Covenant of Crimson

Covenant of Crimson

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Track Seven: Covenant of Crimson

Covenant of Crimson, the seventh track, focuses on the piercing of Jesus’ side and the profound outpouring of love and life it represents. This song captures the moment the spear revealed the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice, releasing both blood and water as symbols of a new covenant. The melody is a hauntingly beautiful blend of sorrow and hope, reflecting the pain of the piercing and the promise it holds. As the music unfolds, listeners are invited to witness the birth of a new relationship between God and humanity, sealed by the crimson flow from Jesus’ side. “Covenant of Crimson” is a powerful reminder of the new life and unbreakable bond forged through the ultimate sacrifice.


Devotional for “Covenant of Crimson”


In the seventh devotional of “Journey of Redemption: The Path of the Cross,” we immerse ourselves in “Covenant of Crimson.” This track reflects on the moment the soldier’s spear pierced Jesus’ side, releasing a flow of blood and water, symbolizing the new covenant of salvation for humanity. As we explore this song and scripture, let’s meditate on the significance of this covenant and the new life it brings.

Scripture Reading:

John 19:33-37 Contemplate the fulfillment of prophecy and the deep spiritual meaning behind the piercing of Jesus’ side, as well as the blood and water that flowed out.

Reflective Questions:

  1. What does the new covenant, sealed by Jesus’ blood, mean to you personally?
  2. How does the imagery of blood and water flowing from Jesus’ side enhance your understanding of His sacrifice and the life it offers?
  3. Reflect on the idea of being part of a new covenant community. How does this impact your relationships with others and your role in the world?

Listening to the Song:

As you listen to “Covenant of Crimson,” allow the lyrics and melody to deepen your appreciation for the profound sacrifice Jesus made. Focus on the imagery of the crimson flow and the eternal promise it signifies.

Personal Reflection:

Spend some time in quiet reflection or journaling. Ponder the personal significance of being part of a covenant with God, made possible through Jesus’ sacrifice. Reflect on any areas of your life where you need to embrace or live out this covenant more fully.


Heavenly Father, In the covenant of crimson, You have offered me new life and a promise of salvation. Help me to fully grasp the depth of this covenant and the sacrifice it required. May the blood and water that flowed from Jesus’ side be a constant reminder of Your love and the new life You offer. Teach me to live as a faithful member of this covenant community, sharing Your love and grace with others. Amen.

Closing Thought:

As you go about your day, remember the covenant of crimson and the new life it signifies. Consider how you can live out this covenant in your interactions, decisions, and relationships, reflecting the love and sacrifice of Jesus in your own life.

This devotional for “Covenant of Crimson” aims to deepen the listener’s understanding of the new covenant established through Jesus’ sacrifice, encouraging personal reflection and a commitment to living out this covenant in everyday life.


Covenant of Crimson

Verse 1

On the cross, the battle done, the victory seemed so dim,
Yet even in death’s quiet claim, life stirred within Him.
From His side, the spear did pierce, a stream of crimson flowed,
In that sacred, solemn moment, love’s true depth was showed.


Covenant of crimson, from His side it came,
In the blood and water, we find a new name.
A promise written in red, a testament so divine,
In the piercing of His side, we’re forever His and He is mine.

Verse 2

As the soldier’s spear withdrew, prophecy was fulfilled,
“Not one of His bones will be broken,” and by His stripes, we’re healed.
From His side, a river of life, for every soul to claim,
In His final wound, we find our new beginning, not our end.


Covenant of crimson, from His side it came,
In the blood and water, we find a new name.
A promise written in red, a testament so divine,
In the piercing of His side, we’re forever His and He is mine.


Behold the Lamb, the sacrifice, who bore the sin of all,
In His death, our life was bought, in His call, we find our all.
From His side, the church was born, in His blood, our sins are torn,
In His piercing, find the morn, of a world reborn.


Covenant of crimson, from His side it came,
In the blood and water, we find a new name.
A promise written in red, a testament so divine,
In the piercing of His side, we’re forever His and He is mine.


So, let us come and drink this day, from the well that never fades,
In the wound of Christ, we find our way, by His sacrifice, our debts are paid.
In the covenant of crimson, we stand, with hearts washed clean and grand,
For in His side, He carved our land, in the palm of His sacred hand.


Covenant of Crimson


Verse 1

On the cross, the battle done, the victory seemed so dim,
       F#m                                                 A                       G#m  
Yet even in death’s quiet claim, life stirred within Him.
From His side, the spear did pierce, a stream of crimson flowed,
             F#m                                                          A                            G#m
In that sacred, solemn moment, love’s true depth was showed.


