Faith In Action

Faith In Action

Faith In Action - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 5: Faith In Action


“Faith In Action” is a stirring call to embody one’s beliefs not just in thought and word, but in deed and truth. This powerful track is an anthem for active faith, inspiring listeners to step beyond contemplation and into the realm of tangible, compassionate action. It’s a song that speaks to the heart of what it means to live out one’s faith in a palpable, impactful way.

Opening with a heartfelt acknowledgment of the profound connection between faith and service, the song immediately sets the tone for a journey of practical spirituality. The lyrics and melody work together to evoke a sense of purpose and urgency, reminding listeners that faith is most alive when it is expressed through acts of kindness, justice, and mercy.

However, “Faith In Action” also confronts the often uncomfortable truth of missed opportunities and inaction. It delves into the moments of passivity, where words of faith were not matched by actions of love. Through its introspective verses, the song encourages listeners to reflect on times when they could have acted but chose to remain still, offering a space for acknowledgment and a call to change.

As the song progresses, it becomes a rousing declaration of commitment to live out faith in every aspect of life. The chorus serves as a rallying cry for believers and intercessors alike, to embrace the call to justice, to love their neighbors actively, and to let their faith influence the world around them in positive and transformative ways.

“Faith In Action” is more than a song; it’s a manifesto for a lived faith. It challenges listeners to reconsider what it means to follow a spiritual path and invites them to become agents of change, fueled by their beliefs. It’s a reminder that faith, at its core, is a dynamic and active force capable of reshaping lives and communities.

Listeners are encouraged to engage with this track as a prompt for personal reflection and as a motivation for action. It’s an invitation to bring the principles of their faith into the everyday, transforming belief into a powerful force for good in the world.


Devotion for “Faith In Action”

Opening Prayer:

Heavenly Father, as we contemplate putting our faith into action, inspire us to serve with compassion and to seek justice in Your name. Help us to recognize the opportunities You provide to demonstrate Your love through our actions. Amen.

Scripture Readings:

  • James 2:14-17 – “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?”
  • Micah 6:8 – “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
  • 1 John 3:18 – “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”


Reflect on the concept of faith being demonstrated through action. How have you experienced the interplay of faith and deeds in your own spiritual journey? Consider moments when you actively lived out your faith and times when you may have missed opportunities to do so.

Think about the broader implications of “faith in action” in terms of social justice and service. How does your faith inform your understanding of and response to societal issues?


In a quiet moment, ask God to show you areas in your life where your faith can be more actively demonstrated. Consider the needs in your community and how you might be called to address them.

Personal Application:

Identify one or two specific actions you can take to put your faith into practice more concretely. This could involve volunteering, advocating for a social cause, or simply being more attentive to the needs of those around you.

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for the courage and motivation to put your faith into action in tangible ways.
  2. Seek forgiveness for times of passivity and ask for opportunities to actively demonstrate your faith.
  3. Commit to pursuing justice and loving your neighbors through your actions, inspired by your faith.

Closing Prayer:

Lord, let our faith be alive and active, demonstrated through our love and service to others. Guide us to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with You. May our actions reflect the depth of our faith and Your unconditional love for all. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


Faith In Action

Verse 1:

In hands that help, in feet that go,
Your love, O Lord, we seek to show.
In acts of kindness, in selfless deeds,
Faith comes to life, and meets the needs.


Faith in action, hearts ablaze,
Serving You, Lord, for all our days.
With love’s commitment, we step out,
Faith in action, without a doubt.

Verse 2:

We’ve been still, when we should move,
Ignored the cries that disapprove.
In silent moments, we didn’t stand,
Forgive us, Lord, extend Your hand.


Faith in action, hearts ablaze,
Serving You, Lord, for all our days.
With love’s commitment, we step out,
Faith in action, without a doubt.


Stir in us, a passion true,
To love our neighbors, as You do.
Break chains of passivity,
With active faith, set captives free.

Verse 3:

May Your Spirit fuel our cause,
To live Your justice, without pause.
In every gesture, let others see,
Faith active in charity.


Faith in action, hearts ablaze,
Serving You, Lord, for all our days.
With love’s commitment, we step out,
Faith in action, without a doubt.

Outro (Declaration):

We decree justice, love’s pursuit,
Neighboring hearts, in Your recruit.
May our faith touch the world we see,
In action, Lord, we follow Thee.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: A Major – Bright and energetic, aligning with the theme of active faith and service.
  • Time Signature: 2/4 – Provides a sense of urgency and action, suitable for a song about putting faith into practice.
  • Tempo: Allegro (fast) – Conveys the energy and dynamic nature of active community engagement.

Storyboard descriptions for music video


  • Music: A soft, inspiring instrumental, setting a tone of purpose and anticipation.
  • Screen Action: Sunrise over a bustling city transitioning to scenes of everyday life, highlighting diverse individuals going about their day.
  • Mood: Hopeful, vibrant, introducing the concept of faith intersecting with daily life.

Verse 1:

  • Music: Gently uplifting, with a sense of motion.
  • Screen Action: Individuals pausing in their routines to help others – a person helping an elderly neighbor with groceries, another teaching a child to read.
  • Mood: Compassionate, engaging, illustrating acts of kindness and service.


  • Music: The melody becomes more pronounced, conveying a sense of joy and fulfillment.
  • Screen Action: A series of scenes showing a community coming together – a group cleaning a park, people serving food at a homeless shelter.
  • Mood: Energetic, fulfilling, emphasizing the joy of serving others.

Verse 2:

  • Music: Slightly more reflective, maintaining melody.
  • Screen Action: Individuals in moments of hesitation – seeing a need but initially walking by, then pausing, reflecting, and choosing to act.
  • Mood: Contemplative, decisive, showcasing the internal struggle and resolution to act.


