Celebration of All Nine Gifts

Celebration of All Nine Gifts

Empowered: A Journey Through the Gifts of the Spirit

Track 10: Celebration of All Nine Gifts


The grand finale, “Celebration of All Nine Gifts,” is an upbeat and unifying anthem that ties every preceding track together. Drawing upon 1 Corinthians 12:4–6 and Ephesians 4:16, this piece revels in the truth that although the gifts are varied, the Spirit is one. It’s a powerful reminder that each gift—whether it’s healing, prophecy, tongues, or discernment—originates from the same loving Father who desires to equip His children for ministry and mutual edification.

Musically, this track brims with energy, featuring bold drums, lively instrumentation, and possibly a communal chorus or choir to symbolize the Body of Christ singing as one. The verses recap the journey through all nine gifts, highlighting how each reveals a unique facet of God’s character. The chorus erupts in praise, celebrating the Holy Spirit’s boundless creativity and generosity.

In the bridge, listeners are encouraged to lay aside any divisions or apprehensions about spiritual gifts, embracing unity in diversity. By acknowledging that no single gift stands above another, we reflect Paul’s teaching that “the body is not made up of one part but of many” (1 Corinthians 12:14). The outro sends the Church out with a blessing to walk confidently in whatever gifts the Spirit has bestowed, forging a living testimony of God’s power in the world.

“Celebration of All Nine Gifts” stands as a joyful declaration that the Holy Spirit remains active and vibrant today. It’s an invitation for every believer to unite in praise, recognizing that God has equipped His people with supernatural resources to love, serve, and proclaim the gospel effectively. In a divided world, this final track champions the unifying promise of Christ’s Spirit poured out on all who believe.


Track 10: Celebration of All Nine Gifts

Key Scriptures:

1 Corinthians 12:4–6, 1 Corinthians 12:12–14, Ephesians 4:16


One Spirit, Many Gifts


The nine gifts of the Holy Spirit underscore the diversity of ways God empowers His people. First Corinthians 12:4–6 proclaims that although there are different gifts, ministries, and activities, “it is the same God who works all in all.” Each gift—word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, tongues, and interpretation of tongues—reveals a different facet of the Holy Spirit’s work in and through us.

Paul compares the Church to a body in 1 Corinthians 12:12–14, emphasizing that every part is essential for the whole to function effectively. Just as the foot cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you,” we must recognize that all gifts are vital for building up believers and advancing the gospel. Ephesians 4:16 further highlights how the entire body grows and matures as each member does its part, united in love.

When these gifts operate in harmony, the Church becomes a powerful testimony of God’s presence on earth. Miracles confirm the gospel’s truth, prophecy brings direction, discernment guards purity, healing demonstrates God’s compassion, and wisdom guides us through life’s complexities. Tongues and interpretation, alongside knowledge, faith, and more, remind us that the Holy Spirit is actively involved in our daily walk.

However, unity is crucial. Spiritual gifts should not be a source of competition or pride but a catalyst for cooperation and mutual honor. They must be exercised under the lordship of Christ, rooted in love (1 Corinthians 13). This final track is a celebration of the beauty and breadth of the Spirit’s manifestations. It’s a reminder that every gift comes from our gracious Father, through the Son, and by the power of the Holy Spirit. 


  • Spend time thanking God for the variety of gifts He has given the Church. Which gifts have you personally witnessed or experienced?
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to bring greater unity among believers so that all gifts can flow freely for the common good.
  • Pray that this celebration of gifts will spill over into a lifestyle of active service and expectancy, where every believer contributes to the kingdom’s expansion in love.



Verse 1:

So many gifts from heaven’s store,
One Spirit flows with love to pour.
We gather hearts in grateful voice,
In holy light we now rejoice.


Celebrate the ninefold grace,
Bonded strong in sacred place.
Wisdom, knowledge, faith ablaze,
We stand as one in endless praise.


Celebrate the ninefold grace,
Bonded strong in sacred place.
Wisdom, knowledge, faith ablaze,
We stand as one in endless praise.

