The Reign of Peace

The Reign of Peace

The Reign of Peace - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield


“The Reign of Peace” delves into the prophetic promise of Christ’s peaceful and everlasting reign, as depicted in Isaiah 9:6-7 and Micah 4:3-4. This song celebrates Jesus as the Prince of Peace, whose governance will usher in an era of unparalleled peace and justice. It’s a powerful depiction of the Messiah’s role in establishing a kingdom where every individual experiences true peace and security.

Through its serene melodies and thoughtful lyrics, the track invites listeners to meditate on the beauty and significance of Christ’s peaceful reign. It paints a hopeful picture of a future where conflicts cease and harmony prevails. “The Reign of Peace” is a reminder of the hope we have in Christ, encouraging believers to live in the peace of Christ and to spread this peace in a world that desperately needs it.


Devotion for “The Reign of Peace”

Scripture Focus:

Isaiah 9:6-7, Micah 4:3-4


“The Reign of Peace” explores the prophetic vision of Christ’s peaceful and just reign. Isaiah 9:6-7 introduces us to the child who is born, the son who is given, whose names include Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His government is described as one of endless peace, upholding justice and righteousness from then on and forevermore.

Micah 4:3-4 complements this vision with a depiction of a time when nations will no longer wage war, but every person will sit under their own vine and fig tree, and no one will make them afraid. This imagery paints a picture of global peace and individual security, a hallmark of the Messiah’s reign.

Meditation and Prayer:

  • Reflect on the titles of Christ in Isaiah 9:6-7. How do these names deepen your understanding of Jesus and His mission?
  • Meditate on the promise of peace and justice in Christ’s kingdom.

Further Study:

  • Study the concept of peace (shalom) in the Old Testament and how it is fulfilled in Christ.
  • Explore the Messianic prophecies throughout the Old Testament and their fulfillment in the New Testament.


  • Pray for the peace of Christ to rule in hearts, communities, and nations.
  • Intercede for areas of the world experiencing conflict and turmoil, that they may know the peace of Christ.


  • Identify ways to be a peacemaker in your own context, following the example of Christ.
  • Consider how you can contribute to justice and righteousness in your community.

This devotion is intended to encourage mature believers to delve into the profound promise of Christ’s reign of peace and justice, inspiring reflection, prayer, and active participation in bringing about these kingdom values in the world today.


The Reign of Peace

Verse 1

In a world of turmoil, a promise was given,
A child born, a Son to us, by heaven.
Prince of Peace, His name, His rule without end,
Justice and righteousness, in Him, they blend.


The Reign of Peace, by His hand,
Wonderful Counselor, for every land.
His government vast, His throne forever,
In His peace, we’re united, now and ever.

Verse 2

On David’s throne, He shall sit,
With fairness and love, His kingdom lit.
Through all our trials, wars, and strife,
He brings peace, everlasting life.


The Reign of Peace, by His hand,
Wonderful Counselor, for every land.
His government vast, His throne forever,
In His peace, we’re united, now and ever.


Mighty God, Eternal Father,
In Your grace, we gather.
Across the ages, Your promise rings,
In Your peace, our hearts sing.


The Reign of Peace, by His hand,
Wonderful Counselor, for every land.
His government vast, His throne forever,
In His peace, we’re united, now and ever.


As stars in the night sky, endless and bright,
So is His reign, in power and light.
The Reign of Peace, in His love we bask,
In Jesus, our Savior, we find our task.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: F major (serene and peaceful)
  • Time Signature: 6/8 (lends a sense of elegance and peace)
  • Tempo: 68 BPM (calm and soothing)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “The Reign of Peace” is designed to visually convey the profound and transformative impact of Christ’s reign. The video aims to evoke a sense of deep peace, hope, and the fulfillment of prophetic promises, inspiring viewers with the beauty and serenity of the promised reign of Christ.


  • The video opens with a serene, dawn-lit landscape, symbolizing the dawning of a new era.
  • Gentle, uplifting music sets a tone of tranquility and hope.
  • A narrator’s voice introduces the theme of Christ’s peaceful reign, as foretold by the prophets.

Verse 1:

  • Transition to scenes depicting a world in turmoil, with glimpses of conflict, strife, and unrest.
  • Amidst this chaos, individuals from various backgrounds are seen looking towards the sky, longing for peace.
  • The music carries a tone of expectation, mirroring the longing for a savior.


  • Scene shifts to a majestic portrayal of Christ as the Prince of Peace, descending gently upon the earth.
  • As He touches down, the scenes of conflict and turmoil transform into scenes of harmony and reconciliation.
  • The music swells with a chorus, emphasizing the arrival of peace and justice.

