Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace

Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace

Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track Ten: Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace

The tenth and final track, Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace, commemorates the powerful coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. This song encapsulates the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to send a Comforter and Advocate. The melody is vibrant and dynamic, reflecting the rushing wind and the tongues of fire that descended upon the disciples. Listeners are invited to experience the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, who empowers, guides, and ignites the hearts of believers to continue Christ’s work on earth. “Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace” is a celebration of the ongoing presence of God in our lives, the Spirit who unites, strengthens, and sends us out with the message of hope and love to the world. It’s a call to embrace the mission and move forward in the power and love provided by the Spirit.


Devotional for “Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace”


In the final devotional of “Journey of Redemption: The Path of the Cross,” we experience the empowering “Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace.” This track celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, marking a transformative moment for the disciples and the birth of the Church. As we explore this song and scripture, let’s embrace the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the collective mission of the Church.

Scripture Reading:

Acts 2:1-4 Reflect on the dramatic and powerful event of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples, enabling them to speak in various languages and boldly proclaim the Gospel.

Reflective Questions:

  1. How does the arrival of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost change your understanding of God’s presence and power in your life?
  2. The Holy Spirit enabled the disciples to communicate across cultural and linguistic barriers. How can you allow the Spirit to use you to reach others in your community and beyond?
  3. The fire of the Holy Spirit transformed fearful followers into bold witnesses. What fears or barriers are holding you back from fully embracing and proclaiming your faith?

Listening to the Song:

As “Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace” plays, let the lyrics and melody stir within you a deep appreciation for the Holy Spirit’s presence and power. Reflect on the transformative impact of the Spirit in the lives of the disciples and in your own life.

Personal Reflection:

Take a moment to meditate or journal about your relationship with the Holy Spirit. Are there areas in your life where you need His guidance, comfort, or empowerment? Consider how you can be more open to the Spirit’s leading and gifts.


Holy Spirit, Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace, I welcome You into my heart and life. Fill me with Your power and presence, guide my steps, and use me for Your glory. Help me to understand and embrace the gifts You have given me, and to be a bold witness for Christ. Transform me from the inside out, and let Your fire ignite a lasting passion for God’s kingdom in me. Amen.

Closing Thought:

As you go about your day, remember that the same Spirit who filled the disciples at Pentecost dwells in you. Let this truth empower and embolden you to live out your faith with passion and purpose.

This devotional for “Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace” is designed to help listeners appreciate and seek a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit, encouraging them to live empowered and mission-focused lives as part of the ongoing story of the Church.


Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace

Verse 1

In an upper room, they waited, as He had once foretold,
For the Promise of the Father, more precious than gold.
Then a sound like rushing wind, and tongues of fire came,
Fulfilling ancient prophecy, in Yeshua’s mighty name.


Breath of Heaven, fire of grace,
Descend upon this holy place.
Empower your church to spread Your Word,
In every heart, let Your voice be heard.

Verse 2

As the Spirit filled their being, they spoke in tongues unknown,
A sign of God’s great kingdom, where His love is shown.
Peter stood and boldly proclaimed, “This is what was spoken,”
By the prophet Joel, the chains of sin now broken.


Breath of Heaven, fire of grace,
Descend upon this holy place.
Empower your church to spread Your Word,
In every heart, let Your voice be heard.


From Jerusalem to the ends of the earth,
The Spirit drives us to proclaim rebirth.
In His power, we’ll stand and do our part,
To spread His love, with all our heart.


Breath of Heaven, fire of grace,
Descend upon this holy place.
Empower your church to spread Your Word,
In every heart, let Your voice be heard.


So, let us go forth, in His mighty power,
For this is the day, this is the hour.
To shine His light, to speak His love,
Empowered by the Spirit, from above.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: G Major (warm and inviting, suitable for the coming of the Holy Spirit)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (traditional and steady)
  • Tempo: 90 bpm (lively and spirited, reflecting the Pentecost event)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

    This storyboard for “Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace” is designed to provide a visually and emotionally powerful portrayal of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and the ongoing impact of that event. The camera work and music are carefully crafted to enhance the narrative and deeply engage the audience in the empowerment and mission of the church.

    Scene 1: The Upper Room

    • Visuals: The video opens with the disciples gathered in the upper room, a sense of expectation in the air. The room is dimly lit, casting soft shadows.
    • Camera: Slow pan across the faces of the disciples, capturing their anticipation and unity.
    • Music: The intro of “Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace” plays softly, setting a tone of quiet expectancy.

    Scene 2: The Sound of a Mighty Wind

    • Visuals: Suddenly, a sound like a mighty rushing wind fills the room. The disciples look around in awe and wonder.
    • Camera: Quick pans around the room, capturing the disciples’ startled reactions.
    • Music: Rises dramatically, echoing the sound of the wind.

    Scene 3: Tongues of Fire Descend

    • Visuals: Flames, like tongues of fire, appear above each disciple’s head. Their faces reflect a mixture of fear, awe, and exhilaration.
    • Camera: Close-up on the flames descending, then focuses on the illuminated faces of the disciples.
    • Music: Intensifies with a fiery melody, reflecting the extraordinary nature of the event.

    Scene 4: Speaking in Tongues

    • Visuals: The disciples begin to speak in various languages, their voices overlapping in a chorus of diverse tongues.
    • Camera: Moves rapidly between the disciples, capturing their fervent expressions and the fire still glowing above them.
    • Music: Incorporates a blend of different musical elements and rhythms, symbolizing the various tongues being spoken.

      Scene 5: The Crowd Gathers

      • Visuals: People from various nations gather below, drawn by the sound. They look up in confusion and amazement as they hear their languages spoken.
      • Camera: Alternates between the crowd’s perspective looking up and the disciples’ view looking down, capturing the shared wonder.
      • Music: Swells, reflecting the growing excitement and the miraculous communication happening.

        Scene 6: Peter’s Proclamation

        • Visuals: Peter steps forward, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and begins to speak boldly to the crowd, proclaiming the gospel.
        • Camera: Focuses on Peter as he speaks, then pans over the crowd, capturing their rapt attention.
        • Music: The chorus plays, powerful and moving, underscoring Peter’s message of hope and salvation.

