The Stewards’ Song

The Stewards’ Song

The Stewards' Song - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Detailed Description for Track 7: “The Stewards’ Song”


The Stewards’ Song

Music Elements:

“The Stewards’ Song” is characterized by a grounded, earthy melody, using a mix of acoustic instruments that evoke a sense of connection with nature. The arrangement is thoughtful and contemplative, encouraging the listener to reflect deeply on the lyrics’ message.

Themes and Concepts:

This track is a meditative reflection on our responsibility as stewards of God’s creation. It delves into the theme of environmental stewardship, emphasizing our duty to care for and preserve the natural world. The song’s lyrics draw on the imagery of tending a garden, a metaphor for mindful and loving care of the Earth.

Underlying Message:

“The Stewards’ Song” serves as a reminder of the sacred trust placed upon humanity to care for the Earth. It encourages listeners to consider their actions’ impact on the environment and to embrace practices that promote sustainability and respect for nature. The song intertwines this environmental message with spiritual undertones, framing stewardship as an act of worship and obedience to God.

For the Listener:

Listeners are invited to reflect on their personal relationship with the environment and to seek ways to act more responsibly towards it. This song aims to inspire change in daily practices, fostering a deeper commitment to environmental stewardship as a fundamental aspect of Christian faith and life.


Devotional for Track 7: “The Stewards’ Song”


Embracing Our Role as Stewards of God’s Creation

Scripture References:

  • Genesis 2:15 (God placing mankind in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it)
  • Psalm 8:6-8 (God giving mankind dominion over the works of His hands)
  • Matthew 25:14-30 (The Parable of the Talents, emphasizing stewardship)
  • Colossians 1:16-17 (All things created through Him and for Him)


“The Stewards’ Song” is a call to embrace our God-given role as caretakers of His creation. Genesis 2:15 shows us that from the beginning, humanity was entrusted with the responsibility to nurture and protect the Earth.

Psalm 8:6-8 speaks to the honor and responsibility of having dominion over God’s creation. It’s a dominion that calls for wisdom, care, and respect, not exploitation.

The Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25 teaches us about faithful stewardship. Just as the servants are entrusted with their master’s wealth, so are we entrusted with the world’s natural wealth.

Colossians 1:16-17 reminds us that all creation exists through and for Christ. Our stewardship of the Earth is ultimately an act of service to Him, recognizing His lordship over all creation.

Prayer Focus:

  • Thankfulness for God’s Creation: Express gratitude for the beauty and bounty of the Earth.
  • Wisdom in Stewardship: Ask for wisdom and guidance to care for the Earth responsibly and sustainably.
  • Confession and Change: Confess ways in which we have failed in our stewardship and seek God’s guidance in making positive changes.
  • Prayer for the Earth’s Restoration: Intercede for areas of the world that are facing environmental crises.

Action Step:

Commit to a practical step in environmental stewardship. This could be as simple as reducing waste, starting a recycling program, or engaging in community environmental initiatives.

Closing Prayer:

Lord of all creation, we stand in awe of the work of Your hands. We acknowledge our responsibility as stewards of this beautiful Earth. Help us to tend and care for it in a way that honors You. Grant us the wisdom to make choices that bring restoration and life. May our actions reflect our deep gratitude and respect for Your creation. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


The Stewards’ Song

Verse 1:

In Your garden, we walk, Lord, with care,
Stewards of creation, in Your trust we share.
You’ve entrusted us, with land and sea,
Guide our steps, in Your wisdom let us be.


We are stewards, keepers of Your Earth,
Called to cherish, what from You had birth.
Grant us wisdom, strength to tend and care,
In our stewardship, Your love we declare.

Verse 2:

Each plant and creature, a part of Your plan,
Help us to nurture, as only stewards can.
In every forest, on every shore,
Let us honor You, now and forevermore.


We are stewards, keepers of Your Earth,
Called to cherish, what from You had birth.
Grant us wisdom, strength to tend and care,
In our stewardship, Your love we declare.


Lord, in our calling, make us ever true,
To care for the Earth, as an act of worship to You.
Let us reflect, Your glory in our task,
In this stewardship, in Your love, let us bask.


We are stewards, keepers of Your Earth,
Called to cherish, what from You had birth.
Grant us wisdom, strength to tend and care,
In our stewardship, Your love we declare.

Outro (Prayerful Commitment):

In fields and mountains, rivers and skies,
In Your creation, our duty lies.
As stewards, Lord, in Your grace we stand,
Caring for the Earth, by Your loving hand.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: A Major (bright and uplifting, fitting for a song about stewardship and care)
  • Time Signature: 3/4 (imparts a sense of continuity and flow)
  • Tempo: Allegro (a lively tempo to match the song’s empowering message)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “The Stewards’ Song” is designed to visually convey the song’s message of environmental stewardship, responsibility, and care. It combines serene natural beauty with human action, emphasizing our role in caring for and preserving the Earth.


  • Music: Begins with a harmonious, gentle tune, evoking a sense of calm and responsibility.
  • Visuals: Opens with serene shots of Earth from space, transitioning to lush landscapes, diverse ecosystems, and abundant wildlife.
  • Mood: Peaceful and contemplative, setting a tone of reverence for the planet.

Verse 1:

  • Music: The melody picks up slightly, introducing a rhythm that suggests purposeful action and care.
  • Visuals: Scenes of people engaging with nature in various ways – gardening, forest conservation, wildlife protection, and sustainable farming.
  • Mood: Responsible and engaged, highlighting the positive relationship between humans and the environment.


  • Music: The chorus elevates the melody, bringing a sense of commitment and resolve.
  • Visuals: A montage of different environments being cared for and revived – reforestation, community clean-ups, renewable energy projects.
  • Mood: Uplifting and hopeful, showcasing the impact of stewardship.