Verse 2:

  • Show scenes of people from different nations and cultures coming together, working to rebuild and unite.
  • Images of swords being turned into plowshares and lions lying down with lambs, as per the prophecy.
  • The music maintains its uplifting and peaceful tone, highlighting the transformative impact of Christ’s reign.


    • Return to the scenes of harmony, now flourishing under Christ’s peaceful rule.
    • The camera pans across landscapes of restored creation, thriving communities, and joyful celebrations.
    • Choirs join in, adding a heavenly dimension to the music, reinforcing the divine nature of this peace.


      • A quieter, reflective moment showing individuals and families experiencing personal peace, love, and joy.
      • Scenes of nature in perfect harmony, symbolizing the restoration of all creation.
      • The music is soft and contemplative, allowing the viewer to absorb the depth of this peace.


      • The camera slowly ascends, showing a world transformed, bathed in a warm, golden light.
      • The narrator concludes with reflections on the eternal nature of Christ’s reign of peace.
      • The video fades to a serene image of the earth, encapsulated in a gentle, peaceful glow.
      New Creation Rising

      New Creation Rising

      New Creation Rising - Coming Soon

      by Darren Winfield


      “New Creation Rising” is an awe-inspiring musical depiction of the promise of the new heaven and new earth as prophesied in Revelation 21:1-5 and echoed in 2 Peter 3:13. This track invites listeners into a visionary experience of the ultimate renewal and restoration at the end of times, where God’s glory fully transforms reality as we know it.

      The song paints a vivid picture of a world reborn in perfection and beauty, free from pain and sorrow. Its lyrics and melodies inspire hope and anticipation for this glorious future, encouraging believers to look beyond current struggles to the eternal promise of God’s perfect kingdom. “New Creation Rising” is not only a celebration of what is to come but also a call to live in the light of this future hope, embodying the values of the new creation in our daily lives.


      Devotion for “New Creation Rising”

      Scripture Focus:

      Revelation 21:1-5, 2 Peter 3:13


      “New Creation Rising” invites us to envision the fulfillment of God’s promise of a new heaven and a new earth as described in Revelation 21:1-5. This passage paints a picture of total renewal and restoration where God dwells among His people, wiping away every tear, and eradicating death, mourning, crying, and pain. It’s a vision of hope and perfection, where the former things have passed away.

      2 Peter 3:13 echoes this promise, looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness dwells. This future hope is not just a destruction of the old, but a creative act of God bringing forth something entirely new and perfect, reflecting His glory and righteousness.

      Meditation and Prayer:

      • Reflect on the hope of the new creation. How does this future vision influence your perspective on current struggles and challenges?
      • Meditate on the nature of God’s promises and His faithfulness in fulfilling them.

      Further Study:

      • Study the biblical theme of new creation, starting from Genesis and culminating in Revelation.
      • Explore how the hope of a new heaven and new earth is woven through the prophetic writings and the teachings of Jesus and the apostles.


      • Pray for the church to be a foretaste of the new creation, exemplifying God’s righteousness and love.
      • Intercede for those who are suffering, that they may find hope and comfort in the promise of a new creation.


      • Identify ways to live out the values of the new creation in your current context.
      • Consider how you can bring hope and healing to those around you, reflecting the future reality of God’s perfect kingdom.

      This devotion is crafted to inspire mature believers to ponder the profound promise of the new creation, encouraging deep reflection, prayer, and active engagement in living out the values of God’s coming kingdom in the present world.


      New Creation Rising

      Verse 1

      Behold the vision, John once saw,
      A new heaven, earth, in awe.
      No more sea, the old passed away,
      God’s dwelling with man, in eternal day.


      New Creation Rising, in glory and truth,
      God’s kingdom unfolding, eternal and youth.
      No more tears, no more pain,
      In God’s presence, forever remain.

      Verse 2

      The holy city, Jerusalem, descends,
      Adorned for her Bridegroom, where joy never ends.
      God’s glory, its light, no need for sun or moon,
      In this new creation, where life is in bloom.


      New Creation Rising, in glory and truth,
      God’s kingdom unfolding, eternal and youth.
      No more tears, no more pain,
      In God’s presence, forever remain.


      “Behold, I make all things new,” He speaks,
      To the thirsty, water of life, He leaks.
      Old things gone, new stories He writes,
      In this new creation, His love ignites.


      New Creation Rising, in glory and truth,
      God’s kingdom unfolding, eternal and youth.
      No more tears, no more pain,
      In God’s presence, forever remain.


