I Am Who You Say I Am

I Am Who You Say I Am

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Album: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

3. “I Am Who You Say I Am”


“I Am Who You Say I Am” speaks into a world where labels abound. Society might label you according to your looks, achievements, or mistakes, and sometimes those labels can seep into your heart, shaping how you see yourself. This song is a musical declaration that the only label with eternal authority is the one God gives you: beloved child (1 John 3:1).

The opening verse sets the stage by describing the whirlwind of cultural voices and personal doubts. It doesn’t shy away from the reality that we all wrestle with the question: Who gets to define me? Instead of offering shallow affirmations, the lyrics point directly to God’s Word, explaining that each believer’s identity is rooted in Christ’s redemptive work (Ephesians 1:7). You are not who the world says you are; you are who He says you are.

Musically, “I Am Who You Say I Am” merges modern worship with a heartfelt melody, creating an environment that prompts listeners to join in this confessional anthem. The second verse highlights the repentance aspect—recognizing and turning away from the lie that we must earn acceptance. This moment acts like a pivotal shift in the song, guiding us to reflect on how often we’ve chased approval from people rather than resting in God’s unchanging love.

A key feature is the incorporation of El Roi—the God who sees (Genesis 16:13)—reminding us that no struggle or insecurity goes unnoticed by our Creator. As the bridge moves into intercession, we cry out on behalf of those who feel worthless or nameless, asking God to open their eyes to the truth of who He says they are.

By the final chorus, the song bursts with confidence and freedom, making it clear that when the Lord speaks over you, His words carry life, hope, and affirmation. With every note, “I Am Who You Say I Am” stands as a rallying cry for believers to throw off false labels and embrace their true identity in Christ.


4. “I Am Who You Say I Am”

Key Scripture:

“…we are God’s children now…” (1 John 3:2)

Devotion (Approx. 390 words)

Labels are everywhere. You might be labeled by your grades, your talents, or even your mistakes. The world loves to tell you who you are—or who you’re not. But the most important voice is God’s, and He says you are His child, loved and chosen (1 Peter 2:9).

When you accept Jesus, God calls you His son or daughter (Galatians 4:6-7). That’s not just a figure of speech—it’s a spiritual reality. It means you belong in God’s family, and He’s not kicking you out when you mess up. This identity isn’t based on how perfect you are; it’s based on how perfect He is.

The enemy loves to whisper lies like “You’re worthless,” “You’ll never change,” or “You’re a failure.” But those lies crumble under the weight of God’s truth. In Ephesians 1:4-5, we read that God chose us before the creation of the world. Imagine that—before you had a chance to prove yourself, He called you His own.

So when you say “I am who You say I am,” you’re declaring you’d rather trust the unchanging Word of God than the ever-changing opinions of people. You’re standing on the solid foundation of God’s promises rather than the shaky ground of cultural approval.


  • Whose voice are you listening to right now—God’s or the world’s?
  • How does knowing you’re God’s child impact your decisions and self-esteem?

Action Point:

Write down a few Bible verses that remind you of your identity in Christ (like 1 John 3:1-2 or Ephesians 2:10). Place them where you’ll see them daily—on your phone’s lock screen or a sticky note on your mirror. Each time you read them, declare aloud: “I am who You say I am, God!


I Am Who You Say I Am

Theme: Standing on the promises of God rather than shifting cultural labels.