Verse 2:

Healing flows from mercy’s hand,
Miracles rise at Your command.
Tongues and words interpret true,
Prophecy speaks—our hope anew.


Celebrate the ninefold grace,
Bonded strong in sacred place.
Wisdom, knowledge, faith ablaze,
We stand as one in endless praise.


Celebrate the ninefold grace,
Bonded strong in sacred place.
Wisdom, knowledge, faith ablaze,
We stand as one in endless praise.


Discerning truth in darkest night,
Your Spirit gleams with holy might.
Each gift a gem of boundless worth,
Love unites all hearts on earth.


One Body, many gifts we share,
In Christ alone, beyond compare.
Endless wonder, Spirit’s art,
We praise as one—united heart.


One Body, many gifts we share,
In Christ alone, beyond compare.
Endless wonder, Spirit’s art,
We praise as one—united heart.

Chord Chart – coming soon

Interpretation of Tongues

Interpretation of Tongues

Empowered: A Journey Through the Gifts of the Spirit

Track 9: Interpretation of Tongues


Paired closely with the previous track, “Interpretation of Tongues” provides clarity and edification within the corporate context of worship. Grounded in 1 Corinthians 12:10 and chapter 14’s guidelines, the song highlights Jehovah Mekoddishkem—“The Lord Who Sanctifies”—underscoring that God’s desire is for His people to understand, be built up, and draw closer to His holiness.

The musical composition begins in a state of mystery, reflecting how tongues can initially seem cryptic to those listening. As the track progresses, the lyrics emphasize the importance of interpretation—turning what might be unintelligible speech into a coherent message of praise, prophecy, or prayer. This gift ensures that the Body is strengthened, not confused.

A moment of repentance acknowledges where the Church has either dismissed or overemphasized this gift. The chorus then blossoms into a corporate call for God to reveal His heart through interpreted tongues, making it clear that the focus is on unity and edification, not human display. The bridge becomes an intercession for believers to humbly seek both tongues and interpretation, trusting that God will sanctify our words and intentions when we desire to honor Him.

By the outro, “Interpretation of Tongues” becomes an anthem of clarity and reverence. The final blessing speaks life over congregations, encouraging a balanced pursuit of spiritual gifts under the lordship of Christ. Here, we’re reminded that the Holy Spirit never leaves us in chaos—He sanctifies and brings us into deeper communion with our Creator.


Track 9: Interpretation of Tongues

Key Scriptures:

1 Corinthians 12:10, 1 Corinthians 14:13, 27–28

Hebrew Name of God:

Jehovah Mekoddishkem (“The Lord Who Sanctifies,” Exodus 31:13)


Interpretation of tongues is a companion gift to speaking in tongues, ensuring that what is spoken in a public gathering can be understood and edify everyone present. First Corinthians 14:13 encourages believers who speak in tongues publicly to pray for the ability to interpret, and verses 27–28 clarify that if there is no one to interpret, the speaker should remain quiet in the assembly. This structure underscores that God is a God of order and that the gifts of the Spirit serve to build up the Body in unity and clarity.

Jehovah Mekoddishkem, “The Lord Who Sanctifies,” reminds us that the purpose of these gifts is to set us apart, drawing us closer to God’s holiness and character. When a tongue is interpreted, it becomes a prophetic message, a prayer, or a praise that all can understand. This reveals God’s desire to communicate intimately with His people, not leaving them in confusion or mystery. 

A key misunderstanding about this gift is that it’s a “translation” of every word spoken. Rather, it’s an interpretation—conveying the essence or meaning of what was uttered by the Spirit. Like prophecy, interpretation must align with Scripture and the character of God. It should inspire worship, repentance, or exhortation, pointing people to Jesus.

If you feel a prompting to interpret during a time of corporate worship or prayer, approach it with humility and reverence. Interpretation, like every spiritual gift, should be tested and confirmed by the community of believers. Remember, the goal is not to showcase spiritual prowess, but to serve the Body and glorify God.


