Fruit of the Spirit

Fruit of the Spirit

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Track 3: Fruit of the Spirit


“Fruit of the Spirit” celebrates the transformative work of the Holy Spirit within us, producing the beautiful qualities listed in Galatians 5:22-23. This track emphasizes that these fruits—love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control—are the natural result of a life surrendered to God. The song encourages believers to cultivate these attributes, reflecting God’s character in their daily lives. As listeners meditate on these virtues, they are reminded that living by the Spirit’s power enables them to impact the world around them positively, bearing witness to God’s goodness and love.


Track 3: Fruit of the Spirit

Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23


Galatians 5:22-23 outlines the fruit of the Spirit: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

These attributes are the natural result of the Holy Spirit’s work within us. They are the evidence of a life surrendered to God and transformed by His power. Each fruit represents a facet of God’s character and His kingdom, and they are the qualities that should define us as believers.

Love is the foundation of all the fruits. It is the greatest commandment and the essence of God’s nature. As we grow in love, we reflect God’s heart to those around us.

Joy is a deep, abiding sense of gladness and contentment that comes from knowing God and trusting in His promises. It is not dependent on our circumstances but is rooted in our relationship with Him.

Peace is the tranquility and rest that we find in God. It comes from trusting Him completely and knowing that He is in control.

Forbearance, or patience, is the ability to endure difficult situations and people with a calm and steady heart. It is a reflection of God’s patience with us.

Kindness is the expression of God’s love through our actions. It is being considerate, compassionate, and generous to others.

Goodness is moral excellence and virtue. It is living a life that is pleasing to God and reflecting His goodness to the world.

Faithfulness is being reliable, trustworthy, and loyal. It is being committed to God and His purposes, and steadfast in our walk with Him.

Gentleness is strength under control. It is being humble, meek, and considerate in our interactions with others.

Self-control is the ability to govern our desires and impulses. It is living a disciplined life that honors God.

As you meditate on these fruits and this song, invite the Holy Spirit to cultivate these qualities in your life. Ask Him to reveal any areas where you need growth and to help you bear more fruit. Remember that these fruits are not produced by our efforts but by the Spirit’s work within us. Surrender to His leading and allow Him to transform you from the inside out.


Track 3: Fruit of the Spirit

Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

Verse 1:

In the garden of our hearts, Your Spirit grows,
With seeds of love, joy, and peace it sows,
Patience, kindness, goodness in full bloom,
Faithfulness, gentleness, self-control consume.


Fruit of the Spirit, living in me,
A harvest of grace for the world to see,
In every season, in every need,
Fruit of the Spirit, let it be.

Verse 2:

Against these things, there is no law,
In Your Spirit’s power, we stand in awe,
Transforming us from within,
Your holy presence, where life begins.


Fruit of the Spirit, living in me,
A harvest of grace for the world to see,
In every season, in every need,
Fruit of the Spirit, let it be.


Let Your love overflow, let Your joy fill our souls,
Peace in every storm, patience to make us whole,
Kindness in our hands, goodness in our deeds,
Faithfulness in our hearts, gentleness in our speech.


Fruit of the Spirit, living in me,
A harvest of grace for the world to see,
In every season, in every need,
Fruit of the Spirit, let it be.


In the garden of our hearts, Your Spirit reigns,
Bringing life, love, and holy gains.

We Are Your Temple

We Are Your Temple

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Track 2: We Are Your Temple


“We Are Your Temple” delves into the profound truth that believers are the living temples of God, where His Spirit dwells. Inspired by 1 Corinthians 3:16, this track invites listeners to reflect on their identity and the privilege of hosting God’s presence within them. The lyrics highlight the call to live a life of holiness and purity, honoring the indwelling Spirit through our thoughts, actions, and words. This song serves as a powerful reminder of our role as vessels of God’s love and grace, encouraging us to shine His light wherever we go and live in a way that glorifies Him.


Track 2: We Are Your Temple

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:16


1 Corinthians 3:16 says, “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?” This verse is a powerful reminder of our identity and the profound truth that God Himself dwells within us.

