Beast from the Sea
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Track 8: Beast from the Sea
“Beast from the Sea,” the eighth track of “The Lamb’s Victory: A Revelation Worship,” immerses listeners in the ominous and prophetic vision of Revelation 13, where a beast rises from the sea, wielding great power and authority. This song captures the foreboding essence of the beast’s emergence and the stark contrast between its blasphemous might and the steadfastness of the faithful.
The music for “Beast from the Sea” is crafted to evoke a sense of unease and tension, mirroring the threat posed by the beast and the profound challenge it presents to believers. The lyrics explore the beast’s dominion, the deception it spreads, and the call for endurance and wisdom among the saints. As the melody progresses, it reflects the rising conflict between the forces of darkness and those who hold fast to the light.
“Beast from the Sea” serves as a stark reminder of the trials and tribulations that believers may face, urging listeners to remain vigilant and discerning. It’s a call to spiritual resilience, encouraging a steadfast commitment to righteousness in the face of overwhelming deception and opposition. This track is not only a portrayal of a future prophesied event but also a present-day metaphor for the challenges that confront faith and integrity. As the song concludes, it leaves listeners with a sense of sober reflection and a renewed determination to stand firm, no matter what lies ahead.
Track 8: Beast from the Sea – Devotional
Vigilance Against Deception
Opening Scripture:
Revelation 13:1-2 – “And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. And the beast that I saw was like a leopard; its feet were like a bear’s, and its mouth was like a lion’s mouth. And to it the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority.”
Revelation 13 introduces the beast from the sea, a symbol of oppressive and blasphemous powers that rise in the world, empowered by the dragon (Satan). This passage reminds us of the ever-present danger of being led astray by forces that stand in opposition to God and His truth.
“Beast from the Sea” prompts us to reflect on the subtleties of deception and the importance of discernment in our spiritual journey. As you listen to this track, consider the various ways in which worldly powers and ideologies can challenge or distort your understanding of God’s truth. Think about the influences in your life that might be leading you away from a Christ-centered way of living.
Contemplate the importance of being grounded in Scripture and connected to a community of believers. These are crucial for maintaining a clear perspective and standing firm against the deceptive tactics of the enemy. Reflect on how you can strengthen these areas of your life to better resist the allure of the ‘beast’ and remain faithful to God.
Consider also the call for endurance and faithfulness found in Revelation 13:10. Reflect on what it means to live with perseverance, even in the face of opposition or when confronted by the world’s ‘beasts.’
Heavenly Father, I recognize the presence of deception and opposition in this world. Grant me discernment to see through the lies and wisdom to navigate my path according to Your truth. Help me to stand firm in my faith, anchored in Your Word and sustained by Your Spirit. I pray for the strength to endure, to remain faithful, and to resist the influence of any ‘beast’ that seeks to lead me astray. Protect my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Amen.
Spend a few moments in quiet reflection, asking God to reveal any areas of your life where you might be susceptible to deception. Consider practical steps you can take to strengthen your understanding of Scripture and deepen your connection to the body of Christ. Commit to one action that will help you stand firm in your faith and vigilantly resist the world’s deceptive influences.
This devotional invites website viewers to deeply consider and respond to the eighth track, “Beast from the Sea,” focusing on vigilance against deception, the importance of discernment, and the call to faithful endurance.
Beast from the Sea
Verse 1
From the sea, a beast does rise,
Ten horns crowned, deceit in its eyes.
Authority given, a throne so dark,
The whole world marvels at its mark.
Beast from the sea, with power and might,
Blaspheming heaven, dark as the night.
Yet, hearts of the faithful, strong and bright,
Stand against the tide, for what is right.
Verse 2
Mouth speaking great things, a sight to behold,
Waging war on the saints, so bold.
Authority over every tribe,
A call for wisdom, don’t imbibe.
Beast from the sea, with power and might,
Blaspheming heaven, dark as the night.
Yet, hearts of the faithful, strong and bright,
Stand against the tide, for what is right.
He who leads into captivity,
Shall go; who kills with the sword, must be
Slain. Here is the patience and the faith,
Of the saints, their love until death.
Verse 3
Mark of the beast, on hand or head,
Without it, can’t buy, sell, or be fed.
Yet, blessed are they who endure,
For their reward in heaven is sure.
Beast from the sea, with power and might,
Blaspheming heaven, dark as the night.
Yet, hearts of the faithful, strong and bright,
Stand against the tide, for what is right.
Let the one with understanding reckon,
The number of the beast, a moment to beckon.
For wisdom and endurance, we pray,
In the face of darkness, be our Day.
Chord Chart
Beast from the Sea
Em C G D
Verse 1
Em C G
From the sea, a beast does rise,
Em G
Ten horns crowned, deceit in its eyes.
G Em
Authority given, a throne so dark,
C Em
The whole world marvels at its mark.
Em C G D
Beast from the sea, with power and might,
Em C G D
Blaspheming heaven, dark as the night.
Em C G D
Yet, hearts of the faithful, strong and bright,
C. G D
Stand against the tide, for what is right.
Verse 2
Em C G D
Mouth speaking great things, a sight to behold,
Em C G D
Waging war on the saints, so bold.
Em. C G.
Authority over every tribe,
D C Em
A call for wisdom, don’t imbibe.
Em C G D
Beast from the sea, with power and might,
Em C G D
Blaspheming heaven, dark as the night.
Em C G D
Yet, hearts of the faithful, strong and bright,
C. G D
Stand against the tide, for what is right.
Verse 2
C D Em.
Mouth speaking great things, a sight to behold,
C G D Bm
Waging war on the saints, so bold.
Em. C G.
Authority over every tribe,
D Em
A call for wisdom, don’t imbibe.
Em C G D
Beast from the sea, with power and might,
Em C G D
Blaspheming heaven, dark as the night.
Em C G D
Yet, hearts of the faithful, strong and bright,
C. G D
Stand against the tide, for what is right.
Em C G
He who leads into captivity,
Em C G D
Shall go; who kills with the sword, must be
Em. C G
Slain. Here is the patience and the faith,
D C. Em.
Of the saints, their love until death.
Verse 3
C Em C G D
Mark of the beast, on hand or head,
Em C G D
Without it, can’t buy, sell, or be fed.
Em C G D
Yet, blessed are they who endure,
For their reward in heaven is sure.
Em C G D
Beast from the sea, with power and might,
Em C G D
Blaspheming heaven, dark as the night.
Em C G D
Yet, hearts of the faithful, strong and bright,
C. G D
Stand against the tide, for what is right.
Em C G D
Let the one with understanding reckon,
Em C G D
The number of the beast, a moment to beckon.
Em. C G D
For wisdom and endurance, we pray,
C Em
In the face of darkness, be our Day.
Em C G D
Let the one with understanding reckon,
Em C G D
The number of the beast, a moment to beckon.
Em. C Em G
For wisdom and endurance, we pray,
In the face of darkness, be our Day.