      In this new beginning, hope soars high,
      Under His reign, under His sky.
      New Creation Rising, our hearts take wing,
      In Jesus, our Savior, our King of kings.

      Lead Sheet

      Coming Soon

      • Key: A major (conveys a sense of renewal and vibrancy)
      • Time Signature: 4/4 (steady and hopeful)
      • Tempo: 75 BPM (moderate, reflecting transformation and new beginnings)

      Storyboard descriptions for music video

      This storyboard for “New Creation Rising” is designed to visually convey the transformation from the old world to the new, as promised in scripture. The video aims to evoke a sense of awe, wonder, and deep anticipation for the promised renewal of all things, inspiring viewers with the hope and beauty of God’s ultimate plan for creation.


      • The video opens with a dark, old world slowly fading away, symbolizing the end of the current age.
      • Ethereal and hopeful music begins to play, setting a tone of anticipation and wonder.
      • A narrator’s voice introduces the theme of the new heaven and new earth, as foretold in Revelation.

      Verse 1:

      • Transition to scenes of the old world, showing environmental decay, broken cities, and conflict, representing the fallen state of the current world.
      • Gradually, these scenes start to fade, giving way to a faint glow on the horizon.
      • The music builds slowly, mirroring the growing sense of hope and renewal.


      • A magnificent, radiant city (the New Jerusalem) descends from the heavens, illuminating the new world.
      • Scenes of people from different backgrounds, watching in awe and wonder as they witness the transformation.
      • The chorus is uplifting and powerful, highlighting the majesty and beauty of the new creation.

      Verse 2:

      • Show scenes of the new earth – pristine nature, people living in harmony, and scenes of joy and celebration.
      • Images of crystal-clear rivers, lush landscapes, and people engaging in creative and fulfilling activities.
      • The music is vibrant and full of life, reflecting the joy and perfection of the new world.


        • Return to the scenes of the New Jerusalem, now bustling with life, as people of all nations enter its gates.
        • The camera pans over streets of gold, walls of precious stones, and the Tree of Life.
        • Choirs join the music, adding a layer of heavenly harmony and grandeur.


          • A reflective moment with scenes showing the intimate moments of life in the new world – families reuniting, people exploring the wonders of creation, moments of worship and contemplation.
          • The music is softer but filled with deep emotion, illustrating the personal impact of the new creation.


          • The camera pulls back to show the entire new earth, glowing with divine light and life.
          • The narrator concludes with reflections on the eternal joy and hope found in God’s new creation.
          • The video ends with a fade to a bright, shining light, symbolizing the endless glory of the new creation.
          Eternal Hallelujah

          Eternal Hallelujah

          Eternal Hallelujah - Coming Soon

          by Darren Winfield


          “Eternal Hallelujah” is the triumphant conclusion to the album, a grand anthem that captures the eternal worship and adoration found in Revelation 19:6-7. This track is a celebration of the ultimate victory and majesty of God, inviting listeners to join in the unending chorus of praise that resonates throughout the heavens.

          The song encapsulates the joy and reverence of being in God’s presence, with lyrics and music that elevate the soul. It encourages believers to not only anticipate the heavenly worship but to also incorporate this spirit of eternal praise into their everyday worship experiences. “Eternal Hallelujah” is a reminder of the majesty of God and the joy of worshipping Him, inspiring listeners to carry the melody of hallelujah in their hearts as they navigate the highs and lows of life.


          Devotion for “Eternal Hallelujah”

          Scripture Focus:

          Revelation 19:6-7, Psalm 150


          “Eternal Hallelujah” brings us into the scene of heavenly worship described in Revelation 19:6-7. Here, the multitude in heaven praises God with the words, “Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns.” This passage invites us to join in the eternal song of praise that resonates in the heavenly realms, celebrating God’s sovereignty and His fulfillment of all things.

          Psalm 150 serves as a call to praise in every circumstance, with every instrument, and in every place. It encapsulates the essence of worship as a response to God’s infinite greatness and majesty. This eternal hallelujah is not just for the future in heaven; it starts now, in our lives and hearts.

          Meditation and Prayer:

          • Reflect on the nature of heavenly worship. How does this vision of eternal praise shape your understanding of worship here and now?
          • Consider the aspects of God’s character and works that inspire you to say “Hallelujah.”

          Further Study:

          • Study the various scenes of worship in Revelation and their significance in the narrative of the book.
          • Explore the Psalms as a guide for worship and praise in various life circumstances.


