Bridge of Brotherhood

Bridge of Brotherhood

Bridge of Brotherhood - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

“Bridge of Brotherhood” is a heartfelt call for solidarity and shared humanity. This track is imbued with the spirit of camaraderie and fellowship, drawing on the profound connection that binds us all, regardless of creed or culture. It’s a musical embrace, extending hands across divides and building bridges where walls once stood.

The song is crafted to inspire a sense of unity and togetherness, reflective of the Never Again Is Now movement’s aim to gather people from all walks of life in a stand against antisemitism. Its gentle melodies and affirming lyrics serve as a reminder that when we join forces, our collective power can surmount even the most entrenched hatred.

In “Bridge of Brotherhood,” the intent is to create a harmonious space within the album that transcends mere words, tapping into the emotional reservoir of empathy and support for the Jewish community. The meaning behind the song is to not only show solidarity but to actively forge it, creating a real and lasting bond that uplifts and protects.

As listeners are enveloped by the warmth of the song’s message, they are encouraged to reflect on their role in this bridge-building process. It beckons each of us to consider how we might contribute to a future where unity is our stronghold and love is our guide.


Bridge of Brotherhood” Devotion

Opening Prayer:

Heavenly Father, as we seek to understand Your vision for unity and brotherhood, let Your Word be our guide. Help us to build bridges of compassion and empathy in our world, and use us to demonstrate Your love across every divide. Amen.

Scripture Readings:

  • 1 Peter 3:8-9 (NIV) – “Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.”
  • Ephesians 2:14-18 (NIV) – “For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in his act of reconciliation, both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.”
  • Romans 12:16 (NIV) – “Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.”


“Bridge of Brotherhood” invites us to consider the divine call to unity that transcends human-made boundaries. The scriptures chosen highlight the central Christian tenet of love and the unity achieved through Christ. We are reminded that Christ himself is our peace and that He has called us to a life of compassion and brotherhood, demolishing the walls of hostility that divide us.

As we meditate on these verses, we see that our calling is not only to avoid repaying evil with evil but to actively repay it with blessings. This proactive stance is at the heart of brotherhood—seeking the best for others, even those who might oppose or misunderstand us.


Ponder the walls, both visible and invisible, that have been constructed within your own life and community. What steps can you take to dismantle these walls and build bridges in their place? Reflect on Christ as the ultimate bridge-builder and ask for the grace to follow His example.


      • Active Peacemaking: Look for opportunities to be a peacemaker in your community. This may involve mediating conflicts or simply encouraging dialogue between different groups.
      • Cultural Empathy: Make a conscious effort to learn about different cultures and perspectives, particularly those within the Jewish community, to foster mutual understanding and respect.
      • Community Service: Engage in acts of service that bring people together and meet communal needs, embodying the compassion and humility taught in Scripture.
      • Interfaith Dialogue: Participate in or organize interfaith discussions, embracing the chance to connect, learn, and grow in the spirit of brotherhood.

Closing Prayer:

God of peace, empower us to be ambassadors of Your reconciliation. May our actions reflect Your inclusive love and the unity You desire for all Your children. Give us the courage to build bridges where there are chasms of division and grant us the wisdom to walk in brotherhood, as You command. Through our lives, let Your love be known. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.


Bridge of Brotherhood

Verse 1

In this walk, we’re not alone,
Joining hands, hearts of stone turned to flesh.
In Your light, we find our way,
Brothers, sisters, here to stay, hearts enmesh.


On this bridge of brotherhood, we stand,
Linked by Your love, hand in hand.
Yahweh, guide us in Your grace,
In unity, we find our place, across the land.

Verse 2

Through the trials, through the pain,
In Your love, we remain, strong and true.
Differences, they fade away,
In Your presence, here we stay, me and you.


On this bridge of brotherhood, we stand,
Linked by Your love, hand in hand.
Yahweh, guide us in Your grace,
In unity, we find our place, across the land.


In Your eyes, we’re all the same,
Children called by Your name, in Your light.
Let our voices rise as one,
Till Your will on earth is done, day and night.

Verse 3

In this chorus of diverse souls,
We find purpose, we find roles, in Your plan.
Hand in hand, we’ll cross the divide,
With Your love as our guide, we’ll stand.


On this bridge of brotherhood, we stand,
Linked by Your love, hand in hand.
Yahweh, guide us in Your grace,
In unity, we find our place, across the land.