C#m                               E                          B 
Covenant of crimson, from His side it came,
A                                               B                 C#m 
In the blood and water, we find a new name.
                                                      E                       B 
A promise written in red, a testament so divine,
            A                                                 B                                 C#m
In the piercing of His side, we’re forever His and He is mine.

Verse 2

As the soldier’s spear withdrew, prophecy was fulfilled,
              F#m                                                                       A                       G#m
“Not one of His bones will be broken,” and by His stripes, we’re healed.
From His side, a river of life, for every soul to claim,
             F#m                                                     A                       G#m 
In His final wound, we find our new beginning, not our end.


C#m                               E                          B 
Covenant of crimson, from His side it came,
A                                               B                 C#m 
In the blood and water, we find a new name.
                                                      E                       B 
A promise written in red, a testament so divine,
            A                                                 B                                 C#m
In the piercing of His side, we’re forever His and He is mine.


Behold the Lamb, the sacrifice, who bore the sin of all,
             A                                                          B 
In His death, our life was bought, in His call, we find our all.
                  C#m                                                    E 
From His side, the church was born, in His blood, our sins are torn,
            A                                                  B 
In His piercing, find the morn, of a world reborn.


C#m                               E                          B 
Covenant of crimson, from His side it came,
A                                               B                 C#m 
In the blood and water, we find a new name.
                                                      E                       B 
A promise written in red, a testament so divine,
            A                                                 B                                 C#m
In the piercing of His side, we’re forever His and He is mine.  


                 A                                                             E 
So, let us come and drink this day, from the well that never fades,
                               B                                                                C#m 
In the wound of Christ, we find our way, by His sacrifice, our debts are paid.
B                    A                                                     E 
In the covenant of crimson, we stand, with hearts washed clean and grand,
                    B                                                       G#m 
For in His side, He carved our land, in the palm of His sacred hand.

C#m            E           B              A              B

            C#m            E
He Is Mine
           B                   A 
He Is Mine
He is Mine
Behold the Lamb the sacrifice.

Pathway of Peace

Pathway of Peace

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Track Six: Pathway of Peace

The sixth track, Pathway of Peace, takes us to the solemn act of Jesus’ feet being nailed to the cross. This song is a reflection on the journey those feet undertook, from walking among us with messages of peace and healing to being pierced on the path of our salvation. The melody is a blend of somber tones and uplifting harmonies, symbolizing the peace that Jesus’ sacrifice brings amidst the pain. Listeners are invited to contemplate the significance of each step He took for humanity, culminating in this act of ultimate love and surrender. “Pathway of Peace” is not just a song; it’s an invitation to walk in the peace and redemption offered through His enduring love and sacrifice.


Devotional for “Pathway of Peace”


In the sixth devotional of “Journey of Redemption: The Path of the Cross,” we reflect upon “Pathway of Peace.” This track contemplates the nailing of Jesus’ feet to the cross, symbolizing His journey towards our salvation and the peace He offers through His sacrifice. As we engage with this song and scripture, let’s consider the path of peace that Jesus walked for us and how we are called to follow in His steps.

Scripture Reading:

Luke 24:36-40 Reflect on Jesus’ post-resurrection appearance to His disciples, where He shows them His hands and feet. Think about the peace He brings in the midst of fear and doubt.

Reflective Questions:

  1. How does the image of Jesus’ nailed feet, which once walked to bring good news, challenge and inspire you?
  2. Jesus’ journey to the cross was one of immense pain but also of peace. How can you embrace His peace in your own trials and journeys?
  3. Consider the paths you walk daily. How can you follow more closely in the footsteps of Jesus, bringing peace and love to others?

Listening to the Song:

As “Pathway of Peace” plays, reflect on the dual nature of Jesus’ journey — filled with suffering yet leading to ultimate peace. Let the music guide your contemplation of His sacrificial steps and the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Personal Reflection:

Take a moment to meditate or journal about the peace that Jesus offers. Reflect on any areas of your life where you need His peace to reign and how you can extend that peace to others in your community and beyond.


Lord Jesus, You walked a path of unimaginable pain and suffering, yet You did so to bring peace to a troubled world. Help me to find comfort in the peace You offer and to walk confidently in Your footsteps, no matter the challenges I face. Guide my steps, that I may bring Your peace and love to those around me. I thank You for the pathway of peace that You’ve established, leading to eternal life and joy. Amen.

Closing Thought:

As you continue your day, remember the path of peace that Jesus walked for you. Consider how you can walk in His ways, bringing His peace and love into every aspect of your life, and offering a comforting presence to those in need.

