By Rivers and Deserts - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Detailed Description for Track 3: “By Rivers and Deserts”


By Rivers and Deserts

Music Elements:

The track features a dynamic contrast between softer, fluid melodies and more intense, rhythmic sections. This musical variation mirrors the song’s theme of navigating through life’s diverse spiritual landscapes. The instrumentation is rich and evocative, with a blend of strings and wind instruments creating a sense of journey and movement.

Themes and Concepts:

“By Rivers and Deserts” is a metaphorical representation of the spiritual journey, where rivers symbolize times of abundance and refreshment, and deserts represent periods of challenge and scarcity. The song encapsulates the experience of finding God’s presence and guidance in every season of life.

Underlying Message:

This song is an affirmation of trust in God’s providence and guidance. It encourages listeners to recognize God’s hand in both the blessings and trials of life. The lyrics are crafted to provide comfort and reassurance, reminding us that whether by the rivers or in the deserts, God is always with us, guiding and sustaining.

For the Listener:

Listeners of “By Rivers and Deserts” are invited to reflect on their own life journeys and the ways God has been present in every circumstance. The song aims to uplift and strengthen faith, particularly during times when the path ahead seems uncertain. It’s an encouragement to trust in God’s unwavering guidance and care, regardless of where the journey leads.


Devotional for Track 3: “By Rivers and Deserts”


Trusting in God’s Guidance Through Life’s Varied Landscapes

Scripture References:

  • Isaiah 43:19 (God making a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert)
  • Psalm 78:16 (God bringing streams out of the rock and causing waters to flow down like rivers)
  • Psalm 23:2-4 (God leading beside still waters and through the valley of the shadow of death)
  • Exodus 13:21 (God guiding the Israelites through the desert with a pillar of cloud and fire)


“By Rivers and Deserts” invites us to reflect on the diverse spiritual terrains we traverse in our walk with God. Isaiah 43:19 speaks of God’s miraculous provision in barren places, a powerful metaphor for His presence in challenging times.

Psalm 78:16 recalls the times God has turned the impossible into sources of life and sustenance. This reassures us that even in the driest seasons of our lives, God can bring forth living waters.

In Psalm 23, the imagery of being led by still waters and walking through dark valleys captures the essence of God’s guidance, regardless of the circumstances. As exemplified in Exodus 13:21, God’s presence is a constant guide, be it a pillar of cloud by day or a pillar of fire by night.

Prayer Focus:

  • Gratitude for God’s Guidance: Thank God for His constant presence and guidance in all circumstances of life.
  • Strength in Challenges: Seek God’s strength and sustenance in difficult times, trusting Him to provide and guide.
  • Faith in the Journey: Ask for faith to trust in God’s plan, even when the path seems uncertain or challenging.
  • Guidance for Others: Intercede for those who are in their own ‘deserts’ or ‘rivers’, that they may also experience God’s guiding hand.

Action Step:

Take time to meditate in a natural setting, whether it’s a garden, a park, or a natural reserve. Reflect on how God has guided you through different seasons of your life.

Closing Prayer:

Heavenly Father, in the changing landscapes of our lives, Your presence is the constant we rely on. In deserts and rivers, in valleys and on mountains, guide us with Your loving hand. May we always trust in Your path, finding comfort and strength in Your unending faithfulness. Lead us, Lord, and use us to guide others to Your streams of living water. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


By Rivers and Deserts

Verse 1:

In deserts dry, where faith seems thin,
Your streams of life, they flow within.
By rivers wide, in abundance clear,
In every landscape, Lord, You’re near.


By rivers and deserts, Your hand guides the way,
In every trial, in night and day.
Lead us, O Lord, through each path we tread,
By rivers and deserts, by Your Spirit led.

Verse 2:

In valleys low, where shadows fall,
Your light, O Lord, outshines them all.
On mountain peaks, and plains so vast,
In Your presence, our lot is cast.


By rivers and deserts, Your hand guides the way,
In every trial, in night and day.
Lead us, O Lord, through each path we tread,
By rivers and deserts, by Your Spirit led.


In every desert, let Your manna fall,
By every river, let Your mercy call.
Transform our hearts, in the paths we walk,
In Your love, let our lives talk.


By rivers and deserts, Your hand guides the way,
In every trial, in night and day.
Lead us, O Lord, through each path we tread,
By rivers and deserts, by Your Spirit led.

Outro (Prayerful Commitment):

In the journey of faith, in the trials we meet,
Your guidance, Lord, ever so sweet.
By rivers and deserts, in Your plan we rest,
In Your loving arms, we are blessed.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: C Major (a clear, versatile key that can capture the contrasting themes)
  • Time Signature: 6/8 (provides a flowing rhythm, like rivers, and the expansiveness of deserts)
  • Tempo: Allegretto (slightly brisk, to reflect the journeying nature)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “By Rivers and Deserts” aims to visually narrate the song’s message of finding God’s presence and guidance in every circumstance of life. It combines the beauty and challenges of different landscapes to symbolize the varied experiences of life’s journey.


  • Music: Begins with a serene, flowing melody, evoking the tranquility of a river. The sound gradually incorporates a more solemn tone, suggesting a journey through varied terrains.
  • Visuals: A serene river scene at dawn, transitioning to a vast, open desert landscape.
  • Mood: Peaceful yet anticipatory, setting the stage for a journey through contrasting landscapes.

Verse 1:

  • Music: The melody becomes more pronounced with a blend of soft and rhythmic elements, reflecting the contrasting themes of rivers (abundance) and deserts (scarcity).
  • Visuals: Show a traveler moving through different landscapes – lush riverbanks followed by arid desert scenes. Each environment is portrayed in its unique beauty and challenge.
  • Mood: Reflective and contemplative, emphasizing the journey through life’s varying circumstances.


  • Music: The chorus elevates the tempo, infusing a sense of hope and reassurance.
  • Visuals: The camera ascends, showing the vastness of the landscapes from a bird’s-eye view, symbolizing God’s perspective and presence in all places.
  • Mood: Uplifting and reassuring, reinforcing God’s guidance through all life’s phases.

Verse 2:

  • Music: Returns to a softer, introspective melody, maintaining the theme of journey and trust.
  • Visuals: Focus on natural elements within each landscape – a blooming desert flower, a river nurturing the land, wildlife adapting to their environments.
  • Mood: Intimate and hopeful, showcasing the resilience and beauty of creation.


    • Music: Repeats with increased intensity, highlighting the song’s message of trust and divine guidance.
    • Visuals: Scenes of day turning into night over various landscapes, demonstrating the constant cycle of nature and the persistent presence of God in every setting.
    • Mood: Comforting and inspiring, emphasizing the continuity of God’s care.


      • Music: Features a reflective and slightly somber tone, deepening the theme of reliance on God.
      • Visuals: The traveler is now seen in contemplation, perhaps praying or pausing to reflect, amidst the contrasting environments.
      • Mood: Pensive and prayerful, underscoring a personal connection with God in all life’s paths.


      • Music: The final chorus is the most powerful and encompassing, combining all the musical elements.
      • Visuals: A montage of people from various walks of life, all finding their way through different ‘rivers and deserts,’ supported by their faith.
      • Mood: Empowering and unifying, highlighting shared human experiences under God’s guidance.

      Outro (Prayerful Commitment):

      • Music: Concludes with a gentle, reassuring decrescendo, returning to the peacefulness of the introduction.
      • Visuals: The traveler reaches a peaceful vantage point, overlooking a landscape that merges river and desert, symbolizing the harmonious coexistence of life’s experiences.
      • Mood: Serene and content, leaving a sense of fulfillment and trust in the journey.