Take My All

Take My All

Take My All - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield


“Take My All” embodies a heartfelt offering of everything we are and possess to God’s service. It moves beyond acknowledging He deserves this; it voices a desire that every thought, talent, and relationship would be used for His Kingdom purposes. The lyrics depict a willing surrender, casting aside fear and trusting God’s plan above even earthly security or comforts.

Emotional Heart:

This song pulses with passion and a touch of fearlessness. There’s a joyful zeal at the prospect of fully living for God, yet an acknowledgement of the sacrifice this entails. However, the lyrics reveal a core belief: His purposes are worth any cost, for in His hands, our gifts can accomplish far beyond our limited perspective. It evokes a willingness to step out in courageous faith, knowing that nothing withheld from God is ever truly lost.

Potential Blog Prompts:

      • Have you ever taken a “leap of faith” and put your complete trust in God? How did it turn out?
      • Where do you feel hesitation in offering every part of yourself to God?
      • What motivates you to want to give all you have to God’s Kingdom work?


Scripture Foundation:

    • Luke 12:33-34: “Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
    • 1 Chronicles 29:14: “But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”
    • Mark 10:29-30: “Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age…and in the age to come eternal life.”

Deep Dive:

Laying everything before God isn’t a begrudging duty, but a joyous response to His immeasurable generosity. The Bible consistently highlights two principles: God owns it all (even what we feel ‘earned’), and generosity unlocks blessings beyond material gain. Jesus’ radical promise in Mark emphasizes that the ‘ROI’ for sacrifice extends both spiritually and practically. Yet, He doesn’t promise ease, as true surrender often includes earthly uncertainty. Trust becomes the cornerstone.

Relevance to the Song:

“Take My All” echoes this zealous giving that surpasses even comfort – offering talents, fears, everything – laid in willing hands for His purposes. It acknowledges a cost, but underscores the overwhelming belief that when God ‘uses’ all of us, the result far outweighs what’s held back.

Application for the Listener:

      • Inventory time, money, & skills. Do you give the ‘leftovers’ to God, or firstfruits of each to express trust?
      • Examine your clinging. Where does fear that God won’t provide hinder generosity beyond comfort levels?
      • Jesus asks us to leave earthly security. Is there an act of ‘leaving’ obedience He calls to, regardless of results?

Closing Prayer:

Father, my hand feels so cramped, gripping tightly to what I fear losing. Give me the grace of open palms, not out of self-righteous ‘sacrifice’, but from deep belief in Your abundant goodness. Teach me the thrill of holding nothing back, trusting only in the richness of Your Kingdom. Make me a conduit of love and provision to others, reflecting Your own heart of joyful generosity. Amen


Take My All

Verse 1

All that I possess, and all that I hold dear,
My earthly comforts, all that soothes my fear,
I lay them down before You, a sacrifice refined,
In trembling hands, I place them, leaving none behind.


Take my all, and use me as You will,
Every talent, every treasure, surrendered to fulfill
Your perfect plan unfolding, Your kingdom drawing near,
All that I am, I offer, casting out all fear.

Verse 2

My guarded heart, with all its wounds and scars,
The hidden dreams and secrets locked behind those bars.
Let Your light shine brightly, every shadow chased away,
Until every broken piece reflects Your glorious ray.


Take my all, and use me as You will,
Every talent, every treasure, surrendered to fulfill
Your perfect plan unfolding, Your kingdom drawing near,
All that I am, I offer, casting out all fear.


Not for earthly riches, nor for transient fame,
But let Your name be lifted, magnified in shame.
My every breath, a joyful echo of Your worth,
Your purpose my true mission, from my humble birth.


