Light of the World - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

“Light of the World” is the opening track of the album, setting the tone with its powerful proclamation of Jesus as the Light who overcomes all darkness. Inspired by John 1:1-5, this song is a call for believers to shine brightly in a world that often feels overshadowed by despair. It highlights the transformative power of Christ’s light and encourages listeners to reflect that light in their daily lives, bringing hope and healing to those around them.


Light of the World: A Beacon of Hope and Truth

Scriptural Foundation:

        •        John 1:1-5: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

        •        Matthew 5:14-16: “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden… let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

        •        Isaiah 60:1: “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.”

        •        Ephesians 5:8-14: “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light… everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.”

Devotional Thoughts:

“Light of the World” invites us to meditate deeply on the role of light in both the natural and spiritual realms. Jesus, the eternal Word, brought light into the darkness of our world, dispelling fear, sin, and death. As His followers, we are called to be reflections of His light, shining in our communities and beyond. This song is a prayer and a declaration for intercessors to rise up, stand firm in their faith, and illuminate the darkness with the truth of the Gospel.

Prayer Focus:

        •        Pray for a fresh revelation of Jesus as the Light of the World in your life.

        •        Intercede for those living in spiritual darkness, that they may encounter the light of Christ.

        •        Ask for boldness to let your light shine in your community, workplace, and family.

        •        Pray for the global church to be a beacon of hope and truth in these challenging times.


Light of the World

Comp over C and F while narration

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.
In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.
The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.


Let your light shine, Let your light shine
In the darkest night
Let your love flow, Let your love flow
To the morning light


Shine through every shadow
Break the chains of sorrow


     For you are the light of the world
Bringing hope to every heart
For you are the light of the world
Shining bright, dispelling the dark


In the house that once knew fear
Your light now shines so clear
Every mark and every scar
Healed by the Morning Star


     For you are the light of the world
Bringing hope to every heart
For you are the light of the world
Shining bright, dispelling the dark


Let your light shine, Let your light shine
In the darkest night
Let your love flow, Let your love flow
To the morning light

Lead Sheet

  •         Key: C Major
  •         Time Signature: 4/4
  •         Tempo: 72 BPM (Moderate, reflective worship)
Blazing throne of Grace page 2

Storyboard descriptions for music video


  • Music: Soft ambient pad with gentle piano chords, gradually building in intensity.
  • Visuals: A dark screen slowly brightens to reveal a vast, starry sky. The camera pans down to show a desolate landscape covered in shadows.
  • Mood: Anticipation, hope beginning to break through darkness.

Narration (Scripture Reading over C and F):

  • Music: Continued soft pad and piano, with a subtle rise in volume as the narration progresses.
  • Visuals: Text appears on the screen, displaying John 1:1-5. As each verse is read, corresponding imagery appears (e.g., the Word creating light, light shining in the darkness).
  • Mood: Reverence, awe, and a sense of divine presence.

Verse 1:

  • Music: Gentle guitar strumming joins the piano, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.
  • Visuals: A single candle flickers to life in the darkness, illuminating a small circle. The camera zooms out to reveal a person holding the candle, symbolizing Jesus.
  • Mood: Intimacy, the beginning of transformation.


  • Music: Full band enters with drums, bass, and strings, creating a powerful and uplifting sound.
  • Visuals: The person with the candle begins to walk, and as they do, the light spreads, transforming the landscape. Trees and flowers bloom, and darkness recedes.
  • Mood: Triumph, joy, and the spreading of hope.

    Verse 2:

    • Music: The intensity slightly pulls back, with a focus on guitar and strings.
    • Visuals: More people appear, each carrying their own light. They join the first person, and together they illuminate more of the landscape.
    • Mood: Community, collective effort in spreading light.


      • Music: Drums build with a crescendo, adding a sense of urgency and anticipation.
      • Visuals: The camera focuses on individuals’ faces, showing their determination and resolve. The light in their hands grows brighter.
      • Mood: Determination, rising action.


      • Music: The full band returns with even greater intensity, emphasizing the song’s climax.
      • Visuals: A wide shot shows the entire landscape now bathed in light. The sky brightens, and the sun rises, symbolizing the ultimate triumph of light over darkness.
      • Mood: Exhilaration, victory, and overwhelming joy.


      • Music: A quieter, more reflective section with soft vocals, piano, and strings.
      • Visuals: Close-ups of individuals praying and worshiping, their faces lit with a soft glow. The scene transitions to show light entering homes, workplaces, and cities.
      • Mood: Contemplation, deep worship, and connection to God.


      • Music: The intensity builds again, returning to the full band for a final, triumphant rendition of the chorus.
      • Visuals: The camera pulls back to show the entire world illuminated, with light spreading across continents. People everywhere are seen rejoicing and worshiping.
      • Mood: Celebration, global unity in the light of Christ.


      • Music: The music gradually fades, returning to the soft ambient pad and piano from the intro.
      • Visuals: The scene fades to a bright white light, symbolizing God’s eternal presence. The final shot shows the text “Light of the World” with the reference to John 1:1-5.
      • Mood: Peace, fulfillment, and the lasting impact of God’s light.