“Desert Prophets” opens with a haunting melody that gradually builds into a powerful crescendo. The instrumentation, featuring a blend of traditional acoustic elements and contemporary synth textures, creates an atmosphere of both ancient and modern. The rhythm is steady yet compelling, symbolizing the steadfastness of the prophets’ call amidst the shifting sands of society.

Lyrical Journey:

The lyrics of “Desert Prophets” are rich in imagery and metaphor, drawing parallels between the prophets of old and the voices of truth in our contemporary world. The song starts by painting a scene of prophets in the wilderness, their words rising like a wind across the desert, signifying the start of a spiritual awakening. As the song progresses, it speaks of these prophets stepping out of the shadows, emboldened to speak God’s truth in a world of noise and confusion.

Themes and Message:

This track delves into the theme of modern-day prophets – individuals who, like Elijah, are called to be voices of truth and moral courage in today’s world. It’s a call to listeners to find their own prophetic voice and to speak out against injustice and spiritual complacency.


Devotion for “Desert Prophets”


Embracing the Call of the Desert Prophets


In “Desert Prophets,” we are called to recognize and embrace the modern-day Elijahs among us. These are the voices that rise in the wilderness of our world, speaking truth into the chaos and calling for spiritual awakening and change.

Scriptural Context:

1 Kings 19:11-13 narrates Elijah’s encounter with God not in the grandeur of wind, earthquake, or fire, but in a gentle whisper. This passage reminds us that prophetic voices often emerge not in clamor but in quiet conviction. Similarly, Matthew 3:3 refers to John the Baptist as “a voice of one calling in the wilderness,” preparing the way for the Lord.


Reflect on the times you have encountered the ‘desert prophets’ in your life. These may be moments of quiet revelation, gentle correction, or profound insight. Consider how God has spoken to you in the quiet and the wilderness moments of your life.

Scripture for Meditation:

      • 1 Kings 19:11-13: The story of Elijah and the gentle whisper.
      • Matthew 3:3: John the Baptist, a voice in the wilderness.
      • Isaiah 40:3-5: The voice that cries out in the wilderness, preparing the way of the Lord.
      • James 5:17-18: Elijah as a man of prayer, affecting great change.

Prayer Focus:

Pray for the discernment to recognize the ‘desert prophets’ in our time. Ask God to give you the courage to be a voice in the wilderness, proclaiming His truth and love. Intercede for those currently speaking out in difficult or unhearing places, that their words might be like seeds sown in fertile soil.

Action Steps:

      • Seek out moments of quiet reflection to listen for God’s whisper.
      • Read about prophetic figures in the Bible and in contemporary settings.
      • Journal your thoughts and revelations as you meditate on God’s word.


Desert Prophets

Verse 1:

In quiet corners, whispers rise,
A stirring deep, beneath the skies.
Hidden prophets, feel the call,
Elijah’s mantle, on them falls.


“Come forth, come forth,” the Spirit cries,
In desert hearts, let courage rise.
Proclaim the dawn of God’s new day,
“Repent, for the kingdom’s on its way.”

Verse 2:

From silent prayers, bold voices born,
With burning hearts, they sound the horn.
No longer hidden, no longer small,
They stand to answer God’s great call.


“Come forth, come forth,” the Spirit cries,
In desert hearts, let courage rise.
Proclaim the dawn of God’s new day,
“Repent, for the kingdom’s on its way.”


Oh Lord, ignite the silent tongues,
With Elijah’s fire, let songs be sung.
A call for change, a call to wake,
In their boldness, nations shake.

Outro (Repeat Chorus):

“Come forth, come forth,” the Spirit cries,
In desert hearts, let courage rise.
Proclaim the dawn of God’s new day,
“Repent, for the kingdom’s on its way.”

Lead Sheet

  • Key: A Minor (Am) – This key can evoke the introspective and solemn mood of the song while allowing for emotional depth.
  • Tempo: 70-75 BPM (Beats Per Minute) – A slower tempo suits the reflective nature of the song, giving space for the lyrics to resonate.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – This common time signature offers a steady and familiar rhythm, suitable for the song’s contemplative character.
Blazing throne of Grace page 2

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard ties each scene closely with the structure of the song, depicting a journey from solitary contemplation to a unified call to action, reflective of the song’s message. Each scene aims to visually represent the mood and narrative of the verses, chorus, and outro.

Scene 1: Opening Shot (Verse 1)

  • Setting: A vast, barren desert landscape at dawn. Soft light bathes the sand dunes in a golden hue.
  • Action: A lone figure, robed, walks slowly through the desert. Their face is contemplative, eyes fixed on the distant horizon.
  • Mood: A sense of solitude and anticipation.

Scene 2: Build-Up (Chorus)

  • Setting: The sun begins to rise, casting long shadows on the desert.
  • Action: The figure stops and looks upwards, hands slightly raised as if in prayer or calling out. The camera circles around them, capturing a sense of awakening.
  • Mood: Rising energy, a call to action.

Scene 3: Reflection (Verse 2)

  • Setting: Close-up shots of the desert’s natural beauty – the textures of the sand, small plants braving the harsh environment.
  • Action: The figure kneels, touching the sand, connecting with the land. They’re deep in thought, as if receiving a revelation.
  • Mood: Introspective and peaceful.

Scene 4: Crescendo (Chorus)

  • Setting: The desert now fully illuminated by the morning sun.
  • Action: The figure stands, more confident. They start walking again, purposefully. Camera shots from above show their solitary path.
  • Mood: Determination and clarity of purpose.

    Scene 5: Culmination and Outro

    • Setting: A series of shots showing other individuals in different settings (urban, forests, mountains) also stopping and looking up, as if hearing the same call.
    • Action: Each person shows a moment of realization and determination.
    • Mood: A global awakening, unity in diversity.

      Scene 6: Final Shot (Outro)

      • Setting: Return to the desert, the figure now standing on a high dune, overlooking the expanse.
      • Action: A final shot of the figure looking into the distance, a small smile of understanding and readiness.
      • Mood: Hopeful, looking towards the future.