As we walk this bridge together,
In Your love, we’re bound forever.
Brothers, sisters, in Your light,
In Your love, we’ll take the flight, now and ever.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: D Major – warm and inviting
  • Tempo: 110 bpm – balanced tempo that’s uplifting yet allows for reflection
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – a universal, inclusive feel

Storyboard descriptions for music video

The storyboard for “Bridge of Brotherhood” visualizes the song’s theme of unity and the beauty of diverse individuals coming together to form strong, compassionate connections. Each scene underscores the power of fellowship and the importance of building bridges rather than walls.

Verse 1:

  • Setting: A diverse cityscape transitioning to a scene with several bridges, symbolizing connection.
  • Action: Individuals from different walks of life approach the bridges from opposite sides.
  • Mood: Reflective, as each person carries an object representing their culture or beliefs.


  • Setting: Midpoint of the bridges, where the individuals meet.
  • Action: They exchange their items, share smiles, handshakes, or hugs, illustrating the forming of bonds.
  • Mood: Uplifting and hopeful as the chorus emphasizes unity.

Verse 2:

  • Setting: A series of vignettes showing acts of brotherhood in various environments: urban, rural, schools, etc.
  • Action: People working together, helping one another in everyday situations, breaking down barriers.
  • Mood: Heartwarming and optimistic, showing the simple beauty of unity in action.


  • Setting: A community center or shared space where people are gathering for a common cause.
  • Action: The group collaborates on a large mural or tapestry that represents their shared community.
  • Mood: Joyful and cooperative, the space buzzes with the energy of creation and collaboration.


    • Setting: Close-ups of faces from the crowd, each telling a story without words.
    • Action: A child’s laughter breaks through, drawing everyone’s attention to a playful scene, reminding all of the innocence and purity that unites us.
    • Mood: Introspective, then gently joyful, emphasizing common humanity.

      Verse 3:

      • Setting: The finished mural or tapestry is revealed, now displayed in a prominent public place.
      • Action: People stand back to admire their work, arms around each other, pride in their collective accomplishment.
      • Mood: Satisfied and connected, the community sees their individual contributions as part of a larger whole.


      • Setting: A wide shot that shows the diverse group now leaving the space together, as friends and allies.
      • Action: As they walk, their interactions are natural and warm, evidence of the bonds formed.
      • Mood: The powerful sense of community and unity continues to build, echoing the song’s message.


      • Setting: Evening falls, and the group is now sharing a meal outdoors, surrounded by lanterns.
      • Action: They eat, talk, laugh, and some even start an impromptu dance, celebrating their fellowship.
      • Mood: Peaceful and content, the scene is a manifestation of the bridge of brotherhood built throughout the day.
      Echoes of History

      Echoes of History

      Echoes of History - Coming Soon

      by Darren Winfield

      “Echoes of History” is a poignant reminder of the past, a solemn nod to the lessons learned from history’s darkest hours. This track reverberates with the importance of remembrance, acknowledging the weight of historical events that have shaped the Jewish experience. Its melody carries the gravity of memory and the responsibility that comes with it, while its harmonies serve as a call to ensure that such events are never repeated.

      The intent of “Echoes of History” is to touch upon the shared sorrow of past atrocities while also sparking a renewed commitment to vigilance and action in the present. It’s about the reflection that stirs conscience and the awakenings that inspire movements like ‘Never Again Is Now’. The song is an invitation to look back in order to move forward with determination and hope.

      Through lyrical storytelling and emotive composition, “Echoes of History” is a catalyst for transformation—a musical embodiment of the movement’s core message. It insists that we honor the legacy of those who have suffered by becoming the architects of a more compassionate, informed, and united world.

      As it weaves through its verses and chorus, the song implores us to not only hear the echoes of history but to respond to them with actions that speak louder than words. It is a foundational piece within the album that sets the tone for the journey of reflection and advocacy that the listener is about to undertake.


      “Echoes of History” Devotion

      Opening Prayer:

      Father, as we gather in reflection upon our past and Your Word, grant us wisdom and discernment. Help us to understand the echoes of history through Your eyes and teach us to act in ways that honor You and uphold Your command to love our neighbors. Amen.


      Leviticus 19:17-18 (NIV) – “‘Do not hate a fellow Israelite in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in their guilt. Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.”


      “Echoes of History” calls us to listen intently to the lessons that the annals of history have imparted upon us. As we consider the gravity of antisemitism and the weight of its history, we are reminded of the timeless commandment to love our neighbor. The scripture from Leviticus speaks directly to the heart of this issue, admonishing us against hate and urging us to live in the light of God’s love.

      Throughout history, God’s chosen people have faced persecution, and the ripples of that persecution have touched all corners of humanity. As intercessory prayer warriors, we are called to stand in the gap, to not only pray against the resurgence of such hatred but to actively combat it in our daily lives.