  • Reflect on moments when you’ve witnessed or participated in corporate tongues. How might interpretation have brought greater clarity and edification?
  • Ask Jehovah Mekoddishkem to sanctify your heart so you’re ready to receive and share interpretation if the Spirit leads.
  • Pray for church leaders and congregations to create an environment that honors spiritual gifts while maintaining biblical order.



Verse 1:

Mysterious words fill sacred air,
Unveiled only through holy care.
Jehovah Mekoddishkem, make known,
What tongues have spoken, not alone.


Interpretation clears the night,
Bringing hidden truth to light.
Spirit speaks for hearts to hear,
In love, we draw each other near.


Interpretation clears the night,
Bringing hidden truth to light.
Spirit speaks for hearts to hear,
In love, we draw each other near.

Verse 2:

We’ve stood in awe at words unknown,
But yearn to see their meaning shown.
Your gracious hand reveals the sign,
Jehovah Mekoddishkem, design.


Interpretation clears the night,
Bringing hidden truth to light.
Spirit speaks for hearts to hear,
In love, we draw each other near.


Let every mystery serve Your plan,
Edifying child and clan.
In clarity, we lift one voice,
Sanctified, we all rejoice.


Interpretation clears the night,
Bringing hidden truth to light.
Spirit speaks for hearts to hear,
In love, we draw each other near.


Jehovah Mekoddishkem, hallowed friend,
Through tongues interpreted, You mend.
We stand in unity and grace,
In every word, behold Your face.

Chord Chart – coming soon

Speaking in Tongues

Speaking in Tongues

Empowered: A Journey Through the Gifts of the Spirit

Track 8: Speaking in Tongues


“Speaking in Tongues” is an atmospheric and contemplative piece that explores the mysterious beauty of praying and praising God in a language beyond our natural understanding. Rooted in scriptures like Acts 2:4 and 1 Corinthians 14:2, this track focuses on Ruach HaKodesh—“The Holy Spirit”—as the divine source who enables believers to express “mysteries” and worship in spirit and truth.

The arrangement balances ethereal pads and layered vocals, symbolizing the Spirit’s gentle yet transformative presence. The verses portray our human limits in prayer—sometimes words fail to capture the depth of our need or the richness of our worship. Tongues, then, become an intimate expression of surrender, tapping into God’s heart in ways we can’t fully articulate.

Mid-song, there’s a confession of having neglected or misunderstood this gift, recognizing that controversy or fear can keep believers from embracing it. Yet the bridge ushers in a wave of intercession for unity in the Body of Christ, praying that believers worldwide would celebrate and respect this gift rather than being divided by it. The final chorus transitions into a soaring testament that tongues, when guided by love and biblical teaching, enrich both personal devotion and corporate worship.

“Speaking in Tongues” concludes with a blessing over the listener, inviting them to open their hearts to Ruach HaKodesh. The goal is not sensationalism but deeper intimacy with God, reminding us that the Spirit intercedes in ways that transcend the boundaries of human language.


Track 8: Speaking in Tongues

Key Scriptures:

1 Corinthians 12:10, Acts 2:4, 1 Corinthians 14:2

Hebrew Name of God:

Ruach HaKodesh (“The Holy Spirit”)


Speaking in tongues—also referred to as “different kinds of tongues” (1 Corinthians 12:10)—is a supernatural language given by the Holy Spirit for prayer, worship, and, at times, public utterance in the assembly. In Acts 2:4, the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, and they began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. This miraculous sign gathered attention and ultimately led to three thousand people coming to faith in Christ.

1 Corinthians 14:2 explains that when a person speaks in tongues, they speak “mysteries by the Spirit,” often edifying themselves spiritually. However, Paul also mentions the importance of order and interpretation if tongues are used publicly (1 Corinthians 14:27–28). This ensures that the whole body can benefit, rather than just the individual speaking.