        Scene 7: The Spirit Moves

        • Visuals: As Peter speaks, the video shows the Holy Spirit moving in the hearts of the listeners. People are visibly touched, some with tears, others with joy.
        • Camera: Close-ups on individuals in the crowd, capturing their emotional responses.
        • Music: Softens to a tender melody, reflecting the deep personal impact of the Holy Spirit’s work.

        Scene 8: Baptism and Celebration

        • Visuals: The scene shifts to show many being baptized and joining the community of believers. There’s a sense of joy and unity among the people.
        • Camera: Sweeping shots of the baptism and celebration, capturing the joyous atmosphere.
        • Music: Uplifts and inspires, celebrating the growth of the church and the joy of new life in the Spirit.

        Scene 9: The Flame Continues

        • Visuals: The video shows the flame of the Holy Spirit passing from person to person, across ages and cultures, symbolizing the ongoing spread of the gospel.
        • Camera: Follows the flame as it moves through various scenes and times, highlighting the unbroken chain of faith.
        • Music: Builds to a triumphant crescendo, emphasizing the enduring and universal nature of the Holy Spirit’s work.

        Scene 10: Looking to the Heavens

        • Visuals: The final shot returns to the sky, now vibrant and alive with the colors of dawn. The flames from the beginning are reflected in the clouds, suggesting the presence of the Spirit in all places and times.
        • Camera: Slowly tilts up to the sky, transitioning from the earthly scenes to the heavenly perspective.
        • Music: Concludes on a hopeful and reverent note, leaving the viewer with a sense of awe and anticipation for the work of the Spirit in their own life.

        Beyond the Skies, Our King

        Beyond the Skies, Our King

        Beyond the Skies, Our King - Coming Soon

        by Darren Winfield

        Track Nine: Beyond the Skies, Our King

        The ninth track, Beyond the Skies, Our King, elevates the listener to the moment of Jesus’ ascension into heaven. This song captures the awe and wonder as the disciples gazed upward, witnessing their risen Lord being taken up into the clouds. The melody is expansive and uplifting, reflecting the majesty and glory of Christ now seated at the right hand of the Father. Listeners are invited to look beyond the skies, where our King reigns eternally, promising to return for His people. “Beyond the Skies, Our King” is a reminder of the unshakable kingdom established by Jesus and the hope that anchors every believer’s soul—the anticipation of His glorious return.


        Devotional for “Beyond the Skies, Our King”


        In the ninth devotional of “Journey of Redemption: The Path of the Cross,” we turn our gaze upward with “Beyond the Skies, Our King.” This track invites us to contemplate the ascension of Jesus, celebrating His reigning glory and the promise of His return. As we engage with this song and scripture, let’s reflect on the majesty of Christ’s kingship and the hope we hold as His followers.

        Scripture Reading:

        Acts 1:9-11 Reflect on the account of Jesus’ ascension into heaven as witnessed by the disciples. Imagine the mix of awe and anticipation they must have felt as they looked up into the sky.

        Reflective Questions:

        1. How does the image of Jesus ascending to reign at the right hand of the Father impact your understanding of His authority and kingship?
        2. The disciples were promised that Jesus would return in the same way He left. How does this promise affect your perspective on the future and your daily living?
        3. Jesus’ ascension marked the beginning of a new chapter for His followers. How does this event inspire you to live out your faith and mission?

        Listening to the Song:

        As “Beyond the Skies, Our King” plays, focus on the lyrics that describe Jesus’ ascension and eternal kingship. Let the music elevate your spirit, filling you with awe for the reigning King and hope for His promised return.

        Personal Reflection:

        Spend a few moments in quiet reflection or writing in your journal. Ponder the present reality of Jesus’ kingship in your life and the world. Consider ways you can honor His reign in your daily actions and attitudes.


        Lord Jesus, You ascended beyond the skies to reign as King of Kings. Help me to live each day with the knowledge of Your authority and the hope of Your return. May Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Empower me to serve faithfully as a citizen of Your kingdom, spreading Your love and truth until the day I see You face to face. Amen.

        Closing Thought:

        As you move forward today, remember that your King reigns above all. Let this truth fill you with confidence and hope, guiding your steps and inspiring your service in His name.

        This devotional for “Beyond the Skies, Our King” aims to inspire awe for Christ’s ascension and kingship, encouraging believers to live with anticipation for His return and to actively participate in His kingdom’s work here on earth.


        Beyond the Skies, Our King

        Verse 1

        Upon the mount where feet had trod,
        He rose in power, the Son of God.
        In awe, they watched, as He ascended,
        The One who death had not ended.


        Beyond the skies, our King reigns,
        Above the earth, beyond our pains.
        In His ascension, our hearts soar,
        For in His going, He promised more.

        Verse 2

        “Lo, I am with you always,” His parting decree,
        Sending the Spirit to guide you and me.
        Though He ascended, we’re never alone,
        For through His Spirit, His presence is shown.


        Beyond the skies, our King reigns,
        Above the earth, beyond our pains.
        In His ascension, our hearts soar,
        For in His going, He promised more.


        He’ll come again, as He did go,
        In clouds of glory, love to show.
        Till then, His Spirit with us stays,
        Guiding our hearts, through all our days.


        Beyond the skies, our King reigns,
        Above the earth, beyond our pains.
        In His ascension, our hearts soar,
        For in His going, He promised more.


        So, let us live with eyes on high,
        Under His watchful, loving eye.
        For our King reigns beyond the skies,
        And in His promise, our hope lies.

        Lead Sheet

        Coming Soon

        • Key: D Major (majestic and triumphant)
        • Time Signature: 6/8 (giving a sense of ascension and joy)
        • Tempo: 85 bpm (energetic and celebratory)

        Storyboard descriptions for music video

          This storyboard for “Beyond the Skies, Our King” is designed to provide a visually and emotionally powerful portrayal of Jesus’ ascension and the hope it instills in believers across ages. The camera work and music are carefully crafted to enhance the narrative and deeply engage the audience in the anticipation and celebration of Christ’s eternal kingship.