Verse 1 – (Current Condition)

The world throws names at me, tries to redefine my core
But deep inside I know there must be something more
Confusion blurs my vision, acceptance feels so rare
Yet in the chaos, I sense Your presence there

 (Reference: Ephesians 1:4-5, John 10:27-28)

Chorus – (Worship the Lord in the Condition)

Yeshua, in this whirlwind, I choose to call on You
El Roi, the God who sees, You know what I’ve been through
I lift my praise in honesty, no mask upon my face
For I am who You say I am, covered by Your grace

 (Reference: Genesis 16:13, 1 John 3:1)

 Verse 2 – (Repent)

I’ve chased their validation, let opinions lead my way
But every empty promise steals my joy each day
Ruach HaKodesh, convict my heart and draw me near
Forgive my doubt, replace it with faith instead of fear

 (Reference: Galatians 1:10, John 16:8)

Chorus – (Worship the Lord)

Yeshua, Holy One, I cling to what You’ve done
El Roi, my comforter, in You my victory’s won
I lift my hands in total trust—my identity is sure
You rewrite my destiny; in Your love I’m secure

 (Reference: 2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 2:10)

Bridge – (Intercession)

Abba, for every child who doubts their worth or name
We plead Your blood, proclaim Your truth, and break the chains of shame
Give them eyes to see Your plan—a hope that never dies
Show them who they truly are, through Heaven’s loving eyes

 (Reference: John 17:17, Romans 8:15)

Chorus – (Worship the Lord)

Yeshua, we magnify the cross where freedom’s found
El Roi, we rest in grace; Your mercy knows no bounds
In every generation, let identity be sealed
We are who You say we are—Your truth will be revealed

 (Reference: Romans 8:1, 1 Peter 2:9-10)

Outro – (Blessing)

YHWH Tsidkenu, clothe us in righteousness
Speak over us Your blessing, show us we are blessed
No longer slaves to doubt, forever marked by grace

 (Reference: Jeremiah 23:6, Galatians 4:7)

Chord Chart – coming soon

In His Image

In His Image

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Album: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

2. “In His Image”


“In His Image” dives into the foundational truth of Genesis 1:27, declaring that every human being—male and female—is created to reflect the very nature of God. It’s easy to get caught up in the world’s ever-changing opinions about identity, but this song cuts through the noise, reminding us that our primary label is “Imago Dei”—the image of God.

The lyrics start by acknowledging the pressure we face in our modern culture: from social media to peer expectations, we’re bombarded with messages telling us to define ourselves however we choose. Yet the opening lines set a tone of weariness, hinting that chasing every new idea can leave us feeling more lost than fulfilled. This is where the song shifts its focus, proclaiming with bold conviction that God has already defined us, and His definition is not only timeless but perfect.

By incorporating the Hebrew names of God—El Shaddai (God Almighty) and Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit)—the song connects believers to the original biblical narrative, showing that the One who spoke the universe into being also breathed identity into each of us. Musically, expect a blend of driving beats and melodic instrumentation that underscores the rallying cry: you are not a random collection of parts, but a masterpiece bearing the fingerprint of the Creator.

The second verse takes on a tone of repentance, admitting that we often bend to cultural idols. Yet, instead of leaving us in a place of condemnation, it calls us back to the security of God’s Word. By the final chorus, “In His Image” becomes an anthem of freedom, freeing listeners from the burdens of self-made identity to rest in the One whose likeness they bear. This powerful reminder invites everyone to stand confidently in their God-given worth and show others the beauty of Christ through their everyday lives.


2. “In His Image”

Key Scripture:

“So God created man in His own image…” (Genesis 1:27)


It’s easy to look around and feel pressure to define yourself by what others say is “cool” or “normal.” But the Bible begins by telling us something astonishing: God created you in His image.

What does that even mean? In Genesis 1:27, when it says we’re made in God’s image, it’s not talking about physical appearance—God is spirit (John 4:24). It means you reflect aspects of God’s character, like creativity, the ability to love, and the longing for relationship. It’s like you carry a piece of God’s “DNA” in your soul.

That’s huge, because if your worth comes from being made in His image, then no trend or opinion can take that away. You’re not just random matter; you have an eternal spark inside you that points to a God who is loving, holy, and purposeful.

When the world or social media tries to label you—“not pretty enough,” “not popular enough,” “not good enough”—remember who stamped His image on you. You have a divine imprint. This also means you can represent God’s heart wherever you go. People should see glimpses of His compassion, joy, and truth in the way you live.


