Call to Arms - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 1: “Call to Arms” 


“Call to Arms” serves as a powerful opening to an album dedicated to spiritual warfare and intercession. This anthem-like track is designed to rally believers to recognize the urgency and reality of the spiritual battles that surround us. With robust, stirring instrumentation and commanding vocals, the song evokes a sense of readiness and mobilization among God’s people.

Lyrically, “Call to Arms” draws on the imagery of Ephesians 6, urging listeners to don the full armor of God—truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God—as their protection and weapon against spiritual forces of evil. The song emphasizes the importance of standing firm in faith and prayer, invoking the Holy Spirit’s power to strengthen and guide us in battle.

The chorus is both a declaration and a prayer, calling on Christians to rise up with Jesus as our Captain, marching into the fight with the Spirit’s empowerment. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles; we are part of a mighty army under divine command, equipped to overcome the darkness with the light of Christ. 

“Call to Arms” is not just a song; it’s a prayerful initiation into an album that explores the depths of spiritual warfare, intercession, and the power of prayer. It sets the tone for a journey of empowerment, challenge, and victory in the spiritual realm, encouraging believers to actively engage in the fight for their faith, families, and communities.

Key Themes:

  • Spiritual warfare
  • Empowerment through the Holy Spirit
  • The armor of God
  • – Vigilance and readiness in faith

This track is perfect for listeners seeking motivation to engage more deeply in their spiritual lives and for those who feel called to intercessory prayer and spiritual warfare. It’s a call to action, urging believers to awaken to the spiritual realities we face and to arm themselves with God’s power and protection.


Devotion for “Call to Arms”

Scriptural Foundation: Ephesians 6:10-18

      • Key Verses: “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” (Ephesians 6:10-11)

Reflection: “Call to Arms” is not just a battle cry but a summons to spiritual readiness. It reminds us that our struggles are not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil. This song encourages us to awaken from spiritual slumber and arm ourselves with God’s power through His armor.

Intercession Focus:

      1. Truth as a Belt: Pray for discernment to understand and uphold truth in all situations, recognizing that truth is fundamental to our defense against deception.
      2. Righteousness as a Breastplate: Seek personal purity and integrity, which protect our hearts and vital organs from the fatal blows of sin and evil.
      3. Gospel of Peace as Shoes: Stand ready to go wherever God calls, bringing peace that surpasses understanding, even into chaotic and hostile territories.
      4. Shield of Faith: Ask for an increase in faith to extinguish the fiery darts of the enemy, which often come in the form of doubts and fears.
      5. Helmet of Salvation: Secure your thoughts and mind in the knowledge and assurance of your salvation, which provides clarity and protection in battle.
      6. Sword of the Spirit (God’s Word): Commit to memorizing and meditating on Scripture, for it is your offensive weapon against the lies and temptations of the enemy.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we come before You as Your army, called to stand firm against the forces of darkness. Empower us with Your Holy Spirit to wear Your armor with honor and courage. May we be vigilant in truth, righteousness, and faith, ready to spread the gospel of peace. Strengthen us to wield the sword of the Spirit effectively, defending against and defeating the enemy’s schemes. Help us to remain steadfast in prayer, alert at all times as we intercede for our brothers and sisters, and for the advancement of Your Kingdom. Amen.

Action Steps:

      1. Daily put on each piece of the spiritual armor through prayer and meditation on the Word.
      2. Join or form a prayer group dedicated to spiritual warfare and intercessory prayer.
      3. Commit to a regular review of your spiritual readiness, asking God to reveal areas of vulnerability.

Worship Response: Sing or listen to “Call to Arms,” using its lyrics as a personal declaration and prayer, reaffirming your commitment to stand firm and equipped in the battle for God’s glory.


Call to Arms

Verse 1:

In the silence of our days, a whisper calls to rise,
Fields of battle lay unseen, ‘neath the watchful skies.
Rise, oh brothers, from your slumber, the time is now so near,
Gird your armor, light the flame, let there be no fear.


Call to arms, ye warriors of the light,
With Jesus our Captain, we march into the fight.
His Spirit within us, our shield and our sword,
We battle for the kingdom, the glory of the Lord.

Verse 2:

See the storm clouds gather ’round, darkness aims to choke,
But we stand firm upon His Word, our faith we will not revoke.
With every prayer a fortress built, with every cry a shield,
In the power of His might, to no evil shall we yield.


Holy Spirit guide us, in wisdom and in truth,
For without Your presence, what good are our pursuits?
Empower us, anoint us, as we call upon Your name,
In Jesus’ victory, we claim eternal fame.


Call to arms, ye warriors of the light,
With Jesus our Captain, we march into the fight.
His Spirit within us, our shield and our sword,
We battle for the kingdom, the glory of the Lord.


So rise up, mighty soldiers, the trumpet calls you forth,
To stand in holy battle, to show our Saviour’s worth.
March on with hearts ablaze, God’s warriors so bold,
For Christ and His Kingdom, His story to be told.

Lead Sheet

Recommended Key:

D Minor – Chosen for its bold and solemn tone, fitting the call to action and readiness.

Time Signature:

4/4 – A steady and march-like rhythm to evoke a sense of mobilization.


120 BPM – Energetic yet controlled, reflecting the urgency and determination of the call to arms.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

Verse 1:

  • Audio: Begins with a stirring, solemn instrumental intro.
  • Visual: The scene opens with a foggy dawn over a battlefield. Close-up shots of various men waking up, donning symbolic armor, and preparing for battle.
  • Mood: Determined, serious, and inspiring.


  • Audio: Full band kicks in with powerful vocals.
  • Visual: The men march in unison, carrying shields and swords. As they sing, the camera captures their resolute expressions.
  • Mood: Empowering and mobilizing.

Verse 2:

  • Audio: Continues with strong, steady instrumental support.
  • Visual: The men are shown praying and meditating, interspersed with scenes of their families at home, highlighting what they are fighting for.
  • Mood: Reflective and heartfelt.


  • Audio: Emphasizes a shift in the music, with the addition of a choir.
  • Visual: A bright light shines down on the men, symbolizing divine empowerment. Close-ups of faces uplifted, hands raised in prayer.
  • Mood: Spiritual and uplifting.

    Chorus (reprise):

    • Audio: Returns to the powerful chorus with added choir vocals.
    • Visual: The men, now glowing with light, charge forward into the battlefield. Scenes of them overcoming obstacles and standing victorious.
    • Mood: Triumphant and victorious.


      • Audio: Music fades with a sense of resolution.
      • Visual: The battlefield is calm, and the men stand tall, looking towards a hopeful horizon. Final shots of them embracing their families.
      • Mood: Satisfying and hopeful.