This devotional for “Pathway of Peace” is designed to encourage listeners to contemplate the profound sacrifice of Jesus and to inspire them to walk in His footsteps, spreading His peace and love in their daily lives.


Pathway of Peace

Verse 1

On the wood of sorrow, where love and mercy meet,
The feet that walked on water were nailed for our defeat.
Every step towards Calvary, a journey foretold,
In His pierced feet, our redemption would unfold.


Pathway of peace, steps of divine grace,
In every nail, our sins erased.
Walking the road of suffering for our release,
In His feet, we find our pathway of peace.

Verse 2

From Bethlehem’s manger to Golgotha’s hill,
His feet carried grace, and in pain, they were still.
“Peace I leave with you,” He said, now made manifest,
In the feet that brought good news, now our eternal rest.


Pathway of peace, steps of divine grace,
In every nail, our sins erased.
Walking the road of suffering for our release,
In His feet, we find our pathway of peace.


Oh, sacred feet, oh, holy wounds that bleed,
In every drop, a seed, of faith, hope, and creed.
By His walk of pain, by His love so vast,
In His steps, we find our peace at last.


Pathway of peace, steps of divine grace,
In every nail, our sins erased.
Walking the road of suffering for our release,
In His feet, we find our pathway of peace.


So let us follow where He trod, in the shadow of the cross,
For in His footsteps, we find gain in what seemed loss.
In the nailing of His feet, in the agony, so sweet,
We’re led on the pathway of peace, to His mercy seat.

Chord Chart

Pathway of Peace

Em          C           G           D 

Verse 1

Em                          C                     G                         D  
On the wood of sorrow, where love and mercy meet,
Em                                       C                    G                         D  
The feet that walked on water were nailed for our defeat.
Em                               C                 G                   D  
Every step towards Calvary, a journey foretold,
              C                              D                                Em    
In His pierced feet, our redemption would unfold.


                     C                           Am            Em 
Pathway of peace, steps of divine grace,
                D                        C 
In every nail, our sins erased.
                        Am              Em                     D 
Walking the road of suffering for our release,
             C                             D                       Em          C           G           D  
 In His feet, we find our pathway of peace.

Verse 2

Em                             C                 G                   D  
From Bethlehem’s manger to Golgotha’s hill,
Em                        C                        G                         D  
His feet carried grace, and in pain, they were still.
Em                               C                                  G                   D  
“Peace I leave with you,” He said, now made manifest,
              C                                      D                                            Em    
In the feet that brought good news, now our eternal rest.


                     C                           Am            Em 
Pathway of peace, steps of divine grace,
                D                        C 
In every nail, our sins erased.
                        Am              Em                     D 
Walking the road of suffering for our release,
             C                             D                       Em          C           G           D  
 In His feet, we find our pathway of peace.


Em                                      C
Oh, sacred feet, oh, holy wounds that bleed,
                G                                    D
In every drop, a seed, of faith, hope, and creed.
             Em                               C 
By His walk of pain, by His love so vast,
            G                               D 
In His steps, we find our peace at last.


                     C                           Am            Em 
Pathway of peace, steps of divine grace,
                D                        C 
In every nail, our sins erased.
                        Am              Em                     D 
Walking the road of suffering for our release,
             C                             D                       Em  
 In His feet, we find our pathway of peace.


Em                       C                                     G                        D
So let us follow where He trod, in the shadow of the cross,
Em                      C                        G                     D
For in His footsteps, we find gain in what seemed loss.
              Em                                        G               D
In the nailing of His feet, in the agony, so sweet,
                    C                                D                               Em           C           G           D   
We’re led on the pathway of peace, to His mercy seat.


                   Em                       C                    G                        D
So let us follow where He trod, in the shadow of the cross,
Em                                     C                        G                     D
For in His footsteps, we find gain in what seemed loss.
              Em                 C                       G               D
In the nailing of His feet, in the agony, so sweet,
                    C                                D                               Em           C           Em 
We’re led on the pathway of peace, to His mercy seat.

Hands That Held Redemption

Hands That Held Redemption

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Track Five: Hands That Held Redemption

Continuing the journey, the fifth track, Hands That Held Redemption, brings listeners to the foot of the cross, focusing on the nailing of Jesus’ hands. This song captures the duality of agony and liberation, as the hands that crafted the universe were pierced to offer us salvation. The melody intertwines sorrow and hope, reflecting the powerful symbolism of each nail, each wound, as a key to our redemption. As you listen, allow yourself to feel the weight of this act and the boundless grace it represents. “Hands That Held Redemption” is a profound meditation on the sacrifice made and the unmeasurable love that held Jesus to the cross, offering a pathway to forgiveness and eternal life for all.