Ruach HaKodesh, “The Holy Spirit,” is the source of this gift. The Spirit intercedes in ways beyond our human understanding, enabling us to pray according to God’s will (Romans 8:26–27). Tongues can also be a powerful way to worship, transcending language barriers and ushering the believer into a deeper sense of God’s presence. Many testify that praying in tongues helps them overcome spiritual dryness, fear, or limited vocabulary in prayer.

Yet, tongues have often been misunderstood or even dismissed. Some fear emotionalism or question its authenticity. Scripture encourages us to test all things (1 Thessalonians 5:21) but also to avoid despising what the Spirit is doing (1 Thessalonians 5:19–20). When guided by love and biblical instruction, tongues enrich personal devotion and can be a sign to non-believers of God’s power.


  • If you have never spoken in tongues, ask Ruach HaKodesh to fill you afresh. Approach God with an open heart, willing to receive whatever gifts He bestows.
  • If you already have this gift, how can you use it more intentionally for intercession or worship?
  • Pray that the global Church grows in unity and understanding regarding the gift of tongues, valuing each manifestation of the Spirit for edification and evangelistic impact.



Verse 1:

When words fall short to praise Your name,
And longing stirs a holy flame,
Ruach HaKodesh, breathe on me,
Unseal the voice of mystery.


Speaking in tongues, a secret song,
Spirit prays where words go wrong.
Deep calls out to depths unknown,
In whispered groans, Your love is shown.


Speaking in tongues, a secret song,
Spirit prays where words go wrong.
Deep calls out to depths unknown,
In whispered groans, Your love is shown.

Verse 2:

We stand in wonder at heaven’s sound,
A language pure no chains can bound.
Ruach HaKodesh, fill this place,
Unite our hearts in endless grace.


Speaking in tongues, a secret song,
Spirit prays where words go wrong.
Deep calls out to depths unknown,
In whispered groans, Your love is shown.


Bound by one voice beyond our own,
In perfect speech we’re not alone.
Holy Spirit, tie us near,
Your utterance so calm and clear.


Speaking in tongues, a secret song,
Spirit prays where words go wrong.
Deep calls out to depths unknown,
In whispered groans, Your love is shown.


Ruach HaKodesh, seal our prayer,
In utterances beyond compare.
We rest in language formed by You,
Communing sweet where hearts are true.

Chord Chart – coming soon

Discerning of Spirits

Discerning of Spirits

Empowered: A Journey Through the Gifts of the Spirit

Track 7: Discerning of Spirits


“Discerning of Spirits” addresses the urgent need for spiritual clarity in a world where truth and deception often collide. Drawing on 1 Corinthians 12:10, 1 John 4:1, and the account of Paul in Acts 16:16–18, this track highlights Jehovah Sabaoth (“The Lord of Hosts”), who reigns sovereign over all spiritual realms. Its lyrics remind us that, while many voices claim to speak truth, the Holy Spirit grants the ability to discern the true source behind them—whether it be from God, demonic forces, or human motives. 

The music begins with a slightly tense, minor-key motif, reflecting the unseen battles that rage around us. As the song progresses, it shifts into a more triumphant mode, mirroring the victory we have in Christ when we recognize and expose spiritual deception. The chorus exalts the Lord of Hosts, affirming that darkness cannot stand against God’s truth.

A moment of repentance within the verses acknowledges times we’ve been naive or dismissive of spiritual realities. The bridge turns into intercession for the Church, pleading for eyes to see and hearts to stand firm against the enemy’s schemes. By the conclusion, the track underscores that the gift of discernment is not about fear or suspicion, but about love—protecting the Body from harm and guiding the lost into freedom.

In “Discerning of Spirits,” listeners are challenged to be vigilant yet confident, trusting Jehovah Sabaoth to equip them with the wisdom and courage needed to navigate spiritual complexities. When anchored in Scripture and surrendered to the Spirit, discernment becomes a vital tool for victorious living.


