Refiner’s Fire
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1. “Refiner’s Fire”
“Refiner’s Fire” is a personal cry for purity and cleansing. This song invites listeners to open their hearts to the refining power of the Holy Spirit, asking God to burn away everything that hinders closeness with Him. It’s an intimate prayer, using imagery of fire and the potter’s wheel to symbolize purification and surrender. The goal is to bring intercessors into a posture of humility and readiness, as they invite God to prepare their hearts for the intercessory journey ahead.
Personal sanctification and preparation for intercession.
Extended Devotion for “Refiner’s Fire”
Scriptural Basis:
- Malachi 3:2-3 – “But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap. He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver.”
- Psalm 51:10 – “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
- 1 Peter 1:7 – “These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”
Theme: Personal Sanctification and Preparation
“Refiner’s Fire” is about allowing God to purify our hearts, cleansing us of everything that hinders our closeness to Him. It is an essential part of being an intercessor—entering God’s presence with a clean heart so we can be fully available for His purposes. The refining fire of God burns away impurities, just as silver and gold are refined in the fire to remove imperfections.
The purpose of this song is to encourage believers to willingly submit to the process of sanctification, to be vessels that God can use powerfully in intercession and ministry.
Understanding Refining and Sanctification:
The image of the refiner’s fire is powerful. In the refining process, gold or silver is melted so that the impurities can rise to the surface and be removed. This process is not easy—it involves heat, transformation, and even discomfort. But it results in purity, beauty, and value.
For intercessors, undergoing this refining is essential because it prepares us to be effective vessels for prayer. God desires that our hearts be pure, our motives be selfless, and our focus be on Him alone.
Practical Steps for Intercession:
- Invite the Holy Spirit to Search Your Heart:
- Begin by inviting the Holy Spirit to reveal anything in your heart that needs to be refined. This could be sin, pride, unforgiveness, or anything that is holding you back from fully serving God.
- Prayer: “Holy Spirit, search my heart today. Show me anything that needs to be purified. I surrender to Your refining work.”
- Surrender to God’s Refining Process:
- Refining requires surrender. Allow God to bring you through whatever is necessary to remove impurities from your life. It may involve conviction, repentance, or letting go of things you hold dear.
- Prayer: “Lord, I surrender to Your refining fire. Burn away anything that does not glorify You. I want to be a vessel fit for Your purposes.”
- Pray for a Renewed Heart:
- Ask God to create in you a pure heart and to renew your spirit. This prayer, inspired by David’s cry in Psalm 51, is crucial for every intercessor. We need a steadfast spirit that seeks God above all else.
- Prayer: “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Let my heart always seek Your righteousness.”
- Declare Purity and Holiness:
- Stand in faith and declare God’s promise of purity over your life. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we can walk in holiness and reflect God’s glory to the world around us.
- Declaration: “I declare that I am being refined by the hand of God. I am set apart for His purpose, purified by His Spirit, and I will reflect His glory.”
Personal Reflection:
- What areas of your life do you sense God is asking you to surrender to His refining fire?
- How has the process of sanctification in your life prepared you to pray more effectively for others?
- Are there any attitudes or motives that need to be purified before stepping into intercession?
Encouragement for the Intercessor:
The refining process is not always easy, but it is always worth it. Remember that God is with you every step of the way, as the Refiner who lovingly purifies His children. The trials and challenges you face are opportunities for your faith to be proven genuine, resulting in praise, honor, and glory to God. As you allow yourself to be refined, you become a more effective vessel in God’s kingdom, prepared to bring His will to earth through prayer.
Closing Prayer:
“Lord, I surrender my heart to Your refining fire. Burn away everything that is not of You, and purify me so that I may serve You wholeheartedly. Let my life be a reflection of Your glory, and use me as an intercessor to bring Your will to earth. Refine me, purify me, and mold me according to Your perfect plan. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
Refiner’s Fire
Verse 1
Purify my heart, O Lord, consume me with Your flame,
Strip away the dross within, remove all guilt and shame.
As I stand before Your throne, surrendering my all,
Let Your holy fire descend, and on my spirit fall.
Refiner’s fire, ignite in me,
A passion for Your purity.
Prepare my soul to intercede,
For healing of the land in need.
Verse 2
Search me, know me, cleanse my thoughts, align them with Your will,
Break the chains that bind my heart, Your purpose to fulfill.
Mold me on the Potter’s wheel, until I’m shaped by grace,
Use me as Your instrument to bring about embrace.
Refiner’s fire, ignite in me,
A passion for Your purity.
Prepare my soul to intercede,
For healing of the land in need.
Standing in the gap, I come with hands lifted high,
Empowered by Your Spirit’s strength, on You I rely.
Let my prayers be incense rising to Your throne above,
Interceding for the world with sacrificial love.
Refiner’s fire, ignite in me,
A passion for Your purity.
Prepare my soul to intercede,
For healing of the land in need.
Refined and ready, here I stand,
To plead for mercy on our land.
Let revival’s flames be fanned,
By Your refining hand.
Refiner’s fire, ignite in me,
A passion for Your purity.
Prepare my soul to intercede,
For healing of the land in need.
Chord Chart
Refiner’s Fire
Am F
Verse 1
Purify my heart, O Lord, consume me with Your flame,
F Em
Strip away the dross within, remove all guilt and shame.
As I stand before Your throne, surrendering my all,
F Em
Let Your holy fire descend, and on my spirit fall.
Refiner’s fire, ignite in me,
F Dm
A passion for Your purity.
Prepare my soul to intercede,
For healing of the land in need.
Verse 2
Search me, know me, cleanse my thoughts, align them with Your will,
F Em
Break the chains that bind my heart, Your purpose to fulfill.
Mold me on the Potter’s wheel, until I’m shaped by grace,
F Em
Use me as Your instrument to bring about embrace.
Refiner’s fire, ignite in me,
F Dm
A passion for Your purity.
Prepare my soul to intercede,
F Dm
For healing of the land in need.
Am C
Standing in the gap, I come with hands lifted high,
Am Em
Empowered by Your Spirit’s strength, on You I rely.
Let my prayers be incense rising to Your throne above,
Interceding for the world with sacrificial love.
Am F
Refiner’s fire, ignite in me,
Dm Am F
A passion for Your purity.
Dm Am
Prepare my soul to intercede,
F Dm
For healing of the land in need.
Refined and ready, here I stand,
F Dm
To plead for mercy on our land.
Let revival’s flames be fanned,
By Your refining hand.
Am F
Refiner’s fire, ignite in me,
Dm Am F
A passion for Your purity.
Dm Am
Prepare my soul to intercede,
F Dm
For healing of the land in need.