Verse 2:

  • Music: Returns to a softer melody, but retains a sense of purpose and mindfulness.
  • Visuals: Focus on individuals making small but significant environmental choices – recycling, using public transport, installing solar panels.
  • Mood: Personal and practical, demonstrating everyday stewardship.


    • Music: The chorus repeats, reinforcing the message of environmental care and responsibility.
    • Visuals: Expand to show global efforts in conservation and sustainability, featuring diverse communities and landscapes.
    • Mood: Global and inclusive, emphasizing the collective responsibility for Earth.


      • Music: A contemplative bridge, with a slightly slower tempo, invites deeper reflection.
      • Visuals: Shots of endangered species and threatened habitats, juxtaposed with conservation efforts.
      • Mood: Reflective and sobering, yet hopeful, highlighting the urgency and importance of stewardship.


      • Music: The final chorus is the most powerful and expansive, with a sense of global unity.
      • Visuals: Scenes of people from various cultures and backgrounds coming together for environmental causes, symbolizing a united global effort.
      • Mood: Empowering and inspiring, portraying a world united in caring for the planet.

      Outro (Prayerful Pledge):

      • Music: Concludes with a gentle, affirming melody, similar to the introduction.
      • Visuals: Ends with the Earth from space, showing a healthy, vibrant planet, surrounded by a community of caretakers.
      • Mood: Peaceful and hopeful, leaving a lasting impression of our role as stewards of the Earth.
      Angels Over Lands

      Angels Over Lands

      Angels Over Lands - Coming Soon

      by Darren Winfield

      Detailed Description for Track 8: “Angels Over Lands”


      Angels Over Lands

      Music Elements:

      The track features an ethereal and uplifting melody, combining the sounds of harp and soft choral harmonies to create a celestial ambiance. This arrangement evokes a sense of the spiritual and mystical, reflecting the song’s exploration of the angelic realm.

      Themes and Concepts:

      “Angels Over Lands” invites listeners to consider the presence and influence of angels in the world. Drawing inspiration from biblical passages, the song explores the idea of angels as guardians and agents of God’s will on Earth. It weaves together themes of divine protection, guidance, and the unseen spiritual forces at work in our world.

      Underlying Message:

      This song seeks to deepen the listener’s awareness of the spiritual dimension that surrounds us, highlighting the role of angels in the divine plan. It encourages a perspective that looks beyond the physical world, acknowledging the interconnectedness of all creation in the broader narrative of God’s kingdom.

      For the Listener:

      Listeners are encouraged to find comfort and reassurance in the knowledge of God’s constant care, as mediated through His angels. “Angels Over Lands” serves as a reminder of the ongoing spiritual support and intervention we receive, often unseen, as we navigate the complexities of life on Earth.


      Devotional for Track 8: “Angels Over Lands”


      Recognizing the Role of Angels in God’s Creation and Seeking Their Guidance

      Scripture References:

      • Psalm 91:11-12 (God commanding His angels to guard us)
      • Hebrews 1:14 (Angels as ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation)
      • Revelation 5:11-12 (Angels around God’s throne, praising Him)
      • Daniel 10:12-14 (An angel explaining his delayed response due to a spiritual battle)


      “Angels Over Lands” invites us to contemplate the unseen realm where angels act as guardians and ministers over God’s creation. Psalm 91:11-12 beautifully illustrates the protective role of angels in our lives, a reminder of the unseen help we receive.

      Hebrews 1:14 describes angels as ministering spirits sent to aid us, reinforcing the idea that they play an active role in the divine order and our spiritual journey.

      In Revelation 5, we see angels as part of the heavenly worship, constantly praising God. This passage reminds us of the continuous presence of angels in the spiritual realm, involved in the workings of God’s plan.

      Daniel 10 provides a glimpse into how angels can be involved in spiritual warfare and the affairs of nations, revealing a deeper, more complex interaction between the physical and spiritual worlds.

      Prayer Focus:

      • Gratitude for Angelic Presence: Thank God for the presence of angels and their role in the spiritual realm.
      • Prayer for Protection and Guidance: Ask for angelic protection and guidance in personal, community, and global matters.
      • Insight into the Spiritual Realm: Seek a deeper understanding of the spiritual battles and workings that impact our world.
      • Alignment with God’s Will: Pray for our lives and our world to be aligned with God’s will, as ministered by His angels.

      Action Step:

      Spend time in prayer specifically focused on spiritual warfare and the unseen realm. Be mindful of the spiritual influences in your daily life and community.

      Closing Prayer:

      Heavenly Father, we are in awe of the vastness of Your creation, both seen and unseen. Thank You for the presence of Your angels, ministering and guarding according to Your divine will. Help us to be sensitive to the spiritual realm, to understand and engage in the battles that shape our world. May we always seek alignment with Your will, guided and protected by Your heavenly hosts. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


      Angels Over Lands

      Verse 1:

      In the realms unseen, where angels tread,
      Over lands and seas, their wings are spread.
      Guardians by Your command, in Your story grand,
      Angels watch over every land.


      Angels over lands, in Your holy might,
      Carry our prayers into the night.
      In their watch, Lord, let Your will be done,
      On Earth as in the realms beyond the sun.

      Verse 2:

      Messengers of Your decrees, in the skies they soar,
      Bringing Your words, to every shore.
      In their presence, Lord, let the Earth find peace,
      In their guidance, let Your blessings increase.


      Angels over lands, in Your holy might,
      Carry our prayers into the night.
      In their watch, Lord, let Your will be done,
      On Earth as in the realms beyond the sun.


      We join with the heavenly host, in prayer and song,
      For the Earth to whom we belong.
      Let angelic might, join with mortal plea,
      In their vigil, set creation free.