      Reflect on times in history where silence has led to the suffering of others. How can we use our voices today to ensure that history does not repeat itself? Meditate on the nature of God’s love for all His creation and how we are to mirror that love in our relationships.


          • Education: Commit to learning more about the history of antisemitism. Through knowledge, we gain the power to identify and address its modern manifestations.
          • Reconciliation: Seek forgiveness for any bitterness or prejudice in our own hearts. Actively work towards reconciliation in communities affected by division.
          • Advocacy: Stand up for those facing discrimination. Be vocal in your community and social circles about the importance of respecting and protecting all people.
          • Support: Find practical ways to support the Jewish community and others who have experienced hate. This could mean volunteering, donating, or partnering with organizations working against discrimination.

      Closing Prayer:

      Lord, let the echoes of history not be in vain. May we learn, grow, and be instruments of Your peace. Help us to love as You love, to speak truth as You command, and to walk in Your ways of justice and righteousness. May our actions reflect our prayers, and may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


      Echoes of History

      Verse 1

      In the whispers of the ancient times,
      In the shadows of the past,
      We hear their cries through history’s chimes,
      Echoes that forever last.

      In every tear, a story untold,
      In every sigh, a prayer unfolds,
      Lord, in Your mercy, we now behold,
      The echoes of history told.


      Echoes of history, calling us now,
      In Your love, Lord, we take our vow.
      To stand for the voiceless, in Your grace we bow,
      In Jesus’ name, we won’t allow.

      Verse 2

      Through the corridors of time, we walk,
      Feeling the weight of ancestral talk.
      Their hopes and fears, in us, unlock,
      Guided by Your eternal rock.

      In silent tears, their stories are read,
      In sacred whispers, their paths we tread,
      With Your compassion, our hearts are led,
      To echo their voices, in love, not dread.


      Echoes of history, calling us now,
      In Your love, Lord, we take our vow.
      To stand for the voiceless, in Your grace we bow,
      In Jesus’ name, we won’t allow.


      In the stillness, we hear their call,
      In Your presence, Lord, we give our all.
      Their echoed pleas, on us, they fall,
      In Your love, Lord, we stand tall.


      Echoes of history, calling us now,
      In Your love, Lord, we take our vow.
      To stand for the voiceless, in Your grace we bow,
      In Jesus’ name, we won’t allow.


      As we echo the cries of the past,
      In Your love, Lord, our hopes are cast.
      For a future where love will last,
      In Your grace, we’re holding fast.

      Lead Sheet

      • Key: C Minor – creates a sense of seriousness and depth
      • Tempo: 95 bpm – a reflective and thoughtful pace
      • Time Signature: 3/4 – adds a waltz-like quality, enhancing the reflective nature
      Blazing throne of Grace page 2

      Storyboard descriptions for music video

      For each track, the storyboard aligns with the lyrics and emotional arc of the song, creating a visual narrative that enhances the impact of the music.

      Verse 1:

      • Setting: A serene Australian landscape at dawn, symbolizing the beginning of awareness and reflection.
      • Action: Individuals from various backgrounds gather, each holding an artifact or image representing their personal or collective history.
      • Mood: Contemplative and somber as participants display their items, connecting with the land’s deep history.


      • Setting: The group begins to move together toward a central point, a symbolic gathering place like a town square or open field.
      • Action: As they walk, their steps are in unison, signifying the coming together of diverse stories into a single narrative of unity.
      • Mood: A growing sense of solidarity and strength as the chorus’s message of rising for tomorrow lifts the atmosphere.

      Verse 2:

      • Setting: The central gathering place, now with a growing crowd that represents a cross-section of Australian society.
      • Action: Individuals start to exchange stories, bridging gaps as they teach and learn from one another.
      • Mood: An air of growing trust and community, highlighting the beauty of diversity within unity.


      • Setting: The crowd becomes a community, standing shoulder to shoulder, their unity now visually apparent.
      • Action: They begin to light candles, lanterns, or small fires, illuminating faces and casting away shadows.
      • Mood: The light symbolizes awareness and knowledge, chasing away the darkness of ignorance and hate.


        • Setting: A transition from day to night, emphasizing the passage of time and the ongoing commitment required.
        • Action: A panoramic view shows other communities across the country engaging in similar acts of remembrance and unity.
        • Mood: A powerful sense of connection that transcends physical distance, tying all the individual actions into a nationwide movement.

