Seven Mountains

Seven Mountains

Seven Mountains - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 6: “Seven Mountains”

(Inspired by Isaiah 2:2)

Song Description:

“Seven Mountains,” the sixth track of the album, is an anthem of intercession and influence, focusing on the seven spheres of society: government, religion, media, family, education, arts & entertainment, and business. Drawing inspiration from Isaiah 2:2, the song speaks to the Christian calling to bring transformation and godly influence in every area of cultural and societal life.

Musically, “Seven Mountains” is characterized by its dynamic and robust sound, blending powerful vocal delivery with a rich, multi-layered instrumental backdrop. The song combines elements of contemporary worship music with epic, cinematic flourishes, reflecting the grandeur and significance of its theme.

Lyrically, the song is both a declaration and a prayer, acknowledging the challenges within these seven mountains while affirming the transformative power of faith and prayer in each domain. The chorus is particularly impactful, uniting the themes of the song in a compelling call to action for believers to rise in prayer and faith.

“Seven Mountains” is a song that resonates with those who are passionate about seeing God’s kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. It is particularly suited for times of corporate worship and intercessory prayer gatherings, inspiring believers to pray strategically and with purpose for each sphere of influence.

Key Themes:

      • Intercession for the seven spheres of societal influence
      • The transformative power of faith and prayer in culture
      • Christian responsibility in shaping society
      • A call to action for strategic and purposeful prayer

Musical Elements:

      • Dynamic and robust composition
      • Blend of contemporary worship and cinematic styles
      • Powerful vocal delivery with rich instrumentation
      • Encouraging and motivating tone

This description provides an overview of “Seven Mountains,” highlighting its key themes and musical style. It can be adapted to better suit the specific nuances of your song and the overall message of your album.


Devotion for “Seven Mountains”

(Isaiah 2:2)

Scriptural Foundation:

      • Isaiah 2:2-4
      • Matthew 5:13-16
      • 1 Timothy 2:1-4
      • Jeremiah 29:7


“Seven Mountains” is a song about the influential spheres of society: government, religion, media, family, education, arts & entertainment, and business. Isaiah 2:2-4 speaks of all nations streaming to the mountain of the Lord, symbolizing the ultimate influence of God’s kingdom over all areas of human society.

Matthew 5:13-16 encourages believers to be salt and light in the world, which is particularly relevant for intercessors as they pray for God’s values and principles to permeate these seven mountains.

1 Timothy 2:1-4 exhorts us to pray for those in authority in all spheres, emphasizing that such prayers are pleasing to God and are key for societal peace and the spread of the gospel.

Jeremiah 29:7 instructs us to seek the welfare of the city (or society) in which we live, for in its welfare, we find our welfare. This is a powerful principle for intercessory prayer, as it underscores the importance of praying for the holistic health and prosperity of our societies.


Consider each of the seven mountains and spend time praying for each sphere. Seek God’s guidance on how to pray effectively for each area, asking for His kingdom to come and His will to be done in these domains. Pray for leaders and influencers in each sphere, that they would be guided by wisdom, integrity, and a heart for justice.


“Father, I lift up the seven mountains of influence in our society to You. May Your kingdom principles reign in government, religion, media, family, education, arts & entertainment, and business. Raise up godly leaders and influencers in each sphere, and use them to bring about transformation and Your righteous purposes. Help us to be salt and light, impacting our culture for Your glory. Amen.”

This devotion is aimed at providing a comprehensive and strategic framework for intercessory prayer concerning the key areas of societal influence. Adaptations can be made to make the devotion more specific to your context or to emphasize particular aspects relevant to your intercessory group.


Seven Mountains

(Isaiah 2:2)

Verse 1

On the mountains high, where the world takes shape,
In the halls of power, in the market’s landscape.
In the classrooms bright, in the family’s heart,
In the media’s might, where the arts impart.


Seven mountains stand, under Heaven’s hand,
In each domain, let Your grace expand.
As the nations stream to the mountain of the Lord,
In Your grace, we unite, in one accord.

Verse 2

In the courts and chambers, where decisions are born,
In the sacred halls, where beliefs are sworn.
On stages and screens, where stories unfold,
In businesses and banks, where futures are told.


Raise us up, Lord, on these mountains stand,
Guide our hands with Your command.
Let Your light, in us, be seen,
In every sphere, let Your love convene.


Seven mountains stand, under Heaven’s hand,
In each domain, let Your grace expand.
As the nations stream to the mountain of the Lord,
In Your grace, we unite, in one accord.


In every action, in every word,
In Your grace, let our voices be heard.
On these mountains high, in Your love, we trust,
In Your grace, we stand, righteous and just.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: Bb Major (inspiring and optimistic)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (steady and confident)
  • Tempo: 92 bpm (upbeat and motivational)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Seven Mountains” is designed to visually convey the song’s theme of transformative influence across the key areas of society. The video should inspire viewers with the potential for positive change and the power of collective action. Adjustments can be made to tailor the storyboard to your vision and the desired impact of the music video.

Introduction (0:00-0:30):

  • Scene: A montage of seven different landscapes, each representing one of the seven mountains of influence (government, religion, media, family, education, arts & entertainment, business).
  • Music: A grand, instrumental intro, setting a tone of significance and anticipation.
  • Visual: Each landscape transitions to a real-world representation of its respective sphere (e.g., a capitol building, a church, a TV studio, a family home, a school, a theater, a corporate office).

Verse 1 (0:30-1:00):

  • Scene: Individuals in each sphere beginning their day, facing challenges and opportunities.
  • Music: Gentle vocals start, maintaining a sense of anticipation and purpose.
  • Visual: Close-up shots showing the determination and passion of people in each field.

Chorus (1:00-1:30):

  • Scene: Groups of people in each sphere gathering, as if preparing for a significant event or change.
  • Music: The chorus brings an uplifting and empowering melody.
  • Visual: The groups are diverse, representing various backgrounds, each person contributing to their sphere in a meaningful way.