      Angels over lands, in Your holy might,
      Carry our prayers into the night.
      In their watch, Lord, let Your will be done,
      On Earth as in the realms beyond the sun.

      Outro (Prayerful Invocation):

      In the dance of earth and heaven, in the sacred lands,
      Angels move by Your commands.
      With them, we pray, for Your reign to expand,
      Angels over lands, in Your loving hand.

      Lead Sheet

      • Key: E Flat Major (ethereal and majestic, suitable for the spiritual theme)
      • Time Signature: 6/8 (to capture the mystical and flowing nature)
      • Tempo: Andantino (slightly faster than andante, reflecting the ethereal quality)

      Storyboard descriptions for music video

      This storyboard for “Angels Over Lands” aims to visually capture the song’s exploration of the angelic realm and its interaction with the natural world. It combines imagery of the Earth’s beauty with the presence and influence of angels, creating a sense of wonder and spiritual depth.


      • Music: Begins with a soft, ethereal melody, creating an atmosphere of mystique and spirituality.
      • Visuals: A series of aerial shots showcasing diverse landscapes – mountains, forests, oceans – transitioning to a night sky filled with stars.
      • Mood: Celestial and mysterious, setting the tone for a journey into the spiritual realm.

      Verse 1:

      • Music: The melody becomes slightly more pronounced, maintaining its mystical quality.
      • Visuals: Scenes depicting the presence of angels in various natural settings – subtly integrated into clouds, reflections on water, or gentle movements of leaves in the wind.
      • Mood: Sublime and awe-inspiring, highlighting the unseen presence of celestial beings.


      • Music: The chorus elevates the song with a more pronounced and majestic sound.
      • Visuals: Transition to depictions of angels interacting with the natural world – protecting wildlife, guiding the course of rivers, or watching over sleeping cities.
      • Mood: Powerful and protective, illustrating the active role of angels in caring for the Earth.

      Verse 2:

      • Music: Returns to a softer, reflective melody, fostering a sense of intimate connection with the divine.
      • Visuals: Focus on individuals in various life situations receiving unseen guidance and comfort from angelic figures.
      • Mood: Comforting and reassuring, emphasizing the personal aspect of angelic guardianship.


        • Music: The chorus repeats with a growing sense of wonder and reverence.
        • Visuals: Scenes of natural phenomena – a thunderstorm, a blooming field, a calm ocean – with subtle hints of angelic presence influencing these events.
        • Mood: Reverent and majestic, showcasing the harmony between the natural and spiritual worlds.


          • Music: Features a bridge with a serene, prayerful quality.
          • Visuals: Images of people in prayer or meditation across different cultures, with angelic figures portrayed as providing comfort or inspiration.
          • Mood: Spiritual and transcendent, bridging the gap between the human and divine.


          • Music: The final chorus is the most powerful and uplifting, filled with a sense of divine assurance.
          • Visuals: A montage of scenes depicting coexistence and harmony between humans, nature, and angels – a unified celebration of creation.
          • Mood: Uplifting and hopeful, leaving a sense of peace and divine care.

          Outro (Prayerful Invocation):

          • Music: The track concludes with a gentle return to the ethereal melody of the introduction.
          • Visuals: The video ends with a night scene transitioning into dawn, symbolizing the continuous presence and protection of angels.
          • Mood: Peaceful and contemplative, leaving viewers with a sense of calm and spiritual connection.
          Prophetic Earth

          Prophetic Earth

          Prophetic Earth - Coming Soon

          by Darren Winfield

          Detailed Description for Track 9: “Prophetic Earth”


          Prophetic Earth

          Music Elements:

          “Prophetic Earth” is composed with a blend of majestic orchestral arrangements and ambient soundscapes, creating a sense of grandeur and anticipation. The music builds progressively, symbolizing the unfolding of God’s prophetic plan for a renewed creation.

          Themes and Concepts:

          This track takes listeners on a journey through the biblical vision of a new heaven and new Earth, as prophesied in Revelation and Isaiah. It beautifully captures the hope and expectation of the Christian faith for a world transformed by God’s ultimate redemption and restoration.

          Underlying Message:

          “Prophetic Earth” emphasizes the theme of eschatological hope – the belief in a future where God’s kingdom is fully realized and creation is restored to its intended glory. It encourages listeners to look beyond current struggles and challenges, anchoring their hope in God’s promise of a new, perfect creation.

          For the Listener:

          Listeners are invited to reflect on their own hopes and expectations for the future, both personal and cosmic. The song aims to inspire a sense of comfort and assurance in God’s sovereign plan, encouraging a forward-looking faith that eagerly anticipates the fulfillment of God’s promises.


          Devotional for Track 9: “Prophetic Earth”


          Anticipating the Fulfillment of God’s Promise for a New Creation

          Scripture References:

          • Revelation 21:1-5 (The vision of a new heaven and new earth)
          • Isaiah 65:17-25 (God creating new heavens and a new earth)
          • 2 Peter 3:13 (Looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness dwells)
          • Romans 8:19-21 (Creation’s eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed)


          “Prophetic Earth” explores the Christian hope and anticipation of a new heaven and new earth as prophesied in Scripture. In Revelation 21, we are given a vision of a future where God dwells among His people, and pain and suffering are no more – a profound promise of renewal and restoration.

          Isaiah 65 paints a picture of a new creation where joy and peace are abundant, illustrating the depth of transformation that awaits.

          2 Peter 3:13 encourages us to live in holy and godly ways as we look forward to this promised new creation, where righteousness is at home.

          Romans 8 reminds us that the whole of creation is waiting in eager expectation for God’s children to be revealed, for the time when it will be liberated from its decay and brought into the freedom of the children of God.

