Overcomers - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield


“Overcomers” is a victorious declaration of the power believers have through Christ to overcome life’s challenges. Inspired by Revelation 12:11, which speaks of overcoming by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony, this song celebrates the triumph and freedom found in Jesus.

The first verse, “In the face of trials and fears; You wipe away my every tear,” sets a tone of comfort and assurance, reminding believers of God’s presence and care in difficult times. The chorus, “We are overcomers, by the blood of the Lamb; By the word of our testimony, we will stand,” reinforces the message of victory through Christ’s sacrifice and our testimony.

The second verse, “When the battle rages on; You are my shield, my mighty song,” speaks to the reality of spiritual warfare and the protection God provides. This verse draws from Psalm 18:2, where God is described as our rock, fortress, and deliverer.

The bridge, “No weapon formed against us will prevail; In Your name, we cannot fail,” echoes the promise of Isaiah 54:17, assuring believers that they are secure in God’s power. “Overcomers” is a song that encourages believers to stand firm in their faith and declare their victory in Christ, making it a powerful anthem for worship and personal reflection.



Revelation 12:11 declares that believers overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. “Overcomers” is a song of victory, celebrating the triumph we have in Christ.

Reflect on the power of Christ’s sacrifice. His blood shed on the cross provides the ultimate victory over sin and death. Colossians 2:15 tells us that Jesus disarmed the powers and authorities, triumphing over them by the cross. This victory is the foundation of our faith.

Consider the significance of our testimony. Sharing our stories of God’s faithfulness and deliverance strengthens our faith and encourages others. Psalm 107:2 says, “Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story.” Reflect on how God has worked in your life and be bold in sharing it.

Recognize the ongoing spiritual battle. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil. Stand firm in your faith, knowing that you are equipped with the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18).

Trust in God’s promises. Romans 8:37 assures us that we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Hold onto this truth in times of trial, knowing that victory is already won in Christ.


Lord, I thank You for the victory we have through the blood of Jesus. Help me to stand firm in my faith and boldly share my testimony. Equip me with Your armor and remind me of Your promises. May I live as an overcomer, confident in Your power. Amen.


Track 6: Overcomers

Verse 1:

In the face of trials and fears
You wipe away my every tear
By Your strength, I stand so tall
In Your power, I will not fall


We are overcomers, by the blood of the Lamb
By the word of our testimony, we will stand
In Your victory, we are free indeed
Overcomers, in Your name we believe

Verse 2:

When the battle rages on
You are my shield, my mighty song
In Your name, I overcome
Every foe, till Your kingdom come


No weapon formed against us will prevail
In Your name, we cannot fail
By Your power, we are strong
In Your Spirit, we belong


We are overcomers, by the blood of the Lamb
By the word of our testimony, we will stand
In Your victory, we are free indeed
Overcomers, in Your name we believe

Lead Sheet

Time Signature: 4/4

Key: B Minor

Tempo: 95 BPM

Reason: The 4/4 time signature provides a strong and assertive rhythm, suitable for a song about victory and overcoming challenges. B Minor adds a sense of intensity and resolve, reflecting the determination to overcome through Christ. The faster tempo injects energy and excitement, emphasizing the triumphant message.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

Verse 1:

  • Scene: A stormy landscape where a person stands alone, facing the elements with determination.
  • Audio: Powerful drums and strings create an intense, determined mood.
  • Visual: Slow-motion shots of the person walking through the storm, eyes focused ahead, symbolizing perseverance.
  • Mood: Intense, resolute, and empowering.


  • Scene: The storm clears as the person raises their arms in victory, light breaking through the clouds.
  • Audio: The music swells with triumphant brass and choir harmonies, emphasizing victory.
  • Visual: The camera zooms out to show the person standing victorious, with light illuminating their path.
  • Mood: Triumphant, victorious, and uplifting.

Verse 2:

  • Scene: The person now walks through a field of flowers, symbolizing peace and renewal, but still carrying their shield and sword.
  • Audio: The music transitions to a more peaceful yet confident rhythm.
  • Visual: Close-ups of the flowers and the person’s face, showing a sense of peace and readiness for future battles.
  • Mood: Peaceful, renewed, and prepared.


  • Scene: The person joins a group of believers, all equipped with armor, standing together in unity.
  • Audio: The choir sings powerful harmonies, with the orchestra building to a climactic point.
  • Visual: The camera captures the unity and strength of the group, ready to face any challenge together.
  • Mood: Unified, strong, and inspiring.


    • Scene: The group marches forward, bathed in light, symbolizing their collective strength and victory in Christ.
    • Audio: The music reaches a powerful conclusion with full orchestration and choir.
    • Visual: The camera follows the group from behind as they move forward, the light guiding their way.
    • Mood: Victorious, hopeful, and empowered.