The Call to Rule - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track Description for “The Call to Rule” (Track Eight)

Title: The Call to Rule


“The Call to Rule” is a powerful anthem that underscores the spiritual authority and responsibility bestowed upon believers through Christ. Drawing from biblical principles, the song emphasizes the believer’s role in exercising dominion over sin and living a life marked by victory and righteousness.

Musically, the song features bold and authoritative orchestral arrangements paired with driving rhythms that evoke a sense of empowerment and determination. The composition is designed to inspire listeners to rise to the spiritual call of leadership and stewardship in their personal lives and communities.

Lyrically, the song is inspired by verses such as Romans 5:17 and Ephesians 2:6, which speak of reigning in life through Christ and being seated with Him in the heavenly realms. It calls on believers to embrace their God-given authority to rule over personal challenges and societal injustices, channeling the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit to enact godly change.

“The Call to Rule” encourages Christians to not only recognize their heavenly mandate but to actively engage in it. It is a call to use their authority in Christ to break chains, heal wounds, and spread the gospel, asserting that true leadership is conducted in the character and power of Jesus.


Devotion for “The Call to Rule” (Track Eight)

Scriptural Anchors:

  • Genesis 1:28: “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’”
  • Romans 5:17: “For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!”
  • Ephesians 2:6: “And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.”


“The Call to Rule” challenges believers to embrace the authority and responsibility endowed to them through Christ’s victory over sin and death. This authority is not for domination over others but for overcoming sin and establishing God’s kingdom values in every aspect of life. It encourages a life led by the Spirit, where believers exercise righteous judgment, show mercy, foster peace, and promote justice, reflecting the character of Christ in their daily decisions and actions.

Intercessory Focus:

  • Empowerment to Overcome Sin: Pray for believers to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to live victoriously over sin, using their God-given authority to promote righteousness and holiness in their environments.
  • Wisdom and Righteous Judgment: Intercede for the wisdom to exercise spiritual authority wisely and compassionately, making decisions that align with God’s will and bring glory to His name.
  • Spiritual Leadership: Ask for the development of spiritual leaders who lead by example, displaying Christ-like qualities in their leadership and influencing others positively towards spiritual growth and maturity.


Heavenly Father, You have called us to rule in life through the one man, Jesus Christ. Equip us, Lord, with the wisdom and strength to exercise this authority with humility and righteousness. May Your Holy Spirit guide us in all our actions, helping us to subdue sin and extend Your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Grant us the courage to lead with integrity, to make decisions that reflect Your love and justice, and to live as ambassadors of Your grace. Empower us to be leaders who not only declare Your truth but live it out daily, as we aim to mirror Christ in all that we do. Amen.


The Call to Rule

Verse 1:

At the door of every heart, sin crouches, lies in wait,
But with Christ within us, we command the gate.
Called to rule, not under, but above,
Empowered by His Spirit, led by His love.


The call to rule, in Jesus’ name,
Over sin, over shame.
With authority from above,
In the power of His love.

Verse 2:

Not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit’s lead,
In every thought, in every deed.
We stand firm, where He has trod,
Ruling with the rod of God.


The call to rule, in Jesus’ name,
Over sin, over shame.
With authority from above,
In the power of His love.


Hear the Spirit whisper, calling us to rise,
Above the fray, beyond the lies.
In Christ, the victory already won,
We claim our inheritance, in the Son.


The call to rule, in Jesus’ name,
Over sin, over shame.
With authority from above,
In the power of His love.


So we’ll walk in dominion, with hearts ablaze,
Upholding His statutes, living His ways.
Under His banner, forever secure,
In Jesus, our rule is pure.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: E Major
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Tempo: 120 BPM (Upbeat)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

Scene 1: Awakening to Authority

Visuals: The opening scene shows individuals in various everyday situations suddenly pausing, as if feeling a profound realization of inner strength and purpose. These include a teacher in a classroom, a business leader in an office, and a parent at home. Verse 1: At your doorstep, sin awaits, A lurking shadow, a test of fates. But you hold the key, the power to choose, In His strength, you shall not lose. Mood and Theme: The awakening of spiritual authority and realization of personal power over sin. Color Palette: Initially muted colors that gradually become more saturated, symbolizing the growing awareness and empowerment. Audio: A soft, stirring background score that builds as the individuals realize their authority.

Scene 2: Chorus (First Iteration)

Visuals: The characters now actively exercising their authority in spiritual and everyday realms—rebuking temptations, making wise decisions, and influencing others positively. Chorus: Rise and rule, claim your domain, In every heartbeat, His name proclaim. Mood and Theme: Empowerment and action; the exercise of God-given dominion in practical terms. Color Palette: Bright and bold colors, emphasizing confidence and the divine power at work. Audio: The music reaches a crescendo, featuring triumphant horns and rhythmic beats that underscore the sense of ruling and victory.

Scene 3: Exercising Dominion

Visuals: Montage of scenes where these individuals influence larger groups—leading community projects, spearheading reforms, and teaching others to also stand in their own authority. Verse 2: Not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit’s lead, In every thought, in every deed. Mood and Theme: Leadership and positive influence, showcasing the ripple effect of righteous rule. Color Palette: Deep, rich tones that convey a sense of maturity and wisdom. Audio: A layered orchestral piece that conveys both the grandeur and the responsibility of spiritual authority.

Scene 4: Chorus (Second Iteration) & Bridge

Visuals: A shift to a larger scale, showing the community and societal changes resulting from the believers’ leadership. Visuals include transformed neighborhoods, revitalized churches, and united communities. Chorus/Bridge: With authority from above, With God’s own spirit, take your stand. Mood and Theme: Transformation and community upliftment through spiritual leadership. Color Palette: Vibrant, inspiring colors that highlight the positive changes and the divine blessing on the efforts. Audio: Choirs join the orchestral arrangement, adding a spiritual and uplifting dimension to the soundtrack.

    Scene 5: Legacy and Continuation

    Visuals: The final scene shows older individuals passing on the mantle of authority to younger generations in various settings, including mentoring sessions, church gatherings, and family homes. Outro: Walk in the light, and in His might, Rule in the day, guard in the night. Mood and Theme: Continuity and legacy, emphasizing the ongoing cycle of spiritual empowerment and mentorship. Color Palette: Warm, golden tones that suggest a bright future and ongoing divine favor. Audio: The music softens but maintains a hopeful tone, suggesting the continuation of authority and righteousness across generations.