Love’s Enduring Word

Love’s Enduring Word

Love's Enduring Word - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

“Love’s Enduring Word” – Celebrating the Unchanging Love of God

Track 12: “Love’s Enduring Word”

About the Song:

“Love’s Enduring Word” is a heartfelt and uplifting track from “Truth Unveiled,” focusing on the inseparable relationship between God’s love and His truth. This song is a melodious tribute to the enduring nature of God’s love as revealed through His Word, offering comfort and reassurance to believers.

Lyric Highlights:

The lyrics beautifully illustrate the concept of God’s love as a constant and unchanging force, intertwined with the truth of His Word. They encourage listeners to find solace and strength in the enduring love of God, which remains steadfast through all of life’s changes.

Musical Composition:

With a tender and soothing melody, “Love’s Enduring Word” features gentle instrumental accompaniment, creating a warm and comforting atmosphere. The music complements the theme of the song, inviting listeners into a reflective and worshipful experience.

Message and Inspiration:

Inspired by 1 Corinthians 13:6 – “Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth,” this track highlights the joy found in living a life aligned with God’s truth and love. It serves as a reminder of the constant presence of God’s love in our lives.

For the Listener:

Ideal for moments of contemplation on God’s love, “Love’s Enduring Word” is a perfect choice for personal devotion and quiet meditation. It also fits well into worship services, providing a gentle reminder of God’s ever-present love and faithfulness.


Devotion for “Love’s Enduring Word”

Scripture References:

  • 1 Corinthians 13:6 – “Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.”
  • John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
  • Romans 8:38-39 – “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


“Love’s Enduring Word” reflects on the profound connection between God’s love and His truth. 1 Corinthians 13:6 reminds us that true love rejoices with the truth. This is a powerful reminder for intercessors that our prayers should be rooted in the truth of God’s word and His love, as they are inextricably linked.

John 3:16 is perhaps one of the most profound declarations of God’s love. It shows the depth of God’s love in the gift of His Son for our salvation. This verse encourages intercessors to base their prayers and declarations in the reality of this sacrificial love, which has the power to transform lives.

Romans 8:38-39 speaks to the inseparable nature of God’s love in Christ Jesus. It is a powerful assurance for intercessors that nothing can separate us from God’s love, which should be the foundation of our intercessory ministry. It reminds us that our prayers are enveloped in this enduring love, giving them power and depth.

Prayer Focus:

  • Thank God for His truth that is anchored in His enduring love.
  • Pray for a deeper understanding of God’s love in Christ Jesus and how it shapes your life and prayers.
  • Intercede for those who have not yet experienced or understood the depth of God’s love.
  • Declare the power of God’s love over challenging situations, in your life and in the lives of those you pray for.


  • Reflect on how the understanding of God’s love influences your approach to intercession.
  • Consider the ways in which you can more deeply embrace and demonstrate God’s love in your interactions with others.
  • Contemplate the significance of being unable to be separated from God’s love and how that impacts your sense of security and purpose.

This devotion is designed to deepen the understanding of God’s enduring love as a foundation for faith and intercession.


Love’s Enduring Word

Verse 1

In the whispers of the heart, in the echoes of the soul,
Your love speaks, making broken spirits whole.
A word that weaves through time and space,
In Your love, we find our place.


Love’s enduring word, forever true,
In every moment, we find You.
Through the ages, it resounds,
In Your love, our hope abounds.

Verse 2

In the tapestry of life, in every colored thread,
Your word of love, by which we’re led.
A story told, an unending song,
In Your love, we belong.


Love’s enduring word, forever true,
In every moment, we find You.
Through the ages, it resounds,
In Your love, our hope abounds.


In the silence, in the roar,
Your love’s word, we can’t ignore.
A beacon in the dark, a whisper in the wind,
In Your love, new life begins.


Love’s enduring word, forever true,
In every moment, we find You.
Through the ages, it resounds,
In Your love, our hope abounds.


So we walk this path, hand in hand,
In Your love’s word, we make our stand.
Enduring, true, and ever firm,
In Your love, we eternally affirm.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: E Flat Major (warm, heartfelt)
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Tempo: 76 BPM (tender, expressive)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

Intro: The Essence of Everlasting Love

  • Visual: The scene opens with a warm, soft glow, perhaps a gentle sunrise or a flickering candle, symbolizing the enduring and comforting nature of God’s love.
  • Music: Begins with soothing, tender instrumentals, setting a tone of warmth and timeless affection.
  • Transition to Verse 1: The light gradually brightens, revealing a serene landscape or a peaceful home setting.

Verse 1: Reflections of Divine Love

  • Visual: Scenes depicting acts of kindness and love, such as a gentle touch, a comforting embrace, or a compassionate gesture, representing the various manifestations of God’s enduring love.
  • Music & Lyrics: Soft and heartfelt, with lyrics that paint pictures of love’s presence and constancy in both grand and simple ways.
  • Transition to Chorus 1: The visuals slowly transition to focus on a person or a group, symbolizing the personal experience of God’s love.