          Scene 1: Mount of Olives

          • Visuals: The video opens on the Mount of Olives, with Jesus and His disciples gathered. The sky is clear and blue, a perfect day, but the disciples’ faces are filled with a mix of emotions.
          • Camera: Slow pan across the faces of the disciples, then up to Jesus, who stands calmly with an air of majesty.
          • Music: The intro of “Beyond the Skies, Our King” plays, setting a tone of solemnity mixed with anticipation.

          Scene 2: Jesus’ Final Teachings

          • Visuals: Jesus speaks to His disciples, giving them final instructions and assurances. The disciples listen intently, some nodding, others with tears in their eyes.
          • Camera: Alternates between Jesus speaking and close-ups of the disciples’ reactions.
          • Music: The first verse begins, reflective and profound, mirroring the significance of the moment.

          Scene 3: Ascension Begins

          • Visuals: As Jesus finishes speaking, He begins to ascend slowly into the sky. The disciples gaze upward in awe.
          • Camera: Follows Jesus’ ascent, then focuses on the disciples’ faces, capturing their wonder.
          • Music: Swells dramatically, emphasizing the miraculous nature of the ascension.

          Scene 4: Looking to the Heavens

          • Visuals: Jesus rises higher, the clouds beginning to envelop Him. His figure becomes silhouetted against the bright sky.
          • Camera: Tilts up with Jesus, then looks down from His perspective at the disciples below.
          • Music: The chorus plays, uplifting and powerful, echoing the glory of the moment.

            Scene 5: Angelic Message

            • Visuals: Two angels appear beside the disciples, reassuring them of Jesus’ return. The disciples’ faces turn from sorrow to understanding and hope.
            • Camera: Captures the sudden appearance of the angels, then focuses on their comforting gestures and the disciples’ reactions.
            • Music: Softens slightly, reflecting the gentle reassurance of the angels.

              Scene 6: Spreading the News

              • Visuals: The disciples, now emboldened and with a mission, begin to leave the mount, talking excitedly among themselves.
              • Camera: Follows the disciples as they descend, capturing their animated discussions and determined expressions.
              • Music: Quickens and uplifts, reflecting the disciples’ newfound purpose and resolve.

              Scene 7: Across the Ages

              • Visuals: A montage of believers from various eras looking skyward, praying, and spreading the gospel, all connected by their shared faith in the ascended King.
              • Camera: Quick cuts between people of different times and places, all united in their upward gaze and mission.
              • Music: Builds, showing the timeless and universal impact of Christ’s ascension.

              Scene 8: The World Awaits

              • Visuals: Various scenes of the world today, people in prayer, acts of kindness, scenes of worship, all under the same vast sky where Jesus ascended.
              • Camera: Sweeping shots of the Earth from above, then down to the people, showing a tapestry of life continuing under His reign.
              • Music: The chorus plays again, triumphant and stirring, emphasizing the ongoing reign of Christ.

              Scene 9: Gaze to the Skies

              • Visuals: The final shot returns to the Mount of Olives, now empty. The camera tilts upward, gazing into the sky, just as the disciples did.
              • Camera: Slow tilt up to the sky, which transitions from day to a star-filled night, symbolizing the promise of His return.
              • Music: Slows and softens, leaving a sense of hope and anticipation.

              Scene 10: Crown and Scepter

              • Visuals: As the music concludes, a subtle image of a crown and scepter appears against the starry sky, signifying Jesus’ eternal kingship and the promise of His coming kingdom.
              • Camera: Focuses on the celestial symbols, glowing softly against the night sky.
              • Music: Ends on a single, resonant note, reflecting the eternal and unshakeable nature of His reign.

              Dawn of the Undying Light

              Dawn of the Undying Light

              Dawn of the Undying Light - Coming Soon

              by Darren Winfield

              Track Eight: Dawn of the Undying Light

              The eighth track, Dawn of the Undying Light, is a triumphant celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. This song marks the turning point from sorrow to joy, from death to life. The melody rises like the morning sun, capturing the moment the stone was rolled away, and the tomb was found empty. Listeners are swept into the jubilation and awe of the disciples, the wonder of Mary Magdalene, and the hope of all who find life in His name. “Dawn of the Undying Light” is an anthem of victory, a declaration that death has been defeated and eternal life is offered to all through Christ’s resurrection. It’s a call to rejoice in the undying light and love that conquered the grave.


              Devotional for “Dawn of the Undying Light”


              Welcome to the eighth devotional of “Journey of Redemption: The Path of the Cross,” focusing on “Dawn of the Undying Light.” This track celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, marking the moment darkness was defeated and eternal life was secured. As we engage with this song and scripture, let’s rejoice in the victory of Christ and the unending hope His resurrection brings to all believers.

              Scripture Reading:

              Luke 24:1-8 Reflect on the account of the empty tomb and the angelic announcement of Jesus’ resurrection. Imagine the awe and joy experienced by the first witnesses.

              Reflective Questions:

              1. What emotions or thoughts arise in you as you picture the empty tomb and the risen Lord?
              2. How does the resurrection of Jesus illuminate your understanding of life, death, and eternal hope?
              3. The resurrection was a dawn of undying light in a world of darkness. How can you carry and spread this light in your daily life?

              Listening to the Song:

              As “Dawn of the Undying Light” plays, let the triumphant and hopeful melody fill you with joy and gratitude. Allow the lyrics to reinforce the reality of the resurrection and the eternal light it brings into your life.

              Personal Reflection:

              Take a moment to meditate or journal about the impact of the resurrection in your personal faith journey. Consider how the reality of Jesus’ victory over death can transform your perspective on current struggles or fears.


              Lord Jesus, Your resurrection is the dawn of undying light, bringing hope and victory where there was once despair and defeat. Thank You for the empty tomb and the promise of eternal life it represents. Help me to live in the joy and hope of Your resurrection, spreading Your light wherever I go. May my life be a testament to the power of Your victory, and may I always find comfort and strength in the reality of Your undying light. Amen.

              Closing Thought:

              Carry the joy of the resurrection with you today and every day. Let it be a source of unending hope and a guiding light in your life, reminding you of the victory you have in Christ and the eternal life He has secured for you.

              This devotional for “Dawn of the Undying Light” is designed to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and its implications for believers, encouraging joy, hope, and a commitment to living in the light of Christ’s victory.