Verse 2 (1:30-2:00):

  • Scene: Shifts to show the impact and influence these individuals have in their respective fields.
  • Music: The second verse continues the narrative of purposeful action.
  • Visual: Scenes of breakthroughs, innovation, and positive change in each area (e.g., a successful policy change, a religious revival, a truthful news report).

    Chorus (2:00-2:30):

    • Scene: The groups now coming together, symbolizing the interconnectedness of these spheres and their collective impact.
    • Music: The chorus repeats, now with more voices, symbolizing unity and collective strength.
    • Visual: The individuals from each sphere join in a larger gathering, perhaps in a symbolic location that represents unity and shared purpose.

      Bridge (2:30-3:00):

      • Scene: A series of powerful vignettes depicting positive transformation within each of the seven spheres.
      • Music: The bridge brings a different, more reflective melody.
      • Visual: Short, impactful scenes showing the fruits of faith and dedication in each area (e.g., a family reunion, an educational breakthrough, a piece of impactful art).

      Chorus (3:00-3:30):

      • Scene: A climactic gathering of all groups, perhaps in a large auditorium or an open field, united in their purpose and influence.
      • Music: The final chorus is the most powerful, symbolizing achieved unity and influence.
      • Visual: Aerial shots of the crowd, interspersed with close-ups of individuals, showing their commitment and hope.

      Outro (3:30-end):

      • Scene: As the day ends, a sense of accomplishment and ongoing purpose lingers.
      • Music: Instrumental outro, slowly winding down.
      • Visual: The landscapes from the intro now transformed, symbolizing the positive impact of each sphere, ending with a panoramic view of a bright horizon, signifying hope and future possibilities.
      Whispers of Grace

      Whispers of Grace

      Whispers of Grace - Coming Soon

      by Darren Winfield

      Track 4: “Whispers of Grace”

      (Inspired by 1 Kings 19:12)

      Song Description:

      “Whispers of Grace,” the fourth track of the album, is a serene and uplifting song that captures the gentle and subtle ways in which God communicates His grace and love to us. Inspired by the biblical account of Elijah in 1 Kings 19:12, where God speaks in a gentle whisper, this song invites listeners into a space of quiet reflection and intimate connection with God.

      The musical arrangement of “Whispers of Grace” is characterized by its soft, melodic instrumentation, featuring acoustic guitar, piano, and a delicate string section. The composition is intentionally understated, creating an ambiance that encourages listeners to slow down and attune their hearts to the quiet voice of God.

      Lyrically, the song is a beautiful portrayal of finding God in the stillness, away from the noise and chaos of everyday life. It gently reminds listeners that God’s voice often comes not in the thunderous events, but in quiet, subtle moments of prayer and solitude.

      “Whispers of Grace” is perfect for moments of personal devotion, meditative worship, and any setting where the focus is on deepening one’s relationship with God. It’s a song that speaks to the soul, encouraging a deeper sensitivity to the quiet, yet profound, presence of God in our lives.

      Key Themes:

          • Experiencing God’s grace in quiet moments
          • The gentle and subtle communication of God
          • Finding peace and presence in stillness
          • Deepening one’s personal relationship with God

      Musical Elements:

          • Soft, melodic instrumentation
          • Understated arrangement with acoustic guitar, piano, and strings
          • Calming and meditative ambiance
          • Lyrically rich with imagery of stillness and quietness

      This song description is crafted to convey the essence and atmosphere of “Whispers of Grace,” highlighting its thematic focus and musical style. Feel free to adjust the description to more accurately reflect your unique interpretation and presentation of the song.


      Devotion for “Whispers of Grace”

      (1 Kings 19:12)

      Scriptural Foundation:

          • 1 Kings 19:11-13
          • Psalm 46:10
          • James 4:8
          • Isaiah 30:15


      “Whispers of Grace” reflects on the intimate and gentle ways God speaks to us, often in a still, small voice, as experienced by Elijah in 1 Kings 19:11-13. This passage invites intercessors to find God not only in the grand and dramatic but also in the quiet and subtle.

      The Psalmist’s admonition in Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God,” is a powerful reminder of the importance of quietness and stillness in our relationship with God. It’s in these moments that we can truly listen and discern His whispers of grace.

      James 4:8 encourages us to draw near to God, with the promise that He will draw near to us. This nearness is often most palpable in our moments of quiet solitude with the Lord, where the distractions of the world fade, and His presence becomes more evident.

      Isaiah 30:15 highlights the strength found in quietness and trust. For intercessors, this is a vital principle, as it reminds us that true strength in prayer comes from a place of restful trust in God, not in frantic or loud petitions.


      Dedicate time to be still in God’s presence, listening for His gentle guidance. In your intercessory prayer time, focus on quietening your heart before the Lord, allowing His whispers of grace to guide and inform your prayers. Reflect on how God has spoken to you in the past during these quiet times and seek to cultivate a deeper sensitivity to His voice.


      “Lord, in the stillness of Your presence, let me hear Your whispers of grace. Teach me to be still and know that You are God. As I draw near to You, reveal Your heart to me, guiding my prayers and my steps. In the quiet, let me find Your strength and peace. Amen.”

      This devotion is crafted to deepen the intercessor’s experience of God’s presence in quiet moments, encouraging a practice of listening prayer that values stillness and attentiveness. Modify this devotion as needed to resonate more deeply with your specific spiritual practices and insights.


      Whispers of Grace

      (1 Kings 19:12)

      Verse 1

      In the stillness of the dawn, before the world awakes,
      In the quiet of my heart, Your gentle whisper waits.
      Softly in the silence, Your words of love unfold,
      In these tranquil moments, Your grace gently told.


      Whispers of grace, in the calmness I find,
      Your presence, a balm to the weary mind.
      In the hush of the morning, in the peace of the night,
      In Your whispers of grace, I find Your light.

      Verse 2

      Away from the roar, in the solace of Your shade,
      Your still, small voice cuts through life’s masquerade.
      In each tender murmur, Your truths resonate,
      In the whispers of grace, Your love I contemplate.