In the Old Testament, the temple was the place where God’s presence resided, and it was a sacred space set apart for worship and communion with God. Today, through the finished work of Jesus Christ, we have become the living temples of God. His Spirit dwells within us, making our bodies the holy sanctuary where He resides.

This truth has significant implications for how we live our lives. As God’s temples, we are called to live in a way that honors and reflects His presence within us. This means living a life of holiness, purity, and dedication to God. It means allowing the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in all things, submitting our will to His and seeking to glorify Him in all that we do.

Being God’s temple also means that we carry His presence wherever we go. We are vessels of His love, grace, and power, and we have the privilege and responsibility to represent Him in the world. This calls for a life of intentionality and purpose, knowing that our actions and words can either draw others to God or push them away.

Reflecting on this truth, take time to evaluate your life. Are there areas where you need to align more closely with God’s holiness and purity? Are you living in a way that honors the presence of the Holy Spirit within you? Seek God’s help to live as His temple, a holy and living sacrifice, pleasing to Him.

Let this song be a declaration of your commitment to be a dwelling place for God, allowing His Spirit to fill and transform you, and shining His light to the world around you.


Track 2: We Are Your Temple

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:16

“Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?”

Verse 1:

Do you not know, we are the temple of God,
His Spirit dwells within, as we walk this sod,
With every heartbeat, His presence we proclaim,
A sacred dwelling, in Jesus’ name.


We are Your temple, Lord, a holy place,
Filled with Your Spirit, covered by Your grace,
Every breath we take, every step we make,
We are Your temple, for Your name’s sake.

Verse 2:

In our hearts, You’ve made Your home,
We’re never alone, no need to roam,
Your Spirit guides us, in truth and light,
In Your presence, we find our might.


We are Your temple, Lord, a holy place,
Filled with Your Spirit, covered by Your grace,
Every breath we take, every step we make,
We are Your temple, for Your name’s sake.


With open hearts, we welcome You,
Spirit of God, make all things new,
In Your presence, we are renewed,
We are Your temple, pure and true.


We are Your temple, Lord, a holy place,
Filled with Your Spirit, covered by Your grace,
Every breath we take, every step we make,
We are Your temple, for Your name’s sake.


In Your temple, we find our rest,
In Your Spirit, we are blessed.

The Call to Worship

The Call to Worship

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Track 1: The Call to Worship


“The Call to Worship” sets the tone for the album by drawing listeners into the profound invitation that Jesus extends to worship in spirit and truth. Based on John 4:23-24, this track emphasizes that true worship transcends physical locations and rituals, focusing instead on a heartfelt connection with God. The lyrics encourage believers to lay aside their distractions and come before God with open hearts, allowing the Holy Spirit to lead them into genuine worship. This song is a reminder that God seeks worshipers who are fully surrendered and engaged in a relationship with Him, making it the perfect opening for a journey into deeper worship.


Track 1: The Call to Worship

Scripture: John 4:23-24


In John 4:23-24, Jesus speaks profound words to the Samaritan woman: “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

These verses illuminate the essence of true worship. It is not confined to a location or a ritual, but it is an intimate encounter with God that transcends physical boundaries. True worshipers are those who engage with God on a spiritual level, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and transform their worship.

To worship in spirit means to engage with God with our entire being, led by the Holy Spirit. It involves a heart that is open and surrendered to God, allowing His Spirit to move within us and through us. This kind of worship is not about external expressions alone but about an internal posture of reverence, love, and obedience to God.

Worshiping in truth involves aligning our worship with the truth of who God is as revealed in His Word. It means understanding His nature, His character, and His will, and letting this understanding shape our worship. Worship in truth also means living a life that reflects the truth of the gospel, walking in obedience to God’s commands, and bearing the fruit of the Spirit.

This call to worship in spirit and truth invites us into a deeper relationship with God. It challenges us to move beyond mere rituals and lip service and to seek a genuine, transformative encounter with God. It is a call to surrender our hearts, minds, and lives to Him fully.

As you reflect on these verses and this song, consider how you can engage more deeply with God in your worship. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and to reveal areas in your life that need to be aligned with the truth of God’s Word. Seek to worship God with your whole heart, in spirit and in truth, and allow His presence to transform you.