Take my all, and mold me day by day,
A vessel of Your glory, Your goodness to display.
All that I am, a gift laid at Your feet,
Your loving hands complete me, Your embrace makes life so sweet.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: Eb Major – Suggests warmth, devotion, with glimpses of struggle within generosity.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – Clear structure, but a slower tempo maintains introspective quality.
  • Tempo: Andante (75-85 BPM) – Measured offering, a heartbeat-like pulse underlying surrender

Storyboard descriptions for music video


  • Mood: Earnestness, but with an undercurrent of joyful readiness.
  • Music: Begins simple – solo acoustic guitar or piano – layered with vocals and gradually increasing in richness.
  • Visual: Figure enters a sun-filled room. They walk toward a table in the center, on which sits an empty treasure chest.
  • Camera: Over-the-shoulder shot of the figure as they approach, emphasizing the open chest as the destination.

Verse 1

  • Mood: Honest inventory, recognition of what is precious, both tangible and intangible.
  • Action: Figure pauses, a thoughtful crease on their brow. Their empty hand brushes their pockets, chest, and head, signifying internal assessment.
  • Camera: Short vignettes flash onscreen, representing cherished things (physical object, skill being exercised, close relationship).



  • Mood: Unreserved offering, the struggle of loosening one’s grasp.
  • Action: Figure begins placing items around the open chest (physical objects from vignettes, or other visual representations of talents, dreams). Each placement has a slight hesitation, but with growing resolve.
  • Camera: Tight panning shots over the growing collection, ending on a close-up of the figure’s hands, the last item still grasped within one.

Verse 2

  • Mood: Introspective – examining the heart behind the possessions.
  • Action: Figure takes a seat a short distance from the chest. One hand opens slowly, palm up, to reveal the withheld item. Their eyes fixate on it.
  • Camera: Over-the-shoulder shot tightly framed on the item in the open hand and the conflicted expression on the figure’s face.


    • Mood: Release, final surrender, and a hint of the joy yet to be experienced.
    • Action: Figure rises, carefully places the last item in the chest, then closes the lid firmly. Turning back to the camera, their face now shines with an open smile.
    • Camera: Slow upwards pan, ending with the chest bathed in sunlight streaming through a window overhead.


      • Mood: Transformation of offerings, focus shifts from earthly to otherworldly.
      • Action: Chest vibrates slightly, emitting a soft glow. It begins to dematerialize, fading away leaving behind only a warm light. Dove silhouette in flight appears and soars upward through the light.
      • Camera: Follows the dove’s ascent, with lingering shot of empty space with only the golden light as the visual focus.


      • Mood: Peaceful expectation, confidence in exchange of sacrifice for higher purpose.
      • Action: Figure extends open palms upward, head slightly tilted as if gazing beyond what the camera sees.
      • Camera: Slow upward tracking shot, revealing the light from before transforming into falling rays, as if showering the figure in blessings.
      In Your Awestruck Presence

      In Your Awestruck Presence

      In Your Awestruck Presence - Coming Soon

      by Darren Winfield


      “In Your Awestruck Presence” marks a profound shift in the album’s journey. It moves from confession and surrender into worship and adoration. The lyrics vividly portray the weight of God’s majesty and the simultaneous, counterintuitive sense of profound intimacy His grace invites. This song celebrates the wonder ofstanding in God’s radiance, humbled yet enveloped in peace.

      Emotional Heart:

      This track evokes awe and profound gratitude. Imagine being completely overwhelmed by natural beauty, yet not fearing the vastness but feeling completely enveloped and safe within it. Similarly, this song evokes that sensation of smallness before God’s greatness, coupled with a paradoxical security – that we are deeply loved by that infinite power. It offers a moment of respite in the album, a quiet sanctuary of praise before diving back into the work of refinement and preparation.

      Potential Blog Prompts:

      • Do you experience worship as primarily feeling close to God, or more focused on awe of His nature?
      • Can you think of times when a sense of God’s awe has calmed your fears?
      • What might it look like to carry this ‘awestruck’ mindset into daily life?

      Scripture Foundation:

      • Psalm 95:6: “Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.”
      • Psalm 29:2: “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.”
      • Revelation 4:10-11: “The twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: ‘You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your will they were created and have their being.'”

