Refiner’s Fire

Refiner’s Fire

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Album: Intercessor's Anthem: Songs for Breakthrough

1. “Refiner’s Fire”


“Refiner’s Fire” is a personal cry for purity and cleansing. This song invites listeners to open their hearts to the refining power of the Holy Spirit, asking God to burn away everything that hinders closeness with Him. It’s an intimate prayer, using imagery of fire and the potter’s wheel to symbolize purification and surrender. The goal is to bring intercessors into a posture of humility and readiness, as they invite God to prepare their hearts for the intercessory journey ahead.


Personal sanctification and preparation for intercession.


Extended Devotion for “Refiner’s Fire”

Scriptural Basis:

  • Malachi 3:2-3 – “But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap. He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver.”
  • Psalm 51:10 – “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
  • 1 Peter 1:7 – “These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”

Theme: Personal Sanctification and Preparation

“Refiner’s Fire” is about allowing God to purify our hearts, cleansing us of everything that hinders our closeness to Him. It is an essential part of being an intercessor—entering God’s presence with a clean heart so we can be fully available for His purposes. The refining fire of God burns away impurities, just as silver and gold are refined in the fire to remove imperfections.

The purpose of this song is to encourage believers to willingly submit to the process of sanctification, to be vessels that God can use powerfully in intercession and ministry.

Understanding Refining and Sanctification:

The image of the refiner’s fire is powerful. In the refining process, gold or silver is melted so that the impurities can rise to the surface and be removed. This process is not easy—it involves heat, transformation, and even discomfort. But it results in purity, beauty, and value.

For intercessors, undergoing this refining is essential because it prepares us to be effective vessels for prayer. God desires that our hearts be pure, our motives be selfless, and our focus be on Him alone.

Practical Steps for Intercession:

  1. Invite the Holy Spirit to Search Your Heart:
    • Begin by inviting the Holy Spirit to reveal anything in your heart that needs to be refined. This could be sin, pride, unforgiveness, or anything that is holding you back from fully serving God.
    • Prayer: “Holy Spirit, search my heart today. Show me anything that needs to be purified. I surrender to Your refining work.”
  2. Surrender to God’s Refining Process:
    • Refining requires surrender. Allow God to bring you through whatever is necessary to remove impurities from your life. It may involve conviction, repentance, or letting go of things you hold dear.
    • Prayer: “Lord, I surrender to Your refining fire. Burn away anything that does not glorify You. I want to be a vessel fit for Your purposes.”
  3. Pray for a Renewed Heart:
    • Ask God to create in you a pure heart and to renew your spirit. This prayer, inspired by David’s cry in Psalm 51, is crucial for every intercessor. We need a steadfast spirit that seeks God above all else.
    • Prayer: “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Let my heart always seek Your righteousness.”
  4. Declare Purity and Holiness:
    • Stand in faith and declare God’s promise of purity over your life. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we can walk in holiness and reflect God’s glory to the world around us.
    • Declaration: “I declare that I am being refined by the hand of God. I am set apart for His purpose, purified by His Spirit, and I will reflect His glory.”

Personal Reflection:

  • What areas of your life do you sense God is asking you to surrender to His refining fire?
  • How has the process of sanctification in your life prepared you to pray more effectively for others?
  • Are there any attitudes or motives that need to be purified before stepping into intercession?

Encouragement for the Intercessor:

The refining process is not always easy, but it is always worth it. Remember that God is with you every step of the way, as the Refiner who lovingly purifies His children. The trials and challenges you face are opportunities for your faith to be proven genuine, resulting in praise, honor, and glory to God. As you allow yourself to be refined, you become a more effective vessel in God’s kingdom, prepared to bring His will to earth through prayer.

Closing Prayer:

“Lord, I surrender my heart to Your refining fire. Burn away everything that is not of You, and purify me so that I may serve You wholeheartedly. Let my life be a reflection of Your glory, and use me as an intercessor to bring Your will to earth. Refine me, purify me, and mold me according to Your perfect plan. In Jesus’ name, amen.”