      Not in the thunder, not in the storm,
      But in a whisper, Your love is born.
      In gentle echoes, soft and clear,
      In quiet moments, I feel You near.


      Whispers of grace, in the calmness I find,
      Your presence, a balm to the weary mind.
      In the hush of the morning, in the peace of the night,
      In Your whispers of grace, I find Your light.


      In every breath, in every silent prayer,
      Your whispers of grace, everywhere.
      In the stillness, in the quiet space,
      I find Your love, Your whispers of grace.

      Lead Sheet

      Coming Soon

      • Key: C Major (serene and peaceful)
      • Time Signature: 4/4 (smooth and flowing)
      • Tempo: 68 bpm (calm and soothing)

      Storyboard descriptions for music video

      This storyboard for “Whispers of Grace” aims to capture the song’s theme of finding God’s grace in quiet, reflective moments and carrying that peace into everyday life. The video should evoke a sense of tranquility and the subtle, yet profound presence of God’s grace. Feel free to modify it to better suit your artistic vision and the desired emotional impact of the video.

      Introduction (0:00-0:30):

      • Scene: Early morning, a quiet and serene setting, perhaps a forest or a peaceful garden.
      • Music: Soft, gentle instrumental introduction, setting a tranquil tone.
      • Visual: Slow, gentle shots of nature – dew on leaves, a light breeze through trees, a calm body of water reflecting the morning sky.

      Verse 1 (0:30-1:00):

      • Scene: Individuals in various settings of solitude – a person in a cozy reading nook, another on a quiet park bench, someone by a calm lakeside.
      • Music: Vocals begin softly, accompanied by a delicate melody.
      • Visual: Close-ups of individuals in contemplative states, possibly with eyes closed or softly gazing at nature, finding peace in solitude.

      Chorus (1:00-1:30):

      • Scene: These individuals subtly start to sense a comforting presence around them.
      • Music: Chorus introduces a slightly more uplifting melody.
      • Visual: A soft, warm light begins to envelop each person, representing the presence of God’s grace in their quiet moments.

      Verse 2 (1:30-2:00):

      • Scene: Transition to scenes of everyday life – a bustling city street, a busy home, a workplace.
      • Music: The verse maintains the soft, contemplative mood.
      • Visual: Amidst their activities, each person finds a moment of peace, a quiet reminder of the morning’s tranquility.

        Chorus (2:00-2:30):

        • Scene: The individuals now visibly carry the peace they found in their quiet moments into their daily lives.
        • Music: The chorus repeats, reinforcing the comforting theme.
        • Visual: Warm light continues to follow them, symbolizing the constant whisper of grace in their lives.

          Bridge (2:30-3:00):

          • Scene: A series of vignettes showing small acts of kindness and moments of personal reflection inspired by the sense of peace.
          • Music: A reflective bridge, slightly different in melody.
          • Visual: Scenes include small gestures of love, brief pauses for prayer or reflection, a sense of contentment and grace amidst daily routines.

          Chorus (3:00-3:30):

          • Scene: Return to the tranquil morning settings, indicating a cycle of finding peace in quiet moments and carrying it through the day.
          • Music: The final chorus, rich and full, bringing the theme to its conclusion.
          • Visual: Individuals return to their serene spots, a closing symbol of the continuous search for and discovery of God’s whispers of grace.

          Outro (3:30-end):

          • Scene: Dusk, as the day comes to a close.
          • Music: A gentle instrumental outro.
          • Visual: The natural settings from the introduction now bathed in the soft light of sunset, symbolizing the end of a day carried in grace.
          Shalom Over Jerusalem

          Shalom Over Jerusalem

          Shalom Over Jerusalem - Coming Soon

          by Darren Winfield

          Track 5: “Shalom Over Jerusalem”

          (Inspired by Psalm 122:6)

          Song Description:

          “Shalom Over Jerusalem,” the fifth track on the album, is a poignant and heartfelt prayer for peace and grace upon Jerusalem. Inspired by the scriptural mandate in Psalm 122:6 to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, this song reflects a deep longing for harmony, both in the historic city and symbolically for peace in the hearts of all people.

          The musical composition of “Shalom Over Jerusalem” blends traditional and contemporary worship styles, featuring rich orchestral arrangements alongside modern rhythms. This fusion creates a sound that is both timeless and relevant, echoing the ancient and enduring significance of Jerusalem in the hearts of believers.

          Lyrically, the song is a moving portrayal of Jerusalem’s history, struggles, and the collective prayer of believers for God’s peace upon the city. The chorus, with its memorable and stirring melody, invites listeners to join in this prayer, seeking God’s shalom – peace, wholeness, and well-being – for Jerusalem.

          “Shalom Over Jerusalem” is more than a song; it’s an intercessory cry, resonating with those who carry a burden for the spiritual and physical well-being of Jerusalem. Ideal for corporate worship and personal prayer times, this track calls believers to remember and intercede for one of the most significant cities in biblical and modern history.

          Key Themes:

              • Prayer for peace and grace over Jerusalem
              • The historical and spiritual significance of Jerusalem
              • A call to intercede for the city and its inhabitants
              • Seeking God’s shalom for Jerusalem

          Musical Elements:

              • Fusion of traditional and contemporary worship styles
              • Rich orchestral arrangements with modern rhythms
              • Stirring and memorable chorus
              • Emotive and prayerful atmosphere

          This description captures the essence and intent of “Shalom Over Jerusalem,” emphasizing its thematic focus and musical character. Adjustments can be made to suit the unique aspects of your rendition and the message you wish to convey through the song.


          Devotion for “Shalom Over Jerusalem”

          (Psalm 122:6)

          Scriptural Foundation:

              • Psalm 122:6-9
              • Isaiah 62:6-7
              • Zechariah 8:3
              • Romans 11:25-29


          “Shalom Over Jerusalem” brings to light the biblical call to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, as emphasized in Psalm 122:6-9. This song and devotion invite intercessors to engage deeply with God’s heart for Jerusalem, understanding its central role in His redemptive plan for humanity.