          • Pray for a deeper revelation of God’s majesty and holiness in your personal worship and in the church.
          • Intercede for those who are struggling to find reasons for praise in their current situations.


          • Identify ways you can incorporate praise into your daily routine, regardless of circumstances.
          • Consider how you can encourage others in their journey of worship and finding their own “Hallelujah” moments.

          This devotion is designed to inspire mature believers to engage deeply with the concept of eternal praise, reflecting on how this heavenly reality can influence our worship and intercession here on earth. It encourages contemplation of the majesty of God and the joy of joining the eternal chorus of “Hallelujah.”


          Eternal Hallelujah

          Verse 1

          Hear the roar of many waters, the sound of mighty thunders,
          A chorus rising from the saints, a multitude like no others.
          “The Lord God Omnipotent reigns,” they sing in unison,
          In the halls of heaven, a new song begins.


          Eternal Hallelujah, to the King of kings,
          In His presence, our heart sings.
          Joined by angels, in the heavenly fray,
          Eternal Hallelujah, we forever say.

          Verse 2

          The Bridegroom awaits, His Bride adorned,
          In garments of praise, no longer torn.
          “Let us rejoice, be glad and give Him glory,”
          For the marriage of the Lamb tells the eternal story.


          Eternal Hallelujah, to the King of kings,
          In His presence, our heart sings.
          Joined by angels, in the heavenly fray,
          Eternal Hallelujah, we forever say.


          In the splendor of His majesty,
          every knee bows, every eye sees,
          The Alpha and Omega, beginning and end,
          Our Savior, Redeemer, forever Friend.


          Eternal Hallelujah, to the King of kings,
          In His presence, our heart sings.
          Joined by angels, in the heavenly fray,
          Eternal Hallelujah, we forever say.


          As the heavens declare, and the earth proclaims,
          In every language, every name.
          Eternal Hallelujah, across time and space,
          In the glory of God, we find our eternal grace.

          Lead Sheet

          Coming Soon

          • Key: D major (triumphant and glorious)
          • Time Signature: 4/4 (universal and grand)
          • Tempo: 100 BPM (celebratory and majestic)

          Storyboard descriptions for music video

          This storyboard for “Eternal Hallelujah” is designed to visually convey the theme of eternal worship and the unceasing praise of God’s Kingdom. The video aims to evoke a sense of the majesty and glory of God, inspiring viewers with the joy and reverence of eternal worship in the presence of the Almighty.


          • The video begins with a scene of the cosmos, stars twinkling in the vast expanse of space.
          • A soft, celestial choir starts, setting a tone of reverence and majesty.
          • A narrator’s voice introduces the theme of eternal worship and the unending praise in God’s Kingdom.

          Verse 1:

          • Transition to a grand celestial amphitheater filled with beings of light – angels and glorified humans – gathered in worship.
          • Cut to scenes of creation – galaxies, oceans, mountains – all joining in this worship, as if nature itself is singing “Hallelujah.”
          • The music is gentle yet powerful, capturing the vastness and beauty of creation’s praise.


          • Focus on the heavenly choir, their voices rising in a powerful chorus of “Hallelujah.”
          • Scenes of biblical events – Creation, the Exodus, the life of Jesus – flash by, each moment joining in the chorus.
          • The music swells, filling the scene with a sense of awe and grandeur.

          Verse 2:

          • Show scenes of people from different eras and cultures, each participating in the eternal song in their unique ways.
          • Visions of saints and martyrs, past and present, each adding their voice to the “Hallelujah.”
          • The music maintains its reverent yet uplifting tone, highlighting the unity of the worship across time.


            • Return to the celestial choir, now joined by the voices of all creation – from the smallest creature to the highest angel.
            • The camera pans across this vast gathering, capturing faces filled with joy and adoration.
            • Choirs and orchestration reach a crescendo, echoing the eternal nature of this worship.


              • A quieter, more intimate moment focusing on individual faces in the crowd, their expressions one of peace and deep joy.
              • Scenes of Jesus at the center of this worship, receiving the praise and adoration.
              • The music is soft and heartfelt, emphasizing the personal connection in this eternal worship.


              • The camera slowly pulls back, showing the entire gathering in the amphitheater, a sea of worshippers spanning the horizon.
              • The narrator concludes with reflections on the eternal nature of our praise and the unending glory of God.
              • The video fades to a final image of the celestial choir, still singing “Hallelujah,” as the music gently concludes.
              Kingdoms Transforming

              Kingdoms Transforming

              Kingdoms Transforming - Coming Soon

              by Darren Winfield


              “Kingdoms Transforming” captures the prophetic vision of the transformation of earthly realms into the reign of Christ. Inspired by Revelation 11:15 and Isaiah 2:2-4, this track paints a picture of the ultimate fulfillment of God’s kingdom on earth. It is a song of hope, envisioning a future where righteousness, peace, and justice prevail under the sovereign rule of Christ.