Devotional for “Hands That Held Redemption”


In the fifth devotional of “Journey of Redemption: The Path of the Cross,” we turn our focus to “Hands That Held Redemption.” This track meditates on the nailing of Jesus’ hands to the cross, a symbolic and painful moment where the hands that crafted the universe were pierced for our sins. As we delve into this song and scripture, let’s reflect on the profound significance of His sacrifice and the redemption offered through His wounded hands.

Scripture Reading:

John 20:24-29 Consider the passage where Thomas encounters the risen Christ and is invited to touch His wounds. Reflect on the reality of Jesus’ physical suffering and the proof of His resurrection.

Reflective Questions:

  1. What does it mean to you personally that Jesus’ hands, which performed miracles and showed compassion, were nailed to the cross?
  2. How does the image of Jesus’ scarred hands deepen your understanding of His sacrifice and love for you?
  3. Thomas saw and believed when he touched Jesus’ wounds. How can you, even without seeing, come to a deeper faith and understanding of Jesus’ sacrifice?

Listening to the Song:

As you listen to “Hands That Held Redemption,” let the lyrics and music help you visualize the scene at Calvary. Think about the significance of each nail and the hands that were willingly outstretched for your salvation.

Personal Reflection:

Spend some time in quiet reflection or writing in your journal. Consider the personal impact of Jesus’ sacrifice. How do the hands that were nailed to the cross continue to hold, guide, and mold your life today?


Heavenly Father, Thank you for the hands that held redemption, for the pain endured for my salvation. Help me never to forget the sacrifice made on the cross, the love displayed in those outstretched hands. May I always feel the guiding touch of those scarred hands in my life, leading me closer to You. Teach me to live in gratitude and to extend my hands in love and service to others, just as Jesus did for me. Amen.

Closing Thought:

As you go forward today, remember the hands that were nailed to the cross for you. Let this remembrance guide your actions and interactions. Think about how you can use your hands to serve, love, and demonstrate the same sacrificial love that Jesus showed.

This devotional for “Hands That Held Redemption” aims to deepen the listener’s appreciation for the personal and universal implications of Jesus’ sacrifice, encouraging a thoughtful and active response to His enduring love and redemption.


Hands That Held Redemption

Verse 1

On the hill where mercy meets the sky,
Hands that formed the stars were lifted high.
Nailed to wood, for every sin and sigh,
The hands of God, in love, chose not to pry.


Hands that held redemption, nails that wrote our story,
Pierced for our transgressions, bathed in holy glory.
In His grasp, we find our history,
The hands that hold the universe, hold victory.

Verse 2

With every pound of hammer, prophecy was sealed,
“Surely He has borne our griefs,” His fate revealed.
For every nail that pierced, for every groan,
In His wounds, we found a grace we’ve never known.


Hands that held redemption, nails that wrote our story,
Pierced for our transgressions, bathed in holy glory.
In His grasp, we find our history,
The hands that hold the universe, hold victory.


Look upon these hands, the price they’ve paid,
See the love that wouldn’t fade.
From these hands, flows a river wide,
With mercy, grace, and life inside.


Hands that held redemption, nails that wrote our story,
Pierced for our transgressions, bathed in holy glory.
In His grasp, we find our history,
The hands that hold the universe, hold victory.


So let us come, with hearts wide open, to the One who was broken,
For in His hands, we find our token, of love forever spoken.
By His hands, we are free, by His love, we see,
The hands that held redemption, have won the victory.

Chord Chart

Hands That Held Redemption

Bb      Eb         Gm          Bb            F

Verse 1

Bb                                                          Eb 
On the hill where mercy meets the sky,
Gm                                                                  F
Hands that formed the stars were lifted high.
Bb                                                         Eb 
Nailed to wood, for every sin and sigh,
                         Gm                  F                    Bb 
The hands of God, in love, chose not to pry.


Eb                                                 F 
Hands that held redemption, nails that wrote our story,
Gm                                                  Dm 
Pierced for our transgressions, bathed in holy glory.
            Eb                                      Gm  
In His grasp, we find our history,
                            Eb                     F                       Bb.           Eb
The hands that hold the universe, hold victory.

Verse 2

Bb                                                                              Eb 
With every pound of hammer, prophecy was sealed,
             Gm                                                                    F
“Surely He has borne our griefs,” His fate revealed.
                   Bb                                                        Eb 
For every nail that pierced, for every groan,
              Gm                                          F                        Bb 
In His wounds, we found a grace we’ve never known.