      Deep Dive:

      Worship isn’t simply songs or eloquent prayers, but a heart posture toward God. Kneeling, as the Psalms direct, embodies this surrender – not in fear, but recognizing His awesomeness. In worship, worthiness takes its rightful place – all glory goes to Him, the One from whom life itself flows. Revelation shows even heavenly hosts offering crowns as an act of complete recognition; though we have nothing as grand, this same principle guides our heart’s orientation.

      Relevance to the Song:

      “In Your Awestruck Presence” shifts focus from internal struggle to the glorious wonder of God. Lyrics paint vivid pictures of His magnificence, contrasted with our smallness. This isn’t about feeling insignificant, but a joyful release to simply worship in light of who He is. No requests, no focus on problems – just basking in awe of His being.

      Application for the Listener:

      • How often does worship turn into listing what you need from God? Practice praise with NO agenda.
      • Visualize yourself in Revelation’s throne room: What blocks you from full-hearted abandonment in worship?
      • Spend time pondering a single attribute of God – His love, power, sovereignty. Let that fuel your worship.

      Closing Prayer:

      Majestic Lord, too often my approach to You mirrors worldly transactions. Teach me the joy of worship emptied of self, my spirit consumed with simply adoring who You are. May the awe found in Your Presence reshape every aspect of how I perceive my life, my problems, and the power of Your love. Amen.


      In Your Awestruck Presence

      Verse 1

      Before Your boundless glory, my spirit stands in awe,
      Your majesty surrounds me, Your love dissolves my flaws.
      The heavens sing Your praises, the ocean echoes wide,
      Yet in Your presence, Father, is where I long to abide.


      Awestruck in Your presence, all earthly cares subside,
      Doubts and worries vanish in Your love’s gentle tide.
      Humbled at Your feet, my soul finds sweet release,
      In You, O God, I discover perfect peace.

      Verse 2

      Though unworthy I may be, Your grace calls me so near,
      You whisper words of welcome, dispelling every fear.
      My spirit cries “Abba,” embraced by love so bold,
      This precious gift of knowing You is worth more than fine gold.


      Awestruck in Your presence, all earthly cares subside,
      Doubts and worries vanish in Your love’s gentle tide.
      Humbled at Your feet, my soul finds sweet release,
      In You, O God, I discover perfect peace.


      Hallelujah, King eternal, my heart cries out Your name,
      Your majesty astounds me, Your mercy puts to shame
      All my worldly striving, all my foolish pride,
      With boundless love and wonder, by Your side I will abide.


      Awestruck in Your presence…in You,
      O God, I discover perfect peace.

      Lead Sheet

      • Key: F Major – Evokes both quiet reverence and soaring wonder.
      • Time Signature: 4/4 with potential rubato – Allows for some rhythmic freedom in worship.
      • Tempo: Lento (around 50-60 BPM) – Spacious, inviting reflection upon vastness.

      Storyboard descriptions for music video


      • Mood: Tranquil, reverential, tinged with wonder.
      • Music: Gentle strings, a lilting flute melody, hinting at an ethereal quality.
      • Visual: Camera pans slowly across a breathtaking starry night sky, galaxies ablaze in the vast expanse. A solitary figure stands in silhouette, dwarfed by the cosmos.
      • Camera: Gradual zoom in on the figure to reveal their posture of awe.

      Verse 1

      • Mood: Recognition of one’s smallness, a joyful release into the grandeur of it all.
      • Action: Figure collapses to their knees, arms dropping loosely to their sides as they surrender to the overwhelming sight.
      • Camera: A wide shot focusing on the posture of kneeling, emphasizing the overwhelming scale of the night sky backdrop.


      • Mood: Worship expressed through physicality, intimacy amidst vastness.
      • Action: Figure rises, lifting their hands in graceful arcs as if embracing the cosmos. Light begins to radiate around their form, but gentle and diffused.
      • Camera: Circular tracking shot to encompass the figure and the majesty of the sky, conveying a sense of being cradled within the universe.

