Lifelong Learners - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

“Lifelong Learners” – Track Description


The fifth track of “Educatio Dei,” titled “Lifelong Learners,” celebrates the unending journey of education and personal growth. This song is an anthem for continuous learning, emphasizing the joy and necessity of expanding one’s knowledge and understanding throughout all stages of life.

Themes and Message:

“Lifelong Learners” starts by recognizing the traditional framework of education, but swiftly expands the scope to include the ongoing pursuit of wisdom and understanding beyond formal settings. The song highlights the value of curiosity, the importance of keeping the mind and spirit active, and the joy found in constantly seeking new insights and perspectives.

Central to the track is the theme of maintaining a posture of learning, mirroring the Christian principle of always growing in faith and understanding. The lyrics intertwine this idea with the broader concept of lifelong education, advocating for a mindset where learning never ceases.

Scriptural Integration:

Drawing inspiration from scriptures such as Proverbs 18:15 and 2 Timothy 2:15, “Lifelong Learners” echoes the biblical encouragement to seek wisdom and to approach God’s word with diligence. These verses underscore the importance of continually acquiring knowledge and wisdom, and correctly handling the truth of God’s word.

Impact and Reflection:

This song is crafted to inspire listeners from all walks of life to embrace the journey of learning, both secular and spiritual. It encourages an active pursuit of knowledge, coupled with a humble recognition that there is always more to learn. The track invites listeners to reflect on their own path of learning and to find ways to keep growing, both intellectually and spiritually.


Devotional for “Lifelong Learners”

Scripture References:

  • Proverbs 18:15 (NIV): “The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.”
  • 2 Timothy 2:15 (NIV): “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”


“Lifelong Learners” celebrates the unending journey of seeking knowledge and wisdom, a journey that does not cease with formal education but continues throughout our lives. Proverbs 18:15 highlights the attitude of the discerning heart, always eager to acquire knowledge. This scripture encourages us to be proactive in our pursuit of understanding, constantly seeking out wisdom in all areas of life.

2 Timothy 2:15 speaks to the diligence required in this pursuit, particularly in understanding and applying God’s word. It underscores the responsibility of not just acquiring knowledge but doing so in a manner that is pleasing to God and correctly aligned with His truth. This verse is a call to study diligently, to understand deeply, and to apply wisely.

Prayer Focus:

  1. Continual Growth in Knowledge: Pray for the desire and opportunity to continually grow in knowledge, both secular and spiritual, recognizing that all truth is God’s truth.
  2. Wisdom in Application: Intercede for the ability to apply knowledge wisely in life’s decisions, relationships, and callings.
  3. Discernment in Learning: Ask for discernment in distinguishing truth from error, especially in a world abundant with information.
  4. Diligence in Study: Pray for the commitment to study diligently, particularly the Word of God, and for the wisdom to interpret and apply it correctly in daily life.

Personal Application:

Reflect on your own learning journey. Identify areas where you wish to grow in knowledge and wisdom. Consider setting goals for further study, whether in biblical understanding, professional skills, or personal interests. Seek to be a model of lifelong learning in your community, inspiring others to continue their pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.


Lifelong Learners

Verse 1

Invocation (Inviting God to inspire continuous learning and growth)

Lord of all epochs, Author of time,
In every age, Your truths sublime.
Stir in us a ceaseless quest,
To learn, to grow, and in You rest.


Intercession (Pleading for the spirit of lifelong learning and against complacency)

Let not our hearts be satisfied,
With yesterday’s wisdom where we abide.
Ignite us with an eternal flame,
To seek Your knowledge, to proclaim Your name.

Verse 2

Recognition (Acknowledging the danger of stagnation and a prayer against it)

In the comfort of what’s known, we often stay,
But You call us out to walk in Your way.
Break the chains of complacency,
Let Your Spirit move us to seek and see.


Intercession (A fervent plea for the motivation to continue learning and growing)

With every sunrise, with every night,
In every struggle, in every fight,
Sustain us to learn, uphold us to yearn,
For the depth of Your wisdom, for which we burn.


Decree (Declaring the commitment to lifelong learning and openness to God’s wisdom)

We are Your students, in life’s vast school,
Not bound by time, by Your word we’re ruled.
In every lesson life brings to bear,
We’ll find You teaching, we’ll find You there.