Eb                                                 F 
Hands that held redemption, nails that wrote our story,
Gm                                                  Dm 
Pierced for our transgressions, bathed in holy glory.
            Eb                                      Gm  
In His grasp, we find our history,
                            Eb                     F                        Eb
The hands that hold the universe, hold victory.


Eb                                                                      F 
Look upon these hands, the price they’ve paid,
See the love that wouldn’t fade.
From these hands, flows a river wide,
With mercy, grace, and life inside.


Eb                                                 F 
Hands that held redemption, nails that wrote our story,
Gm                                                  Dm 
Pierced for our transgressions, bathed in holy glory.
            Eb                                      Gm  
In His grasp, we find our history,
                            Eb                     F                       Bb. 
The hands that hold the universe, hold victory. 


                 Eb                                          Gm               F.                               Bb 
So let us come, with hearts wide open, to the One who was broken,
                   Eb                                     Gm                    F 
For in His hands, we find our token, of love forever spoken.
              Eb                           F  
By His hands, we are free, by His love, we see,
         Gm                                                         Eb
The hands that held redemption, have won the victory.

Bb      Eb         Gm          Bb            F           Bb

Love’s Enduring Scars

Love’s Enduring Scars

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Track Four: Love’s Enduring Scars

The fourth track, Love’s Enduring Scars, is a poignant narrative set to music, exploring the physical and emotional pain Jesus endured during His trial and punishment. This song delves into the moments Jesus was struck and beaten, reflecting on the enduring love that remained steadfast despite the cruelty He faced. The melody is a tender yet powerful representation of His suffering and the scars He bore for humanity’s redemption. As listeners engage with this track, they’re invited to contemplate the profound impact of each blow, each scar, a testament to the fulfillment of prophecy and His unyielding commitment to carry the weight of our sins. “Love’s Enduring Scars” is an emotional reminder of the price of our freedom and the strength of divine love.


Devotional for “Love’s Enduring Scars”


Welcome to the fourth devotional of “Journey of Redemption: The Path of the Cross.” “Love’s Enduring Scars” invites us to meditate on the brutal physical and emotional abuse Jesus endured. This poignant track and accompanying devotional encourage us to reflect on the depth of Christ’s love, manifested in every mark upon His body, and the enduring nature of His sacrifice.

Scripture Reading:

Mark 14:65; 15:15-20 Contemplate the passages describing Jesus’ mistreatment at the hands of those He came to save. Imagine the physical pain and emotional torment He willingly accepted.

Reflective Questions:

  1. What emotions arise in you as you picture Jesus being struck and insulted?
  2. How does the reality of Jesus’ physical suffering deepen your understanding of His love and sacrifice for you?
  3. Jesus’ scars were the cost of our healing. How can this perspective change how you view your own scars, both physical and emotional?

Listening to the Song:

As “Love’s Enduring Scars” plays, allow the lyrics and melody to guide you through a reflection on the physical manifestation of Jesus’ love for you. Consider each scar as a testament to His enduring commitment to your salvation.

Personal Reflection:

Take a moment to reflect or journal about the significance of Jesus’ enduring scars in your life. Think about the ways He has brought healing and hope into your own wounds and how you can extend that same love to others.


Dear Jesus, In Your enduring scars, I find a love that is beyond my understanding, a love that chose suffering for the sake of my redemption. Help me to never take for granted the pain You endured. Teach me to see my own scars through the lens of Your sacrificial love and to extend that love to those around me. May Your enduring scars be a constant reminder of the price You paid and the unshakeable love You offer. Amen.

Closing Thought:

As you go about your day, carry with you the image of Jesus’ enduring scars. Let it be a reminder of His unwavering love and the redemption He offers. Consider how you can live in response to this incredible sacrifice and how you can bear witness to His enduring love in your interactions and decisions.

This devotional for “Love’s Enduring Scars” is designed to help users connect personally with the profound sacrifice of Jesus, understand the depth of His love, and inspire them to live in response to that love by bringing healing and hope to their own lives and the lives of others.


Love’s Enduring Scars

Verse 1

In the halls of hatred, under scornful eyes,
The Savior stood in silence, bearing no disguise.
Struck by hands He fashioned, beaten without cause,
In every wound, a whisper of love’s enduring laws.


Love’s enduring scars, marks of our salvation,
In every bruise, a prophecy’s fulfillment.
For us, He bore the sin, the weight of all creation,
In His silence, our victory’s testament.

Verse 2

Mocked as a false prophet, yet fulfilling every word,
The Lamb led to the slaughter, His cries left unheard.
“By His wounds, we are healed,” the ancient promise made,

In every act of violence, our debt He fully paid.