          Verse 3:

          • Setting: Night fully falls, and the sky is a tapestry of stars, mirroring the lights below.
          • Action: The community, now bonded, looks upwards, recognizing their small part in a vast universe.
          • Mood: Humble yet hopeful, the night sky offers a moment of reflection on the past and the future.


          • Setting: The focus returns to the gathering place, now radiant with light and warmth.
          • Action: The community stands in a moment of silence, then begins to softly sing together, their voices rising in harmony.
          • Mood: The combined effect of the candlelight and the united voices creates a poignant reminder of the track’s message—solidarity in remembrance and forward movement.


          • Setting: Dawn breaks again, symbolizing the continuous cycle and the enduring vigilance against forgetting history.
          • Action: The community places their candles at a memorial site, an enduring flame that represents their commitment to ‘Never Again.’
          • Mood: The song concludes with a renewed sense of determination and the collective will to carry the lessons of history into the future.
          Stand As One (Never Again Is Now)

          Stand As One (Never Again Is Now)

          Now Streaming On

          Stream or Buy the Single Song:

          Stream or Buy the Single Song:

          “Never Again Is Now” is not only the eponymous track of the album but also its cornerstone—an anthem of resolve and awakening that encapsulates the very essence of the movement it champions. This track is a potent blend of conviction and hope, designed to awaken the spirit of defiance against the shadows of history and a clarion call to action in the present moment.

          The song’s purpose is manifold—it is a vow, a commitment, and a declaration that the atrocities of the past will not be the realities of our future. With a chorus that resonates with urgency and a melody that carries the weight of an unbreakable promise, this track is a musical embodiment of the pledge that every individual, every community, and every nation must make to stand vigilant against the resurgence of antisemitism.

          The meaning behind “Never Again Is Now” is a powerful reminder that the time to act is not in some distant future—it is here, in the now, in the very moment the words are sung and heard. The song seeks to engrain in its listeners that remembrance without action is an incomplete gesture. It urges the acknowledgement of history’s dark lessons not only through reflection but through the daily deeds that define our commitment to never letting hate rise again.

          In line with the ‘Never Again Is Now’ movement, the track calls for a collective rallying point where individuals from all backgrounds can unite in a shared purpose. It’s an invitation to carry the torch of vigilance, to be the light that safeguards our shared values and humanity.

          This anthem aims to be the echo in the heartbeats of all who partake in the rally and beyond, a melody that lingers on the lips of those who carry its message in their daily lives. As the album’s finale, “Never Again Is Now” seeks to leave listeners not with an end but a beginning—the start of continuous, active participation in shaping a world that stands firm in the face of hatred, and resolute in the pursuit of peace and justice.


          “Never Again Is Now” Devotion

          Opening Prayer:

          Almighty God, stir within us a relentless spirit that seeks to protect, honor, and value every life. Help us remember the lessons of the past as we work to create a future where ‘Never Again’ is not just a hope, but a reality. Amen.

          Scripture Readings:
          • Proverbs 24:11-12 (NIV) – “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, ‘But we knew nothing about this,’ does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay everyone according to what they have done?”
          • Isaiah 1:17 (NIV) – “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”
          • Micah 6:8 (NIV) – “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”


          The song “Never Again Is Now” is a powerful declaration and a promise to stand against the tide of antisemitism and any form of hate. The chosen scriptures reflect God’s heart for justice and His call for us to be active participants in defending and upholding the dignity of all.

          The Proverbs passage compels us to be vigilant and proactive in protecting those in danger, emphasizing that ignorance is not an excuse. Isaiah and Micah remind us of our call to seek justice and show mercy. Through these verses, we see that ‘Never Again’ is more than a refrain—it is an active pursuit of righteousness.


          Consider the meaning of ‘Never Again’ and how it applies to your life today. How can you be a part of preventing the injustices of the past from recurring? Reflect on the steps you can take to ensure that ‘Never Again’ is a present reality.


              • Education and Awareness: Educate yourself about historical injustices and their modern implications. Raise awareness to prevent the repetition of such events.
              • Community Involvement: Be involved in community efforts that aim to support the oppressed and promote justice.
              • Prayer and Intercession: Pray for the wisdom and courage to act justly in your own life and for those in positions of power to do the same.
              • Support for Survivors and Their Descendants: Offer your support to organizations that assist survivors of genocide and oppression, as well as their descendants.

          Closing Prayer:

          Lord of Justice, engrave upon our hearts the solemn vow that ‘Never Again’ will we allow the evils of the past to be repeated. Give us the courage to stand up for the oppressed, the wisdom to speak out against wrong, and the determination to walk in Your ways of justice and mercy. May ‘Never Again Is Now’ be the echo of our daily actions, as we strive to honor You by honoring the sacredness of every human life. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray, Amen.