    • Music: Returning to an uplifting tempo.
    • Screen Action: More scenes of active service – a person comforting a friend, volunteers working at a community center.
    • Mood: Heartwarming, affirmative, celebrating the impact of compassionate actions.


      • Music: Soft and introspective.
      • Screen Action: Close-ups of faces showing various emotions – joy, gratitude, empathy – as they engage in acts of kindness.
      • Mood: Intimate, emotional, highlighting the personal connections formed through service.

      Verse 3:

      • Music: Gaining in strength and optimism.
      • Screen Action: A diverse group of individuals collaborating on a larger project, such as building a community garden, symbolizing the power of collective action.
      • Mood: Collaborative, hopeful, showcasing the broader impact of faith in action.


      • Music: Rich, affirming, and celebratory.
      • Screen Action: The culmination of the community project, with people of all ages enjoying the new space together, celebrating their achievement.
      • Mood: Joyous, communal, a depiction of the positive change brought about by faith in action.

      Outro (Declaration):

      • Music: A serene, conclusive melody.
      • Screen Action: As the music fades, the scene shifts to a quiet evening, with individuals looking out over their city, reflecting on the day’s events.
      • Mood: Peaceful, reflective, a sense of satisfaction in making a difference.
      Through Fire and Flood

      Through Fire and Flood

      Through Fire and Flood - Coming Soon

      by Darren Winfield

      Track 6: Through Fire and Flood


      “Through Fire and Flood” is a deeply moving and empowering song that speaks to the resilience of faith in the face of life’s most challenging trials. This track is a testament to the enduring strength and hope that can be found in a higher power, even during the darkest times. It’s a musical embodiment of the journey through adversity, offering solace and encouragement to all who traverse difficult paths.

      As the song begins, listeners are invited into a narrative of struggle and endurance. The lyrics poignantly capture the essence of facing life’s ‘fires’ and ‘floods’ – be they personal losses, hardships, or periods of profound doubt and pain. The melody carries a sense of both the vulnerability and the fortitude that come with these experiences, resonating with the listener’s own stories of adversity.

      Yet, “Through Fire and Flood” is not just a song about struggle; it is fundamentally a song about hope and the unshakable presence of divine support. It acknowledges the moments of doubt and fear that can accompany life’s trials, but it also affirms the power of faith to bring peace and strength in the midst of them. The chorus rises as a powerful anthem, reminding listeners that they are not alone in their journey, and that there is a source of love and comfort that remains constant through every trial.

      This track serves as a beacon of hope for those who feel overwhelmed by the challenges they face. It’s a reminder that even when the way forward seems unclear, there is a guiding presence that offers light and peace. For intercessors and believers, “Through Fire and Flood” is a prayerful affirmation of their trust in this guiding presence, and a declaration of their hope in the face of adversity.

      Listeners are encouraged to embrace this song as a source of comfort and strength. It’s an invitation to find solace in the message that through every fire and flood, there is a love and a power that endures, offering hope and peace on the journey.


      Devotion for “Through Fire and Flood”

      Opening Prayer:

      Lord of comfort and strength, in our journey through life’s fires and floods, be our refuge and fortress. In moments of despair and challenge, remind us of Your unwavering presence and love. Amen.

      Scripture Readings:

      • Isaiah 43:2 – “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”
      • 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 – “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”
      • Romans 5:3-5 – “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”


      Contemplate the times you have experienced ‘fires’ and ‘floods’ in your life. How did you perceive God’s presence during these trials? Reflect on the transformation that occurs within us when we endure hardships with faith.

      Think about moments of weakness and doubt when facing adversity. How do these experiences shape your understanding of God’s strength in your vulnerability?


      In a moment of quiet, ask God to show you how your trials have strengthened your faith and character. Seek His peace and comfort in current challenges you may be facing.

      Personal Application:

      Identify a recent challenge or hardship and consider how you might approach it differently with the understanding of God’s promise to be with you and His strength in your weakness.

      Prayer Points:

      1. Pray for faith and strength during times of trial and for the ability to see God’s hand at work in your struggles.
      2. Acknowledge your weaknesses and ask for God’s grace to be evident in those areas.
      3. Affirm your hope in God, knowing that He brings peace and perseverance through trials.

      Closing Prayer:

      Gracious God, in our trials and tribulations, be our steadfast hope and strength. In our weaknesses, may Your power be made perfect. Grant us the peace that surpasses all understanding, and help us to emerge from our challenges with strengthened faith and hope in You. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


      Through Fire and Flood

      Verse 1:

      When the flames rise, when waters surge,
      Our spirits tremble, yet we emerge.
      Through fire and flood, Your hand we seek,
      In our weakness, in You we’re strong and meek.


      Through fire and flood, Your love our shield,
      In every battle, to You we yield. Savior, in trials,
      You’re our steadfast guide, With You,
      through fire and flood, we’ll abide.

      Verse 2:

      In pain’s dark night, when we cast blame,
      Doubt Your goodness, Your name we defame.
      Merciful Father, forgive our cries,
      In our anguish, Your comfort never denies.


      Through fire and flood, Your love our shield,
      In every battle, to You we yield. Savior, in trials,
      You’re our steadfast guide, With You,
      through fire and flood, we’ll abide.


      Holy Spirit, breath of peace,
      In tumult’s roar, grant us release.
      A beacon of hope in the darkest dread,
      Your peace surpasses, our fears are shed.

      Verse 3:

      In the forge of life, our faith is proved,
      By Your presence, our fears removed.
      In the flood’s ebb, in the flame’s glow,
      Unwavering faith, You bestow.


      Through fire and flood, Your love our shield,
      In every battle, to You we yield. Savior, in trials,
      You’re our steadfast guide, With You,
      through fire and flood, we’ll abide.