Track 1: The Call to Worship

Scripture: John 4:23-24

“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

Verse 1:

A time is coming, it has now arrived,
True worshipers in spirit will arise,
Not on this mountain, nor in temples made by hands,
But in hearts surrendered, we’ll stand.


We worship You, in spirit and in truth,
Our hearts laid bare, our souls renewed,
Father, seek us now, Your worshipers we become,
In spirit and in truth, Your kingdom come.

Verse 2:

God is spirit, and we worship in His light,
Our hearts united, shining ever bright,
In every moment, in every breath we take,
We honor You, O Lord, for Your name’s sake.


We worship You, in spirit and in truth,
Our hearts laid bare, our souls renewed,
Father, seek us now, Your worshipers we become,
In spirit and in truth, Your kingdom come.


With every voice, we lift our praise,
In holy reverence, our hands we raise,
Spirit of God, fill this place,
We worship You, we seek Your face.


We worship You, in spirit and in truth,
Our hearts laid bare, our souls renewed,
Father, seek us now, Your worshipers we become,
In spirit and in truth, Your kingdom come.


In spirit and in truth, we come before Your throne,
Our hearts as offerings, to You alone.

Worship in Spirit and Truth

Worship in Spirit and Truth

Album Description: Worship in Spirit and Truth

This album, “Worship in Spirit and Truth,” is a journey into the depths of true worship as taught by Jesus in John 4:23-24. It explores the profound concept of worshiping God beyond mere rituals and physical expressions, inviting believers to engage deeply with the Holy Spirit and align their hearts with the truth of God’s Word. Each track is crafted to guide listeners through the transformative experience of worship that touches every aspect of their lives, from understanding our identity as God’s temple to embracing the fruits of the Spirit, offering a living sacrifice, and experiencing healing and deliverance through God’s presence. This album aims to equip and inspire worshipers and intercessors to enter into a deeper, more authentic relationship with God, recognizing that true worship is a powerful act of spiritual warfare and a pathway to experiencing God’s love, grace, and power in their lives.

Song Pages

Worship and Warfare

Explore the powerful connection between worship and spiritual warfare. This song illustrates the victory that comes through praise, encouraging believers to use worship as a weapon against spiritual battles.

Healing and Deliverance

Celebrate the healing and deliverance available through Jesus’ sacrifice. This song invites listeners to experience God’s healing presence and find wholeness and freedom from all that binds them.

Engaging in the Spirit

Dive deeper into worship and prayer guided by the Holy Spirit. This song emphasizes the importance of relying on the Spirit’s intercession and power, leading to a more intimate and effective communion with God.

Sacrifice of Praise

Learn the power of offering praise to God even in difficult circumstances. This song encourages believers to choose faith-filled worship, declaring God’s goodness and faithfulness regardless of their situation.

Songs from the Spirit

Be inspired to sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, filled with the Holy Spirit. This song highlights the role of Spirit-inspired worship in creating an atmosphere of praise and thanksgiving.

Heart of Worship

Experience the true essence of worship with a broken and contrite heart. This song reminds us of the importance of humility and repentance, inviting us to come before God with genuine hearts and seek His mercy and grace.

Living Sacrifice

Embrace the call to offer your life as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. This song challenges believers to go beyond superficial expressions of faith and live a life wholly dedicated to God’s purposes.

Fruit of the Spirit

Celebrate the transformative work of the Holy Spirit in producing the fruits of love, joy, peace, and more within us. This song encourages believers to cultivate these attributes and reflect God’s character in their daily lives.

We Are Your Temple

Reflect on the profound truth that believers are the living temples of God. This song emphasizes our identity in Christ and the privilege of hosting God’s presence within us, calling us to live a life of holiness and purity.

The Call to Worship

Discover the essence of true worship as Jesus teaches us to worship in spirit and truth. This song invites you to engage deeply with God, moving beyond rituals to a heartfelt connection with the Holy Spirit.