  • How often do you see yourself as a reflection of God’s image?
  • What are some ways you can show people God’s love through your actions?

Action Point:

Ask God to help you see yourself—and others—the way He sees you. Try to notice at least one aspect of God’s character in someone this week, whether it’s their kindness, generosity, or ability to listen. Tell them what you see and encourage them. You’ll be amazed at how seeing God’s image in others changes how you interact with them.


In His Image

Theme: Celebrating God’s intentional design and challenging the cultural narrative that we can self-define.

Verse 1 – (Current Condition)

I hear the world say I can be whoever I choose
But my heart’s grown weary from chasing every view
They tell me self-expression is freedom’s only way
Yet deep inside, I’m longing for truth that want betray

 (Reference: Genesis 1:27, Psalm 86:11)

Chorus – (Worship the Lord in the Condition)

Yeshua, my Designer, You formed me from the start
No label can replace the mark You etched upon my heart
El Shaddai, I lift my praise from deep within my soul
“In Your image, I am known”—that truth makes me whole

 (Reference: Psalm 139:13-14)

Chorus – (Worship the Lord in the Condition)

Yeshua, my Designer, You formed me from the start
No label can replace the mark You etched upon my heart
El Shaddai, I lift my praise from deep within my soul
“In Your image, I am known”—that truth makes me whole

 (Reference: Psalm 139:13-14)

Verse 2 – (Repent)

I’ve bowed to modern idols, letting culture shape my mind
Ruach HaKodesh, break the chains that kept me blind
I turn from empty promises, from voices that misled
And run back to the safety of each word that You have said

 (Reference: 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, Romans 12:2)

Chorus – (Worship the Lord)

Yeshua, my Creator, I worship You alone
El Shaddai, restore my heart, make Your purpose known
In every fear and doubt, Your truth remains the same
I stand in holy wonder, sealed in Your great Name

 (Reference: Colossians 1:16-17)

Chorus – (Worship the Lord)

Yeshua, my Redeemer, show me who I’m meant to be
El Shaddai, wrap me in grace, in truth that sets me free
No longer bound by fear—Your Word will be my guide
“In His image, I’m alive,” forever glorified

 (Reference: John 1:14, John 8:36)

Outro – (Blessing)

YHWH Shalom, breathe peace upon this heart
You’ve called me from the start, set me apart

Chord Chart – coming soon

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (Album)

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (Album)

Album: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Album Description: “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made”


“Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” is a heartfelt collection of worship songs that takes a deep dive into the crucial question of our God-given identity. Inspired by Psalm 139:14, this album addresses the real struggles young people face in a culture of ever-changing labels, offering biblically grounded hope in the midst of confusion. Each track—from the opening anthem that boldly declares our worth in God’s eyes, to the tender calls for repentance—was crafted to shine the light of Scripture on the issues of self-worth, identity, and belonging.

A defining feature of this album is the use of Hebrew names for God—such as Yeshua, Ruach HaKodesh, and El Shaddai—to connect listeners to the ancient roots of our faith and underscore the timelessness of God’s character. Through relatable lyrics, modern melodies, and cinematic elements, “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” walks listeners through the journey of acknowledging current struggles, lifting up worship in the middle of the mess, and ultimately finding healing at the feet of Jesus. Repentance is woven into the lyrical content, reminding us that we can always turn back to God’s unchanging truth, regardless of how far we’ve strayed.

Each song ends with a spirit of intercession and a blessing, signifying that these aren’t just personal reflections but also communal prayers for a generation longing to rediscover their value in God. Whether you feel strong and steady or completely lost in life’s storms, “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” invites you to step into a deeper revelation of God’s love, allowing His truth to reshape how you see yourself—and how you see others.

Ultimately, this album is about coming home to the reality that we are, indeed, fearfully and wonderfully made, pointing every heart back to the Creator who calls us His own.

