Rise of the Righteous - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 10: “Rise of the Righteous”


“Rise of the Righteous” serves as the powerful closing track of the album, issuing a compelling call to action for believers to assert their authority in righteousness and lead in the spiritual and moral battles facing today’s world. Drawing inspiration from scriptures like Isaiah 60:1-3, the song encourages believers to rise, shine, and actively manifest God’s glory through their lives.

Musically, the song combines soaring melodies with a robust and energizing rhythm that builds a sense of empowerment and urgency. The orchestration is rich and uplifting, designed to evoke a feeling of ascension as the righteous take their stand. The vocals are delivered with a passion and conviction that inspire listeners to embrace their calling with courage and determination.

Lyrically, “Rise of the Righteous” intertwines calls for spiritual awakening with encouragements to engage in societal transformation. The verses outline the challenges and darkness of the present age, while the chorus bursts forth with declarations of hope and victory for those who commit to God’s ways. It is both a battle cry and a prophetic declaration, affirming that the righteous, empowered by God, will lead the charge in bringing light to the darkness.

Key Themes:

  • The call for believers to rise and embody righteousness in every area of life
  • The empowerment of the righteous through God’s presence and strength
  • The role of believers as agents of change in society
  • Spiritual and moral leadership in challenging times

This track is especially impactful for those feeling the call to leadership or seeking motivation to engage more deeply in their community and world. “Rise of the Righteous” is not just a song; it’s a mobilization of God’s people, urging them to take a proactive role in shaping the future in accordance with divine principles.


Devotion for “Rise of the Righteous”

Scriptural Foundation: Isaiah 60:1-3

      • Key Verses: “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you.”

Reflection: “Rise of the Righteous” is a rallying cry for believers to stand up in a world shrouded in darkness, embodying the light and glory of God. It emphasizes the empowerment provided by God to those who commit to living righteously and leading in every sphere of life. This song encourages believers to take active roles in their communities, churches, and nations, driven by the divine mandate to be light bearers.

Intercession Focus:

      1. Empowerment for Service: Pray for believers worldwide to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to rise and shine as lights in their respective domains.
      2. Courage to Lead: Intercede for a surge of courage among Christians to lead in righteousness, not shying away from difficult situations but confronting them with wisdom and integrity.
      3. Transformation through Righteousness: Pray that the righteous actions of God’s people will bring about transformation in societies—pushing back darkness and manifesting God’s kingdom on earth.


Lord God, You call us to arise and shine in a world that often seems engulfed by darkness. Fill us with Your light and empower us with Your Spirit to live out our righteousness boldly. Grant us the courage to step forward as leaders, influencers, and changemakers, reflecting Your truth and justice. May our lives serve as beacons of hope and sources of light, drawing others to Your love and salvation. Help us to embody the righteousness that exalts a nation, and let our deeds glorify Your name. Amen.

Action Steps:

      1. Identify areas in your life and community where you can take a leadership role, whether small or significant, to influence others positively.
      2. Commit to ongoing spiritual growth and education that enhances your ability to lead and serve effectively.
      3. Organize or participate in community service projects that reflect the values of God’s kingdom, demonstrating practical aspects of righteousness.

Worship Response:

Incorporate “Rise of the Righteous” into your worship as an anthem of commitment and empowerment. Let it inspire you and your community to embrace the call to righteous living and active service, celebrating the divine strength that enables us to rise.


Rise of the Righteous

Verse 1:

In the dawning of a new day’s light,
Stand the righteous, ready for the fight.
Armed with truth, and clothed in grace,
Marked by mercy, they take their place.


Rise, oh rise, you sons of the King,
Lift high His standard, let His praises ring.
Empowered by His might, we claim the land,
Rise of the righteous, by His command.

Verse 2:

See the broken world around,
Hear the cry, the desperate sound.
With hearts on fire, and hands to heal,
They bring the love that’s real.


For such a time as this, we’re called,
Not by might, nor power, but enthralled
By His Spirit, moving wide,
In His shadow, we abide.


Rise, oh rise, you sons of the King,
Lift high His standard, let His praises ring.
Empowered by His might, we claim the land,
Rise of the righteous, by His command.


Onward forward, without fear,
His voice of courage in our ear.
For righteousness, for His fame,
Rise up, declare His holy name.

Lead Sheet

Recommended Key:

E Major – Bold and inspiring, fitting the theme of rising and leading with righteousness.

Time Signature:

4/4 – Provides a strong, uplifting rhythm suitable for an anthem of empowerment.


120 BPM – Energetic and motivating, reflecting the urgency and vigor of the call to rise.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

Verse 1:

  • Audio: Begins with a bold, uplifting instrumental.
  • Visual: Individuals waking up, preparing for the day with a sense of purpose and determination. Scenes of putting on symbolic armor.
  • Mood: Determined and inspiring.


  • Audio: Builds with powerful, soaring vocals and full instrumentation.
  • Visual: The individuals come together, standing on a hill overlooking their city, raising their hands in unity and prayer.
  • Mood: Triumphant and empowering.

Verse 2:

  • Audio: Continues with strong, steady instrumentation.
  • Visual: Scenes of these individuals leading community projects, helping others, and standing against injustice.
  • Mood: Inspirational and active.


  • Audio: Introduces a choir, adding depth and resonance.
  • Visual: The group faces various challenges, but their unity and faith enable them to overcome obstacles, with light shining through dark clouds.
  • Mood: Uplifting and resilient.

    Chorus (reprise):

    • Audio: Returns to the powerful chorus with heightened intensity.
    • Visual: The group is shown spreading out, impacting different areas of society—education, politics, families—with their righteous actions.
    • Mood: Triumphant and transformative.


      • Audio: Music fades with a sense of resolution and triumph.
      • Visual: Ends with a wide shot of the group standing together at sunset, looking forward with hope and determination.
      • Mood: Hopeful and victorious.