid-song, there’s a confession of having neglected or misunderstood this gift, recognizing that controversy or fear can keep believers from embracing it. Yet the bridge ushers in a wave of intercession for unity in the Body of Christ, praying that believers worldwide would celebrate and respect this gift rather than being divided by it. The final chorus transitions into a soaring testament that tongues, when guided by love and biblical teaching, enrich both personal devotion and corporate worship.

“Speaking in Tongues” concludes with a blessing over the listener, inviting them to open their hearts to Ruach HaKodesh. The goal is not sensationalism but deeper intimacy with God, reminding us that the Spirit intercedes in ways that transcend the boundaries of human language.


Track 8: Speaking in Tongues

Key Scriptures:

1 Corinthians 12:10, Acts 2:4, 1 Corinthians 14:2

Hebrew Name of God:

Ruach HaKodesh (“The Holy Spirit”)


Speaking in tongues—also referred to as “different kinds of tongues” (1 Corinthians 12:10)—is a supernatural language given by the Holy Spirit for prayer, worship, and, at times, public utterance in the assembly. In Acts 2:4, the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, and they began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. This miraculous sign gathered attention and ultimately led to three thousand people coming to faith in Christ.

1 Corinthians 14:2 explains that when a person speaks in tongues, they speak “mysteries by the Spirit,” often edifying themselves spiritually. However, Paul also mentions the importance of order and interpretation if tongues are used publicly (1 Corinthians 14:27–28). This ensures that the whole body can benefit, rather than just the individual speaking.

Ruach HaKodesh, “The Holy Spirit,” is the source of this gift. The Spirit intercedes in ways beyond our human understanding, enabling us to pray according to God’s will (Romans 8:26–27). Tongues can also be a powerful way to worship, transcending language barriers and ushering the believer into a deeper sense of God’s presence. Many testify that praying in tongues helps them overcome spiritual dryness, fear, or limited vocabulary in prayer.

Yet, tongues have often been misunderstood or even dismissed. Some fear emotionalism or question its authenticity. Scripture encourages us to test all things (1 Thessalonians 5:21) but also to avoid despising what the Spirit is doing (1 Thessalonians 5:19–20). When guided by love and biblical instruction, tongues enrich personal devotion and can be a sign to non-believers of God’s power.


  • If you have never spoken in tongues, ask Ruach HaKodesh to fill you afresh. Approach God with an open heart, willing to receive whatever gifts He bestows.
  • If you already have this gift, how can you use it more intentionally for intercession or worship?
  • Pray that the global Church grows in unity and understanding regarding the gift of tongues, valuing each manifestation of the Spirit for edification and evangelistic impact.



Verse 1:

When words fall short to praise Your name,
And longing stirs a holy flame,
Ruach HaKodesh, breathe on me,
Unseal the voice of mystery.


Speaking in tongues, a secret song,
Spirit prays where words go wrong.
Deep calls out to depths unknown,
In whispered groans, Your love is shown.


Speaking in tongues, a secret song,
Spirit prays where words go wrong.
Deep calls out to depths unknown,
In whispered groans, Your love is shown.

Verse 2:

We stand in wonder at heaven’s sound,
A language pure no chains can bound.
Ruach HaKodesh, fill this place,
Unite our hearts in endless grace.


Speaking in tongues, a secret song,
Spirit prays where words go wrong.
Deep calls out to depths unknown,
In whispered groans, Your love is shown.


Bound by one voice beyond our own,
In perfect speech we’re not alone.
Holy Spirit, tie us near,
Your utterance so calm and clear.


Speaking in tongues, a secret song,
Spirit prays where words go wrong.
Deep calls out to depths unknown,
In whispered groans, Your love is shown.


Ruach HaKodesh, seal our prayer,
In utterances beyond compare.
We rest in language formed by You,
Communing sweet where hearts are true.

Chord Chart – coming soon