Chorus 1: Celebrating Unfailing Love

  • Visual: The scene becomes brighter and warmer, with people coming together in a communal or family setting, sharing moments of joy, laughter, and love, illustrating the joy found in God’s enduring word.
  • Music & Lyrics: The music becomes richer and more uplifting, with lyrics celebrating the unwavering and joyful nature of divine love and its manifestation in human relationships.
  • Transition to Verse 2: The camera pans through different settings, each reflecting the omnipresence and diversity of God’s love in our lives.

Verse 2: Love in Everyday Moments

  • Visual: Everyday scenes showcasing love in action – a parent teaching a child, friends sharing a comforting conversation, a person in prayer or meditation.
  • Music & Lyrics: Building on the theme of love’s presence, the lyrics and music convey a sense of gratitude and reverence for the simple yet profound expressions of God’s love.
  • Transition to Chorus 2: The visuals focus on the faces of individuals, capturing expressions of peace, contentment, and love.

    Chorus 2: Embracing Love’s Warmth

    • Visual: Returning to the communal scene, now with an atmosphere of deeper connection and warmth. The expressions of love are more profound, symbolizing a deeper understanding and appreciation of God’s love.
    • Music & Lyrics: A repeat of the chorus, richer and deeper, highlighting the profound impact of God’s enduring love and word.
    • Transition to Bridge: The scene transitions to a reflective setting, perhaps an individual alone with their thoughts, contemplating the depth of love.

      Bridge: The Depth of Love

      • Visual: Intimate shots of individuals in moments of reflection, perhaps gazing at a beautiful scene or holding a cherished object, symbolizing deep personal contemplation of divine love.
      • Music & Lyrics: A shift in tone, offering a more intimate and personal insight into the impact of God’s enduring love and word.
      • Transition to Chorus 3: The individual looks up or outward, symbolizing a renewed perspective and connection with divine love.

      Chorus 3: Affirmation of Everlasting Love

      • Visual: The final chorus brings back the communal scenes, now imbued with a sense of fulfillment and unity in love. The setting is suffused with a warm, golden light, symbolizing the enduring nature of God’s love.
      • Music & Lyrics: The final chorus is a powerful, affirming celebration of God’s unchanging love, full of joy and assurance.
      • Transition to Outro: The group looks towards a bright, beautiful horizon or a peaceful sunset, symbolizing the ongoing presence and assurance of love.

      Outro: Love’s Eternal Promise

      • Visual: The scene shows a peaceful landscape bathed in the warm glow of sunset, symbolizing the continual and enduring presence of God’s love.
      • Music: The music gently fades, maintaining a sense of serenity and hope.
      • Ending Scene: The final shot is a wide view of the horizon, with the light gradually fading, leaving an impression of the eternal and unfading nature of God’s love. The scene fades out, leaving a lasting feeling of comfort, peace, and the enduring promise of divine love that remains constant through all of life’s changes.
      Benediction of Truth

      Benediction of Truth

      Benediction of Truth - Coming Soon

      by Darren Winfield

      “Benediction of Truth” – A Soulful Conclusion Anchored in God’s Unchanging Word

      Track 15: “Benediction of Truth”

      About the Song: “Benediction of Truth” serves as the closing track of “Truth Unveiled,” offering a reflective and prayerful conclusion to the album. This song is a beautiful encapsulation of the themes explored throughout the album, leaving listeners with a sense of peace and reassurance in the truth of God’s word.

      Lyric Highlights:

      The lyrics of “Benediction of Truth” are a blend of gratitude, prayer, and affirmation of God’s enduring truth. They are crafted to resonate as a closing prayer, acknowledging the journey through the album and reinforcing the listener’s commitment to walk in God’s truth.

      Musical Composition:

      Featuring a gentle and soothing melody, the track provides a calm and meditative atmosphere. The music is composed to evoke a sense of closure and contemplation, making it an ideal concluding piece.

      Message and Inspiration:

      Inspired by 3 John 1:4 – “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth,” this song is a heartfelt reminder of the joy found in a life lived in accordance with God’s truth. It serves as a benediction, a prayerful send-off, encouraging continued growth and reliance on God’s truth.

      For the Listener:

      “Benediction of Truth” is perfect for winding down a time of worship or personal reflection. Its calming nature makes it suitable for ending prayer sessions, Bible studies, or simply for moments of quiet contemplation on the truths of God’s Word.



      Devotion for “Benediction of Truth”

      Scripture References:

      • 3 John 1:4 – “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”
      • John 17:17 – “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.”
      • Psalm 25:5 – “Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.”


      “Benediction of Truth” serves as a closing prayer and a reminder of the joy and sanctification found in walking in God’s truth. 3 John 1:4 expresses the deep joy of knowing others are living in the truth of God. For intercessors, this verse is a call to rejoice and find fulfillment in seeing the impact of their prayers as people live out God’s truth.

      John 17:17 highlights Jesus’ prayer for His followers to be sanctified in truth. Sanctification is a process of being made holy, and truth is a key agent in this process. This verse underlines the importance of God’s truth in spiritual growth and intercession, reminding us that our prayers should align with and uphold God’s truth.

      Psalm 25:5 is a humble request for guidance in God’s truth. It acknowledges God as the source of salvation and expresses a heartfelt desire to be led by His truth. This plea resonates with intercessors, as it embodies a reliance on God for direction and teaching in the truths of faith.