          Isaiah 62:6-7 encourages believers to be watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem, praying continually until God establishes Jerusalem and makes it a praise on the earth. This imagery is powerful for intercessors, symbolizing our role in persistently praying for God’s purposes to be fulfilled in and through Jerusalem.

          Zechariah 8:3 depicts Jerusalem as a city of truth, where God promises to dwell. This promise adds depth to our prayers, as we seek not just physical peace for the city, but also the fulfillment of God’s spiritual promises to His people.

          In Romans 11:25-29, Paul speaks of the mystery of Israel’s salvation and God’s unbreakable covenant with them. This passage provides a broader understanding of the spiritual dynamics at play and the importance of interceding for both the peace of Jerusalem and the salvation of the Jewish people.


          Integrate specific prayers for Jerusalem into your intercession routine. Reflect on the scriptures above and pray for the peace, prosperity, and spiritual awakening of Jerusalem. Ask God to reveal His heart and purposes for the city and its people. Pray also for the peace and reconciliation between all groups living in and around Jerusalem.


          “Lord, I lift up Jerusalem to You, praying for its peace and prosperity. May Your presence dwell in this city, and may it be a beacon of truth and salvation. Open the hearts of all its inhabitants to Your love and peace. Guide the leaders and decision-makers of Jerusalem with wisdom and compassion. In Your mercy, Lord, bring shalom to Jerusalem. Amen.”

          This devotion is designed to engage intercessors in praying for Jerusalem with a deeper understanding of its spiritual significance. Feel free to adapt the content to align more closely with the specific focus of your intercession and the needs of your prayer community.


          Shalom Over Jerusalem

          (Psalm 122:6)

          Verse 1

          In ancient stones and ageless dreams,
          A city stands, so much it’s seen.
          Jerusalem, oh, Jerusalem,
          In your streets, we seek God’s peace to descend.


          Shalom over Jerusalem, may peace within your walls be found.
          Shalom in every heart, let God’s grace abound.
          For the city of the King, we lift our prayer and sing,
          Shalom over Jerusalem, under God’s wing.

          Verse 2

          Through struggles seen and unseen wars,
          Your history speaks of so much more.
          In your trials, in your pain,
          We pray for peace, like gentle rain.


          For every stone and every heart,
          In God’s love, we have a part.
          From Zion’s hill, to the world so wide,
          Let peace prevail, let love abide.


          Shalom over Jerusalem, may peace within your walls be found.
          Shalom in every heart, let God’s grace abound.
          For the city of the King, we lift our prayer and sing,
          Shalom over Jerusalem, under God’s wing.


          In the prayer of ages, in the hopes of many,
          In Jerusalem, let peace be plenty.
          Shalom, shalom, a prayer we raise,
          Over Jerusalem, God’s eternal grace.

          Lead Sheet

          Coming Soon

          • Key: E Minor (evoking historical depth and longing)
          • Time Signature: 4/4 (a sense of solemnity and hope)
          • Tempo: 76 bpm (moderately paced, contemplative)

          Storyboard descriptions for music video

          This storyboard for “Shalom Over Jerusalem” is designed to capture the song’s themes of hope, peace, and the historical and spiritual significance of Jerusalem. The video aims to convey a message of unity and prayerful longing for peace in this ancient city. Feel free to adjust the storyboard to better fit your vision for the music video.

          Introduction (0:00-0:30):

          • Scene: Aerial shots of Jerusalem at dawn, capturing the ancient and modern parts of the city.
          • Music: A serene and emotive instrumental introduction.
          • Visual: The city is peaceful, with the golden light of sunrise illuminating its buildings and walls.

          Verse 1 (0:30-1:00):

          • Scene: Ground-level views of Jerusalem’s streets and landmarks, showing the city waking up.
          • Music: Gentle vocals begin, setting a reflective tone.
          • Visual: Everyday scenes of life in Jerusalem – people of different backgrounds going about their day, street vendors setting up, children playing.

          Chorus (1:00-1:30):

          • Scene: A diverse group of people gather on a rooftop or hill overlooking the city.
          • Music: The chorus uplifts with a harmonious, hopeful melody.
          • Visual: The group starts to sing, pray, or simply look out over the city, reflecting a collective hope for peace.

          Verse 2 (1:30-2:00):

          • Scene: Historical flashbacks showing Jerusalem’s rich history, including moments of both harmony and conflict.
          • Music: The second verse maintains the reflective mood.
          • Visual: Montages of historical events, ancient and modern, depicting Jerusalem’s significance and the challenges it has faced.

            Chorus (2:00-2:30):

            • Scene: Return to the present, focusing on the faces in the gathered group, each reflecting personal stories of hope and longing for peace.
            • Music: The chorus repeats, more voices joining in.
            • Visual: Close-up shots of individuals in the group, each person representing a different aspect of Jerusalem’s diverse population.

              Bridge (2:30-3:00):

              • Scene: Symbolic representations of peace – doves, olive branches, people embracing.
              • Music: A bridge with a slightly different, more intense tune.
              • Visual: Scenes of reconciliation and unity among different groups within Jerusalem, symbolizing the potential for peace.

              Chorus (3:00-3:30):

              • Scene: The group on the hilltop or rooftop begins to grow as more join, symbolizing a growing hope for peace.
              • Music: The final chorus, the most powerful and encompassing yet.
              • Visual: An expanding view showing more people joining in prayer or song, a visual metaphor for the growing prayer for peace.

              Outro (3:30-end):

              • Scene: Sunset over Jerusalem, with the city bathed in a warm, hopeful glow.
              • Music: Instrumental outro, a gentle conclusion to the narrative.
              • Visual: The cityscape at dusk, a final panoramic shot of Jerusalem, ending on a hopeful note for its future.
              Kneeling at Gethsemane

              Kneeling at Gethsemane

              Kneeling at Gethsemane - Coming Soon

              by Darren Winfield

              Track 3: “Kneeling at Gethsemane”

              (Inspired by Luke 22:41-44)

              Song Description:

              “Kneeling at Gethsemane,” the third track on the album, is a deeply moving and reflective piece that delves into the poignant moments of Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. Inspired by Luke 22:41-44, this song captures the emotional depth and spiritual significance of Christ’s prayer and submission to the Father’s will, just before His crucifixion.