          Prayer Focus:

          • Longing for God’s Kingdom: Express deep longing for the fulfillment of God’s promise of a new heaven and earth.
          • Living in Expectation: Pray for the strength to live in a way that reflects the hope and righteousness of God’s coming kingdom.
          • Intercession for Creation: Pray for the current state of the world, asking God to bring healing and peace in anticipation of the new creation.
          • Personal Renewal: Seek personal spiritual renewal and transformation in line with God’s promise.

          Action Step:

          Reflect on ways your life can more closely align with the values of the coming kingdom. Consider adopting a practice or habit that reflects this commitment, such as peacemaking, caring for the environment, or compassionate service.

          Closing Prayer:

          Lord, our hearts yearn for the fulfillment of Your promise – a new heaven and a new earth where You reign in glory. Help us to live today in the light of that future, embodying Your values of righteousness, peace, and love. May our lives reflect the hope of Your coming kingdom, and may we be agents of Your grace and transformation in this world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


          Prophetic Earth

          Verse 1:

          In visions told, in prophecies of old,
          A new Earth and Heaven, Your scriptures foretold.
          A world reborn, from the old torn,
          In Your promise, our hope is sworn.


          Prophetic Earth, in Your future we see,
          A realm of peace, where all is free.
          Come, O Lord, fulfill Your word,
          In this promise, our prayers are heard.

          Verse 2:

          No more pain, no tears in sight,
          In this new dawn, no more night.
          Your glory revealed, in streets of gold,
          In Your prophetic Earth, Your kingdom unfold.


          Prophetic Earth, in Your future we see,
          A realm of peace, where all is free.
          Come, O Lord, fulfill Your word,
          In this promise, our prayers are heard.


          We long for the day, we’ll see Your face,
          In the new Jerusalem, Your holy place.
          Until then, in this hope we stand,
          For the coming of Your prophetic land.


          Prophetic Earth, in Your future we see,
          A realm of peace, where all is free.
          Come, O Lord, fulfill Your word,
          In this promise, our prayers are heard.

          Outro (Prayerful Anticipation):

          In waiting and in wonder, we lift our eyes,
          For the dawn of Your paradise.
          Prophetic Earth, in faith we stand,
          Ready for Your renewing hand.

          Lead Sheet

          • Key: C Sharp Minor (evokes a sense of mystery and future transformation)
          • Time Signature: 4/4 (allows for expressive flexibility in depicting transformation)
          • Tempo: Moderato (a moderate pace to allow for reflective and visionary elements)

          Storyboard descriptions for music video

          This storyboard for “Prophetic Earth” aims to visually capture the song’s exploration of the Christian hope for a new, transformed Earth as foretold in biblical prophecies. It intertwines current realities with visionary depictions, creating a narrative of anticipation, transformation, and divine fulfillment.


          • Music: Opens with an atmospheric and expansive sound, conveying a sense of grandeur and future possibilities.
          • Visuals: Slow, sweeping shots of the current Earth – vibrant landscapes, bustling cities, diverse communities – transitioning to a shimmering, ethereal representation of the planet.
          • Mood: Visionary and hopeful, introducing the theme of a transformed world.

          Verse 1:

          • Music: The melody develops into a rich, layered composition, hinting at both the beauty of creation and the promise of renewal.
          • Visuals: Images of the natural world and human civilization, juxtaposed with fleeting glimpses of a renewed Earth as described in prophetic visions – vibrant, harmonious, and flourishing.
          • Mood: Reflective and anticipatory, highlighting the contrast between the present and the prophetic vision.


          • Music: The chorus elevates the energy with a powerful and uplifting arrangement, emphasizing the hope and certainty of the prophetic promise.
          • Visuals: Transition to imaginative representations of the new Earth – majestic landscapes, peaceful human interactions, a harmonious blend of nature and human innovation.
          • Mood: Exhilarating and inspiring, portraying the glory and joy of the prophetic Earth.

          Verse 2:

          • Music: Returns to a softer, more contemplative melody, maintaining the theme of anticipation and transformation.
          • Visuals: Contrast between current environmental challenges and scenes depicting their resolution in the new Earth – pollution giving way to purity, conflict to peace, scarcity to abundance.
          • Mood: Sobering yet hopeful, emphasizing the transformation from current struggles to a restored world.


            • Music: The chorus repeats with an increased sense of urgency and conviction.
            • Visuals: Scenes of people from various backgrounds and cultures engaging in acts that symbolize preparation and anticipation for the coming transformation – community building, environmental stewardship, spiritual gatherings.
            • Mood: Motivating and uniting, calling viewers to be part of the transformation.


              • Music: A bridge with a more reflective and mysterious tone, suggesting a deepening understanding of the prophetic vision.
              • Visuals: A series of abstract, artistic representations of the new heaven and new Earth – a blend of natural beauty, human diversity, and celestial elements.
              • Mood: Mystical and profound, delving deeper into the spiritual significance of the prophecy.


              • Music: The final chorus is the most powerful and majestic, filled with a sense of fulfillment and divine presence.
              • Visuals: A culmination of the earlier scenes, showing a fully realized vision of the prophetic Earth – a world where harmony, beauty, and peace reign supreme.
              • Mood: Jubilant and triumphant, celebrating the fulfillment of the prophetic promise.