      Prayer Focus:

      • Thank God for the joy found in walking in His truth and seeing others do the same.
      • Pray for your own sanctification in truth, that you may be a holy vessel for God’s purposes.
      • Intercede for those who are seeking direction and teaching in the truth of God.
      • Declare the guiding and sanctifying power of God’s truth over your life, your community, and the world.


      • Reflect on the ways you have experienced or witnessed the joy of walking in God’s truth.
      • Consider how you can incorporate the sanctification of truth into your daily life and intercession.
      • Contemplate the importance of continually seeking God’s guidance in His truth in your role as an intercessor.

      This devotion concludes the album’s journey, underscoring the centrality of truth in the Christian faith and its critical role in the life of an intercessor. It serves as a benediction, a prayerful send-off, encouraging continued growth, and reliance on God’s truth.


      Benediction of Truth

      Verse 1

      As we come to the end, of this sacred journey,
      Your truth, O Lord, has set us free.
      In every note, in every word,
      Your voice of truth, it has been heard.


      Benediction of truth, a closing prayer,
      In Your holy presence, we lay our care.
      As this chapter ends, and a new one begins,
      In Your truth, O Lord, we find our wins.

      Verse 2

      With hearts full of gratitude, for the path we’ve trod,
      In Your truth, we’ve been awed.
      In every trial, in every test,
      In Your truth, we’ve found our rest.


      Benediction of truth, a closing prayer,
      In Your holy presence, we lay our care.
      As this chapter ends, and a new one begins,
      In Your truth, O Lord, we find our wins.


      As we go forth, into the world anew,
      Carrying Your truth, in all we do.
      A light for the path, a guide for the way,
      In Your truth, O Lord, we’ll forever stay.


      Benediction of truth, a closing prayer,
      In Your holy presence, we lay our care.
      As this chapter ends, and a new one begins,
      In Your truth, O Lord, we find our wins.


      So with this final word, this last embrace,
      In Your truth, O Lord, we find our place.
      Forever in our hearts, forever in our song,
      In the benediction of truth, we belong.

      Lead Sheet

      Coming Soon

      • Key: C Major (conclusive, peaceful)
      • Time Signature: 4/4
      • Tempo: 62 BPM (slow, reflective)

      Storyboard descriptions for music video

      Intro: A Peaceful Beginning

      • Visual: The scene opens with a tranquil and soft setting, such as a calm lake at dusk or a quiet garden in the early evening, symbolizing reflection and the close of a journey.
      • Music: Begins with gentle, soothing instrumentals, setting a tone of peace and contemplation.
      • Transition to Verse 1: The camera slowly pans over the serene landscape, moving towards an individual or a group in a reflective pose.

      Verse 1: Reflecting on the Journey

      • Visual: Individuals or a small group are shown in a state of contemplation, possibly looking at a path they have traveled or gazing at the horizon. This symbolizes looking back on the spiritual journey they have undertaken.
      • Music & Lyrics: Soft and introspective, with lyrics that reminisce about the journey of faith and the truths discovered along the way.
      • Transition to Chorus 1: The individuals begin to gather, forming a small, close-knit group.

      Chorus 1: Affirmation of the Journey

      • Visual: The group is shown in a circle, symbolizing unity and shared experiences. The atmosphere is one of mutual support and understanding.
      • Music & Lyrics: The music becomes slightly more uplifting, with lyrics that affirm the value and lessons of the journey in truth.
      • Transition to Verse 2: The scene transitions to show vignettes of key moments from the journey, highlighting significant experiences and revelations.

      Verse 2: Embracing the Lessons

      • Visual: Flashbacks or representations of key moments in the spiritual journey – perhaps challenges overcome, moments of revelation, or acts of kindness and faith.
      • Music & Lyrics: Building on the theme of reflection, the lyrics and music convey a deeper appreciation for the experiences and growth encountered.
      • Transition to Chorus 2: The group is shown coming back together, each individual bringing their insights to the circle, enriching the collective experience.

        Chorus 2: Gratitude and Hope

        • Visual: The group, now more connected and reflective, shares in a moment of gratitude. This could be symbolized by a communal gesture, such as joining hands or looking up to the sky.
        • Music & Lyrics: A repeat of the chorus, deeper and more resonant, emphasizing the gratitude for the journey and hope for the future.
        • Transition to Bridge: A gentle shift in focus to an individual or a pair within the group, representing a personal reflection within the communal experience.

          Bridge: Personal Reflections

          • Visual: Close-up shots of individuals or pairs, each reflecting on their personal growth and the impact of the journey on their lives. These intimate moments highlight the personal connections to the truths they’ve embraced.
          • Music & Lyrics: A shift in tone, offering a more intimate and personal insight into the impact of the journey and the truths learned.
          • Transition to Chorus 3: The camera slowly zooms out to show the entire group, now with a deeper sense of understanding and connection.

          Chorus 3: A Unified Promise

          • Visual: The final chorus shows the group in a unified, peaceful stance, perhaps looking towards the horizon or a starry sky, symbolizing a collective commitment to continue living in the truth they have embraced.
          • Music & Lyrics: The final chorus is a powerful, harmonious affirmation of the journey and the enduring truths learned, full of serenity and unity.
          • Transition to Outro: The group slowly starts to disperse, symbolizing the continuation of their individual journeys, yet united in the truths they share.