              Dawn of the Undying Light

              Verse 1

              The grave’s dark hold, the silent tomb,
              Embraced the One who faced our doom.
              But death’s cold grip would soon find loss,
              Against the power of the cross.


              He rose, the Dawn of the Undying Light,
              Defeating night, restoring sight.
              In empty grave, in linen slight,
              We find our hope, our endless might.

              Verse 2

              The stone rolled back, the guards in fear,
              The message clear, “He isn’t here!”
              For life had won, the Son had risen,
              From death’s dark cell, He had been prison.


              He rose, the Dawn of the Undying Light,
              Defeating night, restoring sight.
              In empty grave, in linen slight,
              We find our hope, our endless might.


              No more the sting, no more the pain,
              In His life, we rise again.
              For every tear, for every cry,
              In His victory, they all die.


              He rose, the Dawn of the Undying Light,
              Defeating night, restoring sight.
              In empty grave, in linen slight,
              We find our hope, our endless might.


              So let us live in His new day,
              In His light, let us find our way.
              For in His resurrection’s might,
              We walk in the Dawn of the Undying Light.

              Lead Sheet

              Coming Soon

              • Key: C Major (bright and hopeful, reflecting the resurrection)
              • Time Signature: 4/4 (universal and straightforward)
              • Tempo: 80 bpm (uplifting and forward-moving)

              Storyboard descriptions for music video

                This storyboard for “Dawn of the Undying Light” is crafted to provide a visually and emotionally powerful portrayal of Jesus’ resurrection, the spreading of the good news, and the hope His victory brings to the world. The camera work and music are carefully designed to enhance the narrative and deeply engage the audience in the joy and glory of the resurrection.

                Scene 1: Pre-dawn Darkness

                • Visuals: The video opens with a view of the tomb in the dim pre-dawn light. The stone is still in place, guards stationed outside, and all is quiet.
                • Camera: Slow pan across the scene, capturing the stillness and the anticipation of dawn.
                • Music: The intro of “Dawn of the Undying Light” starts softly, setting a tone of expectancy and quiet hope.

                Scene 2: The Earth Trembles

                • Visuals: Suddenly, the ground shakes. The guards look around in fear as the stone begins to roll away by an unseen force.
                • Camera: Shakes to mimic the tremor, focusing on the stone as it moves and the startled guards.
                • Music: A dramatic rise in the music coincides with the trembling, reflecting the earth-shattering moment.

                Scene 3: The Empty Tomb

                • Visuals: The stone is aside, and the tomb is revealed to be empty. The burial clothes are neatly folded, and a divine light seems to emanate from within.
                • Camera: Moves slowly into the tomb, focusing on the empty space and the burial clothes.
                • Music: The music softens, creating a moment of awe and wonder.

                Scene 4: Mary Magdalene’s Arrival

                • Visuals: Mary Magdalene and other women approach the tomb with spices, their faces show confusion and then shock as they find the tomb open and empty.
                • Camera: Follows the women as they approach, then captures their reactions as they discover the empty tomb.
                • Music: Reflective and emotional, mirroring their initial confusion and growing realization.

                  Scene 5: Angelic Announcement

                  • Visuals: An angel appears to the women, radiant and reassuring. The angel announces that Jesus has risen.
                  • Camera: Close-up on the angel, then on the women’s faces as they receive the news.
                  • Music: A celestial tone enters the music, highlighting the heavenly nature of the moment.

                    Scene 6: The Risen Christ

                    • Visuals: Jesus is seen in His resurrected form, a figure of peace and power. He appears to Mary, who at first does not recognize Him.
                    • Camera: Focuses on Jesus’ face and His gentle smile, then on Mary’s moment of recognition.
                    • Music: Swells with a triumphant and joyous melody, celebrating the revelation of the risen Lord.

                    Scene 7: Spreading the News

                    • Visuals: The women, filled with joy and fear, run to tell the disciples. The scene shifts to show the disciples’ various reactions – disbelief, wonder, and then joy.
                    • Camera: Quick cuts between the women running and the disciples’ reactions.
                    • Music: Quickens and uplifts, reflecting the urgent and joyous spreading of the news.

                    Scene 8: Jesus Among the Disciples

                    • Visuals: Jesus appears among His disciples, showing them His hands and side. Their fear turns to elation as they recognize Him.
                    • Camera: Circles the group, capturing the disciples’ reactions and Jesus’ loving reassurances.
                    • Music: The chorus plays, powerful and moving, emphasizing the victory and joy of the moment.

                    Scene 9: Dawn Breaks Fully

                    • Visuals: The scene shifts to show the world at dawn, the light spreading across the lands, symbolizing the new hope and life Jesus’ resurrection brings to all.
                    • Camera: Sweeping shots of landscapes being touched by the morning light, then focusing on various people awakening to the new day.
                    • Music: Becomes more uplifting and expansive, signifying the dawn of a new era.

                    Scene 10: Ascension to Glory

                    • Visuals: The final shot is of Jesus ascending to heaven, a radiant figure against the morning sky, His hands outstretched in blessing.
                    • Camera: Tilts up from the disciples watching in awe to Jesus ascending, then focuses on the sky, now bright and clear.
                    • Music: Ends on a hopeful and glorious note, leaving the viewer with a sense of peace and triumph.
                    Covenant of Crimson

                    Covenant of Crimson

                    Covenant of Crimson - Coming Soon

                    by Darren Winfield

                    Track Seven: Covenant of Crimson

                    Covenant of Crimson, the seventh track, focuses on the piercing of Jesus’ side and the profound outpouring of love and life it represents. This song captures the moment the spear revealed the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice, releasing both blood and water as symbols of a new covenant. The melody is a hauntingly beautiful blend of sorrow and hope, reflecting the pain of the piercing and the promise it holds. As the music unfolds, listeners are invited to witness the birth of a new relationship between God and humanity, sealed by the crimson flow from Jesus’ side. “Covenant of Crimson” is a powerful reminder of the new life and unbreakable bond forged through the ultimate sacrifice.


                    Devotional for “Covenant of Crimson”


                    In the seventh devotional of “Journey of Redemption: The Path of the Cross,” we immerse ourselves in “Covenant of Crimson.” This track reflects on the moment the soldier’s spear pierced Jesus’ side, releasing a flow of blood and water, symbolizing the new covenant of salvation for humanity. As we explore this song and scripture, let’s meditate on the significance of this covenant and the new life it brings.