      Verse 2

      • Mood: Humility turns to quiet communion, a personal encounter amidst the awe.
      • Action: Figure lowers hands, closes their eyes. Still kneeling, they seem to sink into the stillness of the moment.
      • Camera: Close-up on face, reflecting profound peace rather than the initial overwhelming awe.


        • Mood: Adoration deepens, an invitation for an even closer encounter.
        • Action: Figure’s eyes remain closed, but they lift their face upwards, mouth shaping a whispered prayer. The soft glow around them strengthens and begins to pulse in rhythm with a heartbeat.
        • Camera: Tracking shot, slow pullback, the glow surrounding the figure now stands out with increasing contrast against the inky black of the cosmos.


          • Mood: Quiet intensity, a holy tension between awareness of greatness and an answering love.
          • Action: Figure slowly opens their eyes, gazing directly upwards. A single tear traces a path down their cheek.
          • Camera: Upward tilt, mirroring their eye movement, but ending not on the starry expanse, but with a transition to a soft white light.


          • Mood: Pure serenity, awe tempered with intimate embrace.
          • Action: The white light begins to slowly recede, revealing glimpses of a serene body of water. The figure’s reflection ripples gently on the surface.
          • Camera: Slow zoom out on the scene, emphasizing the reflective qualities of the still water – a microcosm reflecting the infinite space from earlier.
          No Longer I

          No Longer I

          No Longer I - Coming Soon

          by Darren Winfield


          “No Longer I” celebrates the transformative power of Christ’s sacrifice. It emphasizes that when we choose Him, our ‘old selves’ – defined by flaws, sins, and self-reliance – die away. Through His death and resurrection, a new creation awakens within us. The lyrics declare the victory of living ‘in Christ’, free from the condemnation of our past.

          Emotional Heart:

          This song holds a mix of joyful awe and humility. Alongside relief at a shed burden, there’s recognition of the magnitude of Christ’s love and gift. It evokes the sensation of stepping from shadow into brilliant light, no longer defined by past failings, but secure in our identity as beloved children of God. Despite its celebratory nature, there’s a thread of acknowledgment that this transformation is ongoing, that with our new nature comes both freedom and a lifelong purpose in cooperation with the Holy Spirit.

          Potential Blog Prompts:

          • Can you identify with this idea of your ‘old self’ dying away? Explain.
          • How does knowing you’re ‘a new creation’ impact how you view struggles?
          • Do you feel equipped to live out this transformed life? Where do you still need God’s help?


          Scripture Foundation:

          • Galatians 2:20: “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
          • 2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
          • Romans 6:11: “In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.”

          Deep Dive:

          When we choose Christ, it’s more than an altered life path – it’s a death and resurrection within ourselves. Living ‘in Christ’ implies an exchange – His righteousness for our flawed humanity – but also a sharing of His nature. These verses point to a stark reality: what defined us before no longer has dominion. Christ’s transformative work doesn’t merely erase bad habits, but shifts our identity from sinner to beloved child of God. This carries profound implications for how we see temptation, failure, and the world around us.

          Relevance to the Song:

          “No Longer I” celebrates this identity shift. The ‘old self’ dissolves, the burden of shame is lifted, and joyful awe dawns as the new reality sinks in. The lyrics highlight that transformation is ongoing, but with Christ there’s victory and an ever-deepening walk with God.

          Application for the Listener:

          • Do you struggle to feel your past is erased? Reflect on Galatians 2:20 – your life story is now Christ’s within you.
          • Are you growing? Look for evidence of Christ’s nature – patience, kindness, generosity – where they weren’t before.
          • “Count yourself dead to sin” (Romans 6:11): How might that mindset shift your view of temptation? 

          Closing Prayer:

          Lord Jesus, the concept of my old self dying with You still amazes me. Help me truly grasp the reality of Your transformational power. Where guilt lingers, help me see myself as You see me – a dearly loved child. I ask for Your Spirit to grow increasingly evident within me, so the world sees only Your reflection. Amen.