          Outro: The Journey Continues

          • Visual: The scene shows the individuals moving away from the group, each walking their own path, yet carrying with them the light and lessons of the journey. The setting is peaceful, with a sense of completion and ongoing journey.
          • Music: The music gently fades, leaving a feeling of calmness and quiet anticipation for the future.
          • Ending Scene: The final shot is a wide view of the landscape transitioning from dusk to night, symbolizing the end of one journey and the beginning of another. The scene fades out, leaving an impression of continuous growth, peace, and unity in truth.
          Freedom Cry

          Freedom Cry

          Freedom Cry - Coming Soon

          by Darren Winfield

          “Freedom Cry” – A Song of Liberation and Spiritual Victory

          Track 14: “Freedom Cry”

          About the Song:

          “Freedom Cry” is an empowering and vibrant track from “Truth Unveiled,” celebrating the liberating power of faith in God. This song is an anthem of spiritual freedom, reminding listeners of the victory and liberation that come through a relationship with Christ.

          Lyric Highlights:

          The lyrics of “Freedom Cry” are a declaration of the freedom found in God’s Spirit and the triumph over spiritual bondage. They resonate with the joy and release that come from breaking free from the chains of sin and fear, through the power of Christ.

          Musical Composition:

          Featuring an energizing and uplifting melody, “Freedom Cry” combines powerful vocals with a dynamic musical arrangement. The rhythm and energy of the song are designed to evoke a sense of release and jubilation, mirroring the theme of spiritual freedom.

          Message and Inspiration:

          Drawing inspiration from 2 Corinthians 3:17 – “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom,” this track encourages believers to embrace and celebrate the freedom offered by the Holy Spirit. It’s a reminder that in Christ, we are liberated from the constraints of our past and empowered to live a life of purpose and victory.

          For the Listener:

          Ideal for moments of celebration and reflection on the power of God’s Spirit, “Freedom Cry” is perfect for uplifting worship settings and personal times of praise. Its inspiring message and vibrant composition make it a powerful addition to any worship experience.


          Devotion for “Freedom Cry”

          Scripture References:

          • 2 Corinthians 3:17 – “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
          • Galatians 5:1 – “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.”
          • John 8:36 – “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”


          “Freedom Cry” is an anthem celebrating the liberating power of God’s presence and truth. 2 Corinthians 3:17 assures us that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. This freedom is not just from physical bondage but also from spiritual and emotional chains. For intercessors, this verse is a powerful reminder that in our prayers and in the presence of the Holy Spirit, we find true freedom.

          Galatians 5:1 emphasizes that Christ has set us free for the purpose of freedom. This verse calls intercessors to stand firm in this freedom and resist any return to spiritual bondage. It’s an encouragement to live in the liberty provided by Christ, which includes freedom from legalism, sin, and fear.

          John 8:36 speaks of the ultimate freedom found in Christ. When Jesus sets us free, we are truly free. This freedom encompasses every aspect of our lives and is a critical foundation for effective intercessory prayer. It allows us to pray from a position of victory and authority in Christ.

          Prayer Focus:

          • Praise God for the freedom found in His Spirit and in Christ.
          • Pray for the discernment and strength to stand firm in the freedom Christ has given you.
          • Intercede for those who are still in bondage, whether spiritually, emotionally, or physically, that they may experience the freedom Christ offers.
          • Declare the reality of this freedom over your life, your church, and your community.


          • Reflect on the areas of your life where you have experienced Christ’s liberating power.
          • Consider how you can live more fully in the freedom that Christ has provided.
          • Contemplate the role of freedom in Christ in your intercessory prayers and how it impacts your approach to spiritual battles.

          This devotion is designed to inspire a deeper understanding and appreciation of the freedom we have in Christ and the Holy Spirit, encouraging intercessors to pray and live from a place of this profound liberty.


          Freedom Cry

          Verse 1

          In the chains of the night, in the shadows of fear,
          Your spirit moves, and freedom draws near.
          Breaking the bonds, tearing the veil,
          In Your truth, O Lord, we prevail.


          Freedom cry, in the Spirit’s breath,
          In Your salvation, we find our depth.
          From the depths of despair, to the heights of Your love,
          In freedom’s cry, we rise above.

          Verse 2

          In the dungeons of doubt, in the prisons of pain,
          Your spirit whispers, breaking every chain.
          A song of deliverance, a hymn of release,
          In Your loving embrace, we find our peace.


          Freedom cry, in the Spirit’s breath,
          In Your salvation, we find our depth.
          From the depths of despair, to the heights of Your love,
          In freedom’s cry, we rise above.


          No longer bound, no longer blind,
          In Your freedom, O Lord, we find.
          A new dawn, a new day,
          In Your spirit, we make our way.


          Freedom cry, in the Spirit’s breath,
          In Your salvation, we find our depth.
          From the depths of despair, to the heights of Your love,
          In freedom’s cry, we rise above.


          So we lift our voices, in Your truth so bright,
          In the freedom cry, we take our flight.
          In Your spirit, Lord, forever we’ll try,
          In the anthem of freedom, our spirits fly.