Refiner’s Fire

Verse 1

Purify my heart, O Lord, consume me with Your flame,
Strip away the dross within, remove all guilt and shame.
As I stand before Your throne, surrendering my all,
Let Your holy fire descend, and on my spirit fall.


Refiner’s fire, ignite in me,
A passion for Your purity.
Prepare my soul to intercede,
For healing of the land in need.

Verse 2

Search me, know me, cleanse my thoughts, align them with Your will,
Break the chains that bind my heart, Your purpose to fulfill.
Mold me on the Potter’s wheel, until I’m shaped by grace,
Use me as Your instrument to bring about embrace.


Refiner’s fire, ignite in me,
A passion for Your purity.
Prepare my soul to intercede,
For healing of the land in need.


Standing in the gap, I come with hands lifted high,
Empowered by Your Spirit’s strength, on You I rely.
Let my prayers be incense rising to Your throne above,
Interceding for the world with sacrificial love.


Refiner’s fire, ignite in me,
A passion for Your purity.
Prepare my soul to intercede,
For healing of the land in need.


Refined and ready, here I stand,
To plead for mercy on our land.
Let revival’s flames be fanned,
By Your refining hand.


Refiner’s fire, ignite in me,
A passion for Your purity.
Prepare my soul to intercede,
For healing of the land in need.

Chord Chart

Refiner’s Fire

Am               F 

Verse 1

Purify my heart, O Lord, consume me with Your flame,
                           F                                                                           Em 
Strip away the dross within, remove all guilt and shame.
As I stand before Your throne, surrendering my all,
                          F                                                      Em 
Let Your holy fire descend, and on my spirit fall.


Refiner’s fire, ignite in me,
    F                             Dm 
A passion for Your purity.
Prepare my soul to intercede,
       F                                     D
For healing of the land in need.

Verse 2

Search me, know me, cleanse my thoughts, align them with Your will,
                                        F                                                                   Em 
Break the chains that bind my heart, Your purpose to fulfill.
Mold me on the Potter’s wheel, until I’m shaped by grace,
                              F                                                        Em   
Use me as Your instrument to bring about embrace.


Refiner’s fire, ignite in me,
    F                             Dm 
A passion for Your purity.
Prepare my soul to intercede,
       F                                     Dm
For healing of the land in need.


                            Am                                                             C 
Standing in the gap, I come with hands lifted high,
                                      Am                                             Em
Empowered by Your Spirit’s strength, on You I rely.
Let my prayers be incense rising to Your throne above,
Interceding for the world with sacrificial love.


                 Am                         F
Refiner’s fire, ignite in me,
    Dm                Am                      F 
A passion for Your purity.
 Dm                 Am 
Prepare my soul to intercede,
       F                                     Dm
For healing of the land in need.


Refined and ready, here I stand,
                       F                      Dm 
To plead for mercy on our land.
Let revival’s flames be fanned,
By Your refining hand.


                 Am                         F
Refiner’s fire, ignite in me,
    Dm         Am                      F 
A passion for Your purity.
 Dm                 Am 
Prepare my soul to intercede,
       F                                     Dm
For healing of the land in need. 

Break These Chains

Break These Chains

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Album: Intercessor's Anthem: Songs for Breakthrough

2. “Break These Chains”


“Break These Chains” focuses on breaking generational curses, specifically related to the sin and struggles of leaders. It encourages believers to stand in the gap and intercede for their leaders, praying for freedom, repentance, and the breaking of chains that have hindered them from leading with righteousness. The song is about acknowledging past transgressions, pleading for God’s mercy, and boldly declaring freedom through the power of Jesus.


To guide intercessors in praying for freedom for leaders, breaking generational bondage.