              Outro (Prayerful Anticipation):

              • Music: Concludes with a gentle, hopeful melody, echoing the themes introduced in the beginning.
              • Visuals: The video ends with a return to the ethereal representation of the Earth, slowly spinning against a starry background, symbolizing the ongoing journey towards the prophetic vision.
              • Mood: Peaceful and expectant, leaving viewers with a sense of anticipation and spiritual longing.
              Kingdom Come, On Earth As In Heaven

              Kingdom Come, On Earth As In Heaven

              Kingdom Come, On Earth As In Heaven - Coming Soon

              by Darren Winfield

              Detailed Description for Track 10: “Kingdom Come, On Earth As In Heaven”


              Kingdom Come, On Earth As In Heaven

              Music Elements:

              The track features a powerful and inspiring composition, blending traditional choir elements with modern orchestral arrangements. The crescendos in the music mirror the prayerful longing and deep yearning for God’s kingdom to manifest on Earth.

              Themes and Concepts:

              Drawing directly from the Lord’s Prayer, this song is a heartfelt invocation for the realization of God’s kingdom on Earth. It explores the Christian aspiration for a world where divine will and justice prevail, mirroring the perfection of heaven.

              Underlying Message:

              “Kingdom Come, On Earth As In Heaven” challenges listeners to consider their role in bringing about the kingdom of God. It emphasizes the Christian calling to actively pursue and embody God’s will and righteousness, fostering a spirit of transformation and renewal in our communities and the world.

              For the Listener:

              Listeners are encouraged to internalize and live out the prayer Jesus taught, seeking to align their actions and lives with the values and realities of God’s kingdom. The song serves as a reminder to be agents of change, actively working towards a world that reflects God’s love, justice, and peace.


              Devotional for Track 10: “Kingdom Come, On Earth As In Heaven”


              Seeking the Manifestation of God’s Kingdom on Earth

              Scripture References:

              • Matthew 6:10 (The Lord’s Prayer – “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”)
              • Revelation 11:15 (The kingdom of the world becoming the kingdom of our Lord)
              • Isaiah 9:6-7 (The government will be upon His shoulders, and of His kingdom, there will be no end)
              • Daniel 2:44 (God setting up a kingdom that will never be destroyed)


              “Kingdom Come, On Earth As In Heaven” reflects the heart of the Lord’s Prayer, where Jesus teaches us to pray for God’s kingdom to be realized on Earth as it is in heaven. This is a prayer of alignment, seeking God’s sovereign rule over every aspect of life and creation.

              Revelation 11:15 proclaims the ultimate fulfillment of God’s kingdom, a powerful reminder that the temporary rulers of this world will give way to the eternal reign of Christ.

              Isaiah 9 prophesies about Jesus’ reign, emphasizing that His governance will bring peace and justice, radically transforming our world.

              Daniel 2:44 speaks of a kingdom established by God that will endure forever, unlike the kingdoms of this world. This encourages us to invest in the eternal and unshakeable kingdom of God.

              Prayer Focus:

              • Alignment with God’s Will: Pray for our lives, communities, and world to align with God’s will, as it is perfectly realized in heaven.
              • Advancement of God’s Kingdom: Intercede for the spread of the Gospel and the growth of God’s kingdom in hearts and societies.
              • Peace and Justice: Pray for God’s rule to bring peace, justice, and righteousness in our world.
              • Personal Submission: Seek a deeper personal submission to God’s kingship in every area of your life.

              Action Step:

              Identify an area in your community or the world where God’s kingdom values of justice, peace, or righteousness are needed. Commit to praying consistently for this issue and take at least one practical step to address it.

              Closing Prayer:

              Father in Heaven, we echo the prayer of Your Son, Jesus, longing for Your kingdom to come and Your will to be done on Earth as it is in heaven. May our lives reflect the values and realities of Your kingdom. Help us to be active participants in the advancement of Your rule of love, justice, and peace in our world. Empower us, Lord, to live as citizens of Your eternal kingdom every day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


              Kingdom Come, On Earth As In Heaven

              Verse 1:

              In Your words, we find our plea,
              “Your kingdom come,” our earnest decree.
              As in heaven, so on earth,
              Manifest Your rule, Your worth.


              Kingdom come, on Earth as above,
              In Your grace, in Your love.
              Let Your will here be done,
              As in heaven, let Your kingdom come.

              Verse 2:

              In every heart, in every land,
              Let Your justice, Your peace, firmly stand.
              Break the chains, heal the strife,
              Bring forth Your abundant life.


              Kingdom come, on Earth as above,
              In Your grace, in Your love.
              Let Your will here be done,
              As in heaven, let Your kingdom come.


              In this prayer, we unite,
              For Your light to shine so bright.
              Transform our world, in Your holy flame,
              On Earth as in heaven, glorify Your name.


              Kingdom come, on Earth as above,
              In Your grace, in Your love.
              Let Your will here be done,
              As in heaven, let Your kingdom come.

              Outro (Prayerful Commitment):

              As we walk, in Your ways so divine,
              On Earth, let Your kingdom shine.
              Kingdom come, in our days, in our nights,
              In Your love, in Your eternal light.

              Lead Sheet

              • Key: G Major (conveys hope and the aspiration of the prayer)
              • Time Signature: 3/4 (gives a sense of prayerful movement and grace)
              • Tempo: Andante (reflects a prayerful, contemplative pace)

              Storyboard descriptions for music video

              This storyboard for “Kingdom Come, On Earth As In Heaven” aims to visually narrate the song’s message of praying for and working towards the realization of God’s kingdom on Earth. It combines scenes of current realities with depictions of a transformed world, inspiring viewers to actively participate in bringing about this divine vision.


              • Music: Begins with a serene, yet profound melody, instilling a sense of spiritual depth and anticipation.
              • Visuals: A series of scenes depicting daily life around the world, showcasing both beauty and brokenness, peace and conflict.
              • Mood: Thoughtful and expectant, setting the stage for a prayerful journey towards divine transformation.

              Verse 1:

              • Music: The melody gently builds, intertwining a sense of earthly reality with heavenly hope.
              • Visuals: Contrast between scenes of natural beauty and human-made chaos, symbolizing the current state of the world and the longing for God’s kingdom.
              • Mood: Contemplative and yearning, highlighting the disparity between the world as it is and as it could be under God’s rule.


