Builders in Vain - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track Description for “Builders in Vain” (Track Three)

Title: Builders in Vain


“Builders in Vain” addresses the spiritual and existential themes of constructing life’s endeavors without divine guidance. This track emphasizes the futility of human efforts when disconnected from God’s plan, inspired by the poignant message of Psalm 127:1, which reminds us that without the Lord’s involvement, our labor is ultimately fruitless.

Musically, the song combines somber melodies with robust, evocative lyrics to drive home the theme of building on the solid foundation of Christ. The arrangement uses a mix of traditional acoustic instruments and modern synths to create a sound that is both timeless and contemporary, reflecting the eternal relevance of its message.

Lyrically, the song explores the contrast between worldly achievements and spiritual successes, urging listeners to seek God’s approval above all else. It calls on believers to reevaluate their priorities and align their efforts with God’s will, ensuring that their work is not only enduring but also sanctified.

“Builders in Vain” is a powerful reminder of the importance of grounding our actions and ambitions in faith. It challenges the listener to build their personal and communal lives upon the rock of Jesus Christ, thus avoiding the transient and often misleading allure of material success. The song is a call to spiritual introspection and realignment, making it a crucial part of the album’s narrative about faith, purpose, and divine calling.


Devotion for “Builders in Vain” (Track Three)

Scriptural Anchors:

  • Psalms 127:1: “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.”
  • Matthew 7:24-27: “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.”
  • 1 Corinthians 3:11: “For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.”


“Builders in Vain” confronts the spiritual reality that without Jesus Christ as our foundation, our efforts and achievements are unsustainable. This song and devotion remind us of the critical need for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in all our endeavors, whether in building relationships, careers, ministries, or communities. The devotion encourages believers to seek God’s direction and strength in every project and aspiration, ensuring that what we build can withstand the tests of time and trials.

Intercessory Focus:

  • Divine Guidance and Wisdom: Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead in all planning and building, providing wisdom that surpasses human understanding and ensuring that every foundation is laid in accordance with God’s will.
  • Spiritual Strength and Integrity: Intercede for the church and its leaders to rely not on human wisdom or strength but on the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit, building lives and ministries that reflect Christ’s truth and love.
  • Protection and Perseverance: Ask God to protect what is being built in His name and to give perseverance to His people, that they may continue to labor not for personal glory but for the Kingdom of God, standing strong against all opposition.


Lord Jesus, our Chief Cornerstone, instill in us a deep desire to build only what You have ordained. Let Your Holy Spirit guide every decision and action, that we might construct our lives, our churches, and our communities on the unshakeable foundation of Your Word and Spirit. Protect us from the vanity of self-led projects and align our hearts with Your eternal purposes. Grant us the wisdom to discern Your will and the courage to follow it, that in all things, You may be glorified. Amen.


Builders in Vain

Verse 1:

In the quiet of the night, under stars so bright,
We lay our stones, by the Spirit’s light.
But unless the Lord lays the foundation true,
Our efforts falter, our victories few.


Builders in vain, when we walk alone,
Foundations crumble, the truth is shown.
But with Jesus our cornerstone,
Every effort blessed, His grace is known.

Verse 2:

Look upon our works, built high and proud,
Without His touch, they’re just a shroud.
Let us seek His will, in every plan,
For only through Christ, can true works stand.


Builders in vain, when we walk alone,
Foundations crumble, the truth is shown.
But with Jesus our cornerstone,
Every effort blessed, His grace is known.


Hear the Spirit’s voice, clear and profound,
In every choice, let His path be found.
Build not for today, but eternity,
With Christ as our guide, forever we’re free.


Builders in vain, when we walk alone,
Foundations crumble, the truth is shown.
But with Jesus our cornerstone,
Every effort blessed, His grace is known.


So let us build, not by might, nor by power,
But by the Spirit, through every hour.
In Jesus’ name, our labors grow,
Under His watch, His love we show.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: A Minor
  • Time Signature: 6/8
  • Tempo: 70 BPM (Slow)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

Scene 1: False Foundations

Visuals: The scene opens with various individuals building different structures—houses, careers, relationships—but with visible signs of strain and eventual collapse. Verse 1: In the shadows of the night, under the moon’s soft gaze, We lay our bricks and dreams in the starlit haze. Mood and Theme: The transient and unstable nature of worldly efforts without spiritual foundations. Color Palette: Dim, moody lighting with shadows, using grays and blues to depict uncertainty and the fragile nature of these endeavors. Audio: Soft, melancholic music setting a reflective tone.

Scene 2: Chorus (First Iteration)

Visuals: A dramatic shift to a construction site where the foundation crumbles under a newly built tower, symbolizing the consequences of building without God’s blessing. Chorus: Builders in vain, where have we laid our stones? Houses of sand, without the cornerstone. Mood and Theme: The realization and regret of misplaced efforts. Color Palette: Stark contrasts between the darkness of failure and the bright, harsh light highlighting the crumbling structures. Audio: The music intensifies, mirroring the realization of failure with a powerful, resonant chorus.

Scene 3: The Right Foundation

Visuals: Transition to scenes of individuals now consulting blueprints, praying, and starting over, this time with visible peace and confidence as they build. Verse 2: We strive for heights, with our ambitions tall, Yet without His blessing, even giants fall. Mood and Theme: Reflection and change of approach, emphasizing the need for divine guidance. Color Palette: Warmer tones begin to emerge, symbolizing hope and correct alignment with spiritual truths. Audio: Music shifts to an uplifting and hopeful tone, with lyrical and instrumental harmony suggesting alignment with divine will.

Scene 4: Chorus (Second Iteration) & Bridge

Visuals: Communities coming together to build a large structure marked with a cornerstone inscribed with scripture. The building process is collaborative, joyful, and clearly blessed. Chorus/Bridge: Builders in vain, where have we laid our stones? Let us seek His face, before we lay each block, In His blueprint find our rock. Mood and Theme: Community and cooperation under God’s guidance. Color Palette: Bright and vibrant colors, reflecting the joy and success of building under God’s laws. Audio: Choirs and orchestral swells emphasizing community and divine support.

    Scene 5: Culmination

    Visuals: The finished structure, sturdy and beautiful, filled with people celebrating, worshiping, and engaging in community activities. Outro: So lay down your tools, lift up your eyes, Seek the wisdom that the earth and heaven ties. Mood and Theme: Celebration and satisfaction in divine success and community. Color Palette: Golden hour lighting, rich and warm, symbolizing divine approval and lasting success. Audio: The concluding music is triumphant and fulfilling, with a lingering note that ties back to the theme of divine guidance.