              Musically, the song is composed with a delicate and somber tone, utilizing a blend of soft acoustic guitar, piano, and subtle orchestral backdrops. The arrangement is crafted to guide the listener through a journey of contemplation, mirroring the intensity of Jesus’ experience in the garden.

              The lyrics of “Kneeling at Gethsemane” are both poetic and powerful, painting a vivid picture of Jesus’ agony, His commitment to God’s plan, and the ultimate act of love for humanity. The chorus is particularly emotive, designed to resonate with listeners, drawing them into a deeper understanding of the sacrifice made by Christ.

              This song serves as a reminder of the depth of Jesus’ love and the price He paid for our redemption. It is a fitting tribute for times of reflective worship, prayer meetings, and personal devotion. “Kneeling at Gethsemane” invites believers to meditate on the gravity of Christ’s sacrifice and the profound love that motivated Him.

              Key Themes:

              • The agony and prayer of Jesus in Gethsemane
              • Christ’s submission to God’s will
              • The depth of Jesus’ love and sacrifice
              • Reflection on the cost of redemption

              Musical Elements:

              • Delicate and somber tone
              • Soft acoustic guitar and piano with subtle orchestral elements
              • Emotive and contemplative arrangement
              • Lyrically rich and vivid imagery

              This description is aimed at providing a comprehensive understanding of the song’s thematic and musical essence. You can tailor it to align more closely with the specific expression and nuances of your version of the song.


              Devotion for “Kneeling at Gethsemane”

              (Luke 22:41-44)

              Scriptural Foundation:

                  • Luke 22:41-44
                  • Philippians 2:5-8
                  • Isaiah 53:3-5
                  • Hebrews 5:7-9


              “Kneeling at Gethsemane” brings us into the heart of Jesus’ human struggle and divine submission. Luke 22:41-44 is a powerful depiction of Christ’s vulnerability and obedience, showcasing the depth of His love and the cost of our redemption.

              This passage invites intercessors to reflect on the nature of true submission to God’s will. It challenges us to consider the depth of our own commitment to God, even in the face of suffering or uncertainty.

              Philippians 2:5-8 emphasizes the humility of Christ, who, being in very nature God, took on human likeness and humbled Himself to the point of death. This is a profound example for intercessors, calling us to a similar posture of humility and obedience in our intercessory role.

              Isaiah 53:3-5 prophesies the suffering of Christ and the purpose behind it – our healing and peace. As intercessors, understanding the sacrificial love of Jesus deepens our compassion and fervor in prayer for others.

              Hebrews 5:7-9 speaks of Jesus’ prayers and cries for help, and how He was heard because of His reverent submission. This teaches intercessors the power of reverent submission in prayer, acknowledging that true power in intercession comes from aligning with God’s will.


              Reflect on your own prayer life in light of Jesus’ example at Gethsemane. Are there areas where you need to submit more fully to God’s will? Spend time in prayer, seeking to align your heart with God’s purposes, and interceding with a spirit of humility and obedience. Use Jesus’ prayer at Gethsemane as a model for your own prayers, especially when faced with difficult situations or decisions.


              “Father, in the garden of Gethsemane, Your Son showed us the ultimate example of submission and trust. Help me to follow in His footsteps, surrendering my own will for Yours. In my prayers, let me reflect Jesus’ humility and obedience, trusting in Your perfect plan and timing. Amen.”

              This devotion is designed to deepen the intercessor’s connection with Christ’s experience at Gethsemane, encouraging a prayer life marked by deep submission and alignment with God’s will. Feel free to tailor this devotion to better fit the spiritual journey and needs of your intercessory group.


              Kneeling at Gethsemane

              (Luke 22:41-44)

              Verse 1

              In the garden’s silent shade, under olive trees You prayed,
              Heavy lies the weight of sin, the cup of suffering begins.
              “Father, let this pass,” You plead, yet surrendered to the need,
              For mankind, You chose to bear, the crown of thorns You’d wear.


              Kneeling at Gethsemane, You embraced Your destiny.
              Love’s greatest sacrifice, for us, You paid the price.
              In agony and prayer, You showed Your deepest care,
              Kneeling at Gethsemane, You set the captives free.

              Verse 2

              Underneath the moon’s soft glow, Your sweat like drops of blood did flow.
              Anguish for the coming pain, yet Your love remained the same.
              For every soul, every heart that’s torn, for every sin, You have borne,
              In that garden, You chose to say, “Not My will, but Yours, I obey.”


              In Your surrender, we find strength,
              In Your pain, our redemption’s length.
              In Your tears, our hope is born,
              On that night, our salvation dawned.


              Kneeling at Gethsemane, You embraced Your destiny.
              Love’s greatest sacrifice, for us, You paid the price.
              In agony and prayer, You showed Your deepest care,
              Kneeling at Gethsemane, You set the captives free.


              In the garden’s quiet plea, the depth of grace, we come to see,
              Kneeling at Gethsemane, where love met our eternity.

              Lead Sheet

              Coming Soon

              • Key: A Minor (introspective and profound)
              • Time Signature: 3/4 (waltz-like, conveying contemplation)
              • Tempo: 60 bpm (slow, deeply reflective)

              Storyboard descriptions for music video

              This storyboard for “Kneeling at Gethsemane” is designed to convey the emotional depth and spiritual significance of Jesus’ prayer and decision in the garden. The video aims to portray the human and divine aspects of Christ, focusing on His sacrifice for humanity. Adjust the storyboard as needed to fit your vision and the message you want to communicate through the music video.

              Introduction (0:00-0:30):

              • Scene: A peaceful garden at twilight, evoking the Garden of Gethsemane.
              • Music: A soft, solemn instrumental introduction.
              • Visual: Slow shots of the garden’s natural beauty, creating a serene yet somber atmosphere.