                    Scripture Reading:

                    John 19:33-37 Contemplate the fulfillment of prophecy and the deep spiritual meaning behind the piercing of Jesus’ side, as well as the blood and water that flowed out.

                    Reflective Questions:

                    1. What does the new covenant, sealed by Jesus’ blood, mean to you personally?
                    2. How does the imagery of blood and water flowing from Jesus’ side enhance your understanding of His sacrifice and the life it offers?
                    3. Reflect on the idea of being part of a new covenant community. How does this impact your relationships with others and your role in the world?

                    Listening to the Song:

                    As you listen to “Covenant of Crimson,” allow the lyrics and melody to deepen your appreciation for the profound sacrifice Jesus made. Focus on the imagery of the crimson flow and the eternal promise it signifies.

                    Personal Reflection:

                    Spend some time in quiet reflection or journaling. Ponder the personal significance of being part of a covenant with God, made possible through Jesus’ sacrifice. Reflect on any areas of your life where you need to embrace or live out this covenant more fully.


                    Heavenly Father, In the covenant of crimson, You have offered me new life and a promise of salvation. Help me to fully grasp the depth of this covenant and the sacrifice it required. May the blood and water that flowed from Jesus’ side be a constant reminder of Your love and the new life You offer. Teach me to live as a faithful member of this covenant community, sharing Your love and grace with others. Amen.

                    Closing Thought:

                    As you go about your day, remember the covenant of crimson and the new life it signifies. Consider how you can live out this covenant in your interactions, decisions, and relationships, reflecting the love and sacrifice of Jesus in your own life.

                    This devotional for “Covenant of Crimson” aims to deepen the listener’s understanding of the new covenant established through Jesus’ sacrifice, encouraging personal reflection and a commitment to living out this covenant in everyday life.


                    Covenant of Crimson

                    Verse 1

                    On the cross, the battle done, the victory seemed so dim,
                    Yet even in death’s quiet claim, life stirred within Him.
                    From His side, the spear did pierce, a stream of crimson flowed,
                    In that sacred, solemn moment, love’s true depth was showed.


                    Covenant of crimson, from His side it came,
                    In the blood and water, we find a new name.
                    A promise written in red, a testament so divine,
                    In the piercing of His side, we’re forever His and He is mine.

                    Verse 2

                    As the soldier’s spear withdrew, prophecy was fulfilled,
                    “Not one of His bones will be broken,” and by His stripes, we’re healed.
                    From His side, a river of life, for every soul to claim,
                    In His final wound, we find our new beginning, not our end.


                    Covenant of crimson, from His side it came,
                    In the blood and water, we find a new name.
                    A promise written in red, a testament so divine,
                    In the piercing of His side, we’re forever His and He is mine.


                    Behold the Lamb, the sacrifice, who bore the sin of all,
                    In His death, our life was bought, in His call, we find our all.
                    From His side, the church was born, in His blood, our sins are torn,
                    In His piercing, find the morn, of a world reborn.


                    Covenant of crimson, from His side it came,
                    In the blood and water, we find a new name.
                    A promise written in red, a testament so divine,
                    In the piercing of His side, we’re forever His and He is mine.


                    So, let us come and drink this day, from the well that never fades,
                    In the wound of Christ, we find our way, by His sacrifice, our debts are paid.
                    In the covenant of crimson, we stand, with hearts washed clean and grand,
                    For in His side, He carved our land, in the palm of His sacred hand.

                    Lead Sheet

                    Coming Soon

                    • Key: B Minor (dramatic and intense)
                    • Time Signature: 5/4 (adding an unusual, reflective quality)
                    • Tempo: 65 bpm (contemplative and profound)

                    Storyboard descriptions for music video

                      This storyboard for “Covenant of Crimson” is designed to provide a visually and emotionally powerful portrayal of Jesus’ sacrifice and the new covenant it establishes. The camera work and music are carefully crafted to enhance the narrative and engage the audience deeply in the spiritual and historical significance of the event.

                      Scene 1: Calvary at Dusk

                      • Visuals: The video opens with a dusky view of Calvary. The three crosses stand stark against a darkening sky, casting long shadows.
                      • Camera: Slow pan across the scene, capturing the crosses and the somber mood.
                      • Music: The intro of “Covenant of Crimson” starts, somber and reflective, setting a contemplative tone.

                      Scene 2: Jesus on the Cross

                      • Visuals: Jesus is on the cross, His head bowed in pain and exhaustion. The focus is on His side, where the soldier will soon pierce.
                      • Camera: Slowly zooms in on Jesus, focusing particularly on His side.
                      • Music: The first verse begins, the melody soft and haunting.

                      Scene 3: The Spear is Prepared

                      • Visuals: A Roman soldier readies his spear with an indifferent expression. The spear glints in the fading light.
                      • Camera: Close-up on the spear as it’s lifted, then cuts to the soldier’s emotionless face.
                      • Music: A subtle, ominous note plays, reflecting the impending act.

                      Scene 4: Piercing His Side

                      • Visuals: The soldier thrusts the spear into Jesus’ side. Blood and water flow out, falling to the ground below.
                      • Camera: Close-up on the side as the spear pierces, then a shot from below as the blood and water flow down.
                      • Music: A sharp, poignant note at the moment of piercing, then softens to a flowing melody as the blood and water spill.

                        Scene 5: Flashback to Prophecy

                        • Visuals: Flashbacks to prophets speaking of the coming Messiah and the new covenant — particularly focusing on verses about being pierced and water and blood.
                        • Camera: Quick cuts between the prophets and the present moment, connecting the prophecy to its fulfillment.
                        • Music: Softens during flashbacks, then intensifies back in the present, highlighting the fulfillment of prophecy.

                          Scene 6: The Blood and Water

                          • Visuals: A symbolic representation of the blood and water flowing out to the world, turning into streams that flow into barren lands, bringing life and healing.
                          • Camera: Follows the flow from the cross to the barren lands, then shows the lands beginning to bloom.
                          • Music: Swells with a sense of hope and renewal, mirroring the life-giving effect of the blood and water.

