P’ri HaRuach (Fruit of the Spirit)
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10. “P’ri HaRuach” (Fruit of the Spirit)
“P’ri HaRuach” brings together all the themes of the album, celebrating the unified fruit of the Holy Spirit as outlined in Galatians 5:22-23: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The title, drawn from Hebrew, underscores that these virtues are not separate entities but facets of one divine work in us—a holistic transformation made possible by abiding in Messiah Yeshua.
The song opens with a verse that briefly references each attribute, painting a tapestry of how these virtues collectively reflect God’s character. As the chorus breaks out, it becomes an overarching declaration that the Spirit’s fruit is both a gift and a calling: believers receive it freely, but must also nurture and cultivate it through submission to the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh). The melody is designed to be uplifting and unifying, suitable for a grand finale in a worship set or a contemplative close to a personal devotion time.
References to Adonai Ahavah (God is Love), Simchah (Joy), and the other Hebrew-based tracks you’ve explored tie the album together into a cohesive narrative of spiritual growth. The bridge provides an optional moment for musical recap, allowing brief reprises of each theme, which can be adapted for live worship settings to celebrate the journey through each individual fruit.
By the end of “P’ri HaRuach,” the message is unmistakable: the fruit of the Spirit is not about striving in our own strength, but about yielding to God’s life-giving presence. It serves as both a benediction and a commissioning, reminding believers that as they walk in the Spirit, they can bring God’s transformative power into every corner of their world. The final notes resound with hope, affirming that these qualities are not just ideals, but living realities in those who abide in Christ.
10. “P’ri HaRuach” (Fruit of the Spirit)
The phrase p’ri haRuach (fruit of the Spirit) encapsulates the totality of what the Holy Spirit produces in the believer’s life, outlined in Galatians 5:22-23: “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” It’s significant that Paul describes these as one fruit, not fruits, emphasizing they come from the same source—the Spirit of God dwelling in us.
This fruit emerges naturally when we abide in Yeshua. John 15:5 says, “I am the vine; you are the branches… apart from Me you can do nothing.” Just as a branch cannot bear fruit if it’s separated from the vine, we cannot display these qualities consistently unless we are connected to the life-giving presence of Messiah. Our role is to remain in Him through prayer, worship, and obedience; the Spirit then nurtures and grows these virtues organically.
The fruit of the Spirit is not just for personal edification; it’s meant to bless and build up the community. Love, joy, and peace foster healthy relationships. Patience, kindness, and goodness create a culture of care and compassion. Faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control ensure stability and integrity in our daily walk. By manifesting this fruit, we become living testimonies to the character of God in a world longing for authenticity.
When singing “P’ri HaRuach,” remember that this is both a celebration and a prayer—a celebration that God has made a way for us to bear fruit and a prayer that we might yield our hearts fully to His Spirit. Reflect on each attribute: In which areas have you grown, and where do you sense the need for more pruning or nourishment?
Jesus (Yeshua) warned that any branch not bearing fruit would be cut off, while branches that do bear fruit would be pruned to be more fruitful (John 15:2). Pruning can be uncomfortable—God may remove distractions, wrong relationships, or unhealthy habits—but it’s always for our benefit. Accept His pruning as part of the growth process that leads to richer, sweeter fruit.
Prayer and Application:
Invite Ruach HaKodesh to show you which aspect of the fruit of the Spirit needs the most attention in your life right now. Meditate on Scriptures that strengthen that attribute, and ask the Lord to prune whatever hinders its growth. Finally, celebrate the fact that God has chosen you to bear His fruit to the world. As you align your life with His Word, you become an instrument of His glory and a beacon of hope for those yet to taste the goodness of the Lord.
10. “P’ri HaRuach” (Fruit of the Spirit)
Theme: Culmination — Unified Declaration (Galatians 5:22-23)
Verse 1
Love, joy, and peace, a melody divine
Patience, kindness, goodness shine
Faithfulness and gentle grace
Self-control in every place
P’ri HaRuach, one Spirit, many gifts
We declare Your presence, Lord, in all we do and live
P’ri HaRuach, united as we sing
Growing in Your image, praises to our King
P’ri HaRuach, one Spirit, many gifts
We declare Your presence, Lord, in all we do and live
P’ri HaRuach, united as we sing
Growing in Your image, praises to our King
Verse 2
From Adonai Ahavah to Enkrateia so true
We’ve walked this road in awe of You
Ruach HaKodesh, breathe in us
That all the earth may trust
P’ri HaRuach, one Spirit, many gifts
We declare Your presence, Lord, in all we do and live
P’ri HaRuach, united as we sing
Growing in Your image, praises to our King
P’ri HaRuach, one Spirit, many gifts
We declare Your presence, Lord, in all we do and live
P’ri HaRuach, united as we sing
Growing in Your image, praises to our King
Bridge (Musical Recap)
Ahavah (Love), Simchah (Joy), Shalom (Peace)…
Erech Apayim (Patience), Rachum (Kindness), Tov (Goodness)…
Emunah (Faithfulness), Anav (Gentleness), Enkrateia (Self-Control)…
Chorus (final)
P’ri HaRuach, one Spirit, many gifts
We declare Your presence, Lord, in all we do and live
P’ri HaRuach, united as we sing
Growing in Your image, praises to our King
Chorus (final)
P’ri HaRuach, one Spirit, many gifts
We declare Your presence, Lord, in all we do and live
P’ri HaRuach, united as we sing
Growing in Your image, praises to our King
P’ri HaRuach, one Spirit, many gifts
We declare Your presence, Lord, in all we do and live
P’ri HaRuach, united as we sing
Growing in Your image, praises to our King