          Anthem: “Stand As One (Never Again)”

          Verse 1

          Beneath the Southern Cross, we gather,
          Diverse in thought but joined in matter.
          To the cry of the past, our ears are lent,
          Vowing ‘never again’ with one intent.


          Stand as one, hearts alight,
          Raising our voices against the night.
          With one promise, in one refrain,
          ‘Never Again’, echoes in the Australian grain.

          Verse 2

          From the dreamtime to the cities’ hum,
          We find the strength to beat the drum.
          Of justice, peace, and love’s command,
          Together in this sunburnt land.


          Stand as one, hearts alight,
          Raising our voices against the night.
          With one promise, in one refrain,
          ‘Never Again’, echoes in the Australian grain.


          For every soul that’s wept, for every hurt kept,
          We stand, we sing, in solidarity we’ve stepped.
          Hand in hand, under the sky so wide,
          In unity, we will not be denied.

          Verse 3

          Let this anthem rise, from sea to sun,
          In every language, it’s sung by young and old.
          ‘Never Again’, a vow that’s proudly told,
          In Australia, where all are bold.


          Stand as one, hearts alight,
          Raising our voices against the night.
          With one promise, in one refrain,
          ‘Never Again’, echoes in the Australian grain.


          So let it ring, in the silence of the bush,
          In every street, let the hope of dawn push.
          ‘Never Again’, more than words we declare,
          It’s a covenant, in the Aussie air.


          Anthem: “Stand As One (Never Again)”


          D      A           D           G
          D ,    A            D

          Verse 1

          Bm                    A                          D                 G
          Beneath the Southern Cross, we gather,
          Bm                    A                          D
          Diverse in thought but joined in matter.
          Bm                    A                          D                 G
          To the cry of the past, our ears are lent,
          Bm                    A                          D
          Vowing ‘never again’ with one intent.


          Bm                    A                          D                 G
          Stand as one, hearts alight,
          Bm                    A                          D
          Raising our voices against the night.
          Bm                    A                          D                 G
          With one promise, in one refrain,
          Bm                    A                          D
          ‘Never Again’, echoes in the Australian grain.

          Verse 2

          Bm                    A                          D                 G
          From the dreamtime to the cities’ hum,
          Bm                    A                          D
          We find the strength to beat the drum.
          Bm                    A                          D                 G
          Of justice, peace, and love’s command,
          Bm                    A                          D
          Together in this sunburnt land.


          Bm                    A                          D                 G
          Stand as one, hearts alight,
          Bm                    A                          D
          Raising our voices against the night.
          Bm                    A                          D                 G
          With one promise, in one refrain,
          Bm                    A                          D
          ‘Never Again’, echoes in the Australian grain.


          Bm                    A                          D                 G
          For every soul that’s wept, for every hurt kept,
          Bm                    A                          D
          We stand, we sing, in solidarity we’ve stepped.
          Bm                    A                          D                 G
          Hand in hand, under the sky so wide,
          Bm                    A                          D
          In unity, we will not be denied.

          Verse 3

          Bm                    A                          D                 G
          Let this anthem rise, from sea to sun,
          Bm                    A                          D
          In every language, it’s sung by young and old.
          Bm                    A                          D                 G
          ‘Never Again’, a vow that’s proudly told,
          Bm                    A                          D
          In Australia, where all are bold.


          Bm                    A                          D                 G
          Stand as one, hearts alight,
          Bm                    A                          D
          Raising our voices against the night.
          Bm                    A                          D                 G
          With one promise, in one refrain,
          Bm                    A                          D
          ‘Never Again’, echoes in the Australian grain.


          Bm                    A                          D                 G

          So let it ring, in the silence of the bush,

          Bm                    A                          D

          In every street, let the hope of dawn push.

          Bm                    A                          D                 G
          ‘Never Again’, more than words we declare,
          Bm                    A                          D
          It’s a covenant, in the Aussie air.


          Bm                    A                          D                 G
          Bm                    A                          D
          Bm                    A                          D                 G
          Bm                    A                          D

          Lead Sheet

          Blazing throne of Grace page 2
          Blazing throne of Grace page 2

          Voices United

          Voices United

          Voices United - Coming Soon

          by Darren Winfield

          “Voices United” is an empowering anthem that encapsulates the collective outcry against the waves of antisemitism and the solidarity of the global community in its resolve to fight against this blight. This track stands as a testament to the strength found in unity, with a rousing chorus that calls for voices to rise in unison, transcending individual whispers into a powerful chorus for change.