              Verse 1 (0:30-1:00):

              • Scene: A portrayal of Jesus, alone and contemplative, walking slowly through the garden.
              • Music: Gentle vocals begin, setting a tone of deep reflection.
              • Visual: Close-up shots of Jesus’ face, hands, and feet, emphasizing His humanity and the weight He is carrying.

              Chorus (1:00-1:30):

              • Scene: Jesus kneels and begins to pray, visibly burdened yet resolute.
              • Music: The chorus introduces a more emotive and powerful melody.
              • Visual: The environment around Jesus grows darker, symbolizing the approaching trial and sacrifice.

              Verse 2 (1:30-2:00):

              • Scene: A dramatic representation of Jesus’ inner turmoil, perhaps shown through interpretive visual effects or symbolic imagery.
              • Music: The second verse maintains the reflective mood.
              • Visual: Shadows and light interplay, symbolizing the battle between despair and hope, human fear and divine purpose.

                Chorus (2:00-2:30):

                • Scene: Return to Jesus praying, now with more intensity; a sense of divine presence is felt.
                • Music: The chorus repeats, deepening the emotional impact.
                • Visual: A subtle celestial light begins to envelop the garden, representing divine comfort and presence.

                  Bridge (2:30-3:00):

                  • Scene: Brief flashbacks to key moments in Jesus’ ministry, showing the reasons behind His sacrifice.
                  • Music: A bridge with a slightly different, more intense tune.
                  • Visual: Scenes of healing, teaching, and loving acts, juxtaposed with the current moment of agony.

                  Chorus (3:00-3:30):

                  • Scene: A final, powerful moment of Jesus in prayer, accepting His fate.
                  • Music: The final chorus, the most poignant and powerful.
                  • Visual: The celestial light grows, symbolizing the acceptance of His mission and the Father’s will.

                  Outro (3:30-end):

                  • Scene: Jesus stands and walks out of the garden, determined and serene, as dawn begins to break.
                  • Music: Instrumental outro, a gentle yet hopeful conclusion.
                  • Visual: The garden at dawn, symbolizing the hope and salvation that will come through His sacrifice, ending with a focus on the empty garden, signifying what is to come.
                  Mountain Mover

                  Mountain Mover

                  Mountain Mover - Coming Soon

                  by Darren Winfield

                  Track 2: “Mountain Mover”

                  (Inspired by Matthew 17:20)

                  Song Description:

                  “Mountain Mover,” the second track of the album, is a powerful anthem of faith and divine empowerment. Inspired by the profound words of Jesus in Matthew 17:20, the song encapsulates the theme of faith that can move mountains, a metaphor for overcoming significant challenges and obstacles through trust in God.

                  The song’s composition is both stirring and uplifting, featuring dynamic shifts that move from reflective verses to a soaring, robust chorus. The instrumentation blends contemporary Christian styles with a hint of epic orchestral elements, creating a sound that is both grand and inspiring.

                  Lyrically, “Mountain Mover” invites listeners to embrace the possibility of the miraculous in their lives and the world around them. It speaks to the heart of intercessors and believers alike, encouraging a bold and steadfast faith in God’s power to transform the impossible into possible.

                  The bridge of the song is particularly impactful, referencing the seven mountains of influence in society, symbolizing the call for Christians to bring transformation through faith and prayer in every sphere of life.

                  “Mountain Mover” is more than just a song; it is a call to action. It challenges listeners to rise in faith, to speak to their mountains, and to believe in the power of God to bring change. This track is ideal for moments of personal motivation, corporate worship, and whenever a reminder is needed of the mighty power that faith in God can unleash.

                  Key Themes:

                      • The power of faith to overcome challenges
                      • Trust in God’s ability to do the miraculous
                      • Influence of faith in various spheres of life
                      • Encouragement and empowerment for believers

                  Musical Elements:

                      • Dynamic and uplifting composition
                      • Blend of contemporary Christian and orchestral styles
                      • Strong, empowering chorus
                      • Reflective verses leading to a powerful bridge and climax

                  This description provides an insight into the song’s message, musical dynamics, and its intended impact on listeners. Feel free to modify the description to better suit the nuances of your song and its place in the overall narrative of your album.


                  Devotion for “Mountain Mover”

                  (Matthew 17:20)

                  Scriptural Foundation:

                      • Matthew 17:20
                      • Hebrews 11:1-3
                      • James 2:17-18
                      • Isaiah 54:10


                  “Mountain Mover” is a song that highlights the transformative power of faith, even as small as a mustard seed, to move mountains. Matthew 17:20 not only speaks of the potency of faith but also implies the partnership between our faith and God’s power.

                  For intercessors, this scripture is a call to believe in the supernatural intervention of God in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. It challenges us to see beyond the physical to the potential of what can be achieved through prayer and faith.

                  Hebrews 11:1-3 provides a broader understanding of faith, defining it as confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This definition is vital for intercessors, as it underpins the essence of intercessory prayer – praying with conviction for outcomes yet unseen.

                  James 2:17-18 reminds us that faith is demonstrated through action. As intercessors, our prayers are actions of faith, actively participating in God’s work in the world.

                  Isaiah 54:10, with its emphasis on the enduring nature of God’s covenant of peace, can be a comforting assurance for intercessors, especially when praying over tumultuous situations or ‘mountains’ in the world.


                  Reflect on the ‘mountains’ in your life or the lives of those you intercede for. Spend time in prayer, declaring your faith that these mountains can and will be moved. Let your prayers be filled with the confidence of Hebrews 11:1-3, trusting in God’s promises and power. Seek to actively demonstrate your faith in practical ways, as a response to what you are praying for.


                  “Lord, I believe in Your mighty power to move mountains. Increase my faith to trust in Your sovereignty over every challenging situation. May my prayers reflect a firm belief in Your ability to transform, heal, and restore. Teach me to act in faith, as a living testament to Your promises. Amen.”

                  This devotion is intended to bolster faith and encourage dynamic and faith-filled intercession. Adjustments can be made to cater to the unique perspectives and spiritual insights of your intercessory group.


