Fire from Heaven - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 4: “Fire from Heaven”

Musical Composition:

“Fire from Heaven” features a dynamic and engaging composition, combining traditional elements of Christian music with contemporary rhythms and melodies. The song starts with a soft, contemplative melody that gradually builds into an energetic and powerful chorus, reflecting the anticipation and intensity of calling down God’s fire.

Lyrics and Vocals:

The lyrics are crafted to evoke the dramatic scene of Elijah calling down fire from heaven, as recorded in 1 Kings 18. The chorus is particularly impactful, with a repeated plea for divine manifestation that is both prayerful and declarative. The vocals are delivered with a blend of reverence and intensity, capturing the awe and wonder of the moment.

Themes and Message:

“Fire from Heaven” is a metaphorical representation of divine intervention and the power of prayer. The song underscores the belief in God’s ability to manifest His power in response to faith and obedience. It serves as an anthem for those seeking a tangible experience of God’s presence and power in their lives and their communities.


Devotion for “Fire from Heaven”


Invoking Divine Power and Presence


“Fire from Heaven” is a potent reminder of the power of prayer to invoke God’s intervention in the world. Inspired by Elijah’s dramatic demonstration on Mount Carmel, this song encourages us to seek God’s manifest presence in our lives and our world.

Scriptural Context:

1 Kings 18:37-38 tells of Elijah calling down fire from heaven, proving God’s supremacy over Baal. This moment signifies God’s readiness to respond powerfully when called upon in faith. Hebrews 12:29 reminds us that “our God is a consuming fire,” symbolizing His purity and power.


Consider the areas in your life or in the world where you long to see God’s power and presence manifested. Reflect on how you can actively call upon God for His intervention.

Scripture for Meditation:

      • 1 Kings 18:37-38: Elijah’s prayer and God’s response with fire.
      • Hebrews 12:29: God as a consuming fire.
      • James 5:16-18: The effective prayer of a righteous person.
      • Acts 2:1-4: The coming of the Holy Spirit as tongues of fire.

Prayer Focus:

Pray for a deeper understanding and desire for God’s holy presence in your life. Intercede for your community and the world, asking for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Ask for faith and boldness to call upon God in times of need.

Action Steps:

    • Engage in regular, fervent prayer for divine intervention in specific areas.
    • Join or initiate prayer groups focused on seeking a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
    • Study biblical instances of divine intervention and reflect on their significance today.


Fire from Heaven

Verse 1:

On the mount where prophets stand,
A challenge cast across the land.
God of truth versus worldly lies,
Under open, watchful skies.


Lord, we call, send Your fire from above,
Manifest Your power, manifest Your love.
On our nation, let Your glory fall,
In Your truth, we surrender all.

Verse 2:

Idols stand in arrogance,
Blind to their own ignorance.
One true God, reveal Your might,
In Your fire, set us right.


Lord, we call, send Your fire from above,
Manifest Your power, manifest Your love.
On our nation, let Your glory fall,
In Your truth, we surrender all.


As Elijah called and heaven heard,
So we stand on Your holy Word.
In the face of doubt, in the face of scorn,
Let Your fire on us be born.

Outro (Repeat Chorus):

Lord, we call, send Your fire from above,
Manifest Your power, manifest Your love.
On our nation, let Your glory fall,
In Your truth, we surrender all.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: G Minor (Gm) – This key can evoke the awe and intensity associated with divine intervention and the powerful imagery of fire from heaven.
  • Tempo: 95-100 BPM (Beats Per Minute) – A slightly faster tempo is appropriate for the dynamic and impactful nature of the song.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – This common time signature offers a strong and straightforward rhythmic foundation, suitable for the song’s compelling and dramatic character.
Blazing throne of Grace page 2

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard is designed to visually capture the song’s dramatic journey from the portrayal of false faith to the climactic demonstration of divine power and the subsequent transformation of belief. Let me know if you need any modifications or additional elements!

Scene 1: Verse 1

  • Visuals: An ancient mountaintop setting with a group of figures representing the prophets of Baal. They perform ritualistic dances and chants around a large altar, which remains cold and unlit.
  • Mood: A sense of desperate anticipation and futile efforts, under a cloudy, foreboding sky.
  • Relation to Song: Represents the first verse’s theme of false idols and arrogance.

Scene 2: Chorus

  • Visuals: The protagonist, a modern embodiment of Elijah, steps forward, calm and composed. They kneel and pray earnestly beside a simple, unadorned altar.
  • Mood: Contrast between the protagonist’s serene faith and the growing tension around.
  • Relation to Song: Aligns with the chorus, symbolizing the call for divine intervention and manifestation of God’s power.

Scene 3: Verse 2

  • Visuals: Spectators gather, their expressions shifting from skepticism to intrigue, focusing on the protagonist’s steadfast prayer.
  • Mood: Building suspense and expectation, as the skies above start to change.
  • Relation to Song: Echoes the verse’s theme of unwavering faith in the face of doubt.

Scene 4: Chorus

  • Visuals: The skies above open dramatically, a beam of light piercing through the clouds, igniting the altar with heavenly fire.
  • Mood: Awe-inspiring and miraculous, capturing the moment of divine response.
  • Relation to Song: Reinforces the chorus’s theme of God’s powerful response to faith.

    Scene 5: Bridge

    • Visuals: The protagonist stands, arms raised, as the fire burns brightly. Around them, the crowd reacts in amazement, some falling to their knees, others looking on in awe.
    • Mood: Reverence and realization, a shift in belief among the onlookers.
    • Relation to Song: Represents the bridge’s narrative of transformation and acknowledgment of true power.

      Scene 6: Outro (Repeat Chorus)

      • Visuals: The fire continues to burn as day turns into night. The protagonist looks up to the stars, a sense of peace and fulfillment on their face.
      • Mood: Reflective and triumphant, a sense of closure and divine affirmation.
      • Relation to Song: Culminates the song with the lasting impact of the miraculous event, symbolizing ongoing faith and revelation.