Extended Devotion for “Break These Chains”

Scriptural Basis:

  • Isaiah 58:6 – “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?”
  • Ephesians 6:12 – “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
  • 2 Chronicles 7:14 – “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”


Breaking Generational Chains and Interceding for Leaders

This devotion centers on understanding the power of intercession to break generational curses and lift up leaders. In Scripture, we see that sin has lasting consequences—often affecting future generations. However, as believers, we also have the power through Jesus Christ to break these cycles and set people free. Intercessors are called to stand in the gap, not only for their own families but also for their leaders, whether they be political, spiritual, or social leaders.

Understanding the Chains:

Generational sin or curses can occur when patterns of sinful behavior, attitudes, or choices are passed down through families or communities. This could include issues like pride, greed, lust, or abuse of power. In the case of leaders, sin at a leadership level has the potential to affect an entire community or nation, and often these chains become burdens that need to be broken by the power of prayer and intercession.

When praying for our leaders, it’s essential to remember that they are human, subject to the same weaknesses and temptations as everyone else. Our role is not to judge, but to lift them before God, asking Him to intervene, forgive, and restore.

Practical Steps for Intercession:

  1. Repent on Behalf of the Leaders:
    • As Daniel prayed on behalf of his nation (Daniel 9:4-19), intercessors can also take a stand, repenting before God for the sins of their leaders. Ask God to forgive the areas where leaders have fallen short, particularly focusing on any generational patterns that need breaking.
    • Prayer: “Heavenly Father, we come before You and repent for the sins committed by our leaders. We ask for Your mercy and forgiveness over them, and we pray that any generational strongholds would be broken by the power of Your name.”
  2. Plead the Blood of Jesus:
    • The blood of Jesus is the ultimate power for redemption and breaking chains. Apply the blood of Jesus over the leaders, over the land, and over generational curses that might have taken hold.
    • Prayer: “Lord Jesus, we plead Your precious blood over every leader who is caught in the chains of sin. Let Your blood break every generational curse, every chain of oppression, and bring Your freedom.”
  3. Command the Enemy to Leave:
    • Spiritual warfare requires recognizing the power and authority believers have in Jesus’ name. Stand boldly and command the enemy to release his grip over the leaders and the land.
    • Prayer: “In Jesus’ name, we declare that every demonic influence over our leaders must flee. We command every stronghold and principality to be broken. Let the light of Jesus drive out all darkness.”
  4. Replace with God’s Restoration and Blessing:
    • When a curse is broken, it’s crucial to replace it with God’s blessing and restoration. Pray that leaders will be filled with the Holy Spirit, empowered to lead in righteousness and justice.
    • Prayer: “Father, we pray for Your Spirit to fill our leaders. May they walk in wisdom, righteousness, and justice. Replace every area of brokenness with Your wholeness and peace.”

Personal Reflection:

  • Are there areas in your own life or family where you sense there could be generational chains or struggles? Reflect on how you can bring these areas before God in prayer, asking for His intervention.
  • Think about the leaders in your community—political, spiritual, or otherwise. Are there any whom God has placed on your heart to pray for? How can you stand in the gap for them today?

Encouragement for the Intercessor:

Intercession can be exhausting work, especially when dealing with deep-rooted generational issues or sins at a leadership level. Remember that the battle is not yours, but the Lord’s (2 Chronicles 20:15). You are called to stand, to pray, and to be the voice that cries out for freedom—but it is God who breaks the chains. Trust in His power, and don’t grow weary in well-doing, for in due time, you will see the fruit (Galatians 6:9).

Closing Prayer:

“Heavenly Father, we stand as Your people, willing to intercede on behalf of our leaders and our nation. We repent for the sins of our past and present and ask that You would break every generational chain that binds us. Set us free by the power of Jesus’ name, and let our leaders be renewed by Your Spirit. We speak life, healing, and restoration over our land. In Jesus’ name, amen.”


Break These Chains

Verse 1:

We see the chains that bind,
Generations caught in shame,
But here we stand, as Your people,
God, we plead for freedom’s flame.


You break the bondage, mighty Savior,
Chains will fall, Your kingdom’s peace,
We lift Your name, O Healer,
Only You can bring release.

