Harvester's Call - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield


“Harvester’s Call” concludes the album with focus shifting outwards. With a blend of prayer and plea, it expresses longing for salvation of lost souls and acknowledges our role as laborers in God’s spiritual harvest. The lyrics emphasize God’s love for all and His desire to equip us to share this life-changing message. Ultimately, it’s a call to action, inviting surrender not just for our inner world, but for active participation in His Kingdom work.

Emotional Heart:

This track balances urgency and empowerment. There’s a clear passion for those not yet touched by God’s salvation, perhaps stemming from the recognition of joy found in our own relationship with Him. There’s no judgment, but a burning desire for others to experience that same life-giving love. Alongside this, there’s an empowering undercurrent, a faith that God not only saves, but shapes us into effective vessels for sharing His message.

Potential Blog Prompts:

      • Do you resonate with the urgency of sharing your faith with the lost? Why or why not?
      • In what areas do you feel confident proclaiming the Gospel? Where do you need God’s further help?
      • Does the idea of ‘preparing for the harvest’ motivate you in your pursuit of God and your willingness for Kingdom work?


Scripture Foundation: 

  • Matthew 9:37-38: “Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
  • John 4:35: “Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.”
  • Romans 10:14-15: “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

Deep Dive:

The “harvest” isn’t just the culmination of growth; it’s a time of urgency. Jesus saw lost souls ripe and ready, but lamented the lack of workers. Salvation isn’t something God withholds, but requires His followers to actively proclaim. Romans outlines the chain: one can’t believe without hearing, hearing requires a messenger, and messengers are God-appointed. Participating in this Great Commission involves both prayerful petition AND obedience to be His laborers.

Relevance to the Song:

“Harvester’s Call” closes the album with this outward focus. It begins with heartfelt prayer for lost souls, acknowledging our role as messengers, not just spectators. There’s a sense of urgency – that salvation isn’t solely an afterlife concern, but a present imperative. Notably, it urges self-examination: am I equipped, my own relationship with God strong enough to overflow on others?

Application for the Listener: 

  • Sharing faith can be daunting. Is this fear, or true humility recognizing your need for Christ’s equipping?
  • Think beyond grand evangelism. Is there one person God places on your heart to offer spiritual support?
  • Are areas of your life hindering a bold testimony? Ask God to address them for His Kingdom purposes.

Closing Prayer: 

Lord of the Harvest, break my heart with what breaks Yours – the souls still adrift in darkness. Forgive my complacency, and ignite within me a burning passion to participate in Your work. Prepare me. Show me how to speak Your truth in love, how to walk with others towards life-changing understanding of Your grace. May every aspect of my life draw others closer to the Savior I have found. Amen.


Harvester’s Call

Verse 1

Open hearts and seeking eyes, longing to behold,
The beauty of Your sacrifice, the grace that makes us bold.
Break down walls of hardened wills, soften doubt and fear,
May Your Spirit draw them close, Your saving voice so clear.


Harvester of souls, gather the lost ones home,
Your love compels us, we will not rest alone.
Use our hands, our feet, our words, reflections of Your might,
Shine Your light through broken vessels, guide them into the light.

Verse 2

For those weary from the fight, burdened by their shame,
Let healing floods come crashing through the power of Your name.
Release them from the chains of sin, their shattered spirits mend,
Fill them with Your joy unspeakable, a hope that knows no end.


Harvester of souls, gather the lost ones home,
Your love compels us, we will not rest alone.
Use our hands, our feet, our words, reflections of Your might,
Shine Your light through broken vessels, guide them into the light.


Stir within us holy passion, Your vision to impart,
Let our lives proclaim the gospel, with love in every heart.
Equip us for the task at hand, Your wisdom we implore,
May Your mighty harvest fill the earth from shore to shore.


Gather the lost ones home… guide them into the light.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: C Major (transitions to G Major in final build) – Uplifting, mission-focused, ending in triumph.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – Driving and purposeful, conveying urgency and shared labor.
  • Tempo: Allegro to Vivace (120 BPM and building) – Begins energetic, growing triumphant.

Storyboard descriptions for music video


  • Mood: Urgency mingled with joyful expectation.
  • Music: Rhythmic drumming building in intensity, rousing brass instruments, a choir swells in the background.
  • Visual: A vast field bursts into view – ripe golden grain stretches towards the horizon under a blazing sunset.
  • Camera: Rapid montage of hands gently opening grains, testing for readiness, then pans over the endless expanse.

Verse 1

  • Mood: Sorrow mingling with urgency, recognizing the lostness waiting in the ready field.
  • Action: Figure enters the frame, dressed in simple clothes, carrying a weathered sickle. Their gaze scans the scene with a burdened heart.
  • Camera: Wide angle shot to emphasize the abundance of the field in contrast to the solitary harvester.


  • Mood: Plea for laborers, echoing God’s own desire for all to find salvation.
  • Action: Figure lifts the sickle, poised high in the air, the setting sun glinting off the blade. They beckon toward the horizon, as if calling others to join them.
  • Camera: Shot from behind the figure, highlighting the open expanse that awaits additional workers.

Verse 2

  • Mood: Focus shifts inward – recognizing the need for personal equipping for the task.
  • Action: Figure sinks to their knees in the rich soil, lifting their face upwards in focused prayer.
  • Camera: Close-up of the figure’s face, eyes closed, then opening with a burst of renewed determination.


    • Mood: Bold resolution, answering the call with a fervent “yes”.
    • Action: Figure rises, begins to cut through the crop, moving briskly but carefully, sickle flashing as grain sheaves are gathered.
    • Camera: Tracking shot follows the figure, showing the immediate impact of their work, yet emphasizing the still abundant harvest yet untouched.


      • Mood: Anticipation intensifies, focus on the urgency of spreading the message.
      • Action: Other figures start to appear in the distance, outlined against the sunset, carrying their own tools. A growing sense of unified purpose takes over.
      • Camera: Cross-cuts between the individual workers, now scattered throughout the field, each cutting and gathering with intensity.


      • Mood: Exhilaration of shared mission, victory foreshadowed.
      • Action: Figures rise triumphantly, silhouetted against the fading sunset, arms raised high with their gathered wheat sheaves and tools.
      • Camera: Sweeping wide shot encapsulating the field of workers, now numerous, with harvested grain piling high between them. Music builds to a crescendo.