Warriors of the Spirit

Warriors of the Spirit

Album Background:

“Warriors of the Spirit” is a powerful and deeply spiritual album created in response to the growing need for intercessory prayer and spiritual warfare in today’s world. In an era marked by uncertainty, moral decline, and spiritual challenges, this album serves as a clarion call for believers to rise and engage in fervent prayer and spiritual battle. Inspired by Ephesians 6:10-18, which speaks of the full armor of God, the album is designed to equip, inspire, and mobilize Christians to stand firm in their faith and fight against the forces of darkness through prayer and worship.


The album aims to awaken the spiritual warrior within every believer. It emphasizes the importance of intercession, the power of prayer, and the necessity of divine empowerment through the Holy Spirit. Each track is crafted to encourage listeners to take up their spiritual armor, engage in heartfelt worship, and commit to standing in the gap for their families, communities, and nations. The songs blend powerful anthems with reflective prayers, creating a dynamic and immersive worship experience that both challenges and uplifts.

Target Audience:

“Warriors of the Spirit” is intended for Christians who feel a call to deepen their prayer life and engage in spiritual warfare. It is particularly suited for prayer warriors, intercessors, church leaders, and worship teams who desire to lead their congregations into a deeper understanding of spiritual warfare and the power of intercessory prayer. Additionally, the album speaks to any believer seeking to strengthen their faith and be equipped for the spiritual battles of everyday life.


The central themes of the album include spiritual warfare, intercession, divine empowerment, unity in faith, and the legacy of spiritual courage. Each track explores different aspects of these themes, providing a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to understanding and engaging in spiritual battles. The album also emphasizes the importance of communal prayer and the impact of a united body of believers standing together in faith.

Song List

  1. Call to Arms – A powerful anthem urging believers to recognize the urgency of spiritual warfare and to arm themselves with God’s armor.
  2. Guardians of the Gate – A song highlighting the role of spiritual protectors who stand vigilant over their families and communities.
  3. Kneel to Stand – An inspiring track that emphasizes the transformative power of prayer, where humility leads to divine strength.
  4. Battle for the Minds – A compelling call to engage in the intellectual and spiritual fight for truth in education and media.
  5. Warriors in the Shadows – A tribute to the unseen heroes of intercessory prayer who fight spiritual battles behind the scenes.
  6. Echoes of Valor – A celebration of the legacy of faith and courage passed down through generations, inspiring believers to continue the fight.
  7. The Watchmen – A song about the critical role of vigilance and spiritual guardianship in protecting the community from spiritual decline.
  8. Shield of Faith – An empowering track that focuses on the protective power of faith as part of the believer’s spiritual armor.
  9. Legacy Lines – A reflective song on building and passing down a spiritual heritage of faith and righteousness.
  10. Rise of the Righteous – A triumphant call for believers to rise as righteous leaders, embodying God’s light and leading the charge in spiritual and moral battles.

Song Pages

Radiant Savior, Worthy Lamb

Immerse yourself in the divine embrace with ‘Radiant Savior, Worthy Lamb,’ a song that elevates the spirit and connects the heart to the heavenly. With its profound lyrics and soulful melody, this track from the album ‘Divine Presence’ is a powerful tool for worship and reflection, drawing you closer to the heart of God.

Sealed in His Love

Explore the Depth of Divine Assurance with ‘Sealed in His Love’

Dive into the heart of worship with our latest song, “Sealed in His Love.” Journey through each verse as it unveils the profound truths of God’s unwavering commitment and the transformative power of being washed in Christ’s blood. This inspiring piece is not just a melody but a testament to divine love and victory. Click here to read more about the song’s message, lyrics, and the spiritual journey it embodies on our blog page. Join us in celebrating the assurance and joy found in being forever sealed in His love.

Blazing Throne of Grace

“Blazing Throne of Grace” is a worship song deeply rooted in biblical imagery, inviting listeners to experience God’s majestic presence. It vividly describes the heavenly throne room, with thunder, lightning, and angelic beings, echoing the awe and reverence found in scripture. The chorus emphasizes God’s eternal holiness and majesty. The song’s narrative moves from divine splendor to the comforting presence of God’s grace and mercy, embodied in Christ. It’s an inspiring call to deeper worship and reflection on God’s holiness and grace.