      Outro (Declaration):

      We decree hope in darkness found,
      Your peace within, above, around.
      In fire and flood, Your love declared,
      Our refuge, strength, forever shared.

      Lead Sheet

      • Key: B Minor – Captures the resilience and strength needed to endure adversity, with potential for emotional depth.
      • Time Signature: 3/4 – Adds a waltz-like quality, which can be both somber and uplifting.
      • Tempo: Largo (very slow) – Emphasizes the emotional weight and the journey through challenges.

      Storyboard descriptions for music video


      • Music: A soft, emotive instrumental, setting a tone of resilience and depth.
      • Screen Action: Slow-motion shots of natural elements – fire and water – in their raw forms, symbolizing life’s trials.
      • Mood: Intense, introspective, setting the stage for a journey through adversity.

      Verse 1:

      • Music: Begins gently, then builds in intensity.
      • Screen Action: A lone individual facing challenging scenarios – walking against a strong wind, persevering through a storm.
      • Mood: Struggling, yet determined, highlighting the personal battle against life’s hardships.


      • Music: The melody becomes more powerful and uplifting.
      • Screen Action: The individual finds moments of solace – a brief respite under a shelter, a kind stranger offering a helping hand.
      • Mood: Hopeful, reassuring, emphasizing the presence of support and strength in adversity.

      Verse 2:

      • Music: Slightly more somber, maintaining the melody.
      • Screen Action: The individual grappling with moments of doubt and fear, symbolized by encroaching shadows or turbulent waters.
      • Mood: Vulnerable, reflective, acknowledging the inner turmoil in challenging times.


        • Music: Returning to an uplifting theme.
        • Screen Action: A transition from night to dawn, with the individual emerging stronger, continuing their journey with renewed faith.
        • Mood: Empowered, optimistic, a reaffirmation of resilience and hope.


          • Music: Soft, offering a sense of solace.
          • Screen Action: Close-ups of the individual in a state of contemplation and prayer, finding inner peace amidst the chaos.
          • Mood: Intimate, spiritual, highlighting the inner source of strength and comfort.

          Verse 3:

          • Music: Gaining in assurance and depth.
          • Screen Action: The individual moving through beautifully shot scenes of recovery and renewal – new growth after a fire, calm waters following a flood.
          • Mood: Renewed, tranquil, showcasing the aftermath of perseverance.


          • Music: Rich, affirming, and hopeful.
          • Screen Action: The individual reaching a vantage point, looking back at the path traversed, then forward to the journey ahead.
          • Mood: Reflective, triumphant, celebrating the journey through fire and flood.

          Outro (Declaration):

          • Music: A serene, conclusive melody.
          • Screen Action: The final scene is a peaceful landscape, the individual now joined by others, symbolizing shared experiences and communal resilience.
          • Mood: Peaceful, united, a sense of collective strength and hope.
          Unseen but Found

          Unseen but Found

          Unseen but Found - Coming Soon

          by Darren Winfield

          Track 1: Unseen but Found


          “Unseen but Found” is a spiritual odyssey into the heart of faith – an exploration of the profound certainty and presence of the Divine in the unseen. This track is an invitation for listeners to embark on a journey of deep contemplation and connection with God, recognizing His omnipresence even when not physically visible.

          The song begins with a gentle reminder of the invisible yet palpable presence of God in our lives. It evokes a sense of gratitude for the countless ways in which this unseen presence manifests – in moments of tranquility, in the whispers of nature, and in the quiet assurances that come during times of turmoil. The melody and lyrics are designed to guide the listener into a space of thankfulness, acknowledging the enduring love and guidance of a God who is always near, despite being beyond our physical perception.

          However, the track does not shy away from the complexities of faith. It delves into the struggles of doubt and the moments of wavering belief that are inherent to the human experience. Through its verses, the song creates a safe space for listeners to confront and express their uncertainties, offering a poignant reflection on the times we question the goodness and intentions of an unseen God.

          The culmination of the track is a powerful declaration of unshakeable trust and belief in grace. It is a prayerful affirmation that, even in the face of doubt and unseen mysteries, our faith can remain firm. This part of the song is both a personal proclamation and a communal decree, inviting listeners to join in a chorus of faith that is grounded in spiritual assurance and trust.

          “Unseen but Found” is more than just a song; it is a spiritual tool for intercessors and believers alike. It aids in the journey of faith, providing a melodic companion for those moments of prayerful reflection and introspection. As part of an album that speaks to the soul’s deepest yearnings, this track stands as a testament to the power of faith in the unseen and the beauty of a trust that transcends sight.

          Listeners are encouraged to use this song as a backdrop for their own spiritual journey, allowing the lyrics to guide them through their moments of thanksgiving, repentance, and the ultimate declaration of their faith in the unseen yet ever-present Divine.


          Devotion for “Unseen but Found”

          Opening Prayer:

          Heavenly Father, as we delve into the mysteries of Your unseen presence, grant us the faith to sense You beyond our sight, to trust in Your enduring love, and to ground ourselves in Your grace. Amen.

          Scripture Readings:

          • Hebrews 11:1 – “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
          • 1 Peter 1:8-9 – “Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.”
          • 2 Corinthians 4:18 – “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”


          Consider the nature of faith as the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Reflect on how the certainty of God’s presence has manifested in your life in unseen ways. How has the assurance of His love endured through various trials and tribulations?

          Think about the moments of doubt when faith seemed to waver, and the questions that arose concerning God’s goodness. Contemplate the scriptural promise that our faith, though tested, results in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.


          Take a moment to consider the invisible attributes of God, His eternal power, and divine nature that have been understood and seen through what He has made. How does this shape your understanding of faith?