Love’s enduring scars, marks of our salvation,
In every bruise, a prophecy’s fulfillment.
For us, He bore the sin, the weight of all creation,
In His silence, our victory’s testament.


See Him there, the Man of Sorrows, acquainted with our grief,
Taking upon Himself the pain, for our relief.
Though His visage was marred, more than any man,
In His marred form, salvation’s perfect plan.


Love’s enduring scars, marks of our salvation,
In every bruise, a prophecy’s fulfillment.
For us, He bore the sin, the weight of all creation,
In His silence, our victory’s testament.


So, let us not forget, the price He paid so dear,
In every mark upon Him, our redemption clear.
For by His perfect sacrifice, by love’s enduring scars
We find our life, our hope, beneath the stars.

Chord Chart

Love’s Enduring Scars

Am       Em      D

Am       Em      D 

Verse 1

Am                     Em                  D 
In the halls of hatred, under scornful eyes,
Am                               Em                       D 
The Savior stood in silence, bearing no disguise.
Am                              Em                            D 
Struck by hands He fashioned, beaten without cause,
                 Am                               Em                        D  
In every wound, a whisper of love’s enduring laws.


                              Am                       Em           D 
Love’s enduring scars, marks of our salvation,
                                 Am                  Em                  D 
In every bruise, a prophecy’s fulfillment.
                                     Am                          Em
For us, He bore the sin, the weight of all creation,
In His silence, our victory’s testament.

Am       Em      D 

Verse 2

Am                                Em                 D 
Mocked as a false prophet, yet fulfilling every word,
          Am                               Em                     D 
The Lamb led to the slaughter, His cries left unheard.
                Am                                              Em
“By His wounds, we are healed,” the ancient promise made,
 In every act of violence, our debt He fully paid.


  Am                       Em                              D 
Love’s enduring scars, marks of our salvation,
           Am                  Em                  D 
In every bruise, a prophecy’s fulfillment.
        Am                       Em                         D 
For us, He bore the sin, the weight of all creation,
In His silence, our victory’s testament.


Em                              D                          G                                    Bm 
See Him there, the Man of Sorrows, acquainted with our grief,
Em                    D                            G                      Bm 
Taking upon Himself the pain, for our relief.
                       Em              D                                 G             Bm 
Though His visage was marred, more than any man,
            Em                          D                          C 
In His marred form, salvation’s perfect plan.


                              Am                       Em           D 
Love’s enduring scars, marks of our salvation,
                                 Am                  Em                  D 
In every bruise, a prophecy’s fulfillment.
                                     Am                          Em
For us, He bore the sin, the weight of all creation,
In His silence, our victory’s testament.     


Em                                                      D 
So, let us not forget, the price He paid so dear,
Em                                                     D 
In every mark upon Him, our redemption clear.
                     Am                  Em     D 
For by His perfect sacrifice, by love’s enduring scars
                      Am        Em                             D
We find our life, our hope, beneath the stars.

Crown of Promise

Crown of Promise

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Track Three: Crown of Promise

The third track, Crown of Promise, takes you deeper into the path of redemption with a contemplative exploration of the crown of thorns. This song captures the paradox of Jesus’ kingship – crowned with pain, yet reigning in love. The melody weaves a narrative of suffering and sovereignty, as each thorn represents the weight of sin He bore for us. As the music plays, listeners are invited to meditate on the profound symbolism of this crown – a fulfillment of prophecies and a testament to the sacrificial love that seeks to redeem and restore. “Crown of Promise” is an invitation to understand the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice and the eternal kingship that emerged from His humble acceptance of the thorns of our making.


Devotional for “Crown of Promise”


Welcome to the third devotional of “Journey of Redemption: The Path of the Cross.” In “Crown of Promise,” we contemplate the crown of thorns placed on Jesus’ head, symbolizing both the weight of our sins and His kingship. This song and devotional invite you to reflect on the meaning behind this crown and the promise it holds for every believer.

Scripture Reading:

Matthew 27:27-31 Reflect on the passage where soldiers mockingly place a crown of thorns on Jesus’ head, a painful moment laden with profound symbolism.

Reflective Questions:

  1. As you envision the crown of thorns on Jesus’ head, what does it symbolize for you personally?
  2. How does the image of a suffering king challenge or change your understanding of power, kingship, and glory?
  3. The crown of thorns was meant to mock, yet it represents our sins Jesus bore. How does this deepen your appreciation for His sacrifice?

Listening to the Song:

As “Crown of Promise” plays, focus on the lyrics that depict the paradoxical nature of the crown of thorns. Allow the music to enhance your contemplation of Jesus’ humility, suffering, and the ultimate victory that the crown represents.