          The song’s intent is to act as a rallying cry, bringing people together to reject hate speech, antichrist, and anti-God sentiments, urging them instead toward a vision of a compassionate, justice-oriented society. The lyrics emphasize the communal plea to the divine for intervention, healing, and guidance in upholding the principles of love and acceptance.

          “Voices United” resonates with the heart of the ‘Never Again Is Now’ movement, emphasizing the urgency for a united front in the battle for the soul of the nation. It carries the message that, in solidarity, the Australian people, and indeed all of humanity, can reforge their identity as a generation committed to peace and understanding.

          By bridging worship with activism, this song captures the essence of intercessory worship as an act of defiance against the prevailing winds of division. It reminds us that when we stand together, our collective voice has the power to dismantle strongholds of hate and usher in an era where every community can thrive free from fear.


          “Voices United” Devotion

          Opening Prayer:

          Lord, join our separate voices into one chorus of advocacy and praise. As we seek to unite against injustice and in worship, help us to find harmony in our shared dedication to Your love and righteousness. Amen.

          Scripture Readings:

          • Zephaniah 3:9 (NIV) – “Then I will purify the lips of the peoples, that all of them may call on the name of the Lord and serve him shoulder to shoulder.”
          • 1 Corinthians 1:10 (NIV) – “I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.”
          • Acts 4:32 (NIV) – “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.”


          “Voices United” is an anthem that calls for the collective action of the church, the body of Christ, to come together in a unified response to the social and spiritual issues of our time. The scriptures illustrate a vision of unity that goes beyond mere agreement—it is a call to act and serve ‘shoulder to shoulder,’ embodying the unified spirit of early believers.

          This song and these passages challenge us to set aside differences and work together toward the common goals of justice, love, and the advancement of God’s kingdom. They compel us to consider the strength found in unity and the impact of a church that speaks with one voice against the forces that would seek to divide.


          Meditate on the nature of God’s kingdom as a community united in purpose and love. Reflect on how you can contribute to the unity of your local church and global Christian community.


              • Dialogue and Reconciliation: Engage in conversations that promote understanding and reconciliation within the Christian community.
              • Joint Service Projects: Work with different congregations or denominations on service projects that benefit the wider community.
              • Unified Worship Events: Organize or participate in worship events that bring together Christians from various backgrounds to celebrate and declare God’s love.
              • Advocacy: Join with others to advocate for social justice and support initiatives that align with biblical principles of unity, love, and compassion.

          Closing Prayer:

          Heavenly Father, may our voices be united in our worship of You and our service to Your world. Strengthen our resolve to stand together, to lift each other up, and to shine Your light as one body. In the diversity of our voices, let the harmony of Your love be heard, and may our united efforts bring glory to Your name. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.


          Voices United

          Verse 1

          We gather ’round, diverse yet one,
          In the land under the Southern sun.
          Voices united, hearts ablaze,
          To the King of Ages, our prayers we raise.


          Voices united in Your holy fire,
          Burning away the dross of hate’s mire.
          Let Australia stand, in Your love so grand,
          A beacon of hope, on Your command.

          Verse 2

          With one voice, we claim this ground,
          For Your glory, let Your grace abound.
          From red soil to coastal sands,
          We reject the hate, on Christ we stand.


          Voices united in Your holy fire,
          Burning away the dross of hate’s mire.
          Let Australia stand, in Your love so grand,
          A beacon of hope, on Your command.


          Lord, hear our cry, from east to west,
          In You alone, our souls find rest.
          Tear down the walls, let Your truth ring,
          In Your love, united we sing.

          Verse 3

          We will not yield to the spirit of this age,
          On Your Word, we write our page.
          In one accord, for Your will we fight,
          With voices united, we bring Your light.


          Voices united in Your holy fire,
          Burning away the dross of hate’s mire.
          Let Australia stand, in Your love so grand,
          A beacon of hope, on Your command.


          May this land be known by Your love,
          Guided by Your hand from above.
          In unity, we’ll walk this land,
          Voices united, in Your love we stand.

          Lead Sheet

          • Key: C Major – a universal, all-embracing key
          • Tempo: 125 bpm – energizing and dynamic, mirroring the collective action
          • Time Signature: 4/4 – common and unifying, easy for groups to sing along

          Storyboard descriptions for music video

          “Voices United” in this storyboard illustrates the evolution of a powerful, unified movement driven by diverse individuals who share a common goal. Each scene emphasizes the strength found in unity and the importance of raising our voices together to effect meaningful change.