              The song invites listeners to imagine and anticipate the transformation of the world under Christ’s reign. It encourages us to look forward to a time when nations will live in harmony, guided by divine wisdom and love. “Kingdoms Transforming” is not only a reflection on future promises but also a call to embody kingdom values in the present, inspiring believers to be agents of peace and reconciliation in a world of conflict and turmoil.


              Devotion for “Kingdoms Transforming”

              Scripture Focus:

              Revelation 11:15, Isaiah 2:2-4


              “Kingdoms Transforming” invites us to contemplate the ultimate transformation of the world under Christ’s reign. Revelation 11:15 proclaims a future where the kingdoms of the world have become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign forever and ever. This vision offers a profound hope for the future – a complete transformation of the earthly order into a divine, eternal kingdom.

              Isaiah 2:2-4 complements this with a prophecy of a time when nations will stream to the Lord’s mountain, learning His ways and walking in His paths. It depicts a world where swords are beaten into plowshares, and nations no longer learn war, highlighting the transformative power of God’s reign in bringing peace and justice.

              Meditation and Prayer:

              • Reflect on the hope of Christ’s future reign and its implications for our world today. How does this vision shape your understanding of God’s plan for humanity?
              • Meditate on the role of peace and justice in the kingdom of God.

              Further Study:

              • Study the prophetic visions of the kingdom of God in both the Old and New Testaments.
              • Explore how the theme of God’s kingdom is developed throughout Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation.


              • Pray for the coming of God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, and for the Church to be an agent of this transformation.
              • Intercede for areas of the world in conflict, that they may experience the peace and justice of God’s kingdom.


              • Identify ways you can embody and promote the values of God’s kingdom in your community.
              • Consider how you can actively participate in initiatives that promote peace, justice, and reconciliation.

              This devotion is crafted to inspire mature believers to ponder the future kingdom of God and its transformative impact on the world, encouraging deep reflection, prayer, and active engagement in bringing about kingdom values in the present world.


              Kingdoms Transforming

              Verse 1

              In the whisper of time, a trumpet sound,
              Ancient prophecies, now unbound.
              Earthly kingdoms, once proud and tall,
              To the King of kings, they yield, they fall.


              Kingdoms transforming, in His holy light,
              Darkness fleeing, from His might.
              Jesus reigns, the truth is unfurled,
              His kingdom come, in all the world.

              Verse 2

              From every nation, a chorus will rise,
              To Jesus, the Savior, the earth’s true prize.
              In His rule, justice and peace entwine,
              In His love, all creation divine.


              Kingdoms transforming, in His holy light,
              Darkness fleeing, from His might.
              Jesus reigns, the truth is unfurled,
              His kingdom come, in all the world.


              No more tears, no more pain,
              In His kingdom, only love shall reign.
              All tongues confess, every knee shall bow,
              Jesus Christ, to You, all glory now.


              Kingdoms transforming, in His holy light,
              Darkness fleeing, from His might.
              Jesus reigns, the truth is unfurled,
              His kingdom come, in all the world.


              In the hearts of His people, a new song rings,
              Of Jesus, our Savior, the King of kings.
              Kingdoms transforming, under His grace,
              In His presence, our eternal place.

              Lead Sheet

              Coming Soon

              • Key: E major (joyful and bright)
              • Time Signature: 3/4 (gives a sense of grace and fluidity)
              • Tempo: 70 BPM (gentle and flowing)

              Storyboard descriptions for music video

              This storyboard for “Kingdoms Transforming” is designed to visually convey the theme of the transformation of the world under Christ’s reign. The video aims to evoke a sense of hope, anticipation, and active participation in the coming Kingdom, inspiring viewers with the vision of a transformed and united world.


              • The video opens with a view of the Earth from space, slowly zooming in.
              • Peaceful, yet uplifting music begins, setting a tone of hopeful anticipation.
              • A narrator’s voice introduces the theme of the transformation of earthly kingdoms into the Kingdom of Christ.

              Verse 1:

              • Scenes of various historical kingdoms and empires, showing their rise and fall over time.
              • Interspersed with these are scenes of conflict, injustice, and division, representing the brokenness of earthly realms.
              • The music carries a sense of longing, underscoring humanity’s need for true peace and justice.