          Lead Sheet

          Coming Soon

          • Key: B Major (liberating, bright)
          • Time Signature: 4/4
          • Tempo: 120 BPM (joyful, celebratory)

          Storyboard descriptions for music video

          Intro: Dawn of Liberation

          • Visual: The scene opens with the first light of dawn breaking over a landscape, symbolizing the beginning of a new day and the promise of freedom.
          • Music: Begins with an uplifting and hopeful instrumental, setting a tone of anticipation and liberation.
          • Transition to Verse 1: The light gradually brightens, revealing individuals in various states of contemplation and expectation.

          Verse 1: The Longing for Freedom

          • Visual: Individuals are shown in scenes that symbolize constraints or struggles – perhaps looking out from behind barriers or walking in a confined space – representing the longing for spiritual freedom.
          • Music & Lyrics: Reflective yet hopeful, with lyrics expressing the desire for liberation from spiritual bondage.
          • Transition to Chorus 1: The individuals begin to move towards open spaces, symbolizing the first steps towards freedom.

          Chorus 1: Breaking Free

          • Visual: The scene transitions to these individuals breaking free from their constraints. This could be symbolized by barriers falling away, chains breaking, or stepping out into open, wide spaces.
          • Music & Lyrics: The music becomes more vibrant and powerful, with lyrics that celebrate the newfound freedom in spirit.
          • Transition to Verse 2: The newly liberated individuals start moving with purpose and joy, symbolizing their embrace of freedom.

          Verse 2: The Joy of Liberation

          • Visual: Scenes of liberation – people dancing, running freely, or raising their hands in the air, set in various joyful and open environments.
          • Music & Lyrics: Building on the theme of freedom, the lyrics and music convey a sense of exhilaration and liberation.
          • Transition to Chorus 2: The visuals become more dynamic and expressive, showing a diverse group of people coming together in celebration of their freedom.

            Chorus 2: Collective Celebration

            • Visual: The group gathers in a vibrant setting, perhaps a field or a hilltop, celebrating their freedom together. The atmosphere is one of jubilation and communal joy.
            • Music & Lyrics: A repeat of the chorus, more energetic and jubilant, emphasizing the collective aspect of the freedom cry.
            • Transition to Bridge: A moment of reflection within the celebration, focusing on individual faces, each showing a sense of relief and gratitude.

              Bridge: Reflecting on the Journey

              • Visual: Close-ups of various faces in the group, each reflecting on their personal journey from bondage to freedom, showing a range of emotions from relief to elation.
              • Music & Lyrics: A shift in tone, offering deeper, more introspective insights into the individual experiences and realizations that led to freedom.
              • Transition to Chorus 3: The group comes back together, now with a deeper sense of unity and shared experience.

              Chorus 3: Affirming the Freedom

              • Visual: The final chorus shows the group in full celebration, with dynamic and joyful expressions of freedom. The setting is filled with symbols of liberation, such as open skies, birds flying freely, and wide-open landscapes.
              • Music & Lyrics: The final chorus is a powerful, affirming declaration of freedom, full of energy and triumph.
              • Transition to Outro: The celebration reaches its peak and then gradually starts to settle into a more peaceful, contented state, symbolizing the lasting impact of freedom.

              Outro: Embracing a Future of Freedom

              • Visual: The scene shows the group now calmly enjoying their freedom, perhaps watching the sunrise together or sitting peacefully in the open landscape. The sense of joy and liberation remains, but there is also a feeling of tranquility.
              • Music: The music gently fades, leaving a feeling of serene satisfaction and hopeful anticipation for the future.
              • Ending Scene: The final shot is a panoramic view of the horizon, with the group small but resolute against the vast, open landscape. The scene fades out, leaving an impression of a journey towards endless possibilities, united in the joy of spiritual freedom.


              Unshaken - Coming Soon

              by Darren Winfield

              “Unshaken” – Standing Firm in Faith and Truth

              Track 11: “Unshaken”

              About the Song:

              “Unshaken” is a compelling track from “Truth Unveiled,” embodying the theme of steadfast faith and resilience in God’s truth. This song is a musical representation of the strength and stability found in a life grounded in Christ, even amidst life’s uncertainties and challenges.

              Lyric Highlights:

              The lyrics of “Unshaken” encourage listeners to remain steadfast in their faith, emphasizing the security and peace found in trusting God’s unchanging nature. The song serves as a reminder that, no matter the circumstances, our faith can remain unshaken when rooted in the Lord.

              Musical Composition:

              Featuring a strong and affirming melody, “Unshaken” combines bold instrumentals with confident vocals to create a sense of fortitude and assurance. The music resonates with the theme of unwavering faith, providing an uplifting and empowering listening experience.

              Message and Inspiration:

              Drawing inspiration from Psalm 15:2 – “He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart,” this track motivates believers to live a life of integrity and truth, unshaken by the world’s trials and tribulations.

              For the Listener:

              Ideal for those seeking encouragement and strength in their walk with God, “Unshaken” is a powerful addition to both personal and communal worship settings. Its inspiring message and robust melody make it suitable for moments of reflection, prayer, and affirmation of faith.