          Personal Application:

          Identify a recent situation where you felt distant from God’s presence. How might these Scriptures reshape your understanding and response to such times of doubt? How can the certainty of God’s love change the way you live and interact with others around you?

          Prayer Points:

          1. Pray for the faith to see the unseen, to trust in God’s presence and promises.
          2. Ask for forgiveness for times of doubt and for the strength to maintain faith during challenging circumstances.
          3. Declare your trust in God’s enduring love and grace, affirming your spiritual grounding.

          Closing Prayer:

          Lord, we believe in You, even when You are unseen. Strengthen our faith, fill us with your joy, and ground us in Your eternal grace. Help us to live as testimonies of Your unseen presence, walking in faith and not by sight. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


          Unseen but Found

          Verse 1:

          In the silence of our hearts, You speak,
          Whispers of love, when we are weak.
          Unseen Hand, guiding through the storm,
          In every shadow, Your love is warm.


          Unseen but found, in Your grace we stand,
          Lifting our thanks with outstretched hands.
          Father, in Your mercy, we are held,
          In the unseen, Your presence felt.

          Verse 2:

          When doubts arise, and skies turn grey,
          We falter, lose sight of the way.
          Teach us to trust, to walk by faith,
          In every question, Your goodness stays.


          Unseen but found, in Your grace we stand,
          Lifting our thanks with outstretched hands.
          Father, in Your mercy, we are held,
          In the unseen, Your presence felt.


          Forgive our wavering, our unbelief,
          We repent with tears, for relief.
          Your Spirit guides, a constant flame,
          In our confession, we call Your name.

          Verse 3:

          Holy Spirit, breathe in us anew,
          Kindle our hearts, to only pursue.
          Your truth, Your way, the path unseen,
          In every step, on You, we lean.


          Unseen but found, in Your grace we stand,
          Lifting our thanks with outstretched hands.
          Father, in Your mercy, we are held,
          In the unseen, Your presence felt.

          Outro (Declaration):

          We decree trust, unshakeable and true,
          Belief in grace, as we seek You.
          Ground us in spirit, let Your kingdom come,
          In the unseen, Your will be done.

          Lead Sheet

          • Key: G Major – Conveys a sense of openness and hopeful resolution.
          • Time Signature: 4/4 – Offers a steady, flowing rhythm that can comfortably support the lyrical content.
          • Tempo: Andante (moderately slow) – Reflects the contemplative and uplifting nature of the track.

          Storyboard descriptions for music video


          • Music: Soft, ethereal sounds setting a contemplative mood.
          • Screen Action: A sunrise over a tranquil sea, symbolizing the dawn of understanding and faith.
          • Mood: Peaceful, hopeful, with a sense of anticipation.

          Verse 1:

          • Music: Gentle melody with a hint of introspection.
          • Screen Action: Scenes of natural beauty – a forest at dawn, light filtering through trees. A solitary figure walking, reflective, immersed in the beauty and mystery of creation.
          • Mood: Serene, thoughtful, a deep sense of connection with the divine in nature.


          • Music: The melody grows richer, more uplifting.
          • Screen Action: The figure stops to look up at the sky, hands open as if feeling the presence of the unseen. The sky transitions through vibrant colors, symbolizing the certainty and various manifestations of God’s love.
          • Mood: Uplifting, affirming, a strong sense of spiritual presence and assurance.

          Verse 2:

          • Music: A slightly somber tone, maintaining melody.
          • Screen Action: The figure walking through a dimly lit path, symbolizing moments of doubt. Shadows play across their face, reflecting internal struggles.
          • Mood: Contemplative, introspective, acknowledging spiritual challenges.


            • Music: A return to the uplifting melody.
            • Screen Action: A gradual return of light, as the figure looks towards the light breaking through the clouds, symbolizing renewed faith and trust.
            • Mood: Hopeful, rejuvenating, a reaffirmation of faith.


              • Music: Soft, with a reflective tone.
              • Screen Action: The figure kneels by a still lake, gazing at the reflection, symbolizing self-reflection and seeking forgiveness.
              • Mood: Penitent, introspective, a moment of seeking and finding inner peace.

              Verse 3:

              • Music: Gaining strength and assurance.
              • Screen Action: The figure stands and continues the walk, now with a more determined step, symbolizing strengthened faith and resolve.
              • Mood: Encouraged, empowered, a sense of spiritual renewal.


              • Music: Full, rich, and affirming.
              • Screen Action: A return to the opening scene, now with the figure embracing the light, surrounded by a sense of peace and fulfillment.
              • Mood: Joyful, assured, a deep sense of spiritual grounding and certainty.

              Outro (Declaration):

              • Music: A serene, conclusive melody.
              • Screen Action: The scene transitions to a night sky full of stars, with the figure looking up, hands joined in prayer or gratitude.
              • Mood: Peaceful, reflective, a sense of unity with the divine and the universe.
              Walking the Narrow Path

              Walking the Narrow Path

              Walking the Narrow Path - Coming Soon

              by Darren Winfield

              Track 2: Walking the Narrow Path


              “Walking the Narrow Path” is a soul-stirring track that delves into the spiritual journey of choosing and adhering to a path of integrity, guided by faith and conviction. This song is an evocative call to embrace the challenges and rewards of living a life aligned with divine principles, even when it leads through less traveled, more demanding terrains.

              The song opens with a contemplative acknowledgment of the narrow path as a metaphor for the spiritual journey that demands dedication, discipline, and unwavering faith. The lyrics and melody intertwine to create a sense of journeying — a step-by-step pilgrimage through the complexities and joys of a life committed to spiritual principles. It speaks to the heart of the believer, acknowledging the strength found in divine guidance and the comfort of knowing that, though the path may be narrow and sometimes arduous, it is rich with purpose and grace.