          Verse 1:

          • Setting: A panoramic view of a city transitioning to diverse neighborhoods.
          • Action: Individuals in various settings feel inspired to speak up, stand up, or reach out.
          • Mood: The beginnings of a transformative movement, with each person feeling a sense of purpose.


          • Setting: These individuals come together in a public square, forming a diverse but united group.
          • Action: They begin to raise their voices, some holding signs of peace and unity, others joining in song or chant.
          • Mood: Empowering and energizing, as the chorus captures the essence of collective strength and determination.

          Verse 2:

          • Setting: Scenes of the group engaging with the wider community, spreading their message.
          • Action: Acts of kindness, public speaking, community service, and peaceful demonstrations.
          • Mood: Inspiring and hopeful, showcasing the impact of unity in action and the power of combined voices.


          • Setting: The group’s influence spreads, and more people join, echoing the same sentiment.
          • Action: The crowd becomes a movement, their voices growing louder and more unified.
          • Mood: The chorus swells with the increasing number of voices, reflecting the growing momentum of their cause.


            • Setting: Close-up shots of faces in the crowd, each showing a range of emotions – hope, determination, passion.
            • Action: A moment of silent reflection, then a unified message spoken or sung softly but firmly.
            • Mood: Intense and profound, as the bridge marks a moment of deep communal connection and resolve.

              Verse 3:

              • Setting: The movement now encompasses a wide array of people, from all walks of life.
              • Action: A powerful display of unity as they link arms, march, or stand together in solidarity.
              • Mood: Jubilant yet grounded, portraying a collective journey towards a common goal.


              • Setting: A series of vignettes showing the group’s influence spreading even further.
              • Action: People of all ages and backgrounds coming together, their voices united in a powerful chorus.
              • Mood: Uplifting and unifying, emphasizing that when voices join, they can resonate far and wide.


              • Setting: The final scene returns to the public square, now empty, with echoes of the chorus still lingering.
              • Action: A gentle wind picks up, carrying the message of unity and peace across the empty spaces.
              • Mood: Reflective and hopeful, leaving a sense of ongoing commitment and the enduring power of united voices.
              Candle in the Dark

              Candle in the Dark

              Candle in the Dark - Coming Soon

              by Darren Winfield

              “Candle in the Dark” is a beacon of hope in the depths of despair, an acoustic reminder that light persists even in the darkest of times. This track is a tender ode to resilience and the unyielding human spirit that continues to shine amid adversity. It speaks to the heart, encouraging listeners to be the light for others and to find the strength to carry on when all seems lost.

              The song’s purpose is twofold: to acknowledge the darkness that surrounds the issues of hate and antisemitism and to ignite the flame of courage and love that can dispel it. It aligns with the ‘Never Again Is Now’ movement’s message of hope and action, embodying the belief that each individual has the power to make a difference.

              Through its gentle guitar strums and poignant lyrics, “Candle in the Dark” is meant to inspire individuals to take small yet impactful steps toward change. It encourages solidarity and support for those who feel isolated, acting as a musical reminder that no one is alone.

              Listeners are invited to reflect on the metaphor of a single candle—how a small light can defy the overwhelming darkness, symbolizing the collective effort required to foster peace and compassion in our communities. This track is a call to action, urging us to stand firm in our convictions and to carry the torch of hope forward, illuminating the path for others to follow.


              “Candle in the Dark” Devotion

              Opening Prayer:

              Father of Light, in the shadows that life sometimes casts, help us to remember that even the smallest candle can defy the dark. Kindle within us a flame that never falters, that we might be bearers of Your light in all the dark places. Amen.

              Scripture Readings:

              • Matthew 5:14-16 (NIV) – “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
              • Psalm 119:105 (NIV) – “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”
              • 2 Corinthians 4:6 (NIV) – “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.”


              “Candle in the Dark” speaks to the enduring presence of hope and the steadfastness of faith. These scriptures encourage us to not only seek Christ’s light but to also become vessels of it, radiating God’s love and truth in a world that can often seem enveloped in shadow.

              This song reminds us that our actions, no matter how small they may seem, can illuminate the darkness. It is in the act of service, the word of kindness, and the gesture of love that we find our purpose and call others to recognize the glory of God.


              Reflect on the ways you can be a light in your community. How might you demonstrate the love of Christ in simple, everyday actions? Consider how the light of God’s Word guides you and ponder how you can share this guidance with others.