Track 7: Discerning of Spirits

Key Scriptures:

1 Corinthians 12:10, 1 John 4:1, Acts 16:16–18

Hebrew Name of God:

Jehovah Sabaoth (“The Lord of Hosts,” 1 Samuel 1:3)


Discerning of spirits is the Holy Spirit-enabled ability to distinguish between the Spirit of God, demonic spirits, and human motives or influences. In a world where deception abounds, this gift is critical for maintaining spiritual purity and effectively engaging in spiritual warfare. First John 4:1 commands believers to “test the spirits to see whether they are from God,” indicating that not every supernatural experience or teaching is from Him.

In Acts 16:16–18, Paul discerns that a slave girl’s fortune-telling ability is driven by an evil spirit, even though her statements about Paul seem factually correct on the surface. Recognizing the source, Paul casts the spirit out, freeing her from demonic oppression. This scenario highlights that outward appearances can be deceptive—without the Holy Spirit’s discernment, we risk mistaking the enemy’s work for something benign or even godly.

Jehovah Sabaoth, “The Lord of Hosts,” underscores God’s supreme authority over all spiritual realms. When we walk in the gift of discerning of spirits, we align ourselves with the One who commands armies of angels. This gift equips believers to protect their communities from false doctrines or harmful influences, ensuring the truth of the gospel remains untainted.

It’s important not to confuse this gift with suspicion or hyper-criticism. True discernment is rooted in love, humility, and a commitment to God’s Word. While we must be cautious against accepting every spiritual claim, we’re also not to become paranoid. Balancing vigilance and grace is key. When exercised properly, discernment leads to freedom—exposing darkness so people can be liberated by Christ’s light.


  • Ask Jehovah Sabaoth to help you discern spiritual realities in your home, church, and community. Where might deception or bondage be lurking?
  • Pray that the Body of Christ grows in maturity, embracing this gift to guard against false teaching and to release those trapped in darkness.
  • Reflect on how love, humility, and Scripture guide us to discern wisely rather than slipping into judgment or fear.



Verse 1:

Shadows form where truth seems lost,
Deceptions rise at heavy cost.
Jehovah Sabaoth, guide our sight,
Dispel the dark with holy light.


Discerning spirits, see the source,
Test each word upon its course.
Your watchful grace, a shield so sure,
In truth alone we stand secure.


Discerning spirits, see the source,
Test each word upon its course.
Your watchful grace, a shield so sure,
In truth alone we stand secure.

Verse 2:

We’ve walked naively in subtle snare,
Forgetting You were always there.
Your wisdom brings a crystal gaze,
Jehovah Sabaoth, guard our ways.


Discerning spirits, see the source,
Test each word upon its course.
Your watchful grace, a shield so sure,
In truth alone we stand secure.


Discerning spirits, see the source,
Test each word upon its course.
Your watchful grace, a shield so sure,
In truth alone we stand secure.


Jehovah Sabaoth, strong and wise,
No hidden scheme escapes Your eyes.
We rest in knowledge You impart,
Truth and love guard every heart.


Jehovah Sabaoth, strong and wise,
No hidden scheme escapes Your eyes.
We rest in knowledge You impart,
Truth and love guard every heart.

Chord Chart – coming soon



Empowered: A Journey Through the Gifts of the Spirit

Track 6: Prophecy


“Prophecy” delves into our need for clear direction from God in chaotic times. Reflecting on verses like 1 Corinthians 14:1–3 and Amos 3:7, the lyrics present a Holy Spirit who reveals the Father’s heart to edify, exhort, and comfort the Church. By invoking Jehovah Rohi (“The Lord My Shepherd”), this track reminds us that prophecy is ultimately about divine guidance—leading us beside still waters and restoring our souls.

The musical arrangement balances a meditative verse structure with a stirring chorus that soars. The verses illustrate a world brimming with confusion and conflicting voices; we cry out for the Shepherd to speak words that cut through the noise. Then the chorus erupts in recognition of God’s voice: personal, loving, and transformative. We also repent for times we’ve neglected or resisted genuine prophetic counsel, choosing our own paths instead.