          No Longer I

          Verse 1

          The shell of who I was before,
          A faded mask I wear no more.
          In the crucible of Your refining flame,
          My former self dissolves in Your name.


          No longer I, but Christ alive in me,
          From chains of sin, His death has set me free.
          Crucified with Him, His victory I claim,
          A new creation, redeemed in His name.

          Verse 2

          Old habits cling, whispers of defeat,
          But by Your Spirit, lies retreat.
          My mind renewed, my spirit born again,
          The battle won, a life of grace to begin.


          No longer I, but Christ alive in me,
          From chains of sin, His death has set me free.
          Crucified with Him, His victory I claim,
          A new creation, redeemed in His name.


          Though temptations rise, Your Word endures,
          Armor of truth, my spirit secures.
          With every stumbling step and victory won,
          The work You began in me, will be done.


          No longer I, but it is You I see,
          The living hope, residing within me.
          A vessel of Your love, a beacon shining bright,
          All glory to Your name, my guiding light.

          Lead Sheet

          • Key: C Major – Celebratory, signifying transformative joy and freedom.
          • Time Signature: 3/4 – Flowing and expressive, reflecting release from internal struggle.
          • Tempo: Allegro (around 120-140 BPM) – Lively, matching the theme of exuberant rebirth.

          Storyboard descriptions for music video


          • Mood: Joyful awakening, relief, a profound sense of release.
          • Music: Swelling choir vocals, a jubilant melody signifying rebirth.
          • Visual: Figure standing alone on a high peak, bathed in sunrise light. Hands stretch outward, then lift above their head in triumph.
          • Camera: Wide landscape shot, capturing the figure’s smallness against the grandeur of the scene. Gentle upward panning to further emphasize scale.

          Verse 1

          • Mood: Remembrance of struggle, but an understanding of it as history.
          • Action: Figure turns, back to the camera, but gazing past at the long and winding path that led them to this place. They smile faintly, eyes closed as if replaying memories.
          • Camera: Focus shifts to the landscape below. Pan along the implied path, ending with a zoom out to again reveal the figure atop the peak.


          • Mood: Celebration of freedom, unbridled delight.
          • Action: Figure begins to dance – expressive movement, spontaneous, echoing the jubilation of the music. A radiant butterfly flutters around them, lands briefly on their shoulder.
          • Camera: Sweeping, joyful shots, mirroring the uninhibited movement. Sunlight catches the butterfly’s wings as it lifts off again.

          Verse 2

          • Mood: Introspective turn, gratitude for what is gained through change.
          • Action: Figure sits cross-legged on a large rock. Hands rest gently on their thighs, palms upward. Their gaze rests on the vast landscape before them.
          • Camera: Close-up, with landscape a beautiful but unfocused background. Focus on the peaceful expression on the figure’s face.


            • Mood: Uncontainable joy, but infused with quiet reverence.
            • Action: Figure stands, hands reaching upwards as if physically pulling down the sunlight. Golden light suffuses them completely.
            • Camera: Low angle shot to emphasize the figure against the sky, now ablaze with color.


              • Mood: Acknowledgement of a constant presence guiding the transformation.
              • Action: Figure slowly descends from the peak, facing the valley below. One hand gestures upward, in quiet thanks.
              • Camera: Tracking shot following their descent, with a wide landscape reveal once again showing the long path taken


              • Mood: Peaceful resolve, readiness for a new journey.
              • Action: Figure reaches the valley floor, and without pausing, strides forward. A vibrant sun-soaked path winds through green meadows before them.
              • Camera: Slow fade out as the figure continues their walk, bathed in light, with an open landscape ahead.
              On Your Altar

              On Your Altar

              On Your Altar - Coming Soon

              by Darren Winfield


              “On Your Altar” captures the heart of surrender. Through vivid imagery, it portrays the conscious laying down of everything before God. Ambitions, dreams, fears, and all we cling to symbolically rest upon His altar awaiting His fire to ignite change. The lyrics express the cost – letting go is rarely easy – but acknowledge the freedom and purpose gained when we yield to God’s plan.