Jesus, Center of It All

“Jesus, Center of It All” is a worship song that embodies the omnipresence of Jesus in our lives. It poetically traverses the day from dawn to dusk, depicting Jesus as a guiding light in every situation. The song’s lyrics and melody celebrate Jesus as the core of our existence and the source of grace guiding us through life’s complexities. This song is a heartfelt reminder and affirmation of Jesus’ enduring presence in every aspect of a believer’s journey, making it ideal for both personal reflection and congregational worship.

Fulfilled in Your Glory

“Fulfilled in Your Glory” is a worship song that intertwines Old Testament prophecies with the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Each verse reflects a specific prophecy, culminating in the chorus that celebrates Jesus’ reign and transformative love. The song serves as a declaration of faith and a reminder of God’s faithfulness in fulfilling His promises. It’s ideal for worship, devotional times, and personal reflection, deepening understanding of biblical prophecy and its fulfillment in Jesus.

In Your Presence

“In Your Presence” is a reflective worship song that emphasizes finding peace and joy in God’s presence. The lyrics convey a journey through various life situations, highlighting God’s constant presence as a source of comfort and strength. The devotional accompanying the song draws on Psalm 16:11, exploring themes of surrender in worship and transformation through God’s love. This song is ideal for personal meditation or congregational worship, inviting listeners into a deeper experience of God’s love and peace.

For Such a Time as This

“For Such a Time as This” is a song inspired by the story of Esther, highlighting themes of divine calling and courage. It reflects on the idea that believers are positioned by God for significant roles, especially in challenging times. The song emphasizes prayer, fasting, and preparation, paralleling Esther’s journey and her crucial role in God’s plan. The chorus and bridge celebrate God’s power to transform sorrow into joy. This song is an encouragement for believers to embrace their divine purpose and act with faith and bravery.

Wave of Glory

“Wave of Glory” is a song that invokes the powerful image of God’s glory sweeping across the land like a wave. It blends themes of revival, God’s overwhelming presence, and spiritual awakening. The lyrics call for the lifting of Jesus, symbolized by the cross, to draw hearts towards God. The song is a prayerful expression of longing for a deeper connection with the divine, inviting listeners to participate in a collective spiritual journey. It’s a beautiful piece for worship, emphasizing God’s majesty and the transformative power of His presence.

In Your Sovereign Embrace

“In Your Sovereign Embrace” is a worship song that calls believers into a deeper experience of God’s protective and guiding presence. It uses vivid imagery to express the journey from chaos to divine order, emphasizing the unity and strength found in God’s embrace. The song combines heartfelt pleas for guidance with expressions of joy in the Christian walk. It concludes with a celebration of peace and the Trinity, inviting worshippers to find their home in God’s presence.

Everyday Anointing

Discover the essence of spiritual renewal with our latest blog post, “Dawn of the Spirit: The Story Behind ‘Everyday Anointing’.” Journey with us as we unveil the inspiration and divine message woven into our new worship song. Experience how each lyric harmonizes with the profound artwork, and find encouragement to seek the Holy Spirit’s presence in every moment of your life. Read on to explore the depths of daily anointing and embrace the warmth of His light within you.

Heart’s FIAT (Let it be)

“Heart’s FIAT” is a contemplative worship song centered around the theme of surrendering to God’s will, drawing inspiration from Mary’s acceptance in Luke 1:38. The lyrics emphasize the peace and strength found in trusting and yielding to God’s plans. The song creates a serene atmosphere, inviting listeners to a deeper engagement with God’s presence and a wholehearted acceptance of His divine will. It’s a powerful expression of devotion, encouraging reflection on personal faith journeys.

Love Nimbin

“Love Nimbin” is a song that narrates a spiritual journey, focusing on the transformation and revival of Nimbin, a town known for its diverse culture. The song speaks of God’s love and plan to restore Nimbin, challenging the negative influences with spiritual victory. It emphasizes the role of faith and God’s timing in bringing about change and renewal. The song celebrates the triumph of God’s love and the role of the community, especially the youth, in embracing this divine transformation.

Divine presence