                          Scene 7: The New Covenant

                          • Visuals: People from various times and cultures are shown receiving the message of the new covenant, their faces changing from despair to joy.
                          • Camera: Quick cuts between the people’s faces, capturing their emotional transformation.
                          • Music: Becomes more uplifting and hopeful, reflecting the joy of the new covenant.

                          Scene 8: At the Foot of the Cross

                          • Visuals: Believers are gathered at the foot of the cross, looking up with tears and gratitude. The ground below is stained with the blood and water.
                          • Camera: Pans across the faces of the believers, then moves up to the cross.
                          • Music: The chorus plays, powerful and moving, emphasizing the covenant made and the grace given.

                          Scene 9: The Covenant Extends

                          • Visuals: A visual representation of the covenant extending through the ages — from the apostles to modern-day believers, all connected by the crimson flow.
                          • Camera: A continuous shot that moves through scenes of historical and modern believers, showing the unbroken line of faith.
                          • Music: Builds to an inspiring crescendo, highlighting the enduring and all-encompassing nature of the covenant.

                          Scene 10: Calvary Now

                          • Visuals: The final shot returns to Calvary, now peaceful in the twilight. The crosses are silhouetted against the sky, a reminder of the sacrifice and the covenant established.
                          • Camera: Slow pan up from the base of the cross to the sky, now a deepening blue with the first stars appearing.
                          • Music: Ends on a hopeful and reverent note, leaving the viewer with a sense of peace and gratitude.
                          Pathway of Peace

                          Pathway of Peace

                          Pathway of Peace - Coming Soon

                          by Darren Winfield

                          Track Six: Pathway of Peace

                          The sixth track, Pathway of Peace, takes us to the solemn act of Jesus’ feet being nailed to the cross. This song is a reflection on the journey those feet undertook, from walking among us with messages of peace and healing to being pierced on the path of our salvation. The melody is a blend of somber tones and uplifting harmonies, symbolizing the peace that Jesus’ sacrifice brings amidst the pain. Listeners are invited to contemplate the significance of each step He took for humanity, culminating in this act of ultimate love and surrender. “Pathway of Peace” is not just a song; it’s an invitation to walk in the peace and redemption offered through His enduring love and sacrifice.


                          Devotional for “Pathway of Peace”


                          In the sixth devotional of “Journey of Redemption: The Path of the Cross,” we reflect upon “Pathway of Peace.” This track contemplates the nailing of Jesus’ feet to the cross, symbolizing His journey towards our salvation and the peace He offers through His sacrifice. As we engage with this song and scripture, let’s consider the path of peace that Jesus walked for us and how we are called to follow in His steps.

                          Scripture Reading:

                          Luke 24:36-40 Reflect on Jesus’ post-resurrection appearance to His disciples, where He shows them His hands and feet. Think about the peace He brings in the midst of fear and doubt.

                          Reflective Questions:

                          1. How does the image of Jesus’ nailed feet, which once walked to bring good news, challenge and inspire you?
                          2. Jesus’ journey to the cross was one of immense pain but also of peace. How can you embrace His peace in your own trials and journeys?
                          3. Consider the paths you walk daily. How can you follow more closely in the footsteps of Jesus, bringing peace and love to others?

                          Listening to the Song:

                          As “Pathway of Peace” plays, reflect on the dual nature of Jesus’ journey — filled with suffering yet leading to ultimate peace. Let the music guide your contemplation of His sacrificial steps and the peace that surpasses all understanding.

                          Personal Reflection:

                          Take a moment to meditate or journal about the peace that Jesus offers. Reflect on any areas of your life where you need His peace to reign and how you can extend that peace to others in your community and beyond.


                          Lord Jesus, You walked a path of unimaginable pain and suffering, yet You did so to bring peace to a troubled world. Help me to find comfort in the peace You offer and to walk confidently in Your footsteps, no matter the challenges I face. Guide my steps, that I may bring Your peace and love to those around me. I thank You for the pathway of peace that You’ve established, leading to eternal life and joy. Amen.

                          Closing Thought:

                          As you continue your day, remember the path of peace that Jesus walked for you. Consider how you can walk in His ways, bringing His peace and love into every aspect of your life, and offering a comforting presence to those in need.

                          This devotional for “Pathway of Peace” is designed to encourage listeners to contemplate the profound sacrifice of Jesus and to inspire them to walk in His footsteps, spreading His peace and love in their daily lives.


                          Pathway of Peace

                          Verse 1

                          On the wood of sorrow, where love and mercy meet,
                          The feet that walked on water were nailed for our defeat.
                          Every step towards Calvary, a journey foretold,
                          In His pierced feet, our redemption would unfold.


                          Pathway of peace, steps of divine grace,
                          In every nail, our sins erased.
                          Walking the road of suffering for our release,
                          In His feet, we find our pathway of peace.

                          Verse 2

                          From Bethlehem’s manger to Golgotha’s hill,
                          His feet carried grace, and in pain, they were still.
                          “Peace I leave with you,” He said, now made manifest,
                          In the feet that brought good news, now our eternal rest.


                          Pathway of peace, steps of divine grace,
                          In every nail, our sins erased.
                          Walking the road of suffering for our release,
                          In His feet, we find our pathway of peace.


                          Oh, sacred feet, oh, holy wounds that bleed,
                          In every drop, a seed, of faith, hope, and creed.
                          By His walk of pain, by His love so vast,
                          In His steps, we find our peace at last.


                          Pathway of peace, steps of divine grace,
                          In every nail, our sins erased.
                          Walking the road of suffering for our release,
                          In His feet, we find our pathway of peace.


                          So let us follow where He trod, in the shadow of the cross,
                          For in His footsteps, we find gain in what seemed loss.
                          In the nailing of His feet, in the agony, so sweet,
                          We’re led on the pathway of peace, to His mercy seat.

                          Lead Sheet

                          Coming Soon

                          • Key: F Minor (sombre and profound)
                          • Time Signature: 4/4 (allowing for a somber, marching rhythm)
                          • Tempo: 72 bpm (moderate, reflecting a journey’s pace)

                          Storyboard descriptions for music video

                            This storyboard for “Pathway of Peace” is crafted to offer a visual narrative that’s as moving and meaningful as the song itself. The camera work and music are carefully designed to draw viewers into the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice and the profound peace it brings, encouraging a personal and collective journey on the path He laid.