Personal Reflection:

Spend a few moments in quiet reflection or writing in your journal. Consider how the crown of thorns contrasts with the crowns of glory we’ll one day cast at Jesus’ feet (Revelation 4:10). Reflect on what areas of your life you need to submit to Jesus’ lordship.


Lord Jesus, In the crown of thorns, I see the weight of my sins and the depth of Your love. You, the King of Kings, chose a crown of suffering to bring me salvation. Help me to understand the profound sacrifice You made and to live in the light of Your grace and truth. Teach me to see Your kingship not just in power but in humble sacrifice and boundless love. Amen.

Closing Thought:

Today, as you go about your daily tasks, remember the crown of thorns as a symbol of Jesus’ love and sacrifice. Let it remind you of the humility and grace He embodied and the call for each of us to follow in His footsteps.

This devotional for “Crown of Promise” is designed to deepen the listener’s understanding and appreciation of Jesus’ sacrifice and kingship, encouraging personal reflection, submission, and a commitment to embodying Christ-like humility and love in their own lives.


Crown of Promise

Verse 1

Upon His head, a crown of thorns, a cruel and mocking swirl,
Yet in this painful coronation, the redemption of the world.
Each pointed barb, a sin of ours, a burden He would bear,
Yet through the pain, His sovereignty, and love beyond compare.


Crown of promise, thorns of grace,
Each piercing point, our sins erase.
King of suffering, Prince of peace,
In His torment, our release.

Verse 2:

The prophets spoke of one to come, a ruler yet a lamb,
Who’d wear a crown not made of gold but of a thorny ram.
This King would rise above the pain, above the scorn and hate,
To bring us to His kingdom’s gate, to set our paths straight.


Crown of promise, thorns of grace,
Each piercing point, our sins erase.
King of suffering, Prince of peace,
In His torment, our release.


Oh, see the King who wears the thorns, who bears the weight of scorn,
Yet in His eyes, a flame of love, a new hope born.
For in this crown of suffering, our salvation’s song,
He turns our mourning into joy, makes us strong.


Crown of promise, thorns of grace,
Each piercing point, our sins erase.
King of suffering, Prince of peace,
In His torment, our release.


So, let us bow before the throne, where grace and mercy meet,
And lay our crowns at His feet, so sweet.
For by His blood, we’re welcomed in, our lives made new,
Crown of promise, eternal, true.

Chord Chart

Crown of Promise


Verse 1

Em                                                                                               Bm             D
Upon His head, a crown of thorns, a cruel and mocking swirl,
                     C                                           D                          Em 
Yet in this painful coronation, the redemption of the world.
Em                                                                                           Bm 
Each pointed barb, a sin of ours, a burden He would bear,
         C                                                                   D                           Em  
Yet through the pain, His sovereignty, and love beyond compare.


                  C              D               Em            D 
Crown of promise, thorns of grace,
                          C                 D      Em. 
Each piercing point, our sins erase.
                  C              D               Em            D       C 
King of suffering, Prince of peace,
                               D      Em. 
In His torment, our release.

Verse 2:

Em                                                                                   Bm             D
The prophets spoke of one to come, a ruler yet a lamb,
              C                                                             D                  Em 
Who’d wear a crown not made of gold but of a thorny ram.
Em                                                                                                  D           Bm 
This King would rise above the pain, above the scorn and hate,
       C                                                                D                           Em  
To bring us to His kingdom’s gate, to set our paths straight.


                  C                                 D  
Crown of promise, thorns of grace,
                           Em              D      C  
Each piercing point, our sins erase.
King of suffering, Prince of peace,
              D                       Bm. 
In His torment, our release.

Verse 2:

Em                                                                                    D
The prophets spoke of one to come, a ruler yet a lamb,
              C                                                             D                  Em 
Who’d wear a crown not made of gold but of a thorny ram.
Em                                                                                                  D    
This King would rise above the pain, above the scorn and hate,
       C                                                                  D                           Em  
To bring us to His kingdom’s gate, to set our paths straight.


                  C                                 D  
Crown of promise, thorns of grace,
                           Em              D      C  
Each piercing point, our sins erase.
King of suffering, Prince of peace,
              D                       Bm. 
In His torment, our release.


                      Em                                                                                    D        Em 
Oh, see the King who wears the thorns, who bears the weight of scorn,
                    C                                       D                       Em 
Yet in His eyes, a flame of love, a new hope born.
                    C                                       D 
For in this crown of suffering, our salvation’s song,
      Em                               D             C.  
He turns our mourning into joy, makes us strong.


                  C                                 D  
Crown of promise, thorns of grace,
                           Em              D      C  
Each piercing point, our sins erase.
King of suffering, Prince of peace,
              D                       Bm.      B 
In His torment, our release.    