              However, “Walking the Narrow Path” also confronts the inner conflicts and challenges that believers face — the temptations of easier routes, the struggles with hypocrisy, and the moments when we stray from our values despite knowing the right course. Through its honest and introspective verses, the song creates a space for listeners to reflect on their own spiritual journey, examining moments of faltering and seeking strength to realign with their convictions.

              The chorus of the song is a powerful, anthemic declaration of commitment to walk with integrity, courage, and faith. It is both a personal affirmation and a collective call to all who seek to live out their beliefs in a world that often offers easier, but less fulfilling alternatives.

              “Walking the Narrow Path” is more than a musical composition; it is a spiritual anthem for those who have chosen the path of faith, offering encouragement and solidarity. For intercessors and believers, this track is a reminder of the resilience, joy, and peace found in walking closely with the Divine, committed to living out the truths we hold dear.

              Listeners are invited to engage with this song as a source of inspiration and reflection, allowing it to accompany them in their moments of introspection, decision-making, and commitment to a life of faith-filled integrity.


              Devotion for “Walking the Narrow Path”

              Opening Prayer: Lord, guide us as we walk the narrow path with You. Illuminate our steps with Your Word and fortify our hearts with Your truth. Help us to embody the principles of Your kingdom in every aspect of our lives. Amen.

              Scripture Readings:

              • Matthew 7:13-14 – “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
              • Psalm 25:4-5 – “Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.”
              • James 1:22 – “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”


              Reflect on the metaphor of the narrow path as it pertains to your spiritual journey. What does it mean to choose the narrow gate in daily life? Contemplate the ways in which you have experienced God’s guidance when facing decisions and how you can discern His path over easier, more tempting routes.

              Consider the pitfalls of hypocrisy—how might it present itself subtly in your life? How does living in a manner inconsistent with professed beliefs affect your walk with God and with others?


              In quiet meditation, ask God to reveal areas in your life where you might be straying from the narrow path. Reflect on how you can realign with His principles and live out your faith with integrity.

              Personal Application:

              Identify specific actions you can take to avoid hypocrisy and to live out your beliefs more faithfully. How can you better integrate the lessons of Scripture into your daily decisions and interactions?

              Prayer Points:

              1. Pray for the wisdom and discernment to recognize and stay on the narrow path that leads to life.
              2. Confess any known hypocrisy and ask for the courage to live authentically according to your faith.
              3. Declare your commitment to live with integrity and the courage to live out your beliefs, even when it is challenging.

              Closing Prayer:

              Father, keep us steadfast on the narrow path. Teach us Your ways and embed Your truth deeply within us. May our actions reflect our faith, and may we walk in the integrity of Your Word. Equip us with the courage to live out what we believe, for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


              Walking the Narrow Path

              Verse 1:

              On this journey, narrow and true,
              We walk, O Lord, in pursuit of You.
              Guided by light, when the path is dim,
              Your Word our compass, our every hymn.


              Walking the narrow, we call on Your name,
              In trials and triumphs, Your love remains.
              Jesus, our Shepherd, lead us, we pray,
              On the narrow path, don’t let us stray.

              Verse 2:

              Forgive us, Lord, when we’ve walked astray,
              When pride and comfort have led our way.
              In humble repentance, we seek Your face,
              Grant us Your strength and Your saving grace.


              Walking the narrow, we call on Your name,
              In trials and triumphs, Your love remains.
              Jesus, our Shepherd, lead us, we pray,
              On the narrow path, don’t let us stray.


              Strip us of ego, the masks we wear,
              Reveal the truth, in Your holy glare.
              In Your reflection, let us see,
              The love and courage we find in Thee.

              Verse 3:

              Holy Spirit, counsel us in Your ways,
              That we may serve You, all of our days.
              In every action, let love be our guide,
              Your justice our path, with You by our side.


              Walking the narrow, we call on Your name,
              In trials and triumphs, Your love remains.
              Jesus, our Shepherd, lead us, we pray,
              On the narrow path, don’t let us stray.

              Outro (Declaration):

              We decree integrity, in our hearts take root,
              Courage to act, in Your truth absolute.
              May we walk firmly, where Your light is cast,
              On the narrow path, steadfast to the last.

              Lead Sheet

              • Key: D Minor – Suits the introspective and somewhat somber mood, with potential for uplifting movements.
              • Time Signature: 3/4 – Provides a sense of movement and progression, fitting the journey-like theme.
              • Tempo: Moderato – Balances the reflective and determined aspects of the song.

              Storyboard descriptions for music video


              • Music: A subtle, building instrumental, setting a tone of anticipation and introspection.
              • Screen Action: Dawn breaking over a rugged landscape, a narrow path visible stretching into the distance.
              • Mood: Expectant, solemn, introducing the journey of faith and integrity.

              Verse 1:

              • Music: Gently melodic, reflective.
              • Screen Action: A solitary figure begins to walk the path. Scenes of natural beauty and obstacles along the way – steep climbs, narrow ledges – symbolizing the challenges of living by faith.
              • Mood: Contemplative, determined, illustrating the personal journey of faith.


              • Music: The melody grows more pronounced, uplifting.
              • Screen Action: The figure pauses to look at the rising sun, a symbol of spiritual guidance and strength. They continue walking with more confidence.
              • Mood: Hopeful, strengthened, a sense of receiving spiritual support.

              Verse 2:

              • Music: Slightly more somber, maintaining melody.
              • Screen Action: Flashbacks of moments where the figure strayed off the path, illustrating past mistakes and hypocrisy.
              • Mood: Reflective, penitent, acknowledging past failures.


                • Music: Returning to an uplifting tempo.
                • Screen Action: The figure returns to the path, visibly more committed. The path now appears brighter, the terrain less daunting.
                • Mood: Renewed, committed, a reaffirmation of the journey.