                            Scene 1: The Path to Calvary

                            • Visuals: The video opens with a dusty, rocky path leading up to a hill with three crosses silhouetted against the morning sky. The path is empty and foreboding.
                            • Camera: Slow pan up the path towards the hill, setting a somber and reflective mood.
                            • Music: The intro of “Pathway of Peace” starts softly, capturing the solemnity of the journey.

                            Scene 2: Jesus’ Feet Walking

                            • Visuals: Close-up shots of Jesus’ bare, bloodied feet as He walks the path, carrying the cross. His steps are slow and labored.
                            • Camera: Focuses on the feet moving along the path, then slowly pans up to show Jesus from behind.
                            • Music: The first verse begins, the melody reflecting the arduous journey and the weight of the moment.

                            Scene 3: The Nailing of the Feet

                            • Visuals: Jesus is laid down on the cross. His feet are placed one atop the other, and a soldier positions the nail.
                            • Camera: Close-up on the feet as the nail is positioned, then a quick pan to Jesus’ face bracing for impact.
                            • Music: A sharp, poignant note at the moment the nail is driven in, highlighting the brutality of the act.

                            Scene 4: The Cross is Raised

                            • Visuals: The cross is lifted and set in place. Jesus now hangs, His nailed feet bearing some of His weight.
                            • Camera: Pulls back to show the full scene of the three crosses against the sky, then focuses on Jesus’ feet.
                            • Music: The music swells, mirroring the dramatic act of raising the cross.

                              Scene 5: Reflections on the Feet

                              • Visuals: Flashbacks to moments when Jesus’ feet brought good news, healing, and peace — walking on water, washing the disciples’ feet, and more.
                              • Camera: Quick cuts between the past and present, showing the contrast between the feet that brought hope and the feet now nailed.
                              • Music: Softens during flashbacks, then intensifies back in the present, emphasizing the contrast and depth of sacrifice.

                                Scene 6: At the Foot of the Cross

                                • Visuals: The viewpoint is from the base of the cross, looking up at Jesus. His feet, pierced and bleeding, are in focus against the sky.
                                • Camera: Slow pan up from the base of the cross to Jesus’ face, focusing on His feet along the way.
                                • Music: The chorus plays, somber and reflective, yet with an underlying note of peace.

                                Scene 7: The Mourning Crowd

                                • Visuals: A crowd gathers at the foot of the cross, some weeping, others in prayer. They are looking up at Jesus, their faces filled with sorrow and reverence.
                                • Camera: Pans across the crowd, capturing their varied expressions of grief and devotion.
                                • Music: Swells with a sense of shared mourning and communal reflection.

                                Scene 8: The Path Transformed

                                • Visuals: The path that once led to suffering is now shown transforming into a pathway of light, extending from the foot of the cross into the world.
                                • Camera: Pulls back from the cross to show the path now glowing, people beginning to walk it with hope and peace.
                                • Music: Becomes more uplifting, signifying the transformation from pain to peace.

                                Scene 9: Walking in His Steps

                                • Visuals: Individuals from various walks of life are shown stepping onto the path, their steps purposeful and hopeful.
                                • Camera: Quick cuts between their feet and their faces, showing a determination to walk in the way of peace.
                                • Music: Builds to a hopeful crescendo, reflecting the empowerment and journey ahead.

                                Scene 10: Looking to the Horizon

                                • Visuals: The final shot is of the horizon, where the path leads. The crosses are now in the distance, a symbol of the sacrifice that made the pathway of peace possible.
                                • Camera: Slow pan from the path up to the horizon, where the early light is breaking into full day.
                                • Music: Ends on a hopeful and peaceful note, leaving the viewer with a sense of promise and direction.
                                Hands That Held Redemption

                                Hands That Held Redemption

                                Hands That Held Redemption - Coming Soon

                                by Darren Winfield

                                Track Five: Hands That Held Redemption

                                Continuing the journey, the fifth track, Hands That Held Redemption, brings listeners to the foot of the cross, focusing on the nailing of Jesus’ hands. This song captures the duality of agony and liberation, as the hands that crafted the universe were pierced to offer us salvation. The melody intertwines sorrow and hope, reflecting the powerful symbolism of each nail, each wound, as a key to our redemption. As you listen, allow yourself to feel the weight of this act and the boundless grace it represents. “Hands That Held Redemption” is a profound meditation on the sacrifice made and the unmeasurable love that held Jesus to the cross, offering a pathway to forgiveness and eternal life for all.


                                Devotional for “Hands That Held Redemption”


                                In the fifth devotional of “Journey of Redemption: The Path of the Cross,” we turn our focus to “Hands That Held Redemption.” This track meditates on the nailing of Jesus’ hands to the cross, a symbolic and painful moment where the hands that crafted the universe were pierced for our sins. As we delve into this song and scripture, let’s reflect on the profound significance of His sacrifice and the redemption offered through His wounded hands.

                                Scripture Reading:

                                John 20:24-29 Consider the passage where Thomas encounters the risen Christ and is invited to touch His wounds. Reflect on the reality of Jesus’ physical suffering and the proof of His resurrection.

                                Reflective Questions:

                                1. What does it mean to you personally that Jesus’ hands, which performed miracles and showed compassion, were nailed to the cross?
                                2. How does the image of Jesus’ scarred hands deepen your understanding of His sacrifice and love for you?
                                3. Thomas saw and believed when he touched Jesus’ wounds. How can you, even without seeing, come to a deeper faith and understanding of Jesus’ sacrifice?

                                Listening to the Song:

                                As you listen to “Hands That Held Redemption,” let the lyrics and music help you visualize the scene at Calvary. Think about the significance of each nail and the hands that were willingly outstretched for your salvation.

                                Personal Reflection:

                                Spend some time in quiet reflection or writing in your journal. Consider the personal impact of Jesus’ sacrifice. How do the hands that were nailed to the cross continue to hold, guide, and mold your life today?