Verse 2: 

We confess the sins among us,
Plead the blood to cleanse today,
Heal the hearts of those in power,
God, renew them in Your way.


You break the bondage, mighty Savior,
Chains will fall, Your kingdom’s peace,
We lift Your name, O Healer,
Only You can bring release. 


We declare freedom for captives,
In Yeshua’s name, these chains will fall.
From the courtrooms of heaven,
We speak hope into it all.


You break the bondage, mighty Savior,
Chains will fall, Your kingdom’s peace,
We lift Your name, O Healer,
Only You can bring release.


We will walk in holy light,
Free to live what’s right.
By Your grace, we’ll follow,
We will glorify Your name.

Chord Chart

Break These Chains

D          G           A         Bm


Verse 1:

G                  A
We see the chains that bind,
Bm                                   D
Generations caught in shame,
G                                               A
But here we stand, as Your people,
D               Bm          D
God, we plead for freedom’s flame.


                           G                            A 
You break the bondage, mighty Savior,
                     Bm                                D 
Chains will fall, Your kingdom’s peace,
                      G               A 
We lift Your name, O Healer,
         Bm          A           G 
Only You can bring release.

Verse 2:

G                           A
We confess the sins among us,
Bm                                           D
Plead the blood to cleanse today,
G                                              A
Heal the hearts of those in power,
               Bm          A             D 
God, renew them in Your way.


                           G                            A 
You break the bondage, mighty Savior,
                     Bm                                D 
Chains will fall, Your kingdom’s peace,
                      G               A 
We lift Your name, O Healer,
         Bm          A           G 
Only You can bring release.


                           G                            A 
You break the bondage, mighty Savior,
                     Bm                                D 
Chains will fall, Your kingdom’s peace,
                      G               A 
We lift Your name, O Healer,
         Bm          A           G 
Only You can bring release. 

G         A          


Bm                                          A 
We declare freedom for captives,
          D                                                    G 
In Yeshua’s name, these chains will fall.
Bm                                      A
From the courtrooms of heaven,
                  D                    G  
We speak hope into it all.


                           G                            A 
You break the bondage, mighty Savior,
                     Bm                                D 
Chains will fall, Your kingdom’s peace,
                      G               A 
We lift Your name, O Healer,
         Bm          A           G          A 
Only You can bring release.


                Bm         A       G 
We will walk in holy light,
D            F#m           A
Free to live what’s right.
                Bm               A
By Your grace, we’ll follow,
               G     D            Em
We will glorify Your name.


                           G                            A 
You break the bondage, mighty Savior,
                     Bm                                D         F#m  
Chains will fall, Your kingdom’s peace,
                      G               A 
We lift Your name, O Healer,
         Bm          A           G         
Only You can bring release.


        Bm                            A
We declare freedom for captives
     G                                   A                   F#
In Yeshua’s name these chains will fall
                 Bm                          A
From the courtrooms of heaven
                  G                      D 
We speak hope into it all


                           G                            A 
You break the bondage, mighty Savior,
                     Bm                A                   G  
In Yeshua’s name these chains will fall
                 G                           A
From the courtrooms of heaven
                  Bm       A           G 
We speak hope into it all
                 Bm       A          G          D
We speak hope into it all

Intercessor’s Anthem: Songs for Breakthrough

Intercessor’s Anthem: Songs for Breakthrough

Album: Intercessor's Anthem: Songs for Breakthrough

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Album Blog Description: “Intercessor’s Anthem: Songs for Breakthrough”

Album Overview:

“Intercessor’s Anthem: Songs for Breakthrough” is a powerful collection designed specifically for intercessors who desire to be equipped and inspired in their role. This album is a journey of prayer and worship, intended to lead listeners through different aspects of intercession—from personal sanctification to praying for national revival. With each song crafted to guide and empower, this album brings a unique blend of worship and teaching, making it a spiritual tool for those who long to stand in the gap.