              • Transition to a vision of the New Jerusalem descending from heaven, as described in Revelation.
              • People from diverse backgrounds stop their conflicts and look up in awe and hope.
              • The music swells, emphasizing the majesty and beauty of the coming kingdom.

              Verse 2:

              • Show scenes of transformation: enemies reconciling, the poor and sick being cared for, creation being restored.
              • Each scene reflects the values of the Kingdom of God: love, peace, justice, and stewardship.
              • The music is warm and inspiring, highlighting the positive change.


                • Return to the vision of the New Jerusalem, now closer to Earth, with its gates wide open.
                • People of all nations walking towards it, symbolizing the gathering of all people under Christ’s reign.
                • Choirs join the music, adding a layer of heavenly harmony.


                  • A montage of scenes showing the beauty of the transformed world: nature thriving, people living in harmony, scenes of worship and celebration.
                  • The music is softer here, reflective yet full of joy, illustrating the fulfillment of God’s promises.


                  • The camera slowly moves back to space, showing a transformed Earth, glowing with light and life.
                  • The narrator concludes with reflections on our role in bringing about the values of God’s kingdom here and now.
                  • The video ends with a fade to a gently shining Earth, leaving a lingering sense of hope and purpose.
                  The Defeated Foe

                  The Defeated Foe

                  The Defeated Foe - Coming Soon

                  by Darren Winfield


                  “The Defeated Foe” is a triumphant celebration of the victory Jesus achieved over the powers of darkness. This track, rooted in the truths of Colossians 2:15 and John 16:33, highlights the decisive conquest of Christ over the enemy and his forces. It is a powerful reminder for believers of the victory they share in Jesus.

                  The song is crafted to instill confidence and celebrate the triumph of Christ on the cross, assuring believers of their victory in Him. The lyrics and melody convey a sense of victory, strength, and assurance, emphasizing that the enemy is a defeated foe and that in Christ, we are more than conquerors. “The Defeated Foe” encourages listeners to claim and live in the victory that Jesus has won, standing firm in faith and in the freedom Christ has secured.


                  Devotion for “The Defeated Foe”

                  Scripture Focus:

                  Colossians 2:15, John 16:33


                  “The Defeated Foe” celebrates the victory of Jesus Christ over the powers of darkness. Colossians 2:15 vividly depicts this triumph, revealing how Christ disarmed the powers and authorities and made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. This passage is a powerful reminder of the absolute victory that Jesus has achieved over every force of darkness and evil.

                  John 16:33 offers further reassurance from Christ Himself, who tells us that though we will have trouble in this world, we can take heart because He has overcome the world. This verse underscores the peace and courage we can find in Jesus’ victory.

                  Meditation and Prayer:

                  • Reflect on the significance of Christ’s victory on the cross. How does this truth empower your spiritual life and warfare?
                  • Meditate on the peace that comes from knowing Jesus has overcome the world.

                  Further Study:

                  • Explore the theme of Christ’s victory throughout the New Testament, particularly in the context of spiritual warfare.
                  • Study the full context of Colossians 2 to understand the implications of Christ’s triumph.


                  • Pray for the church to walk in the victory and authority of Christ, especially in areas of spiritual battle.
                  • Intercede for those who are facing trials and challenges, that they may find strength and hope in Christ’s victory.


                  • Identify areas in your life where you need to claim the victory of Jesus more confidently.
                  • Consider how you can be a bearer of this good news to others who are in need of hope and liberation.

                  This devotion is designed to deepen the understanding and appreciation of Christ’s ultimate victory over evil, encouraging mature believers to reflect on the power of the cross and to apply this victory in their daily spiritual battles and intercessions.


                  The Defeated Foe

                  Verse 1

                  On the cross, a battle unseen,
                  Christ our King, pure and serene.
                  The enemy thought victory was near,
                  But in that moment, Christ conquered fear.


                  The Defeated Foe, under His feet laid low,
                  Jesus, our Victor, His triumph we show.
                  Disarmed and shamed, the powers of night,
                  In His cross, we find our might.

                  Verse 2

                  No chains can hold, no lie can stand,
                  Against the power of His pierced hand.
                  He rose in glory, the grave denied,
                  In His victory, we are sanctified.


                  The Defeated Foe, under His feet laid low,
                  Jesus, our Victor, His triumph we show.
                  Disarmed and shamed, the powers of night,
                  In His cross, we find our might.


                  Nailed to the cross, our sins and fears,
                  In His resurrection, freedom appears.
                  The enemy defeated, a spectacle made,
                  By Jesus’ blood, our debt is paid.