Song Videos

Song Pages

Coming Back to Truth

A triumphant song of repentance and return, celebrating the freedom found when we come back to God’s unchanging truth.

Chosen Generation

An empowering anthem calling young believers to rise boldly, embracing their identity as God’s chosen people.

Renew My Mind

A transformative prayer for spiritual renewal, this song invites God to reshape our thoughts and align us with His truth.

Heart of the Father

An intimate song revealing the depth of God’s love, drawing us closer to His heart of grace, mercy, and compassion.

Anchor in the Storm

This comforting song reflects on God’s steady presence, offering hope and peace through life’s most turbulent times.


A heartfelt reminder that we are God’s workmanship, created with intention and destined for His beautiful purposes.


A bold, faith-filled anthem about standing firm in God’s promises, even when life’s storms try to shake us.

I Am Who You Say I Am

An uplifting declaration of truth, this track confronts worldly lies and embraces the identity God has spoken over us.

In His Image

Celebrating the beauty of being created in God’s image, this song inspires confidence in His divine design for our lives.

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (Song)

A powerful anthem affirming our God-given identity, reminding us that we are uniquely crafted with purpose and love.

Erech Apayim (Patience)

A gentle reflection on God’s longsuffering nature. As we sing, we learn to mirror His patience in a world that often rushes ahead.

P’ri HaRuach (Fruit of the Spirit)

The grand finale uniting all nine attributes into one harmonious expression. It proclaims that the Spirit’s fruit flows abundantly when we abide in Messiah Yeshua.

Enkrateia (Self-Control)

A resolute call to submit our desires to Ruach HaKodesh. It reminds us that freedom flourishes where the Spirit guides our hearts.

Anav (Gentleness)

A humble, soulful piece highlighting the strength found in meekness. True power is revealed through Christ-like compassion and restraint.

Emunah (Faithfulness)

A declaration of God’s unshakable loyalty and trustworthiness. Through every season, we rest in His steadfast promises.

Tov (Goodness)

A joyful celebration of God’s inherent goodness. Listeners are encouraged to taste and see the Lord’s faithful, life-giving grace.

Rachum (Kindness)

An invitation to experience and extend the Lord’s compassionate mercy. Embodying biblical kindness transforms hearts and relationships.

Shalom (Peace)

A contemplative track celebrating the perfect peace found in God. Amid life’s storms, Yeshua (Sar Shalom) offers wholeness that surpasses understanding.

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (Song)

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (Song)

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Album: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

1. “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made”


“Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” is a heart-stirring anthem rooted in Psalm 139:14, where King David marvels at God’s intricate design of every human life. This song addresses the deep questions many of us wrestle with: Am I enough? Does God see me? Why was I created this way? The lyrics confront those insecurities head-on, reminding us that we are not accidents or afterthoughts, but unique creations formed by the hand of our loving Father.

Throughout the song, you’ll hear Hebrew names for the Lord, such as Yeshua (Jesus) and El Shaddai (God Almighty), woven into the text to add a layer of reverence and a direct connection to Scripture’s original language. This choice also underscores the timeless and unchanging nature of God’s character—He who formed us so thoughtfully has not changed His mind about our worth.

Musically, “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” blends a contemporary worship style with cinematic elements, creating an atmosphere that invites deep reflection and authentic praise. In the first verse, the lyrics describe the emotional tension of feeling lost or inadequate, setting the stage for a chorus that shifts our focus to worshiping God in that very state of uncertainty. As we journey toward repentance in the second verse, the bridge becomes a poignant moment of intercession—standing in the gap not only for ourselves but for others who are struggling with identity and self-worth.

Ultimately, the song culminates in a blessing—a reminder that God’s love and acceptance are not conditional on our performance or achievements. Instead, He calls us fearfully and wonderfully made,” and our response is to worship Him with full hearts. This track serves as both a comfort and a commission, urging believers to embrace the truth of their divine design and extend that hope to those around them.