              • Music: The chorus elevates with a more powerful and hopeful arrangement, emphasizing the plea for God’s kingdom.
              • Visuals: Transition to scenes depicting acts of kindness, justice, and peace – people helping one another, resolving conflicts, caring for the environment.
              • Mood: Uplifting and inspiring, showcasing glimpses of God’s kingdom already at work in the world.

              Verse 2:

              • Music: Returns to a softer, more introspective melody, maintaining the theme of anticipation and divine intervention.
              • Visuals: Focus on individual faces from various cultures and walks of life, each reflecting a personal longing for a better world.
              • Mood: Personal and reflective, emphasizing the universal desire for God’s kingdom.


                • Music: The chorus repeats with increased intensity and conviction, reaffirming the song’s central prayer.
                • Visuals: Broaden to show community and global initiatives that embody kingdom values – environmental stewardship, humanitarian aid, social justice movements.
                • Mood: Empowering and hopeful, illustrating how actions aligned with God’s will can transform the world.


                  • Music: A contemplative and slightly more somber bridge, suggesting a deepening commitment to the prayer.
                  • Visuals: Scenes shift to quiet moments of prayer and reflection in various settings – churches, homes, nature, busy streets.
                  • Mood: Solemn and dedicated, underscoring the spiritual commitment to bringing about God’s kingdom.


                  • Music: The final chorus is the most powerful and encompassing, filled with a sense of divine assurance.
                  • Visuals: A climax of the earlier scenes, showing a harmonious blend of heavenly and earthly elements – a portrayal of what “on Earth as it is in Heaven” might look like.
                  • Mood: Triumphant and visionary, capturing the transformative power of God’s kingdom.

                  Outro (Prayerful Commitment):

                  • Music: Ends with a gentle, reflective melody, echoing the themes of prayer and anticipation.
                  • Visuals: The video closes with a peaceful dusk scene, symbolizing the ongoing journey towards realizing God’s kingdom on Earth.
                  • Mood: Peaceful and hopeful, leaving a lasting impression of faith and commitment to God’s will.
                  Blessings of the Field

                  Blessings of the Field

                  Blessings of the Field - Coming Soon

                  by Darren Winfield

                  Detailed Description for Track 11: “Blessings of the Field”


                  Blessings of the Field

                  Music Elements:

                  This track is imbued with a gentle, earthy quality, featuring acoustic guitar and light percussion that evoke the rhythms of nature. The melody is simple yet profound, mirroring the straightforward but deep blessings found in nature.

                  Themes and Concepts:

                  “Blessings of the Field” is a song of gratitude, celebrating the Earth’s provision and abundance. It reflects on the simple gifts of nature – the food we eat, the beauty we observe – and acknowledges these as blessings from God.

                  Underlying Message:

                  The song emphasizes the interconnectedness of life, the gratitude we owe to the Earth, and ultimately to God, for sustenance and life. It’s a reminder to not take the natural world for granted but to see it as a reflection of God’s grace and generosity.

                  For the Listener:

                  Listeners are invited to cultivate a spirit of gratitude for the everyday blessings that often go unnoticed. “Blessings of the Field” encourages a deeper appreciation for the natural world and a commitment to caring for it as a sacred trust from God.


                  Devotional for Track 11: “Blessings of the Field”


                  Expressing Gratitude for God’s Provision Through Nature

                  Scripture References:

                  • Psalm 104:13-15 (God watering the earth, making it fruitful)
                  • Matthew 6:26-30 (God’s care for the birds of the air and the lilies of the field)
                  • Genesis 1:29-30 (God providing food through creation)
                  • James 1:17 (Every good and perfect gift is from above)


                  “Blessings of the Field” invites us to acknowledge and appreciate God’s hand in the natural world, providing sustenance and beauty. Psalm 104 celebrates God’s providence in nature, watering the earth and filling it with life and food.

                  Jesus’ words in Matthew 6 remind us of God’s care for all creation, including the birds and the flowers, assuring us of His even greater care for us.

                  Genesis 1 highlights that from the beginning, God intended creation to be a source of nourishment for all living creatures. This interconnectedness with nature is a foundational aspect of God’s provision.

                  James 1:17 echoes the sentiment that every blessing, including the produce of the field and the beauty of nature, is a gift from God.

                  Prayer Focus:

                  • Thankfulness for Provision: Thank God for the abundance and beauty of creation and the sustenance it provides.
                  • Stewardship of Resources: Pray for wisdom to use the Earth’s resources responsibly and sustainably.
                  • Support for Agricultural Communities: Intercede for farmers and all who work in agriculture, that they may be blessed and their work fruitful.
                  • Awareness of God’s Care: Seek a deeper understanding and appreciation of God’s continual care as expressed through nature.

                  Action Step:

                  Make a conscious effort to connect with nature. This could be through gardening, supporting local produce, or simply spending time in nature to appreciate its beauty and bounty.

                  Closing Prayer:

                  Lord, we thank You for the blessings of the field, for the beauty and bounty of nature. Help us to see Your hand in every leaf, in every harvest, and in the rhythm of the seasons. Give us grateful hearts and guide us to be good stewards of these gifts. May our lives reflect our appreciation for Your provision and care. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


                  Blessings of the Field

                  Verse 1:

                  In the fields where wheat whispers with the wind,
                  Where the fruits of Your Earth begin.
                  We see Your hand, in the bread we break,
                  In every seed, in each leaf, You make.


                  Blessings of the field, gifts of Your creation,
                  In harvest and yield, we find Your salvation.
                  For all You provide, our hearts sing and yield,
                  Thankful we stand, in Your bountiful field.