                  Mountain Mover

                  (Matthew 17:20)

                  Verse 1

                  In the shadows of towering doubts,
                  Your voice, O Lord, a whisper loud.
                  Faith as small as a mustard seed,
                  In Your grace, we find all we need.


                  Mountain Mover, Miracle Worker,
                  In Your name, the impossible surrenders.
                  With faith unshaken, in Your power, we believe,
                  Mountain Mover, in Your grace, we achieve.

                  Verse 2

                  Before the mountains of this world’s domain,
                  In prayer, we stand, in Your strength, we remain.
                  Influence and change, in Your hands they lay,
                  With every prayer, we see Your way.


                  For the mountains of government, the peaks of finance too,
                  In arts and education, Your grace breaks through.
                  In family, in religion, in the media light,
                  In every mountain, Your grace shines bright.


                  Mountain Mover, Miracle Worker,
                  In Your name, the impossible surrenders.
                  With faith unshaken, in Your power, we believe,
                  Mountain Mover, in Your grace, we achieve.


                  In every challenge, in each towering task,
                  In Your grace, O Lord, we bask.
                  Mountain Mover, in faith we stand,
                  In Your love, on solid land.

                  Lead Sheet

                  Coming Soon

                  • Key: D Major (uplifting and triumphant)
                  • Time Signature: 6/8 (energetic and driving)
                  • Tempo: 88 bpm (moderate, with a sense of movement)

                  Storyboard descriptions for music video

                  This storyboard for “Mountain Mover” aims to visually convey the song’s themes of overcoming challenges through faith and unity. It emphasizes the power of collective action and the triumphant spirit of communities facing and moving their mountains. Feel free to adjust or expand upon these ideas to better fit your vision for the music video.

                  Introduction (0:00-0:30):

                  • Scene: Dawn breaking over a rugged landscape with towering mountains in the distance.
                  • Music: A soft, anticipatory instrumental intro.
                  • Visual: Close-up shots of different individuals (a young artist, an elderly man, a teacher, etc.) looking out at the mountains, symbolizing personal challenges or societal issues.

                  Verse 1 (0:30-1:00):

                  • Scene: Each individual starts their day, facing their ‘mountains’ – a challenging classroom, a community issue, a blank canvas.
                  • Music: Gentle vocals begin, setting a tone of contemplation.
                  • Visual: Scenes of small acts of faith – a prayer, a moment of encouragement, a decision to act.

                  Chorus (1:00-1:30):

                  • Scene: The individuals from Verse 1 now joined by others, standing together, facing the mountains.
                  • Music: The chorus uplifts with a powerful, hopeful melody.
                  • Visual: People raising their hands in faith, symbolically ‘moving’ the mountains.

                  Verse 2 (1:30-2:00):

                  • Scene: The community coming together – a town hall meeting, a group project starting, a collaborative artwork.
                  • Music: The second verse continues the narrative of faith in action.
                  • Visual: Dynamic shots of community engagement, problem-solving, and teamwork.

                    Chorus (2:00-2:30):

                    • Scene: The group’s efforts start to bear fruit – a successful community project, a breakthrough in the classroom, a completed artwork.
                    • Music: The chorus repeats, more voices joining, symbolizing growing faith.
                    • Visual: Joyful and triumphant expressions as people witness the impact of their faith.

                      Bridge (2:30-3:00):

                      • Scene: A series of quick shots showing the ‘mountains’ (challenges) being overcome in various ways.
                      • Music: A bridge with a slightly different, more reflective tune.
                      • Visual: Scenes of celebration, relief, and gratitude; people embracing, a sense of community achievement.

                      Chorus (3:00-3:30):

                      • Scene: The individuals and the community coming together in a grand celebration.
                      • Music: The final chorus, the most powerful and encompassing yet.
                      • Visual: A large gathering, perhaps in a town square or on a hillside, singing and celebrating together, overlooking the landscape they’ve transformed.

                      Outro (3:30-end):

                      • Scene: Sunset over the landscape, now changed, symbolizing the lasting impact of faith and community effort.
                      • Music: Instrumental outro, a gentle conclusion to the story.
                      • Visual: Panoramic shots of the transformed landscape, ending on a peaceful twilight sky.
                      River of Mercy

                      River of Mercy

                      River of Mercy - Coming Soon

                      by Darren Winfield

                      Track 8: “River of Mercy”

                      (Inspired by Psalm 36:8)

                      Song Description:

                      “River of Mercy,” the eighth track on the album, is a beautifully crafted song that portrays God’s grace as a life-giving, ever-flowing river. Drawing inspiration from Psalm 36:8, the song is a poetic expression of the continuous, rejuvenating presence of God’s mercy in our lives.

                      The musical arrangement of “River of Mercy” features a blend of soft acoustic elements and fluid, ambient textures, creating a sense of flowing water. This tranquil and soothing soundscape invites listeners to immerse themselves in the peace and refreshment that comes from God’s grace.

                      Lyrically, the song uses vivid imagery to depict the grace of God as a river that nourishes, heals, and sustains. The chorus is especially poignant, encapsulating the theme of the song with its simple yet profound declaration of the endless depth of God’s mercy.

                      “River of Mercy” is a song that offers comfort and encouragement, particularly suitable for times of personal reflection, prayer, and meditation. It reminds listeners of the constant availability of God’s grace, inviting them to draw from this inexhaustible source of love and strength.

                      Key Themes:

                      • The continuous flow of God’s grace and mercy
                      • The sustaining and life-giving nature of God’s love
                      • Finding peace and refreshment in God
                      • The imagery of God’s grace as a river

                      Musical Elements:

                      • Soft acoustic instrumentation with ambient textures
                      • Tranquil and soothing melody
                      • Lyrically rich with vivid imagery
                      • Gentle and comforting atmosphere

                      This song description aims to capture the essence and mood of “River of Mercy,” highlighting its spiritual message and the feeling it seeks to convey. Adaptations can be made to reflect your unique interpretation and the specific nuances you bring to the song.