              Devotion for “Unshaken”

              Scripture References:

              • Psalm 15:2 – “He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart.”
              • Psalm 62:6 – “He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.”
              • Hebrews 12:28 – “Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe.”


              “Unshaken” is a call to steadfastness and integrity in our faith and actions. Psalm 15:2 describes the characteristics of someone who dwells in God’s presence, highlighting the importance of walking blamelessly, doing what is right, and speaking truth. For intercessors, this is a reminder that their strength and stability in prayer are deeply connected to their personal integrity and commitment to truth.

              Psalm 62:6 portrays God as a rock and fortress, a metaphor for His reliability and strength. As intercessors, recognizing God as our unshakable foundation is crucial. It reassures us that no matter what challenges we face, our faith need not be shaken because we are anchored in God’s steadfastness.

              Hebrews 12:28 speaks of the unshakeable kingdom we have received, a kingdom built on God’s eternal and unchanging promises. This verse calls us to worship God with reverence and awe, recognizing the privilege and responsibility of being part of His unshakeable kingdom. For intercessors, this is an encouragement to approach prayer with a sense of gratitude and solemnity, mindful of the unshakeable nature of the God we serve.

              Prayer Focus:

              • Pray for the strength to walk blamelessly and to live in truth, reflecting God’s character in your life.
              • Thank God for being your rock and fortress, providing stability in every situation.
              • Intercede for those who feel shaken by life’s circumstances, that they may find their footing in God’s unshakeable kingdom.
              • Declare the stability and security of God’s kingdom over your life, your church, and your community.


              • Reflect on what it means to be unshaken in your faith, especially in challenging times.
              • Consider how you can more firmly anchor your life and prayers in the stability of God’s character.
              • Contemplate the impact of living as a citizen of God’s unshakeable kingdom on your daily life and intercession.

              This devotion is crafted to inspire confidence and stability in the face of life’s uncertainties, emphasizing the unshakeable nature of God and His kingdom.



              Verse 1

              In a world that shifts like sand,
              Your truth, O Lord, is the land where we stand.
              Through storms that rage, through winds that howl,
              In Your unshaken word, we drape our soul.


              Unshaken, in Your holy word,
              Above the chaos, Your voice is heard.
              In the quake of life, in the tempest’s roar,
              Unshaken, we stand, forevermore.

              Verse 2

              In the tides of change, in the currents of doubt,
              Your steadfast love is what life’s about.
              An anchor in the depths, a light in the grey,
              In Your unshaken truth, we find our way.


              Unshaken, in Your holy word,
              Above the chaos, Your voice is heard.
              In the quake of life, in the tempest’s roar,
              Unshaken, we stand, forevermore.


              Though the earth may tremble, the mountains may fall,
              Your unshaken word, a fortress tall.
              A promise unbroken, a path so clear,
              In Your unwavering truth, we have no fear.


              Unshaken, in Your holy word,
              Above the chaos, Your voice is heard.
              In the quake of life, in the tempest’s roar,
              Unshaken, we stand, forevermore.


              So in this journey, through the unknown,
              In Your unshaken word, we’ve flown.
              Steady and sure, like the stars above,
              Unshaken, in the truth of Your love.

              Lead Sheet

              Coming Soon

              • Key: D Minor (steadfast, serious)
              • Time Signature: 4/4
              • Tempo: 70 BPM (firm and unwavering)

              Storyboard descriptions for music video

              Intro: The Firm Foundation

              • Visual: The scene opens with a serene yet powerful image, perhaps a solid rock amidst a turbulent sea or a sturdy tree standing tall in a storm, symbolizing unwavering strength and stability.
              • Music: Begins with a steady, reassuring instrumental, setting a tone of steadfastness and resolve.
              • **Transition to Verse 1: As the music builds, the camera zooms in to focus on an individual standing firm, their gaze resolute and determined.

              Verse 1: Facing the Storm

              • Visual: The individual is shown facing various challenges – perhaps strong winds, heavy rain, or symbolic obstacles – representing the trials of life.
              • Music & Lyrics: Reflective and steady, with lyrics that speak to the challenges faced and the determination to stand firm in faith.
              • Transition to Chorus 1: As the verse concludes, the individual’s posture becomes more confident and resolute, symbolizing their unshakable faith.

              Chorus 1: Declaration of Steadfastness

              • Visual: The scene shows the individual, now joined by others, standing firm together. Their unity and collective strength become a powerful symbol against the challenges around them.
              • Music & Lyrics: The music becomes more uplifting and bold, with lyrics affirming the commitment to stand unshaken in their faith.
              • Transition to Verse 2: The storm begins to subside, symbolizing the power of steadfast faith to endure and overcome trials.

              Verse 2: Strength in Unity

              • Visual: The group is shown supporting each other, sharing moments of encouragement and strength. This unity reinforces their ability to withstand the challenges they face.
              • Music & Lyrics: Building on the theme of resilience, the lyrics and music convey a sense of collective strength and solidarity.
              • Transition to Chorus 2: The group’s bond strengthens, and the environment around them becomes calmer, reflecting the stabilizing effect of their faith.