                  • Music: Soft and introspective.
                  • Screen Action: The figure is seen helping others on the path, sharing wisdom, and offering support – a metaphor for living out faith through actions.
                  • Mood: Compassionate, selfless, embodying the principles of the faith.

                  Verse 3:

                  • Music: Gaining in strength and assurance.
                  • Screen Action: The figure continues along the path, which is now enveloped in a soft, golden light, symbolizing divine presence and guidance.
                  • Mood: Empowered, assured, walking with purpose.


                  • Music: Rich and affirming.
                  • Screen Action: The path leads to a hilltop with a panoramic view of the horizon – a metaphor for spiritual enlightenment and the journey ahead.
                  • Mood: Joyful, fulfilled, a deep sense of spiritual accomplishment.

                  Outro (Declaration):

                  • Music: A serene, conclusive melody.
                  • Screen Action: As the music fades, the figure stands on the hilltop, looking towards the horizon, now joined by others, symbolizing fellowship and shared faith.
                  • Mood: Peaceful, united, an acknowledgment of the collective journey of faith.
                  Sacred Spaces

                  Sacred Spaces

                  Sacred Spaces - Coming Soon

                  by Darren Winfield

                  Track 3: Sacred Spaces


                  “Sacred Spaces” is a heartfelt ode to the places where we gather to connect with the Divine and with each other. This track invites listeners into a reflective appreciation of houses of worship, community gatherings, and the powerful sense of fellowship that arises in these sacred places. It’s a musical exploration of the sanctity found in shared worship and the profound impact of communal faith.

                  The song begins by painting a vivid picture of the physical and emotional landscapes of sacred spaces – churches, temples, mosques, or any place where hearts unite in search of something greater. The melody and lyrics work in harmony to evoke a sense of reverence and awe for these places where we feel enveloped by a presence beyond ourselves, highlighting the beauty and power that emanates from collective worship and prayer.

                  However, “Sacred Spaces” also delves into the more challenging aspects of religious community. It addresses the pain and disillusionment that can arise when these spaces become grounds for exclusion, judgment, or hypocrisy. Through its verses, the song offers a poignant critique of instances where the essence of compassion and inclusion – core tenets of many faiths – are overshadowed by less noble practices.

                  The song then transitions into a prayerful call for true devotion. It’s a musical plea for sacred spaces to be sanctuaries of peace, love, and acceptance, transcending divides. The chorus resonates as a powerful decree, a collective aspiration for our places of worship to reflect the unifying and compassionate spirit of the Divine.

                  “Sacred Spaces” is not just a song; it is a reflection and a vision. It calls on listeners to recognize and cherish the beauty of communal worship while challenging them to contribute to making these spaces true reflections of divine love. For intercessors and believers, this track serves as both a celebration of and a commitment to fostering environments where all are welcome, and where the power of fellowship is fully realized.

                  Listeners are encouraged to use this song as a backdrop for their own contemplation of what sacred spaces mean to them, how they experience the Divine in community, and how they can contribute to creating more inclusive and loving places of worship.


                  Devotion for “Sacred Spaces”

                  Opening Prayer:

                  Heavenly Father, as we reflect on the sacred spaces where we meet with You and our community of believers, guide our hearts to understand the true meaning of fellowship in Your presence. Teach us to create sanctuaries that embody Your love and inclusivity. Amen.

                  Scripture Readings:

                  • Psalm 84:1-4 – “How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.”
                  • 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 – “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.”
                  • James 2:1-4 – “My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in…”


                  Contemplate the beauty and peace you find in sacred spaces—be it a church, a home group, or a personal place of prayer. How do these spaces enhance your connection with God and fellow believers?

                  Reflect on instances where religious communities might have created barriers, knowingly or unknowingly. How can we ensure our sacred spaces remain open and welcoming to all, reflecting God’s unconditional love?


                  In a moment of silence, think about what true devotion in a sacred space means to you. How can you contribute to fostering a community that mirrors the inclusivity and love of Christ?

                  Personal Application:

                  Identify ways you can help make your place of worship more inclusive and welcoming. Consider how you can personally demonstrate compassion and understanding within your faith community.

                  Prayer Points:

                  1. Pray for a deeper appreciation of the communal aspects of worship and the power of fellowship.
                  2. Seek forgiveness for times when our religious practices may have excluded or hurt others, and ask for guidance to rectify these wrongs.
                  3. Affirm the desire to create and maintain sacred spaces as true sanctuaries of peace, love, and divine presence.

                  Closing Prayer:

                  Lord, in Your gracious love, help us to create sacred spaces that are true reflections of Your kingdom—spaces of peace, love, and unity. May our gatherings be a testament to Your inclusivity and compassion. In our worship and fellowship, let us always mirror Your love. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


                  Sacred Spaces

                  Verse 1:

                  In sacred spaces, Your glory dwells,
                  Among Your people, Your love swells.
                  In every altar, in every prayer,
                  Your presence binds us, a holy affair.


                  Sacred spaces, where hearts unite,
                  In Your presence, we find Your light.
                  God of all, we gather and seek,
                  Your love in the fellowship, strong and meek.

                  Verse 2:

                  Yet, we confess, in our sacred halls,
                  Sometimes we’ve built dividing walls.
                  In Your name, may we not exclude,
                  But with compassion, our hearts imbue.


                  Sacred spaces, where hearts unite,
                  In Your presence, we find Your light.
                  God of all, we gather and seek,
                  Your love in the fellowship, strong and meek.


                  Break down the barriers, let love flow free,
                  In sacred spaces, let all souls see.
                  Your grace, O Lord, a force that mends,
                  In Your love, every divide ends.

                  Verse 3:

                  Spirit, breathe on us, make us one,
                  In sacred spaces, Your will be done.
                  Through shared tears, through joined praise,
                  Craft us as vessels of Your peace and grace.