Verse 3

Supplication (Asking for the grace to remain open to new lessons and experiences)

Teach us to listen, teach us to grow,
In every season, let Your lessons flow.
May our learning never cease,
But in Your knowledge find our peace.


Intercession and Dedication (Interceding for continual growth and dedication to God’s teaching)

In every moment, in every breath,
Teach us until our earthly death.
To be learners, disciples true,
In lifelong pursuit, Lord, of You.


Affirmation (Affirming the commitment to be lifelong learners in Christ)

For every ending, there’s a start,
In Your wisdom, we take heart.
Lifelong learners, by Your grace,
Until we meet You face to face.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: C Major – A clear and open key, reflecting the lifelong journey of learning and growth.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – Provides a solid and steady rhythm, supporting a narrative that spans a lifetime.
  • Tempo: Andante (around 90 bpm) – Steady and easy, allowing for reflective and narrative lyrics to resonate.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Lifelong Learners” aims to visually represent the song’s message about the endless journey of learning and personal growth. The scenes progress through various life stages, aligning with the musical elements of the track, to illustrate that learning is a lifelong endeavor that enriches every stage of life.

Introduction (Before Verse 1)

  • Scene 0: A sunrise over a landscape transitioning from a home to a school, then to a workplace, and finally to a peaceful retirement home, symbolizing the journey of life.
  • Camera Movement: Slow, continuous pan across these different stages of life.
  • Mood: Reflective, hopeful.

Verse 1

  • Scene 1: Inside a home, a young child learning to play a musical instrument with a parent.
  • Musical Elements: A gentle, uplifting melody begins.
  • On-screen Action: Close-ups of the child’s focused face and their hands on the instrument.
  • Camera Movement: Alternating between close-ups and wide shots showing the nurturing environment.
  • Mood: Joyful, encouraging.


  • Scene 2: Transition to a classroom with teenagers engaged in a science experiment.
  • Musical Elements: The music builds, reflecting the curiosity and excitement of discovery.
  • On-screen Action: Students collaborating and experiencing the thrill of learning.
  • Camera Movement: Dynamic shots around the classroom, focusing on the experiment and reactions.
  • Mood: Energetic, inquisitive.


  • Scene 3: A college setting, with students in various areas of study, from arts to technology.
  • Musical Elements: The chorus is rich and full, echoing the depth and diversity of higher education.
  • On-screen Action: A montage of different learning experiences, showcasing the breadth of knowledge.
  • Camera Movement: Smooth transitions between different learning environments.
  • Mood: Aspirational, diverse.

    Verse 2

    • Scene 4: In a busy office, adults engaged in professional development, learning new skills.
    • Musical Elements: The melody becomes more rhythmic, symbolizing the practical application of learning.
    • On-screen Action: Individuals and groups in training sessions, seminars, and collaborative projects.
    • Camera Movement: Quick cuts between various forms of professional learning.
    • Mood: Focused, ambitious.


      • Scene 5: A community center where adults participate in a cooking class, learning a new cuisine.
      • Musical Elements: The music lightens, capturing the joy of lifelong hobbies and interests.
      • On-screen Action: Laughter and collaboration as the class cooks together.
      • Camera Movement: Overhead shots of cooking stations, close-ups of hands and faces.
      • Mood: Lighthearted, communal.


      • Scene 6: A park where seniors are engaged in a tai chi class, illustrating continuous physical and mental wellness.
      • Musical Elements: The chorus is warm and enveloping, reflecting lifelong well-being.
      • On-screen Action: Graceful movements of tai chi, intercut with smiling, focused faces.
      • Camera Movement: Gentle sweeps across the class, close-ups of expressive, peaceful faces.
      • Mood: Serene, grounded.


      • Scene 7: A night scene, the same landscape as the introduction, now under a starry sky, symbolizing the end of one day and the anticipation of the next.
      • Musical Elements: Music gradually winds down, leaving a sense of continuity and peace.
      • On-screen Action: The landscape transitions back from the retirement home to the house, suggesting the cycle of life and learning.
      • Camera Movement: Slow, reverse pan, mirroring the introduction.
      • Mood: Contemplative, complete.