1. “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” 

Key Scripture:

“I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” (Psalm 139:14)


Have you ever felt like you don’t measure up? Maybe you’ve compared yourself to others on social media or believed you need to change who you are just to fit in. The Bible tells us something radically different: God made you with intention, and He delights in you.

In Psalm 139:13-16, David praises God for forming him in his mother’s womb. He recognizes that we’re not random accidents but handcrafted by the Creator of the universe. That means every characteristic—your hair color, personality, even your quirks—was chosen on purpose.

When we say “fearfully and wonderfully made,” it shows that God took great care (fearfully) and skill (wonderfully) in designing you. It’s like a master artist painting a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. Think of how an artist invests time, attention, and love in creating something truly special. That’s you!

But sometimes, the world’s voices try to convince you otherwise. They might say you need to look or act a certain way to have value. Remember that God’s truth never changes: Your identity is secure in Him. He calls you His child (1 John 3:1), and there’s no higher label than that.


  • In what ways have you doubted your worth?
  • How can focusing on God’s intentional design for you change your perspective?

Action Point:

Take a moment to thank God for how He created you. Write down a few things you appreciate about your uniqueness—maybe it’s your sense of humor, your musical talent, or your compassion for others. As you list these, praise Him for being an incredible Creator.


Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Verse 1 – (Current Condition)

I’m standing here, torn by all the voices
They say my worth depends on who I choose to be
Mirror’s reflection, lost in expectations
But deep inside, I sense You calling me

(Reference: Psalm 139:14, Romans 12:2)

Chorus – (Worship the Lord in the Condition)

Yeshua, I lift my hands in the chaos
El Shaddai, my soul still clings to You
Though I’m confused, You remain my anchor
I worship You in spirit and in truth

(Reference: John 4:24, Hebrews 6:19)

Verse 2 – (Repent)

I’ve chased the lies that promised they could save me
But every road led further from Your grace
Ruach HaKodesh, come and break the strongholds
I turn around and run into Your embrace

(Reference: Acts 3:19, 2 Corinthians 3:17)

Chorus – (Worship the Lord)

Yeshua, I lay my burdens at Your feet
El Shaddai, be the strength I never knew
Where I am weak, Your power shines the brightest
I worship You, for all my hope’s in You

(Reference: 2 Corinthians 12:9, Matthew 11:28)

Bridge – (Intercession)

Abba, heal the wounded hearts
Draw every wandering child back to Your light
We intercede for those still lost in shadows
Speak life, bring truth, restore what’s been denied

(Reference: Luke 15:20, 1 Timothy 2:1)

Chorus – (Worship the Lord)

Yeshua, the Name above all others
El Shaddai, let every captive be set free
You know us best; You formed us in the secret place
We worship You, for we are called to be

(Reference: Psalm 139:13, Galatians 5:1)

Outro – (Blessing)

You call us sons and daughters, loved from the start
Your peace into every heart
We’re fearfully and wonderfully made in You

(Reference: 1 John 3:1, Psalm 139:14)

Chord Chart – coming soon

Erech Apayim (Patience)

Erech Apayim (Patience)

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Album: P’ri HaRuach: A Journey Through the Fruits of the Spirit

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4. “Erech Apayim” (Patience)


“Erech Apayim” brings the ancient Hebrew phrase for patience, meaning “slow to anger,” to the forefront of worship. This song offers a prayerful reflection on God’s enduring patience toward His people and a plea for the Holy Spirit to instill that same patience in us. Drawing inspiration from 2 Peter 3:9, which declares that the Lord is patient, “not wanting anyone to perish,” the lyrics invite listeners to marvel at the boundless compassion God extends to humanity.

From the first verse, the song acknowledges our tendency to rush and react. Yet as it unfolds, it draws a stark contrast between human impatience and the divine, measured response of a God who continually shows mercy. The chorus exalts God as “Erech Apayim,” emphasizing that His slowness to anger is a reflection of His great love. This becomes an anthem of gratitude for His grace and a mirror for our own hearts—do we reflect the patience we have received?