                  Sacred spaces, where hearts unite,
                  In Your presence, we find Your light.
                  God of all, we gather and seek,
                  Your love in the fellowship, strong and meek.

                  Outro (Declaration):

                  We decree devotion, in unity we stand,
                  In sanctuaries of peace, across the land.
                  Love overcomes, divides we erase,
                  In every sacred space, Your grace we embrace.

                  Lead Sheet

                  • Key: E Major – Evokes a sense of joy and communal spirit, fitting for the theme of unity.
                  • Time Signature: 6/8 – Gives a flowing, almost dance-like quality, suitable for the communal and celebratory aspects.
                  • Tempo: Allegretto – Lively and brisk, without being overly fast, matching the energy of community gatherings.

                  Storyboard descriptions for music video


                  • Music: A soft, harmonious instrumental, setting a tone of reverence and community.
                  • Screen Action: A sunrise over a diverse cityscape transitioning to various places of worship – a church, a mosque, a synagogue, a temple.
                  • Mood: Inclusive, serene, introducing the concept of shared sacred spaces.

                  Verse 1:

                  • Music: Gently melodic, conveying a sense of wonder.
                  • Screen Action: Inside various places of worship, showing people of different ages, races, and cultures engaging in prayer, song, and quiet reflection.
                  • Mood: Peaceful, reverent, highlighting the beauty and diversity of communal worship.


                  • Music: The melody grows richer, evoking a sense of unity.
                  • Screen Action: Aerial view of the city showing beams of light connecting the various places of worship, symbolizing the interconnectedness of faiths and communities.
                  • Mood: Uplifting, uniting, emphasizing the power of fellowship.

                  Verse 2:

                  • Music: Slightly somber, yet maintaining melody.
                  • Screen Action: Scenes depicting moments where religious practices become exclusive – a closed door, a turned back – contrasted with scenes of open arms and welcoming gestures.
                  • Mood: Reflective, challenging, acknowledging the barriers within sacred spaces.


                    • Music: Returning to an uplifting tempo.
                    • Screen Action: Barriers are broken down; doors open wide. People from different faiths engage in acts of kindness towards each other.
                    • Mood: Healing, hopeful, a vision of inclusive and compassionate worship.


                      • Music: Soft and introspective.
                      • Screen Action: Close-ups of individuals from various faith backgrounds, each displaying a gesture of peace – a smile, a nod, a handshake.
                      • Mood: Intimate, personal, showcasing the human aspect of divine devotion.

                      Verse 3:

                      • Music: Gaining in strength and assurance.
                      • Screen Action: Community members engaging in joint service projects – feeding the hungry, clothing the needy, caring for the environment.
                      • Mood: Active, compassionate, faith expressed through service.


                      • Music: Rich and affirming.
                      • Screen Action: A final scene of a diverse group gathering in a large, open space – perhaps a park – for a shared event, celebrating unity and peace.
                      • Mood: Joyful, celebratory, a culmination of shared faith and fellowship.

                      Outro (Declaration):

                      • Music: A serene, conclusive melody.
                      • Screen Action: As the music fades, the scene transitions to a night sky, the stars shining over the united cityscape, symbolizing the enduring and universal nature of faith.
                      • Mood: Peaceful, hopeful, a reflection on the everlasting impact of sacred spaces.
                      Seeking Truth

                      Seeking Truth

                      Seeking Truth - Coming Soon

                      by Darren Winfield

                      Track 4: Seeking Truth


                      “Seeking Truth” is a profound musical journey into the heart of spiritual wisdom and understanding. This track invites listeners to immerse themselves in the quest for divine knowledge, as revealed through holy texts and personal reflection. It’s a song that resonates with the soul’s deep yearning for discernment and the earnest pursuit of what is genuinely sacred and true.

                      The song opens with an atmosphere of reverence and introspection, reflecting on the wisdom found in sacred scriptures. The lyrics weave through the rich tapestry of seeking knowledge in a world cluttered with information, inviting listeners to dive deeper into the spiritual truths that guide and shape their lives. The melody complements this journey, offering a soothing yet compelling backdrop for contemplation and discovery.

                      However, “Seeking Truth” also addresses the challenges that arise when faith and scripture are manipulated. It confronts the realities of dogmatism, the twisting of sacred words, and the use of religious teachings to harm or control others. Through its verses, the song offers a powerful critique of these misuses of scripture, advocating for a faith that is grounded in humility, love, and true understanding.

                      Transitioning from acknowledgment of these challenges, the song becomes a prayer for discernment and humility. It is a heartfelt plea for the ability to approach spiritual texts and teachings with a mind open to learning and a heart committed to compassion. The chorus serves as a unifying call for all seekers of truth, regardless of where they are in their spiritual journey, to join in this quest for genuine understanding.

                      “Seeking Truth” is more than just a melody; it is a companion for those on a spiritual journey, a guide for those navigating the complexities of faith in a modern world. For intercessors and believers, this track is both an affirmation of their pursuit of divine wisdom and a reminder of the responsibility that comes with understanding sacred teachings.

                      Listeners are encouraged to engage with this song as a tool for their own spiritual growth, allowing the lyrics to inspire a deeper connection with the divine and a more authentic application of their faith.


                      Devotion for “Seeking Truth”

                      Opening Prayer: Lord of wisdom, as we seek to understand Your truth, guide our hearts and minds. Help us to approach Your Word with humility and discernment, and protect us from the pitfalls of dogmatism and misinterpretation. Amen.

                      Scripture Readings:

                      • Proverbs 2:6-8 – “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He holds success in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless.”
                      • 2 Timothy 2:15 – “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”
                      • James 3:17 – “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”


                      Consider the role of Scripture in your life. How do you approach the Word of God to find wisdom and guidance? Reflect on the importance of seeking deeper understanding and the impact this has on your faith and actions.