              Emotional Heart:

              This song carries both struggle and determination. There’s the wrestle between a natural desire to control and an overwhelming understanding of God’s goodness and perfect wisdom. It evokes a feeling of being at a crossroads: cling tightly to what we know, or offer everything and trust in what can’t yet be seen. Within this tension, there’s a thread of surprising joy as the potential for true freedom takes root.

              Potential Blog Prompts:

              • What’s the hardest thing for you to lay on God’s “altar”? Why?
              • Can you recall moments when surrender led to something wonderful?
              • In what areas do you want total victory through letting go, trusting God’s plan?


              Scripture Foundation:

              • Romans 12:1-2: “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
              • Hebrews 12:29: “For our God is a consuming fire.”
              • Deuteronomy 4:24: “…For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.”


              The imagery of an altar evokes rich sacrifice through Scripture. This act isn’t simply giving something up, but offering our totality – body, mind, soul – to God. While “consuming fire” can strike fear, it’s also an image of purification and the overwhelming power of a holy God. Our sacrifice isn’t consumed into nothingness, but reshaped, stripped of worldly entanglements, into a holy vessel for His glorious use. Romans urges this transformed state as the highest form of worship.

              Relevance to the Song:

              “On Your Altar” expresses the tension between clinging and sacrifice. It acknowledges what surrender costs – yet a vision of what’s on the other side ignites a passionate longing. It declares the relinquishing of self-made plans in favor of the divine flame shaping something better.

              Application for the Listener:

              • Visualize your life as the altar: What do you cling to most tightly?
              • Is there a difference between surrendering in action, and true inner-yielding of spirit? Where are you still holding back?
              • Romans 12:2 calls for mind renewal. Explore where your desires align with God’s, and where your thoughts must be reshaped.

              Closing Prayer:

              Loving Father, ignite a fire of holy dissatisfaction within me. Make the thought of remaining unchanged more uncomfortable than fully sacrificing what is precious to me. Help me trust that every ambition, dream, and possession on Your altar isn’t destroyed, but perfected through Your refining fire. May my life echo the glory of Your power and love. Amen.


              On Your Altar

              Verse 1

              My dreams and ambitions, all my earthly gain,
              Held with trembling hands, they flicker and wane.
              Here on Your altar, a willing sacrifice,
              The cost is forgotten, replaced by Your promise of life.


              Take all that I am, every hope and desire,
              Set my heart ablaze with Your heavenly fire.
              My will surrendered, Your purpose unfold,
              In Your hands, I am made worthy, made bold.

              Verse 2

              This fragile vessel, flawed and unsure,
              In Your holy presence, my spirit finds cure.
              My fears and my burdens, I cast in Your care,
              No longer my own, Your victory they share.


              Take all that I am, every hope and desire,
              Set my heart ablaze with Your heavenly fire.
              My will surrendered, Your purpose unfold,
              In Your hands, I am made worthy, made bold.


              From ashes, You raise me, with new purpose I soar,
              No longer held captive to what mattered before.
              In yielding comes freedom, in surrender comes might,
              On Your altar I find strength, Your kingdom my guiding light.


              My life is but an offering, echoing Your boundless love,
              A fragrant bouquet to the great King above.

              Lead Sheet

              • Key: G Major – Overall bright, yet can contain undertones of sacrifice.
              • Time Signature: 4/4 – Solid rhythmic structure supporting decisive surrender.
              • Tempo: Moderato (90-100 BPM) – Purposeful, conveying both cost and anticipation.

              Storyboard descriptions for music video


              • Mood: Solemnity transitioning to hopeful expectation.
              • Music: Begins with a single, rich instrument – cello, perhaps – slowly joined by strings building towards anticipation.
              • Visual: Figure enters a darkened space. Ahead, a stone altar is barely visible, faintly illuminated by an unseen source.
              • Camera: From behind the figure, emphasizing the path toward the altar and its subtle glow.