                Chorus 2: Affirmation of Unwavering Faith

                • Visual: The group, now larger, stands even more firmly. The once turbulent environment is now calm, symbolizing the tranquility that comes from unwavering faith.
                • Music & Lyrics: A repeat of the chorus, more powerful and collective, emphasizing the confidence and peace found in steadfast faith.
                • Transition to Bridge: The individuals in the group take a moment of reflective pause, each contemplating their personal journey of faith.

                  Bridge: Personal Reflections

                  • Visual: Close-ups of various faces in the group, each showing a sense of peace, gratitude, and inner strength, symbolizing their personal journeys and the depth of their faith.
                  • Music & Lyrics: A change in tone, offering deeper, more introspective insights into the individual experiences of maintaining unwavering faith.
                  • Transition to Chorus 3: The group comes back together, now with a deeper sense of purpose and unity.

                  Chorus 3: Triumph in Faith

                  • Visual: The final chorus shows the group in a vibrant, peaceful setting, perhaps a bright meadow or a calm shore, symbolizing the triumph and peace achieved through their unshakable faith.
                  • Music & Lyrics: The final chorus is a powerful and joyful affirmation of their unwavering faith, full of triumph and serenity.
                  • Transition to Outro: The group looks forward, towards the horizon, symbolizing the ongoing journey of faith.

                  Outro: The Path Forward

                  • Visual: The scene shows the group moving forward together, their path clear and bright, symbolizing the journey ahead, guided by their steadfast faith.
                  • Music: The music gently fades, leaving a sense of hope and continuation.
                  • Ending Scene: The final shot is a wide view of the landscape, with the group moving forward confidently. The scene fades out, leaving an impression of a journey continued in unwavering faith and unity.
                  Proclaiming His Promises

                  Proclaiming His Promises

                  Proclaiming His Promises - Coming Soon

                  by Darren Winfield

                  “Proclaiming His Promises” – Affirming the Certainty of God’s Faithful Words

                  Track 10: “Proclaiming His Promises”

                  About the Song:

                  “Proclaiming His Promises” is a soul-stirring track from “Truth Unveiled,” focusing on the affirmation and declaration of God’s unchanging promises. This song is a powerful reminder of the faithfulness of God’s Word and the assurance that every promise He has made will be fulfilled.

                  Lyric Highlights:

                  The lyrics of “Proclaiming His Promises” are a testament to the reliability and truth of God’s promises. They inspire listeners to hold onto these promises with unwavering faith, proclaiming them over their lives and circumstances.

                  Musical Composition:

                  The composition features a blend of inspiring melodies and a rich, resonant arrangement that underscores the song’s theme of divine assurance. The music builds progressively, capturing the strength and confidence that come from trusting in God’s promises.

                  Message and Inspiration:

                  Drawing from 2 Corinthians 1:20 – “For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory,” this track encourages believers to stand firm in the assurance of God’s promises, knowing that they are yes and amen in Christ.

                  For the Listener:

                  Perfect for moments of reflection on the faithfulness of God, “Proclaiming His Promises” is an excellent choice for personal devotional time, as well as for encouraging and uplifting the congregation during worship services.


                  Devotion for “Proclaiming His Promises”

                  Scripture References:

                  • 2 Corinthians 1:20 – “For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.”
                  • Hebrews 10:23 – “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.”
                  • Joshua 21:45 – “Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.”


                  “Proclaiming His Promises” focuses on the faithfulness of God in fulfilling His promises. 2 Corinthians 1:20 reminds us that all of God’s promises are fulfilled in Jesus Christ. For intercessors, this is a powerful assurance that our prayers and declarations are grounded in the certainty of God’s fulfilled promises through Christ.

                  Hebrews 10:23 encourages believers to hold onto their hope firmly, emphasizing God’s faithfulness. As intercessors, trusting in God’s promises is essential, even when circumstances might suggest otherwise. It’s a call to steadfast faith, knowing that God is always true to His word.

                  Joshua 21:45 reflects on the faithfulness of God in the history of Israel, where every promise made by God was fulfilled. This historical perspective offers a tangible testament to God’s reliability and faithfulness. It encourages intercessors to trust in God’s promises, recalling His faithfulness throughout history.

                  Prayer Focus:

                  • Thank God for the fulfillment of all His promises in Jesus Christ.
                  • Pray for the faith to hold onto God’s promises, even in the face of doubts or challenging circumstances.
                  • Intercede for those who are struggling to trust in God’s promises, that they may experience His faithfulness.
                  • Declare the certainty and fulfillment of God’s promises over your life, your community, and the situations you are praying for.


                  • Reflect on specific promises of God that have been significant in your life and how they have been fulfilled.
                  • Consider ways in which you can remind yourself and others of God’s faithfulness in keeping His promises.
                  • Contemplate the impact of understanding that all God’s promises are “Yes” in Christ on your approach to prayer and intercession.

                  This devotion is designed to strengthen trust in God’s promises and encourage intercessors to confidently proclaim and rely on these promises in their prayer life.


                  Proclaiming His Promises

                  Verse 1

                  In every word You’ve spoken, a promise to keep,
                  In Your eternal covenant, not shallow but deep.
                  Through the ages, Your words hold true,
                  Proclaiming Your promises, in all that we do.