                      Think about the times when faith has been used to harm or control, either in history or in personal experience. How does this contrast with the true purpose of Scripture, and how can we guard against such misuse?


                      In a moment of quiet, ask God to reveal areas in your spiritual walk where you need more discernment and humility. Seek His guidance in understanding His Word in a way that leads to love and compassionate action.

                      Personal Application:

                      Identify practical steps you can take to deepen your understanding of the Scriptures. Consider joining a study group, engaging in theological reading, or simply dedicating more time to prayerful reading of the Bible.

                      Prayer Points:

                      1. Pray for wisdom and understanding as you delve into the Scriptures.
                      2. Ask for forgiveness for any instances where you may have misused or misunderstood God’s Word, and seek guidance to correct these missteps.
                      3. Affirm your commitment to use the knowledge gained from Scripture to promote peace, mercy, and love.

                      Closing Prayer:

                      Gracious God, grant us the wisdom that comes from You, pure and peace-loving. Help us to rightly handle Your Word, leading us to a deeper understanding and a more authentic expression of our faith. May our pursuit of truth always be grounded in love and humility. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


                      Seeking Truth

                      Verse 1:

                      In ancient words, in verses sown,
                      We seek Your truth, Your wisdom shown.
                      A lamp unto our feet, a light to our path,
                      In Scripture’s depth, we find our math.


                      Seeking truth, in sacred writ,
                      Your Holy Spirit, in us lit.
                      Son of God, the Way, the Truth,
                      Lead us deeper, in our youth and in our ruth.

                      Verse 2:

                      Yet, in our seeking, sometimes pride,
                      Twists Your word, from truth it slides.
                      Forgive us when we’ve used Your name,
                      To serve our will, to others’ blame.


                      Seeking truth, in sacred writ,
                      Your Holy Spirit, in us lit.
                      Son of God, the Way, the Truth,
                      Lead us deeper, in our youth and in our ruth.


                      Grant us discernment, to see Your face,
                      In every passage, Your truth embrace.
                      With humble hearts, may we come to You,
                      In seeking truth, to be ever true.

                      Verse 3:

                      Divine Teacher, guide our quest,
                      To live Your Word, and pass each test.
                      In love, in action, may we convey,
                      The truth we seek, in Your word, we pray.


                      Seeking truth, in sacred writ,
                      Your Holy Spirit, in us lit.
                      Son of God, the Way, the Truth,
                      Lead us deeper, in our youth and in our ruth.

                      Outro (Declaration):

                      We decree discernment, humility’s embrace,
                      In love and knowledge, we seek Your face.
                      May truth lead us to love’s command,
                      In seeking truth, in Your grace we stand.

                      Lead Sheet

                      • Key: C Major – Offers a sense of clarity and straightforwardness, appropriate for a song about seeking truth.
                      • Time Signature: 4/4 – Standard and versatile, allowing for both introspective and revelatory moments.
                      • Tempo: Adagio (slowly) – Reflects the thoughtful and introspective nature of seeking wisdom.

                      Storyboard descriptions for music video


                      • Music: A thoughtful, introspective instrumental, setting a tone of spiritual quest and discovery.
                      • Screen Action: A twilight scene transitioning into night, with a focus on a starry sky, symbolizing the search for deeper truths.
                      • Mood: Curious, contemplative, inviting viewers on a journey of discovery.

                      Verse 1:

                      • Music: Gentle, with a reflective melody.
                      • Screen Action: Scenes of individuals in various settings – a library, a quiet room, a garden – each engaging with holy texts, reading, pondering, and seeking.
                      • Mood: Peaceful, studious, illustrating a personal and earnest search for wisdom.


                      • Music: The melody becomes more pronounced, conveying a sense of revelation.
                      • Screen Action: The individuals look up from their texts towards the sky, symbolic of seeking divine wisdom. Light gently cascades down upon them, representing enlightenment.
                      • Mood: Revelatory, awe-inspiring, a moment of connection between the divine and the seeker.

                      Verse 2:

                      • Music: Slightly somber, yet retaining its melody.
                      • Screen Action: Depictions of misinterpretation and dogmatism – figures arguing, twisting words, using texts to exclude or judge others.
                      • Mood: Challenging, introspective, highlighting the misuse of sacred scriptures.


                        • Music: Returning to a revelatory theme.
                        • Screen Action: The initial individuals now share their insights with others in a spirit of humility and openness, contrasting the earlier scenes of conflict.
                        • Mood: Healing, enlightening, showcasing the positive power of true understanding.


                          • Music: Soft, reflective, suggesting inner transformation.
                          • Screen Action: Close-ups of faces in contemplation, their expressions changing from confusion to clarity, symbolizing the process of gaining discernment.
                          • Mood: Intimate, transformative, an inner journey to understanding.

                          Verse 3:

                          • Music: Growing in assurance and depth.
                          • Screen Action: A scene of diverse people coming together, sharing and discussing their insights in a harmonious gathering, symbolizing unity in truth-seeking.
                          • Mood: United, respectful, an embodiment of wisdom leading to communal harmony.


                          • Music: Rich, affirming, and uplifting.
                          • Screen Action: The group looking upwards to the now-brightened sky, a metaphor for shared enlightenment and spiritual connection.
                          • Mood: Joyful, collective, a celebration of shared wisdom and truth.

                          Outro (Declaration):

                          • Music: A serene, conclusive melody.
                          • Screen Action: As the music fades, a single light remains in the dark sky, symbolizing the enduring pursuit of truth.
                          • Mood: Peaceful, hopeful, a symbol of the ongoing quest for spiritual wisdom.