                  Verse 2:

                  From the rain that falls to the sun that shines,
                  In every grape, on every vine.
                  |Your abundance flows, in the crop and sod,
                  In all life grows, we see the hand of God.


                  Blessings of the field, in the sun and rain,
                  In Your love revealed, in each grain.
                  With grateful hearts, Your bounty we feel,
                  In Your grace, in the blessings of the field.


                  For the earth that feeds, for the hands that sow,
                  For Your provision, in the fields we know.
                  May we tend and care, as stewards true,
                  In Your fields, let Your love come through.


                  Blessings of the field, in the harvest dance,
                  In Your mercy, we find abundance.
                  Grateful for each meal, for the love we wield,
                  In every blessing, in every field.

                  Outro (Thankful Whisper):

                  In the quiet of the field, in the bustling market stand,
                  In Your love, we feel Your hand.
                  Blessings abound, in the land we till,
                  In every field, Your love is real.

                  Lead Sheet

                  • Key: D Major (bright and pastoral, fitting for a song about agriculture and harvest)
                  • Time Signature: 2/4 (a simple, earthy rhythm that aligns with the themes of farming)
                  • Tempo: Allegro Moderato (a moderately brisk pace, celebrating the joy of harvest)

                  Storyboard descriptions for music video

                  This storyboard for “Blessings of the Field” aims to visually convey the song’s themes of gratitude for the Earth’s abundance and the human role in nurturing and receiving its gifts. It combines serene natural beauty with the toil and joy of farming, emphasizing our deep connection to the land.


                  • Music: The track opens with a gentle, melodious tune that evokes the simplicity and richness of nature.
                  • Visuals: A sequence of lush, verdant fields, orchards in bloom, and serene farmlands at sunrise.
                  • Mood: Peaceful and grateful, setting a tone of appreciation for nature’s bounty.

                  Verse 1:

                  • Music: The melody flows smoothly, resembling the natural rhythms of the Earth.
                  • Visuals: Close-up shots of various crops in the fields, farmers tending to their land, hands sowing seeds, and watering plants.
                  • Mood: Intimate and nurturing, highlighting the human connection to the land and the care it involves.


                  • Music: The chorus amplifies with a warm, embracing sound, reflecting the abundance and generosity of the Earth.
                  • Visuals: Scenes of harvest, communities gathering fruits and vegetables, families sharing meals made from fresh produce.
                  • Mood: Joyful and celebratory, capturing the delight of nature’s gifts.

                  Verse 2:

                  • Music: Returns to a softer, contemplative melody, maintaining the theme of nature’s blessings.
                  • Visuals: Images of natural water sources nourishing the fields, the cycle of rain and sunshine, and the growth of crops.
                  • Mood: Thoughtful and reverential, acknowledging the natural processes that sustain life.


                    • Music: The chorus repeats with a fuller sound, reinforcing the message of gratitude.
                    • Visuals: Expand to show a variety of landscapes – vineyards, rice paddies, orchards – each contributing to the bounty of the Earth.
                    • Mood: Rich and diverse, celebrating the variety of nature’s provisions.


                      • Music: A slightly more somber bridge, acknowledging the challenges faced by farmers and the land.
                      • Visuals: Scenes of farmers battling adverse weather conditions, protecting crops from pests, and the impact of environmental changes.
                      • Mood: Resilient and hopeful, reflecting the challenges and perseverance in caring for the land.


                      • Music: The final chorus is the most powerful, filled with a sense of thankfulness and abundance.
                      • Visuals: A culmination of the earlier scenes, showing bountiful harvests and community celebrations, with people from various cultures enjoying the fruits of the Earth.
                      • Mood: Uplifting and unifying, emphasizing the global appreciation for the Earth’s blessings.

                      Outro (Thankful Whisper):

                      • Music: Concludes with a return to the gentle, reflective melody of the introduction.
                      • Visuals: The video ends with a tranquil sunset over a flourishing field, symbolizing the ongoing cycle of growth and harvest.
                      • Mood: Peaceful and content, leaving a lasting impression of gratitude for the Earth’s bounty.
                      Hymn for Creation

                      Hymn for Creation

                      Hymn for Creation - Coming Soon

                      by Darren Winfield

                      Detailed Description for Track 12: “Hymn for Creation”


                      Hymn for Creation

                      Music Elements:

                      “Hymn for Creation” is a melodious blend of choral and orchestral music, creating a sense of awe and wonder. The arrangement is designed to evoke the grandeur of the natural world, with sweeping strings and resonant choral harmonies that lift the listener’s spirit.

                      Themes and Concepts:

                      This track is a celebration of the beauty and majesty of God’s creation. It serves as a hymn of praise for the natural world, inviting listeners to join in this chorus of gratitude and reverence for the Earth and all its inhabitants.

                      Underlying Message:

                      “Hymn for Creation” inspires a deep appreciation for the environment, reminding us of our responsibility to care for and protect it. The song links the act of cherishing the natural world with spiritual worship, portraying environmental stewardship as a form of honoring God.

                      For the Listener:

                      Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their personal connection with the natural world and to find ways to express their gratitude for it in their daily lives. The song aims to instill a sense of responsibility for the Earth, urging listeners to engage in acts of care and preservation as an expression of their faith.


                      Devotional for Track 12: “Hymn for Creation”


                      Praising God for His Creation and Committing to Its Care

                      Scripture References:

                      • Psalm 148 (All creation called to praise the Lord)
                      • Job 12:7-10 (Learning about God through observing nature)
                      • Colossians 1:16-17 (All things created through and for Christ)
                      • Psalm 95:4-5 (God’s ownership of the earth’s depths and mountain peaks)


                      “Hymn for Creation” is a worshipful acknowledgment of God’s magnificent work in the natural world. Psalm 148 invites every element of creation – from the heavens to the depths of the ocean – to praise the Lord. This psalm reminds us that everything God has made reflects His glory and majesty.