              Verse 1

              • Mood: Reflection on burdens carried, the cost of laying them down.
              • Action: Figure approaches altar, slowing with each step. As they draw closer, their hands clasp tightly, then gradually unclench.
              • Camera: Slow pan alongside the figure as they approach, ending in a profile shot highlighting their hesitant hands.


              • Mood: Decision made, offering given with mixture of trepidation and eagerness.
              • Action: Figure lifts hands in a gesture of release, as if depositing unseen items upon the altar. As they withdraw, a soft light emerges from where their hands touched the stone.
              • Camera: Close-up of the altar surface, capturing the emerging light and perhaps suggesting shadow shapes of what’s been placed.

              Verse 2

              • Mood: Wrestling with doubt, looking back at what is left behind.
              • Action: Figure slowly turns to leave, looking over their shoulder longingly. A slight frown plays across their face.
              • Camera: Shot from the altar’s perspective, figure growing smaller as they retreat, mirroring a growing unease within.


                • Mood: Renewed resolve, trust outweighing apprehension.
                • Action: Figure stops walking away. Shoulders straighten as they turn back to face the altar. They march back with determination, head held high. A single tear rolls down their cheek.
                • Camera: Tracking shot towards the figure approaching the altar a second time, their figure gaining focus with each step.


                  • Mood: Inner transformation begins, acceptance of the fire of refinement.
                  • Action: Figure kneels before the altar, resting forehead on the cool stone. Smoke begins to rise, wisps curling around them.
                  • Camera: Tight shot of the figure’s hands now resting open on the stone, palms up. Tiny flickers of fire dance on the fingers.


                  • Mood: Surrender complete, peaceful amidst the unknown.
                  • Action: Figure rises slowly, face still reflecting the intensity of sacrifice. Light suffuses the entire space, casting their form in crisp silhouette.
                  • Camera: Slow fade out to pure white light, ending in silence.
                  Search Me

                  Search Me

                  Search Me - Coming Soon

                  by Darren Winfield

                  “Search Me” delves deeper after the initial confession of “Broken Before You.” With an earnest cry, it invites the Holy Spirit to illuminate the hidden corners of our hearts, the motives we don’t examine, and the destructive habits we might overlook. The lyrics ask God to expose any lingering pride, idols, or fear that prevent complete, joyous surrender to Him.

                  This song acknowledges that inner-transformation can be a painful process. However, it underscores the hope that this searching by God leads to ultimate freedom and a closer relationship with Him. It positions listeners to choose openness and surrender, inviting God to shape us fully into His likeness.

                  Consider these questions as potential talking points on your blog page:

                  • Are you comfortable inviting God to reveal blind spots in your life? Why or why not?
                  • Do you believe inner-transformation, even if tough, leads to something good?


                  Scripture Foundation:

                  • Psalm 139:23-24: “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”
                  • Jeremiah 17:9: “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”
                  • Hebrews 4:12: “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

                  Deep Dive:

                  This song asks for nothing less than divine surgery upon the hidden depths of our beings. The Psalmist calls upon God’s knowing searchlight, confident He exposes not to condemn, but to lead onto paths of eternal life. We’re reminded by Jeremiah of our hearts’ deception; often, we’re blind to our true motives or harbor unseen sin. It’s through the living, active Word of God that deep scrutiny becomes cleansing rather than crushing. We can trust the God who sees what even we lack courage to face.

                  Relevance to the Song:

                  “Search Me” mirrors this willingness for exposure. Not only outward acts but inner idols, secret fears, and unhealed wounds are laid before God’s gaze. With lyrical echoes of fire, it emphasizes that painful confrontation within God’s love is ultimately redemptive.

                  Application for the Listener:

                  • Be bold. Pray Psalm 139:23-24 over yourself with sincere earnestness.
                  • Examine root causes of recurring sins – it’s rarely the act itself, but an unchecked need within.
                  • Practice time in Scripture not just for information, but allowing God’s Word to illuminate areas of resistance or misunderstanding in your heart.