In the bridge, the song expands into an intercessory plea for the global Body of Christ—asking that the Spirit would breathe fresh prophetic insight into believers, pastors, and worshipers across denominations. Rather than seeking prophecy for sensationalism, the emphasis is on strengthening and unifying the Church in God’s will.

Ultimately, “Prophecy” serves as a melodic reminder that our Shepherd longs to guide His flock, speaking through those He’s called and gifted. When embraced with humility and discernment, prophecy becomes a lifeline, directing us back to Jesus, who is the Word made flesh.


Track 6: Prophecy

Key Scriptures:

1 Corinthians 12:10, 1 Corinthians 14:1–3, Amos 3:7

Hebrew Name of God:

Jehovah Rohi (“The Lord My Shepherd,” Psalm 23:1)


Prophecy is a vital gift that builds up, encourages, and comforts the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 14:3). While many envision prophecy solely as predicting future events, its biblical function is broader: to reveal God’s heart and perspective in real-time situations. Amos 3:7 states that the Lord does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets, underscoring God’s desire to guide His people rather than leave them in the dark.

Jehovah Rohi, “The Lord My Shepherd,” captures the essence of prophecy as divine guidance. A shepherd leads, protects, and provides for the sheep. Similarly, prophetic words can bring direction to individuals, churches, and even nations. We see this in Scripture—from Nathan confronting King David (2 Samuel 12) to Agabus warning of a coming famine (Acts 11:28). These examples demonstrate how prophecy can bring conviction, preparation, or comfort.

However, prophecy must be weighed (1 Corinthians 14:29). The Holy Spirit never contradicts the written Word of God. Humility is crucial: Paul instructs believers to “eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy” (1 Corinthians 14:1), yet we’re also to avoid pride or confusion. A genuine word from God leads to unity and builds up the Church rather than sowing division or elevating an individual’s agenda. 

If you sense a prophetic stirring, first test it against Scripture and the counsel of mature believers. God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33). When delivered in love, prophecy draws people closer to Jesus, the Good Shepherd, who laid down His life for the flock. This gift is not about self-exaltation; it’s about lovingly sharing what the Shepherd speaks to guide His sheep.


  • Ask Jehovah Rohi to lead you in hearing His voice clearly. Are you open to receiving and sharing prophetic insight?
  • Pray for discernment and boldness to speak forth what God places on your heart, always measuring it by the plumb line of Scripture.
  • Intercede for the Church to embrace and steward the prophetic with humility and love, bringing edification rather than confusion.



Verse 1:

Jehovah Rohi, we wait in still,
Attentive hearts, bowed to Your will.
In quiet hush, we seek Your voice,
Your guiding word, our humble choice.


Prophecy speaks gently clear,
Calling us to draw so near.
Revelation from Your throne,
In every word, Your heart is shown.


Prophecy speaks gently clear,
Calling us to draw so near.
Revelation from Your throne,
In every word, Your heart is shown.

Verse 2:

We’ve wandered far in noisy days,
Missing whispers of heaven’s ways.
But here we rest, awaiting truth,
Jehovah Rohi, lead from youth.


Prophecy speaks gently clear,
Calling us to draw so near.
Revelation from Your throne,
In every word, Your heart is shown.


Open our eyes, let secrets flow,
Words of life we long to know.
Your presence guides each step we take,
Speak, O Lord, for Your name’s sake.


Prophecy speaks gently clear,
Calling us to draw so near.
We rest in counsel You impart,
Listening close, set You apart.

Chord Chart – coming soon

Working of Miracles

Working of Miracles

Empowered: A Journey Through the Gifts of the Spirit

Track 5: Working of Miracles


With a dramatic flair, “Working of Miracles” spotlights the boundless might of El Shaddai (“God Almighty”). Based on passages like Acts 19:11–12 and John 2:1–11, this song invites the Church to believe that the same God who turned water into wine and healed multitudes through Paul still intervenes powerfully in our modern world. From supernatural healings to miraculous breakthroughs in impossible circumstances, the Holy Spirit continues to manifest signs and wonders that testify to God’s sovereign love.