                      Job 12:7-10 suggests that by observing nature, we gain insights into God’s character and power. The intricacies of creation speak to the wisdom and care of the Creator.

                      Colossians 1:16-17 underscores the centrality of Christ in all creation. Everything exists through Him and for Him, indicating that our care for the environment is also an act of service to Christ.

                      Psalm 95 celebrates God’s ownership and sovereignty over the earth, reminding us of the humility with which we should approach His creation.

                      Prayer Focus:

                      • Praise for Creation: Lift up praise for the beauty and complexity of God’s creation.
                      • Seeking Wisdom: Ask for wisdom in understanding and learning from nature, as it reveals aspects of God’s character.
                      • Commitment to Care: Pray for a renewed commitment to care for the environment as an expression of worship and stewardship.
                      • Thankfulness: Express gratitude for the ways in which creation enriches and sustains our lives and faith.

                      Action Step:

                      Take time to experience and observe nature, whether it’s a walk in a park, observing wildlife, or stargazing. Reflect on what these experiences teach you about God and how they can deepen your relationship with Him.

                      Closing Prayer:

                      Heavenly Father, we thank You for the hymn of creation, a symphony that sings of Your glory. Open our eyes to the wonders of Your works, and our hearts to the lessons they teach us. Help us to steward Your creation well, caring for it as an act of worship and reverence for You. May our lives join in this hymn of praise, celebrating Your love and majesty. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


                      Hymn for Creation

                      Verse 1:

                      In every sunrise, in each falling rain,
                      In the vast mountains, on the plains.
                      Your artistry, in creation we see,
                      A hymn for Your glory, in every tree.


                      Hymn for creation, song of our heart,
                      In Your masterpiece, we take part.
                      Praising Your name, in all we do,
                      Creation’s chorus, in honor of You.

                      Verse 2:

                      In the whispers of the forest, in the ocean’s roar,
                      In the quiet brook, in the eagle’s soar.
                      Your handiwork, a testament so clear,
                      In every moment, Your presence near.


                      Hymn for creation, song of our heart,
                      In Your masterpiece, we take part.
                      Praising Your name, in all we do,
                      Creation’s chorus, in honor of You.


                      Let our hearts join this eternal song,
                      In harmony where they belong.
                      As stewards of this Earth we roam,
                      In Your creation, we find our home.


                      Hymn for creation, song of our heart,
                      In Your masterpiece, we take part.
                      Praising Your name, in all we do,
                      Creation’s chorus, in honor of You.

                      Outro (Reflective Praise):

                      In the chorus of life, in the dance of the Earth,
                      In Your love, we find our worth.
                      Hymn for creation, in every dawn’s light,
                      In Your beauty, in Your sight.

                      Lead Sheet

                      • Key: A Flat Major (rich and majestic, suitable for a hymn-like song)
                      • Time Signature: 4/4 (versatile and steady for the hymn structure)
                      • Tempo: Adagio (a slower, reverent tempo fitting for a hymn)

                      Storyboard descriptions for music video


                      • Music: The track starts with a serene, uplifting melody, capturing the beauty and vastness of creation.
                      • Visuals: A montage of breathtaking natural scenes – towering mountains, deep oceans, expansive skies, and lush forests.
                      • Mood: Reverential and awe-inspiring, inviting viewers to marvel at the majesty of the natural world.

                      Verse 1:

                      • Music: The melody flows softly, echoing the gentleness and intricacy of nature.
                      • Visuals: Close-up shots of various elements of nature – dew on leaves, a bird in flight, a blooming flower, the rustle of trees in the wind.
                      • Mood: Intimate and detailed, highlighting the exquisite beauty of creation.


                      • Music: The chorus elevates with a fuller, more harmonious arrangement, signifying the collective praise of creation.
                      • Visuals: Scenes of diverse landscapes and ecosystems, each uniquely contributing to the symphony of nature.
                      • Mood: Joyful and celebratory, encompassing the vast chorus of life.

                      Verse 2:

                      • Music: Returns to a softer tone, maintaining its reflective and worshipful quality.
                      • Visuals: Depictions of the interaction between humans and nature – people enjoying a forest walk, a farmer in the fields, a child playing by a stream.
                      • Mood: Peaceful and harmonious, showcasing the human connection with nature.


                        • Music: The chorus repeats with an increased sense of wonder and gratitude.
                        • Visuals: Aerial views of majestic natural wonders – the Grand Canyon, the Amazon rainforest, the Great Barrier Reef – showcasing the diversity of the Earth.
                        • Mood: Expansive and magnificent, celebrating the grandeur of creation.


                          • Music: Features a bridge with a slightly more contemplative tone, inviting deeper reflection on our place in creation.
                          • Visuals: Shots of environmental challenges – climate change effects, endangered species – followed by scenes of conservation and care.
                          • Mood: Thoughtful and motivating, highlighting the need for stewardship.


                          • Music: The final chorus is the most powerful and encompassing, filled with a sense of unity with all of creation.
                          • Visuals: Scenes of people from various cultures and backgrounds coming together to enjoy and protect the natural world.
                          • Mood: Unifying and inspiring, portraying a shared responsibility and love for the Earth.

                          Outro (Reflective Praise):

                          • Music: Concludes with a gentle, echoing melody, bringing the journey full circle.
                          • Visuals: The video ends with a peaceful twilight scene, symbolizing the ongoing rhythm of day and night, the cycle of life in creation.
                          • Mood: Serene and hopeful, leaving a lasting impression of our interconnectedness with the natural world.