                  Closing Prayer:

                  Spirit of Truth, shed light into every corner of my being. I invite Your inspection, longing for purity of heart and freedom from anything hindering intimacy with You. Help me lay down all pretenses and defenses, trusting that You expose, cleanse, and heal. May my life ever reflect Your radiant grace. Amen.


                  Search Me

                  Verse 1

                  Spirit of Truth, shine Your piercing light,
                  Reveal the corners where darkness takes flight.
                  Every motive, every selfish desire,
                  Let them be consumed by Your holy fire.


                  Search me, O God, know my anxious heart,
                  Show me the path where true healing will start.
                  If any wicked way leads me astray,
                  Expose it, cleanse it, wash it away.

                  Verse 2

                  My hidden fears, the idols I cling,
                  All that keeps me from the joy You bring.
                  Unmask the pride, tear down every wall,
                  Help me lay it all down at Your tender call.


                  Search me, O God, know my anxious heart,
                  Show me the path where true healing will start.
                  If any wicked way leads me astray,
                  Expose it, cleanse it, wash it away.


                  Though pain may come before the release,
                  Your love outweighs the desire for ease.
                  I trust Your hands, the Refiner and Friend,
                  In Your searching presence, my brokenness will mend.


                  Search me, O God, until freedom is found,
                  Until grace upon grace in my life will abound.

                  Lead Sheet

                  • Key: A minor (shifting to A Major briefly) – Starts with yearning, transitions to triumphant.
                  • Time Signature: 6/8 – Has a waltz-like sway, hinting at both hesitancy and growing boldness.
                  • Tempo: Adagio to Moderato (around 60 BPM, increasing through the track).

                  Storyboard descriptions for music video


                  • Mood: Deep reflection, anxiety tinged with the desire for cleansing.
                  • Music: Ethereal vocalizations, gentle chimes, hints of dissonance beneath.
                  • Visual: Figure stands within a swirling vortex of chaotic colors – reds, blacks, greys, signifying inner turmoil. The figure is only a shadowed outline, features obscured.
                  • Camera: Tight focus on the figure, the background a constant blur of motion.

                  Verse 1

                  • Mood: Inner plea, questioning of unseen forces.
                  • Action: Figure raises hands hesitantly as if physically warding off the chaos around them. A faint luminescence begins to seep from within the figure.
                  • Camera: Alternating shots between the turbulent background, and close-ups of the hands as the glow intensifies.


                  • Mood: Bold request, vulnerability mingled with a glimmer of hope.
                  • Action: Figure drops to knees, arms open wide in a gesture of surrender. The light within now spills out, creating a small but defined pool of radiance around them.
                  • Camera: Medium wide shot, showing the contrast between the figure’s illuminated form and the swirling darkness.

                  Verse 2

                  • Mood: Exploration begins, fear still exists, but willingness to see what’s hidden.
                  • Action: Figure reaches out, hand trembling, into the whirling darkness. Flecks of light begin to dance where the hand brushes the shadow.
                  • Camera: Close-up on the hand, fingers brushing the chaotic background, tiny motes of light clinging to the skin.


                    • Mood: Determination grows, light becomes a weapon to be wielded against the darkness.
                    • Action: Figure stands tall, hands clenched, radiant energy now seeping from their entire body. They look directly at the heart of the swirling vortex.
                    • Camera: Tracking shot, moving slowly toward the figure, ending in a tight shot of their determined face bathed in the glow.


                      • Mood: Anticipation, tension, preparation for an internal battle.
                      • Action: Figure takes a deep breath, eyes focusing on something unseen.
                      • Camera: Zoom in on the figure’s eyes, which reflect the chaotic surroundings, but with a growing resolve.


                      • Mood: The fight is about to begin, outcome uncertain.
                      • Action: Figure lunges forward, their form breaking down into pure energy as they charge into the darkness.
                      • Camera: Blurry, high-speed shot suggesting rapid movement, followed by fading to black with only a lingering faint shimmer in the center.