                  The Defeated Foe, under His feet laid low,
                  Jesus, our Victor, His triumph we show.
                  Disarmed and shamed, the powers of night,
                  In His cross, we find our might.


                  In every battle, this truth we hold,
                  In Christ, we’re brave, in Him, we’re bold.
                  The Defeated Foe, our anthem’s cry,
                  In Jesus’ name, we lift high.

                  Lead Sheet

                  Coming Soon

                  • Key: B minor (intensity and triumph over darkness)
                  • Time Signature: 4/4 (strong and decisive)
                  • Tempo: 140 BPM (fast and victorious)

                  Storyboard descriptions for music video

                  This storyboard for “The Defeated Foe” is designed to visually convey the spiritual battle and the ultimate victory of Christ. The video aims to evoke a sense of triumph, hope, and unity in Jesus’ victory, inspiring viewers with the powerful message of the song.


                  • The video opens in a dark, tumultuous scene symbolizing chaos and spiritual conflict.
                  • Dramatic and intense music sets the tone for a battle.
                  • A narrator’s voice introduces the theme of Christ’s victory over the powers of darkness.

                  Verse 1:

                  • Transition to scenes of historical battles and personal struggles, representing humanity’s ongoing conflicts.
                  • Intersperse with shadowy figures manipulating these events, symbolizing spiritual forces.
                  • The mood is tense and foreboding, capturing the gravity of spiritual warfare.


                  • Shift to the scene of Christ on the cross, enduring suffering but with a resolute expression.
                  • As the chorus progresses, the skies darken, and an intense spiritual battle ensues around the cross.
                  • Cut to scenes of people from different eras and cultures, watching in awe, recognizing the significance of the moment.

                  Verse 2:

                  • Show the moment of Christ’s victory – the resurrection. The tomb is empty, and light breaks through the darkness.
                  • Scenes of defeated dark forces, symbolizing the victory over evil and sin.
                  • Reactions of joy and relief from people across time, realizing the significance of the resurrection.


                    • Return to the cross, now empty, as a symbol of triumph. The skies clear, signifying the defeat of the enemy.
                    • Believers of various backgrounds gather, united in celebration of Christ’s victory.
                    • The music is powerful and uplifting, emphasizing the theme of triumph.


                      • A brief, reflective pause showing scenes of peace, healing, and reconciliation – the fruits of Christ’s victory.
                      • The music is softer but filled with hope, illustrating the impact of the victory on humanity.


                      • The scene transitions back to the initial tumultuous landscape, now transformed into a place of peace and light.
                      • The narrator concludes with a reflection on the ongoing victory we have in Christ.
                      • The video ends with a shot of the sunrise, symbolizing new beginnings and eternal hope in Jesus.
                      Authority in His Name

                      Authority in His Name

                      Authority in His Name - Coming Soon

                      by Darren Winfield


                      “Authority in His Name” is a powerful anthem that celebrates the supreme authority and power of Jesus Christ. Drawing inspiration from Philippians 2:9-11 and Matthew 28:18, this song reverberates with the truth of Jesus’ lordship over all creation and the spiritual realm. The track is a declaration of the transformative impact of Christ’s name in the lives of believers and in the world.

                      Through its uplifting lyrics and melodies, the song invites listeners to recognize and celebrate the dominion of Jesus. It emphasizes the name of Jesus as a strong tower, a source of strength, and the key to spiritual authority. “Authority in His Name” is not just a song of worship; it’s a call to walk in the authority granted to us as followers of Christ, encouraging believers to live out their faith boldly and confidently in the power of His name.


                      Devotion for “Authority in His Name”

                      Scripture Focus:

                      Philippians 2:9-11, Matthew 28:18


                      “Authority in His Name” celebrates the supreme authority of Jesus Christ. Philippians 2:9-11 speaks of Jesus being exalted by God and given a name above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow. This passage reveals the magnitude of Christ’s authority – an authority that encompasses heaven, earth, and under the earth.

                      Matthew 28:18 reinforces this by declaring that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus. As believers, understanding and acknowledging Christ’s authority is crucial. It affects how we live, pray, and interact with the spiritual realm.

                      Meditation and Prayer:

                      • Meditate on the meaning of Jesus’ authority in your life. How does this understanding shape your prayer and worship?
                      • Consider the impact of Jesus’ name in spiritual warfare and intercession.

                      Further Study:

                      • Study the context and implications of Christ’s exaltation in Philippians 2.
                      • Explore how the authority of Jesus is demonstrated throughout the New Testament, particularly in the Gospels and Acts.