                  Proclaiming His promises, each word a seed,
                  In the garden of faith, they meet our need.
                  With every scripture, with every verse,
                  His promises, our universe.

                  Verse 2

                  From the mountains high, to the valleys low,
                  Your promises, Lord, in us they grow.
                  In every season, in every time,
                  Your words of promise, a rhythm, a rhyme.


                  Proclaiming His promises, each word a seed,
                  In the garden of faith, they meet our need.
                  With every scripture, with every verse,
                  His promises, our universe.


                  In the moments of doubt, in the trials we face,
                  Your promises, Lord, a wellspring of grace.
                  A beacon of hope, a foundation so firm,
                  In Your promises, we affirm.


                  Proclaiming His promises, each word a seed,
                  In the garden of faith, they meet our need.
                  With every scripture, with every verse,
                  His promises, our universe.


                  So with hearts lifted high, in Your love so immense,
                  In Your promises, Lord, our confidence.
                  Through the passage of time, in Your word, we rest,
                  Proclaiming His promises, eternally blessed.

                  Lead Sheet

                  Coming Soon

                  • Key: F# Major (vibrant, confident)
                  • Time Signature: 4/4
                  • Tempo: 104 BPM (energetic, positive)

                  Storyboard descriptions for music video

                  This storyboard for “Proclaiming His Promises” visually narrates a journey of remembering, celebrating, and finding strength in God’s faithfulness and promises. Each section of the song, from the introspective intro to the hopeful outro, is represented with imagery that reinforces the message of personal and communal experiences of God’s faithfulness, deep personal gratitude, and the joyful celebration of His enduring promises.

                  Intro: A Foundation of Trust

                  • Visual: The scene opens with a calm, peaceful setting, perhaps a sunrise over a quiet landscape, symbolizing the dawning of hope and faith in God’s promises.
                  • Music: Begins with gentle, reassuring instrumentals, setting a tone of trust and anticipation.
                  • Transition to Verse 1: The camera gently moves from the landscape to focus on individuals in various settings, each reflecting a sense of expectation.

                  Verse 1: Recollections of Faithfulness

                  • Visual: Individuals are shown in moments of reflection, perhaps looking at old letters, photos, or simply in deep thought, symbolizing personal recollections of times when God’s promises were fulfilled in their lives.
                  • Music & Lyrics: Soft and contemplative, with lyrics that narrate personal experiences and memories of God’s faithfulness.
                  • Transition to Chorus 1: The individuals start coming together, symbolizing a shared experience of God’s steadfastness.

                  Chorus 1: Celebrating God’s Promises

                  • Visual: The individuals gather in a communal setting, joining in celebration of God’s faithfulness. The scene is warm and vibrant, reflecting the joy of shared faith.
                  • Music & Lyrics: The music lifts, becoming more hopeful and joyful, with lyrics that affirm the certainty and fulfillment of God’s promises.
                  • Transition to Verse 2: The celebration continues, with the camera focusing on individual expressions of joy and gratitude.

                  Verse 2: Testimonies of Assurance

                  • Visual: Brief vignettes showcasing moments where individuals experienced God’s faithfulness – instances of answered prayers, moments of provision, and guidance.
                  • Music & Lyrics: Building on the theme of assurance, the lyrics and music convey a sense of gratitude and reaffirmation of trust in God’s promises.
                  • Transition to Chorus 2: The group’s celebration becomes more heartfelt and profound, reflecting a deepening sense of communal joy.

                    Chorus 2: United in Belief

                    • Visual: The celebration intensifies, with people singing, raising hands, or otherwise expressing their deep trust in and gratitude for God’s promises. The atmosphere is one of profound thanksgiving.
                    • Music & Lyrics: A repeat of the chorus, more powerful and collective, emphasizing the strength and joy found in shared belief and affirmation of God’s promises.
                    • Transition to Bridge: A moment of contemplative pause in the celebration, focusing on a few individuals in thoughtful gratitude.

                      Bridge: Depth of Conviction

                      • Visual: Close-ups of faces, each showing deep emotion and reflection, symbolizing the personal impact and depth of belief in God’s promises.
                      • Music & Lyrics: A shift in tone, offering a more intimate and personal reflection on the assurance and trust in God’s faithfulness.
                      • Transition to Chorus 3: The individual reflections transition back to the communal setting, now with a renewed sense of connection and affirmation.

                      Chorus 3: Affirming Faith Together

                      • Visual: The group stands together, possibly holding hands or with arms around each other, symbolizing unity and collective strength in faith.
                      • Music & Lyrics: The final chorus is a powerful, affirming celebration of God’s unwavering promises, full of joy and collective strength.
                      • Transition to Outro: The group looks towards the horizon or up to the sky, symbolizing a hopeful and faithful look towards the future.

                      Outro: Forward in Faith

                      • Visual: The scene transitions to a wide view of the landscape, with the group small but united against the vast backdrop, representing their journey forward underpinned by faith in God’s promises.
                      • Music: The music gradually softens, maintaining a sense of hope and continuity.
                      • Ending Scene: The final shot is a peaceful view of the horizon at sunset, symbolizing the end of one day and the promise of another, filled with the same steadfast faithfulness. The scene fades out, leaving an impression of continual trust and gratitude in God’s enduring promises.