Intended Audience:

The album is intended for seasoned intercessors, those just beginning to step into the ministry of intercession, and worshippers who desire to bring meaningful change through their prayers. It is also ideal for worship gatherings, prayer meetings, and personal times of seeking God’s presence.

Album Goals:

      • Equip Intercessors: Provide music that guides intercessors on how to effectively pray over a variety of issues.
      • Inspire and Uplift: Offer worship that not only exalts God but also inspires faith for breakthrough.
      • Create Unity in Prayer: Foster a sense of unity among believers as they pray for families, leaders, nations, and the next generation.

Track List in Order:

    1. “Refiner’s Fire” – A personal cry for purity, inviting God to cleanse the heart and refine it for His glory.
    2. “Break These Chains” – A declaration of breaking generational curses and praying for the repentance of leaders.
    3. “Heavenly Alignment” – Interceding for God’s will to be done on earth, aligning leaders and nations with heavenly purposes.
    4. “Restoration Song” – Prayers for the healing and restoration of families, bringing reconciliation and forgiveness.
    5. “Walls Come Down” – A song of spiritual warfare, declaring that strongholds will fall through the power of Jesus.
    6. “Righteous Generations” – Prayers for future generations, asking God to guide, protect, and raise a righteous seed.
    7. “Spirit of Revival” – Calling for a fresh move of God’s Spirit, bringing revival to churches, communities, and nations.
    8. “Forgive and Heal” – A song of repentance for the nation, seeking forgiveness and God’s healing over the land.
    9. “Breakthrough Anthem” – A victorious anthem that celebrates God’s power to bring breakthrough in every circumstance.
    10. “Commissioned to Go” – A call to action for intercessors, dedicating themselves to God’s mission and declaring readiness to be sent.

Song Videos

Song Pages

Spirit of Revival

A passionate plea for God’s Spirit to move powerfully among His people and bring revival. Invites listeners to cry out for a fresh outpouring of God’s presence.

Commissioned to Go

An empowering song calling believers to answer God’s call to serve, bring justice, and share His love. A reminder of the Great Commission and being vessels of God’s glory.

Breakthrough Anthem

An uplifting anthem declaring the power of God to bring breakthrough and victory. Encourages believers to trust in God’s ability to make a way through every obstacle.

Forgive and Heal

A gentle song focused on repentance and healing for individuals, communities, and nations. Calls on God’s mercy and forgiveness to restore what has been broken.

Righteous Generations

An inspiring prayer for the next generation to walk in righteousness and grow in God’s wisdom and truth. A commitment to raise children in the light of Christ.

Walls Come Down

A bold anthem of faith declaring the breaking of spiritual strongholds. Inspired by the story of Jericho, this song calls for unity and the removal of barriers through God’s power.

Restoration Song

A gentle song of hope and healing that focuses on the restoration of families, relationships, and communities through God’s love and mercy.

Heavenly Alignment

A prayerful song calling for God’s heavenly alignment in our leaders, communities, and nations. Emphasizes God’s justice and purpose on earth.

Refiner’s Fire

A heartfelt song about surrendering to God’s refining process. Invites listeners to be purified, molded, and transformed by His holy fire.

Break These Chains

A dynamic song focused on breaking the spiritual and generational chains that hold us back. A declaration of God’s power to set captives free and bring true deliverance.

The Sevenfold Path: A Journey Through Prayer and Worship

The Sevenfold Path: A Journey Through Prayer and Worship

Album Description:

Embark on a transformative spiritual journey with “The Sevenfold Path: A Journey Through Prayer and Worship.” This album is thoughtfully crafted to guide intercessors and worshipers through the seven profound forms of prayer, deepening your connection with God and enriching your prayer life.