So, let us bow before the throne, where grace and mercy meet,
                       D                      C  
And lay our crowns at His feet, so sweet.
                   Em                                                                           D 
For by His blood, we’re welcomed in, our lives made new,
                  C             Bm          Em
Crown of promise, eternal, true.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: G Minor (capturing a sense of tragedy and depth)
  • Time Signature: 3/4 (waltz-like, emphasizing the dramatic narrative)
  • Tempo: 75 bpm (measured and poignant)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

    This storyboard is crafted to provide a powerful visual journey through “Crown of Promise,” emphasizing the pain, mockery, and ultimate significance of the crown of thorns. The camera work and music are designed to draw viewers deeply into the narrative, evoking a strong emotional response and a deeper understanding of Christ’s sacrifice.

    Scene 1: Inside the Praetorium

    • Visuals: The video opens inside the dimly lit Praetorium. Roman soldiers are gathered, their faces a mix of curiosity and malice.
    • Camera: Slow, steady pan across the room, capturing the ominous atmosphere and the soldiers’ faces.
    • Music: The intro of “Crown of Promise” begins softly, setting a tense and anticipatory tone.

    Scene 2: Crafting the Crown

    • Visuals: A soldier is seen twisting thorny branches into a crude crown. His hands are detailed, rough, and callous.
    • Camera: Close-up on the hands forming the crown, then zooms out to show the soldier’s smirk.
    • Music: The music grows slightly darker, mirroring the malicious intent behind the crown’s creation.

    Scene 3: Jesus Brought Forth

    • Visuals: Jesus is brought into the center of the room, His face serene yet sorrowful.
    • Camera: Follows Jesus from behind, then circles around to capture His face and the reactions of the soldiers.
    • Music: The verse starts, the melody reflecting the solemnity of the moment.

    Scene 4: The Crowning

    • Visuals: A soldier roughly places the crown of thorns on Jesus’ head. Jesus winces as the thorns pierce His skin, blood beginning to trickle down.
    • Camera: Close-up on Jesus’ face as the crown is placed, then cuts to the thorns digging into His skin, highlighting the pain.
    • Music: The rhythm of the song matches the pressing of the crown, emphasizing the brutality and Jesus’ suffering.

      Scene 5: Mocking the King

      • Visuals: Soldiers mock Jesus, bowing and pretending to pay homage. Jesus remains silent, His eyes conveying deep sadness and forgiveness.
      • Camera: Alternates between the mocking soldiers and close-ups of Jesus’ face, capturing the contrast between their scorn and His dignity.
      • Music: The melody becomes more plaintive, reflecting the mockery and Jesus’ quiet endurance.

        Scene 6: Reflection of Sin

        • Visuals: As the soldiers continue their mockery, the video transitions to brief flashes of modern-day scenarios of sin and suffering — greed, violence, despair.
        • Camera: Quick cuts between the past and present, showing the timeless nature of human sin and the reason for Jesus’ sacrifice.
        • Music: The song’s intensity reflects the chaotic and emotional nature of sin and its consequences.

        Scene 7: Jesus Alone with His Crown

        • Visuals: The room clears, leaving Jesus alone, crowned with thorns. He lifts His head, a single tear mixed with blood trails down His cheek.
        • Camera: Slowly circles Jesus, capturing His solitary figure and the weight of the crown He bears.
        • Music: The song reaches a moment of quiet intensity, highlighting the isolation and the weight of the moment.

        Scene 8: Glimpse of the Future

        • Visuals: A brief glimpse of the future — people from all walks of life, different eras, coming to understand and accept the sacrifice made for them.
        • Camera: Quick cuts of faces filled with realization and tears, then back to Jesus who seems to acknowledge their future understanding.
        • Music: The music swells with a sense of hope and promise.

        Scene 9: Jesus Looking Upward

        • Visuals: Jesus looks upwards, His face a mixture of pain and resolve. The light from above grows brighter, hinting at the heavenly kingdom He represents.
        • Camera: Close-up on Jesus’ face, then slowly tilts up to the light, transitioning from the pain to the promise of His kingship.
        • Music: Concludes with a poignant and reflective melody, leaving a sense of hope and reverence.

        Scene 10: The Crown Close-Up

        • Visuals: The final shot is a close-up of the crown of thorns, now resting on the ground, a symbol of the sacrifice made and the promises fulfilled.
        • Camera: Slow zoom on the crown, focusing on the thorns and the dried blood.
        • Music: Ends on a single, lingering note, reflecting the lasting impact of the sacrifice.