                      • Pray for the Church to walk in the full understanding and application of Jesus’ authority.
                      • Intercede for those in leadership, both in the church and in secular positions, to recognize and submit to the authority of Christ.


                      • Reflect on areas of your life where you need to more fully acknowledge and submit to Christ’s authority.
                      • Consider ways to proclaim and demonstrate the authority of Jesus in your community and ministry.

                      This devotion is designed to deepen the understanding of Christ’s authority and its implications for our faith and intercession. It encourages mature believers to reflect on the power of Jesus’ name and to apply this understanding in their spiritual life and intercession.


                      Authority in His Name

                      Verse 1

                      In the heavens declared, on earth shown,
                      Jesus, our Savior, exalted and known.
                      Name above all names, by the Father bestowed,
                      In Him, every knee bows, from high realms to low.


                      Authority in His Name, the earth and heavens proclaim,
                      Jesus Christ, Lord of all, before You every power shall fall.
                      At the sound of Your name, chains break, the lost reclaim,
                      Authority in His Name, forever and ever, Amen.

                      Verse 2

                      In His name, the blind see, the lame walk,
                      Captives set free, in His love, we’re unlocked.
                      Mighty in power, gentle in grace,
                      In the name of Jesus, every fear we face.


                      Authority in His Name, the earth and heavens proclaim,
                      Jesus Christ, Lord of all, before You every power shall fall.
                      At the sound of Your name, chains break, the lost reclaim,
                      Authority in His Name, forever and ever, Amen.


                      Highest heaven, lowest earth,
                      Declare His glory, His worth.
                      In His name, salvation’s song,
                      In His love, we belong.


                      Authority in His Name, the earth and heavens proclaim,
                      Jesus Christ, Lord of all, before You every power shall fall.
                      At the sound of Your name, chains break, the lost reclaim,
                      Authority in His Name, forever and ever, Amen.


                      In worship, we stand, in awe, we bow,
                      Jesus, our Lord, to You, every vow.
                      Authority in His Name, our hearts’ eternal flame,
                      In Christ alone, we proclaim.

                      Lead Sheet

                      Coming Soon

                      • Key: C major (bright and authoritative)
                      • Time Signature: 4/4 (universal and strong)
                      • Tempo: 110 BPM (uplifting and confident)

                      Storyboard descriptions for music video

                      This storyboard for “Authority in His Name” aims to visually convey the theme of Christ’s supreme authority and its transformative impact across the cosmos, nature, and individual lives. The video seeks to inspire viewers with the power and hope found in Jesus’ name, evoking a sense of awe and reverence.


                      • The video opens with a serene dawn, symbolizing a new beginning.
                      • Soft yet majestic music begins to play, setting an uplifting tone.
                      • A narrator briefly introduces the theme of Christ’s authority over heaven and earth.

                      Verse 1:

                      • Transition to a powerful depiction of Jesus, standing majestically on a high peak, overlooking a vast landscape.
                      • Cut to scenes showing the natural world – mountains, oceans, skies – responding to His presence (e.g., waves calming, winds ceasing).
                      • Show people from different walks of life looking towards the sky, sensing His power and authority.


                      • Scene shifts to a group of believers, from various cultures and ages, singing and worshipping together.
                      • As the chorus builds, scenes of Jesus’ miracles are interwoven: healing the sick, calming the storm, providing for people.
                      • The focus is on the transformative power of Jesus’ name in these acts.

                      Verse 2:

                      • The scene changes to depict individual stories of transformation – a person being freed from addiction, a family reconciled, a community uniting.
                      • Each story subtly alludes to the invocation of Jesus’ name and the ensuing change.
                      • The music continues to build, highlighting the impact of His authority in personal lives.


                        • Return to the worshipping group, now larger, symbolizing the growing impact of Christ’s authority.
                        • Vignettes of global impact – peace negotiations, humanitarian aid, environmental restoration – tied to faith in His name.
                        • The chorus reaches a crescendo, underscoring the power and reach of Jesus’ authority.


                          • A brief, quieter moment as the camera focuses on individual faces in prayer, their expressions serene yet powerful.
                          • Scenes of nature, people, and the cosmos, all moving in harmony, suggesting the order and peace under Christ’s authority.
                          • The music is reflective, yet imbued with a sense of awe.


                          • The camera pulls back to show the Earth from space, bathed in a gentle light.
                          • The narrator concludes with a reflection on the enduring and all-encompassing authority of Jesus.
                          • The video fades to a final image of a rising sun, symbolizing enduring hope and authority in Christ’s name.