*Each song is a heartfelt expression rooted in Scripture, blending accessible language with melodies that resonate with the soul. From the exalted praise of “Holy Is Your Name” to the contemplative stillness of “Whisper to My Heart,” the album invites you to explore the diverse dimensions of prayer:

  1. Adoration – Exalting Adonai for His majesty and holiness.
  2. Confession – Seeking forgiveness and cleansing through Yeshua, our Redeemer.
  3. Thanksgiving – Expressing gratitude for God’s unwavering faithfulness.
  4. Supplication – Bringing our personal requests before the Lord with trust.
  5. Intercession – Standing in the gap for others, lifting their needs in prayer.
  6. Spiritual Warfare – Engaging in battle against spiritual forces, declaring victory in His name.
  7. Listening Prayer – Quieting our hearts to hear the gentle whisper of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit).

The album beautifully weaves Hebrew phrases such as “Yeshua HaMashiach” (Jesus the Messiah), “Adonai” (Lord), and “Kadosh” (Holy) into the lyrics, enriching your worship experience and connecting you to the Hebraic roots of our faith. Tracks like “Shema Yisrael” and “The Lord’s Prayer (Avinu)” bridge ancient scriptural traditions with contemporary worship, fostering a profound sense of unity with believers across generations.

Interludes titled “Selah Moments” provide reflective pauses, allowing you to meditate on the messages and prepare your heart for the next encounter. The inclusion of spoken-word tracks like “The Call to Prayer” and “Understanding the Seven Forms” offers insightful guidance, enhancing your understanding of each prayer form and how it can transform your spiritual walk.

*”The Sevenfold Path” is more than just an album—it’s an invitation to:

  • Deepen your worship by engaging with God on multiple levels.
  • Enrich your prayer life through understanding and practicing different forms of prayer.
  • Experience spiritual growth by immersing yourself in scripturally grounded songs.
  • Connect with the global faith community by embracing the shared heritage of Hebrew expressions.

Whether you’re a seasoned intercessor or new to the journey of prayer, this collection is designed to inspire, teach, and uplift. The melodies are crafted to be singable and memorable, ensuring that worshipers of all backgrounds and education levels can join in and connect deeply with the lyrics.

Join us on “The Sevenfold Path”, and let each song draw you closer to the heart of God. May this journey empower you to pray more effectively, worship more passionately, and live more fully in His presence.

Song Videos

Song Pages

Amen and Amen

Conclude your journey with “Amen and Amen,” a peaceful closing benediction that leaves you with a sense of God’s blessing and presence as you go forth.

The Lord’s Prayer (Avinu)

Honor tradition with “The Lord’s Prayer (Avinu),” a beautiful rendition of the Lord’s Prayer in both English and Hebrew. Connect with this foundational prayer in a profound and meaningful way.

Holy Is Your Name (Reprise)

Revisit the majesty of God with “Holy Is Your Name (Reprise),” an extended worship experience that deepens your adoration and praise through continued exaltation.

One Voice, One Spirit

Celebrate unity in “One Voice, One Spirit,” a song that brings believers together in harmonious worship. Embrace the shared faith and fellowship of the body of Christ.

Whisper to My Heart

Listen closely with “Whisper to My Heart,” an intimate song of listening prayer. Open your heart to God’s gentle voice through calming melodies and sincere lyrics.

Breath of God

Experience renewal with “Breath of God,” a soothing instrumental track that invites the Holy Spirit’s refreshing presence. Let the gentle music rejuvenate your soul and spirit.

Mighty in Battle

Empower yourself with “Mighty in Battle,” a triumphant song of spiritual warfare declaring God’s victory over darkness. Stand firm in faith with this bold and uplifting track.

Selah Moment II

Take another moment of reflection with “Selah Moment II,” an instrumental piece that offers peace and contemplation, allowing you to internalize the journey thus far.

We Stand in the Gap

Join in intercession with “We Stand in the Gap,” an inspiring anthem that encourages prayer on behalf of others. Unite in compassion and faith through powerful lyrics and stirring melodies.

Shema Yisrael

Connect with the ancient roots of faith in “Shema Yisrael,” a sacred Hebrew chant based on Deuteronomy 6:4-5. Embrace the timeless declaration of God’s oneness and deepen your spiritual connection.