Musically, this track contrasts moments of tension—representing human hopelessness—with triumphant, celebratory sections that burst forth as miracles unfold. The lyrics begin by acknowledging our desperate need for divine intervention, confessing that human solutions often fall short. As the song unfolds, we offer repentance for doubt and step into a posture of expectancy. The chorus proclaims God’s supremacy over all that seems unmovable, underscoring that miracles are not mere magic tricks but compassionate acts of grace. 

The bridge becomes a collective prayer, urging believers to intercede for global crises, personal struggles, and everything in between. We cry out for El Shaddai to reveal His glory so that hearts may be turned to Christ. Finally, the outro leaves us with a blessing that encourages a lifestyle of faith—one that doesn’t box God into the realm of the natural but trusts Him to be Almighty in every situation.

“Working of Miracles” is a clarion call to remember that God is still at work, inviting us to partner with Him in faith. When we open our hearts to His supernatural power, we become witnesses to the unshakable reality of the kingdom breaking through.


Track 5: Working of Miracles

Key Scriptures:

1 Corinthians 12:10, Acts 19:11–12, John 2:1–11

Hebrew Name of God:

El Shaddai (“God Almighty”)


Working of miracles involves God’s power superseding natural laws or human limitations. In Acts 19:11–12, even handkerchiefs and aprons that touched Paul’s skin were used by God to heal the sick and expel evil spirits. John 2:1–11 describes Jesus turning water into wine—His very first recorded miracle—which not only revealed His glory but blessed a wedding feast in a practical way. These accounts remind us that miracles aren’t random displays of power; they are signs that point people to God’s heart and sovereignty.

El Shaddai, “God Almighty,” highlights God’s ability to accomplish the impossible. The Old Testament is filled with miraculous events, from the parting of the Red Sea (Exodus 14) to the sun standing still (Joshua 10). In each instance, God’s intervention demonstrated His supremacy and often delivered His people from dire circumstances. Likewise, in the New Testament, miracles become the catalyst for faith in the resurrected Christ.

Today, many believers long to see miracles as validation of God’s power in a skeptical world. However, miracles aren’t just about spectacle; they are about revealing God’s compassionate nature and confirming the truth of the gospel (Mark 16:17–18). The Holy Spirit still imparts this gift, often at critical moments when human effort is insufficient, and divine intervention brings glory to God.

One common barrier to experiencing miracles is unbelief or cynicism. Even in Jesus’ hometown, He did few miracles because of their unbelief (Matthew 13:58). If we assume miracles have ceased, we close our hearts to the possibility that El Shaddai can still act in extraordinary ways. Yet as we cultivate a posture of childlike faith, we open doors for God’s power to manifest.


  • What “impossible” situations are you facing today that require El Shaddai’s intervention?
  • Pray with expectation, acknowledging that miracles aren’t guaranteed on demand, but believing God is both willing and able.
  • Intercede for the global Church to move in signs and wonders that confirm the message of Jesus, leading many to salvation and deeper worship.



Verse 1:

When all seems lost and hope runs dry,
We lift our gaze to realms on high.
El Shaddai, speak with mighty grace,
Let miracles shine in this place.


Working of wonders, power so grand,
Breaking limits by Your command.
You move mountains in silent ways,
El Shaddai, receive our praise.

Verse 2:

We’ve doubted more than we believed,
Yet find new faith when we’re deceived.
Your gentle whisper calms the storm,
El Shaddai, our hearts transform.


Working of wonders, power so grand,
Breaking limits by Your command.
You move mountains in silent ways,
El Shaddai, receive our praise.


Impossibilities bow to You,
Nature yields as truth shines through.
At Your word, dark clouds must flee,
In quiet might, You set us free.


All creation bends to Your call,
El Shaddai, enthroned above all.
We stand amazed in sacred hush,
Held by miracles born of Your touch.

Chord Chart – coming soon