Take My All
Take My All - Coming Soon
“Take My All” embodies a heartfelt offering of everything we are and possess to God’s service. It moves beyond acknowledging He deserves this; it voices a desire that every thought, talent, and relationship would be used for His Kingdom purposes. The lyrics depict a willing surrender, casting aside fear and trusting God’s plan above even earthly security or comforts.
Emotional Heart:
This song pulses with passion and a touch of fearlessness. There’s a joyful zeal at the prospect of fully living for God, yet an acknowledgement of the sacrifice this entails. However, the lyrics reveal a core belief: His purposes are worth any cost, for in His hands, our gifts can accomplish far beyond our limited perspective. It evokes a willingness to step out in courageous faith, knowing that nothing withheld from God is ever truly lost.
Potential Blog Prompts:
- Have you ever taken a “leap of faith” and put your complete trust in God? How did it turn out?
- Where do you feel hesitation in offering every part of yourself to God?
- What motivates you to want to give all you have to God’s Kingdom work?
Scripture Foundation:
- Luke 12:33-34: “Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
- 1 Chronicles 29:14: “But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”
- Mark 10:29-30: “Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age…and in the age to come eternal life.”
Deep Dive:
Laying everything before God isn’t a begrudging duty, but a joyous response to His immeasurable generosity. The Bible consistently highlights two principles: God owns it all (even what we feel ‘earned’), and generosity unlocks blessings beyond material gain. Jesus’ radical promise in Mark emphasizes that the ‘ROI’ for sacrifice extends both spiritually and practically. Yet, He doesn’t promise ease, as true surrender often includes earthly uncertainty. Trust becomes the cornerstone.
Relevance to the Song:
“Take My All” echoes this zealous giving that surpasses even comfort – offering talents, fears, everything – laid in willing hands for His purposes. It acknowledges a cost, but underscores the overwhelming belief that when God ‘uses’ all of us, the result far outweighs what’s held back.
Application for the Listener:
- Inventory time, money, & skills. Do you give the ‘leftovers’ to God, or firstfruits of each to express trust?
- Examine your clinging. Where does fear that God won’t provide hinder generosity beyond comfort levels?
- Jesus asks us to leave earthly security. Is there an act of ‘leaving’ obedience He calls to, regardless of results?
Closing Prayer:
Father, my hand feels so cramped, gripping tightly to what I fear losing. Give me the grace of open palms, not out of self-righteous ‘sacrifice’, but from deep belief in Your abundant goodness. Teach me the thrill of holding nothing back, trusting only in the richness of Your Kingdom. Make me a conduit of love and provision to others, reflecting Your own heart of joyful generosity. Amen
Take My All
Verse 1
All that I possess, and all that I hold dear,
My earthly comforts, all that soothes my fear,
I lay them down before You, a sacrifice refined,
In trembling hands, I place them, leaving none behind.
Take my all, and use me as You will,
Every talent, every treasure, surrendered to fulfill
Your perfect plan unfolding, Your kingdom drawing near,
All that I am, I offer, casting out all fear.
Verse 2
My guarded heart, with all its wounds and scars,
The hidden dreams and secrets locked behind those bars.
Let Your light shine brightly, every shadow chased away,
Until every broken piece reflects Your glorious ray.
Take my all, and use me as You will,
Every talent, every treasure, surrendered to fulfill
Your perfect plan unfolding, Your kingdom drawing near,
All that I am, I offer, casting out all fear.
Not for earthly riches, nor for transient fame,
But let Your name be lifted, magnified in shame.
My every breath, a joyful echo of Your worth,
Your purpose my true mission, from my humble birth.
Take my all, and mold me day by day,
A vessel of Your glory, Your goodness to display.
All that I am, a gift laid at Your feet,
Your loving hands complete me, Your embrace makes life so sweet.
Lead Sheet
- Key: Eb Major – Suggests warmth, devotion, with glimpses of struggle within generosity.
- Time Signature: 4/4 – Clear structure, but a slower tempo maintains introspective quality.
- Tempo: Andante (75-85 BPM) – Measured offering, a heartbeat-like pulse underlying surrender
Storyboard descriptions for music video
- Mood: Earnestness, but with an undercurrent of joyful readiness.
- Music: Begins simple – solo acoustic guitar or piano – layered with vocals and gradually increasing in richness.
- Visual: Figure enters a sun-filled room. They walk toward a table in the center, on which sits an empty treasure chest.
- Camera: Over-the-shoulder shot of the figure as they approach, emphasizing the open chest as the destination.
Verse 1
- Mood: Honest inventory, recognition of what is precious, both tangible and intangible.
- Action: Figure pauses, a thoughtful crease on their brow. Their empty hand brushes their pockets, chest, and head, signifying internal assessment.
- Camera: Short vignettes flash onscreen, representing cherished things (physical object, skill being exercised, close relationship).
- Mood: Unreserved offering, the struggle of loosening one’s grasp.
- Action: Figure begins placing items around the open chest (physical objects from vignettes, or other visual representations of talents, dreams). Each placement has a slight hesitation, but with growing resolve.
- Camera: Tight panning shots over the growing collection, ending on a close-up of the figure’s hands, the last item still grasped within one.
Verse 2
- Mood: Introspective – examining the heart behind the possessions.
- Action: Figure takes a seat a short distance from the chest. One hand opens slowly, palm up, to reveal the withheld item. Their eyes fixate on it.
- Camera: Over-the-shoulder shot tightly framed on the item in the open hand and the conflicted expression on the figure’s face.
- Mood: Release, final surrender, and a hint of the joy yet to be experienced.
- Action: Figure rises, carefully places the last item in the chest, then closes the lid firmly. Turning back to the camera, their face now shines with an open smile.
- Camera: Slow upwards pan, ending with the chest bathed in sunlight streaming through a window overhead.
- Mood: Transformation of offerings, focus shifts from earthly to otherworldly.
- Action: Chest vibrates slightly, emitting a soft glow. It begins to dematerialize, fading away leaving behind only a warm light. Dove silhouette in flight appears and soars upward through the light.
- Camera: Follows the dove’s ascent, with lingering shot of empty space with only the golden light as the visual focus.
- Mood: Peaceful expectation, confidence in exchange of sacrifice for higher purpose.
- Action: Figure extends open palms upward, head slightly tilted as if gazing beyond what the camera sees.
- Camera: Slow upward tracking shot, revealing the light from before transforming into falling rays, as if showering the figure in blessings.