Hear Our Prayer

Present your petitions with “Hear Our Prayer,” a heartfelt song of supplication that brings your requests before God. Trust in His provision as you engage with this intimate and earnest track.

Deep Calls to Deep

Dive into “Deep Calls to Deep,” a contemplative song inspired by Psalm 42. Explore the depths of your longing for God through soothing melodies and reflective lyrics that resonate with the soul.

Grateful Praise

Celebrate God’s faithfulness with “Grateful Praise,” a joyful song of thanksgiving. Lift your spirits with cheerful melodies and expressions of gratitude for His endless blessings and steadfast love.

Understanding the Seven Forms

Understanding the Seven Forms, Teaching Segment, Seven Forms of Prayer, Spiritual Education, Christian Teaching, Devotional, Spoken Word, Guidance, Intercessory Prayer, Darren Winfield

Cleanse My Heart

Enter a place of humility with “Cleanse My Heart,” a sincere song of confession seeking God’s forgiveness and renewal. Let the heartfelt lyrics guide you toward spiritual cleansing and restoration.

Selah Moment I

Pause and reflect with “Selah Moment I,” a peaceful instrumental interlude. This track offers a moment of meditation and stillness, allowing you to absorb the themes of adoration before moving forward.

The Call to Prayer

1. “The Call to Prayer”
Begin your journey with “The Call to Prayer,” an inviting introduction that prepares your heart for worship. This track sets a reflective and sacred tone, drawing you into a space of spiritual readiness.

Holy Is Your Name

2. “Holy Is Your Name”
Experience the majesty of God with “Holy Is Your Name,” a powerful song of adoration that exalts the holiness of the Lord. Join in worship with uplifting melodies and reverent lyrics that celebrate His divine nature.

Amen and Amen

Amen and Amen

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18. “Amen and Amen” (Closing Benediction)

Track Description:

“Amen and Amen” is a peaceful and uplifting closing benediction that encapsulates the journey of the album. The soothing melodies and affirming lyrics offer a final blessing, sending listeners forth with renewed faith and a sense of God’s abiding presence. The song emphasizes the faithfulness of Yeshua and leaves worshipers with hearts full of gratitude and hope.


Devotion: Receiving God’s Blessing

Scripture References:

  • Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV): “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you…”
  • Psalm 121:7-8 (NIV): “The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”


Benedictions are powerful declarations of God’s favor and protection. The priestly blessing in Numbers 6:24-26 conveys God’s desire to bless and keep His people, to shine His face upon them.

Similarly, Psalm 121:7-8 assures us of God’s constant watchfulness over our lives. These promises provide comfort and encouragement as we navigate life’s uncertainties.

“Amen and Amen” seals the experience of the album, reaffirming God’s unending faithfulness. It’s a reminder that as we depart from this dedicated time of worship, His presence goes with us.


“Lord, we receive Your blessing. Thank You for keeping us, for making Your face shine upon us, and for being gracious to us. As we go forth, may we carry Your peace and reflect Your love to the world. Yeshua, our hearts belong to You. Amen and Amen.”


5. Closing Benediction

Title: “Amen and Amen”


A concluding song that encapsulates the journey through the seven forms of prayer.



(Gentle melody with a peaceful atmosphere)

Verse 1:

May the Lord bless you and keep you
May His face shine upon you
May He be gracious and give you peace
Now and forevermore


Amen, Amen
We sing Amen
Yeshua, our Savior
Our hearts belong to Him

Verse 2:

We’ve walked this path together
Through prayers of every kind
United in His presence
His love has made us bind


Amen, Amen
We sing Amen
Yeshua, our Savior
Our hearts belong to Him


From dawn to dusk, we trust in You
Your faithfulness remains
In every step, You lead us on
Your glory we proclaim


Amen, Amen
We sing Amen
Yeshua, our Savior
Our hearts belong to Him


Our hearts belong to Him

(Soft instrumental fade with lingering notes)