                                Heavenly Father, Thank you for the hands that held redemption, for the pain endured for my salvation. Help me never to forget the sacrifice made on the cross, the love displayed in those outstretched hands. May I always feel the guiding touch of those scarred hands in my life, leading me closer to You. Teach me to live in gratitude and to extend my hands in love and service to others, just as Jesus did for me. Amen.

                                Closing Thought:

                                As you go forward today, remember the hands that were nailed to the cross for you. Let this remembrance guide your actions and interactions. Think about how you can use your hands to serve, love, and demonstrate the same sacrificial love that Jesus showed.

                                This devotional for “Hands That Held Redemption” aims to deepen the listener’s appreciation for the personal and universal implications of Jesus’ sacrifice, encouraging a thoughtful and active response to His enduring love and redemption.


                                Hands That Held Redemption

                                Verse 1

                                On the hill where mercy meets the sky,
                                Hands that formed the stars were lifted high.
                                Nailed to wood, for every sin and sigh,
                                The hands of God, in love, chose not to pry.


                                Hands that held redemption, nails that wrote our story,
                                Pierced for our transgressions, bathed in holy glory.
                                In His grasp, we find our history,
                                The hands that hold the universe, hold victory.

                                Verse 2

                                With every pound of hammer, prophecy was sealed,
                                “Surely He has borne our griefs,” His fate revealed.
                                For every nail that pierced, for every groan,
                                In His wounds, we found a grace we’ve never known.


                                Hands that held redemption, nails that wrote our story,
                                Pierced for our transgressions, bathed in holy glory.
                                In His grasp, we find our history,
                                The hands that hold the universe, hold victory.


                                Look upon these hands, the price they’ve paid,
                                See the love that wouldn’t fade.
                                From these hands, flows a river wide,
                                With mercy, grace, and life inside.


                                Hands that held redemption, nails that wrote our story,
                                Pierced for our transgressions, bathed in holy glory.
                                In His grasp, we find our history,
                                The hands that hold the universe, hold victory.


                                So let us come, with hearts wide open, to the One who was broken,
                                For in His hands, we find our token, of love forever spoken.
                                By His hands, we are free, by His love, we see,
                                The hands that held redemption, have won the victory.

                                Lead Sheet

                                Coming Soon

                                • Key: E Minor (mournful and expressive)
                                • Time Signature: 6/8 (to capture a sense of lamentation and longing)
                                • Tempo: 55 bpm (slow, emphasizing the weight of sacrifice)

                                Storyboard descriptions for music video

                                  This storyboard for “Hands That Held Redemption” is designed to provide a visually and emotionally impactful representation of the song, with careful attention to camera work and music to enhance the narrative and engage the viewers fully.

                                  Scene 1: Calvary’s Hill at Dawn

                                  • Visuals: The video opens with a silhouette of three crosses against the early morning sky on Calvary’s hill, a gentle light breaking the horizon.
                                  • Camera: Slow pan from the ground up to the crosses, setting a somber yet anticipatory atmosphere.
                                  • Music: The intro of “Hands That Held Redemption” starts softly, setting a reflective mood.

                                  Scene 2: Jesus’ Journey to the Cross

                                  • Visuals: Jesus, bearing the cross, makes His way to the hill. His face shows exhaustion and pain but also determination.
                                  • Camera: Follows Jesus from the side, focusing on His face and the cross on His back.
                                  • Music: The first verse begins, the melody reflecting the weight of the moment.

                                  Scene 3: Preparing for Crucifixion

                                  • Visuals: Jesus is laid down on the cross. His hands are stretched out. The soldiers prepare the nails.
                                  • Camera: Alternates between Jesus’ face, His hands, and the soldiers with the nails.
                                  • Music: The music swells slightly, mirroring the tension and gravity of the preparation.

                                  Scene 4: Nailing the Hands

                                  • Visuals: A soldier drives the first nail through Jesus’ hand. His face tightens in pain, but He doesn’t cry out.
                                  • Camera: Close-up on the hand as the nail is driven in, then quickly pans to Jesus’ face to capture His reaction.
                                  • Music: A sharp, poignant note at the moment the nail is driven in, highlighting the brutality of the act.

                                    Scene 5: The Second Hand

                                    • Visuals: The second hand is nailed. Jesus’ pain is evident, but so is His resolve.
                                    • Camera: Close-up on the second hand, then a wider shot to show Jesus and both hands nailed.
                                    • Music: Continues with a powerful, emotive melody, reflecting the pain and the significance of the sacrifice.

                                      Scene 6: Flashbacks of Jesus’ Hands in Ministry

                                      • Visuals: As Jesus looks at His nailed hands, flashbacks show His hands in moments of ministry — healing the sick, blessing children, breaking bread.
                                      • Camera: Quick cuts between the past and present, showing the contrast between the healing hands and the hands now nailed.
                                      • Music: Softens during flashbacks, then intensifies back in the present, underscoring the contrast.

                                      Scene 7: The Cross is Raised

                                      • Visuals: The cross is lifted and set in place. Jesus now hangs, His nailed hands bearing His weight.
                                      • Camera: Pulls back to show the full scene of the three crosses against the sky.
                                      • Music: The song builds, reflecting the monumental moment of the cross being raised.

                                      Scene 8: At the Foot of the Cross

                                      • Visuals: The viewpoint shifts to the foot of the cross, looking up at Jesus. His hands, pierced and bleeding, are in focus.
                                      • Camera: Slow pan up from the base of the cross to Jesus’ face, focusing on His hands along the way.
                                      • Music: The chorus plays, powerful and moving, reflecting the redemptive pain.

                                      Scene 9: The World Reacts

                                      • Visuals: A montage of people from various times and places, reacting to the sacrifice made — some with tears, others with joyous realization.
                                      • Camera: Quick cuts between faces, capturing a wide range of emotional responses.
                                      • Music: Swells with a sense of universal impact and hope.

                                      Scene 10: Jesus’ Perspective

                                      • Visuals: The final shot is from Jesus’ perspective looking down from the cross. His view of the sky above and the people below.
                                      • Camera: From Jesus’ viewpoint, slowly pans from the sky down to the gathered crowd and then closes on His own nailed hand.
                                      • Music: Ends on a hopeful and reflective note, emphasizing the redemption offered through His sacrifice.