Stylistically, the music moves at a deliberate pace, symbolizing the act of waiting on the Lord. The use of Hebrew bridges not only adds depth but also connects modern worshipers to the rich scriptural roots of the term. Each repetition of “Erech Apayim” serves as a spiritual reminder that patience is not passive; it’s an active stance of trust, a reliance on God’s timing and ways.

In essence, “Erech Apayim” captures the tension between our human impatience and God’s invitation to cultivate a measured, loving spirit. It calls us to slow down, listen more, and reflect His gentle pace in our interactions. By the end of the song, we are drawn to embrace patience as a divine virtue, one that transforms our relationships and helps us align more closely with the character of our long-suffering, ever-loving Father.


4. “Erech Apayim” (Patience)


The Hebrew phrase erech apayim literally means “long of nostrils,” which in Hebrew idiom refers to being “slow to anger”—or patient. Patience, a trait of God, is vividly displayed throughout Scripture. 2 Peter 3:9 reminds us, “The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise… Instead, He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish.” God’s patience flows out of His desire for relationship with us rather than condemnation.

From Israel’s wanderings in the desert to the repeated cycles of disobedience in the book of Judges, God demonstrates patience towards His people. When we look at our own lives, we often see the same pattern: times of drifting, rebellion, and eventual repentance. Yet each time, God is there, willing to restore us upon our turning back to Him.

Patience is not passivity. It is an active trust in God’s timing and a willingness to wait for His redemptive work to unfold. In James 5:7, believers are exhorted to “be patient, then… until the Lord’s coming.” The imagery is that of a farmer who waits for precious crops to receive the early and late rains. This waiting is hopeful, expectant, and marked by perseverance.

Practically, patience is tested in everyday life—whether in family relationships, church settings, or unexpected delays. In these moments, we can lean on Ruach HaKodesh, who empowers us to endure with grace rather than reacting out of frustration. Proverbs 14:29 warns that “whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly.” Patience is a form of wisdom that keeps us from destructive impulses.

When you sing “Erech Apayim,” let it be a prayerful declaration that you desire to mirror God’s patience. Reflect on how patient He has been with you in seasons of doubt or rebellion. Let that truth soften your heart toward others—especially those who test your limits.

Prayer and Application:

Ask God to highlight situations where impatience creeps in—maybe in your work, family life, or spiritual journey. Pray that He’ll replace your quick-tempered reactions with His measured grace. Remember that patience grows through trials (see Romans 5:3-4), so don’t despise the process. Embrace each challenge as an invitation to cultivate the patience of God, trusting that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion in Messiah Yeshua (Philippians 1:6).


4. “Erech Apayim” (Patience)

Theme: Personal Transformation — God’s Patience (2 Peter 3:9)

Verse 1

I’ve often gone astray
Still, Your kindness leads me on
Your mercy never fades away
Your patience makes me strong


Erech Apayim, slow to anger
Adonai, You wait for me
Transform my heart, O Ruach HaKodesh
In Your patience, I am free

Verse 2

So quick to speak, so quick to judge
I wrestle with my pride
Yet in Your grace, I learn to trust
And in humility abide

Verse 2

So quick to speak, so quick to judge
I wrestle with my pride
Yet in Your grace, I learn to trust
And in humility abide


Erech Apayim, slow to anger
Adonai, You wait for me
Transform my heart, O Ruach HaKodesh
In Your patience, I am free


Teach me, Lord, to wait on You
As You have waited on me
Refine my life, let love break through
Till patience becomes my plea

Chorus (final)

Erech Apayim, slow to anger
Adonai, You wait for me
Transform my heart, O Ruach HaKodesh
In Your patience, I am free

In Your patience, I am free

Chord Chart – coming soon