                  • Intentional Acts of Kindness: Identify specific ways you can be a light to those around you through acts of kindness and service.
                  • Scripture Engagement: Spend time daily in God’s Word, allowing it to be a source of light and guidance in your life.
                  • Witnessing: Share your testimony of faith with others, offering the light of Christ’s love as a beacon of hope.
                  • Community Outreach: Join or initiate community projects that aim to bring light to dark situations, whether it be through charity work, support groups, or social justice initiatives.

              Closing Prayer:

              Lord of Light, thank You for entrusting us with the task of bearing Your light in a world that yearns for hope. May we carry this light boldly, never hiding it away, so that through our deeds, Your love is known. Help us to be constant and unwavering, like a candle that burns steadily in the darkness, drawing others to Your radiant truth. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.


              Candle in the Dark

              Verse 1

              In the shadowed valleys, where fear might dwell,
              Your Word, a lamp; Your Truth, a well.
              A single flame, in the vast night stark,
              Messiah, You are our candle in the dark.


              Oh Light of the world, burn bright, burn clear,
              In our deepest night, draw near, draw near.
              Our steady beacon, eternal spark,
              You’re our hope, our candle in the dark.

              Verse 2

              Through tempests that rage, through whispering doubt,
              Your steadfast love casts all shadows out.
              In Your glow, life’s journey we embark,
              Led by You, our candle in the dark.


              Oh Light of the world, burn bright, burn clear,
              In our deepest night, draw near, draw near.
              Our steady beacon, eternal spark,
              You’re our hope, our candle in the dark.


              Even when the stars seem to hide their face,
              Your radiance fills every empty space.
              In the silence, You leave Your mark,
              A constant presence, our candle in the dark.

              Verse 3

              Through trials and pain, Your grace is seen,
              A fortress of refuge, ever serene.
              In the warmth of Your embrace, we’re emboldened, hark,
              Messiah’s love, our candle in the dark.


              Oh Light of the world, burn bright, burn clear,
              In our deepest night, draw near, draw near.
              Our steady beacon, eternal spark,
              You’re our hope, our candle in the dark.


              So let us lift our eyes, see the promise in the skies,
              As the dawn breaks, morning starts.
              In Your mercy, we take part,
              Forever guided by Your heart,
              Messiah, our candle in the dark.

              Lead Sheet

              • Key: Bb Major – warm and comforting
              • Tempo: 90 bpm – gentle, giving space to the song’s message of hope and resilience
              • Time Signature: 4/4 – providing a solid and supportive structure

              Storyboard descriptions for music video

              In “Candle in the Dark,” the storyboard paints a journey from individual struggles in the dark to a communal celebration of hope and unity. The recurring imagery of candles symbolizes the resilience and light each person brings, emphasizing the theme of shared hope overcoming adversity.

              Verse 1:

              • Setting: A dimly lit street at dusk, with shadows casting long patterns.
              • Action: Various individuals, each facing their own form of darkness or struggle, are shown in isolated vignettes.
              • Mood: Somber and introspective, reflecting the sense of being alone in the dark.


              • Setting: One of the individuals lights a small candle, breaking the overwhelming darkness.
              • Action: As the chorus progresses, each person in their vignette lights a candle too.
              • Mood: The act of lighting candles introduces a sense of hope and resilience amidst the darkness.

              Verse 2:

              • Setting: The light from the candles begins to brighten the previously dark scenes.
              • Action: The individuals start to notice each other’s lights from across their divides.
              • Mood: A growing sense of connection and solidarity, as the light symbolizes shared experiences and mutual support.


              • Setting: The individuals start to come out of their isolation, drawn towards each other’s light.
              • Action: They gather together, each small light contributing to a much larger illumination.
              • Mood: Heartwarming and hopeful, showing the power of unity and shared strength.


                • Setting: The group, now united, walks through the street with their candles, lighting up the area.
                • Action: As they walk, their light attracts others, who join the procession with their own candles.
                • Mood: Inspirational and uplifting, emphasizing the contagious nature of hope and the communal spirit.

                  Verse 3:

                  • Setting: The combined light now illuminates a larger area, casting away all shadows.
                  • Action: The group’s journey concludes in a public space, where they place their candles together to form a large display of light.
                  • Mood: Reflective and serene, showcasing the lasting impact of collective hope.


                  • Setting: A wide shot of the illuminated area, with people gathered around the display of candles.
                  • Action: The group engages in quiet conversations, shared stories, and comforting gestures.
                  • Mood: Peaceful and unified, the shared light symbolizes a community bonded by hope and compassion.


                  • Setting: The scene fades to a single candle burning brightly against the night.
                  • Action: The camera zooms out to show the night sky, with stars twinkling like candles in the dark.
                  • Mood: A sense of infinite hope and the enduring presence of light in darkness.