                      Devotion for “River of Mercy”

                      (Psalm 36:8)

                      Scriptural Foundation:

                          • Psalm 36:7-9
                          • John 4:13-14
                          • Ezekiel 47:1-12
                          • Revelation 22:1-2


                      “River of Mercy” reflects on the metaphor of God’s grace as a river – ever-flowing, refreshing, and life-giving. Psalm 36:7-9 depicts the richness of God’s love and the abundance of His house, from which we drink the river of His delights.

                      John 4:13-14 offers the image of Jesus as the living water, promising that whoever drinks from the water He gives will never thirst again. This passage is crucial for intercessors, as it speaks to the sustaining power of Christ in our spiritual journey and ministry.

                      Ezekiel 47:1-12 describes a river flowing from the temple, bringing life wherever it goes. This vision is a powerful symbol of the life-giving and transforming power of God’s presence and grace, relevant to intercessors as we pray for revival and healing in our communities and nations.

                      Revelation 22:1-2 presents the river of the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb. This imagery encapsulates the ultimate fulfillment of God’s grace and mercy in the new creation, inspiring hope and perseverance in our faith and intercession.


                      Reflect on the ways God’s grace has been like a river in your life – sustaining, refreshing, and giving life. In your intercession, pray for this river of mercy to flow into the areas of brokenness, dryness, and need in your community and the world. Ask God to make you a channel of His grace, bringing His life-giving presence wherever you go.


                      “Heavenly Father, thank You for the river of Your mercy that flows from Your throne. Let this river flow through my life, bringing Your healing, refreshing, and life-giving grace to every area of dryness and need. Help me to be a conduit of Your mercy, sharing the living water of Christ with those around me. Amen.”

                      This devotion is designed to deepen the intercessor’s understanding and experience of God’s grace as a dynamic and life-sustaining force. Feel free to adapt the devotion to better suit your specific spiritual insights and the needs of your prayer community.


                      River of Mercy

                      Psalm 36:8

                      Verse 1

                      In the river of Your mercy, life begins anew,
                      Flowing from Your throne, in currents of truth.
                      In every ripple, every wave, Your grace abounds,
                      In the river of Your mercy, where love is found.


                      River of mercy, endlessly deep,
                      In Your waters of grace, my soul you keep.
                      Flowing from Heaven, to the heart’s thirsty land,
                      In the river of mercy, by Your hand.

                      Verse 2

                      Through the deserts of life, through the barren lands,
                      Your river flows, guided by Your hands.
                      Bringing life to the dry, hope to the weary soul,
                      In the river of Your mercy, we are made whole.


                      In every turn, in every bend,
                      Your grace flows without end.
                      Nourishing, healing, setting free,
                      In Your river of mercy, we find eternity.


                      River of mercy, endlessly deep,
                      In Your waters of grace, my soul you keep.
                      Flowing from Heaven, to the heart’s thirsty land,
                      In the river of mercy, by Your hand.


                      In the depth of Your love, in the flow of Your grace,
                      In the river of mercy, we find our place.
                      Ever giving, ever pure,
                      In Your river of mercy, we are secure.

                      Lead Sheet

                      Coming Soon

                      • Key: E Major (warm and comforting)
                      • Time Signature: 4/4 (fluid and graceful)
                      • Tempo: 70 bpm (gentle and meandering)

                      Storyboard descriptions for music video

                      This storyboard for “River of Mercy” is designed to portray the song’s theme of God’s grace as a continuous, life-giving river. The video should evoke a sense of tranquility, hope, and the rejuvenating power of God’s presence. Adjustments can be made to better suit your artistic vision and the desired emotional impact of the video.

                      Introduction (0:00-0:30):

                      • Scene: A serene river in the early morning, with the first light of dawn reflecting on the water.
                      • Music: A gentle, flowing instrumental introduction, evoking the sense of a peaceful river.
                      • Visual: Shots of the river’s journey – from a small mountain stream, growing as it flows through different landscapes.

                      Verse 1 (0:30-1:00):

                      • Scene: People in various situations of life – a mother comforting a child, an individual seeking solace in nature, a person praying quietly.
                      • Music: Soft vocals begin, complementing the tranquil mood.
                      • Visual: Each person is shown finding peace and strength, intercut with shots of the river flowing gently.

                      Chorus (1:00-1:30):

                      • Scene: The river becomes a visual metaphor for God’s grace, touching and enriching the lives it flows by.
                      • Music: The chorus uplifts with a melodic, flowing harmony.
                      • Visual: People interacting with the water – a hand touching the surface, someone being baptized, children playing by the riverbank.

                      Verse 2 (1:30-2:00):

                      • Scene: The river flows through a city, symbolizing its presence in busy, everyday life.
                      • Music: The second verse maintains the soft, contemplative mood.
                      • Visual: Scenes of urban life with glimpses of the river, indicating a continuous thread of grace in diverse settings.

                        Chorus (2:00-2:30):

                        • Scene: A variety of people from different walks of life coming to the river, drawn to its peace and beauty.
                        • Music: The chorus repeats, more voices joining, symbolizing the inclusive nature of God’s grace.
                        • Visual: Individuals and families by the river, each experiencing moments of joy, reflection, and healing.

                          Bridge (2:30-3:00):

                          • Scene: The river at different times and seasons, showing its unchanging and sustaining nature.
                          • Music: A bridge with a slightly different, more introspective tune.
                          • Visual: Time-lapse shots of the river in spring, summer, autumn, and winter, representing the enduring presence of God’s grace.

                          Chorus (3:00-3:30):

                          • Scene: Return to the serene river, now with people gathered in quiet reverence and gratitude.
                          • Music: The final chorus, the most emotive and encompassing.
                          • Visual: Aerial shots of the gathering, interspersed with close-ups of faces filled with peace and contentment.

                          Outro (3:30-end):

                          • Scene: Twilight over the river, a day ending in tranquility.
                          • Music: Instrumental outro, a peaceful conclusion.
                          • Visual: The river continues its journey under a starlit sky, symbolizing the endless flow of God’s mercy.