For Every Season

For Every Season

For Every Season - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield


“For Every Season” serves as a bold declaration of trust in God’s sovereignty and goodness – through seasons of both joy and hardship. With vivid imagery, the lyrics depict life’s highs and lows, acknowledging that life isn’t defined by constant, unwavering peace. The song emphasizes that no matter the circumstances, God’s faithfulness remains the enduring cornerstone, providing strength and hope.

Emotional Heart:

This track embodies a resolute spirit with a blend of peace and quiet determination. Though acknowledging that storms will come, it doesn’t carry a sense of dread. Instead, there’s an undercurrent of confidence, born from previous experiences of God’s enduring care. It echoes a battle-worn fighter’s determination, not naive certainty, but a resilient faith knowing that the fight is always winnable with God.

Potential Blog Prompts:

      • In hardship, do you find peace through knowing God remains constant, or do you struggle?
      • Can you recall times when God’s love and care stood out clearly through difficult seasons?
      • How does acknowledging that hardship is part of life impact your faith journey?


Scripture Foundation:

      • Deuteronomy 31:8: “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
      • Psalm 23:4: “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
      • Hebrews 13:5: “…Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

Deep Dive:

Life is a kaleidoscope of changing seasons – joy, sorrow, peace, and turbulence. These verses highlight a core truth: no matter the external circumstances, God’s presence never wavers. While He doesn’t promise smooth sailing, the psalmist declares that even in our darkest shadows, He walks beside us. His guidance and protection aren’t contingent on ease. His consistent faithfulness grounds us amid even the most unstable seasons. This knowledge combats uncertainty and fosters courage to face the unknown.

Relevance to the Song:

“For Every Season” echoes this confident reliance. It describes life’s ups and downs with a quiet determination stemming from unwavering trust in God’s sovereign care. It acknowledges storms, yet there’s a undercurrent of peace that endures beyond feeling happy or safe.

Application for the Listener:

      • Do you experience God’s love more strongly in good times, or is His nearness constant for you?
      • Are you facing a turbulent season? Reflect on His past protection. Where have you sensed His provision?
      • Spend time pondering God’s unchanging attributes. List some (power, wisdom, love). How do these ground you?

Closing Prayer:

Heavenly Father, sometimes Your presence is so tangible, while other times it feels distant. Help me grasp with my heart what my spirit knows – that You never abandon me. In those dark valleys, let the knowledge of Your closeness drive out fear. May my testimony become one of unshakeable confidence in Your unchanging faithfulness through every season of my life. Amen.


For Every Season

Verse 1

When sunlight streams and joy abounds,
And grateful songs fill up the sounds,
Of hearts content and free from care,
Your goodness, Lord, I will declare.


For every season, Your hand holds me fast,
Your love endures, Your promises stand steadfast.
In times of plenty, in valleys of despair,
You never leave my side, Your faithfulness is there.

Verse 2

Through stormy nights and trials long,
When faith flickers low and fears grow strong,
Your sovereign hand leads the way,
Your promise gives me hope each day.


For every season, Your hand holds me fast,
Your love endures, Your promises stand steadfast.
In times of plenty, in valleys of despair,
You never leave my side, Your faithfulness is there.


Though the earth may crumble, and mountains fall away,
Your word remains forever, the unshakeable mainstay.
My trust is placed in You alone, my strength and saving grace,
As I navigate this earthly race, my gaze rests on Your face.


For every season, through every changing tide,
My soul will sing and shout Your name in humble, heartfelt pride
Though my paths may lead me to far off, distant lands,
I am ever anchored, firmly held in Your everlasting hands.

Lead Sheet

  • Key: A Major – Grounded optimism, cyclical, recognizing both joy AND trial.
  • Time Signature: 4/4 – Simple but sturdy, a reliable constant for changing circumstances.
  • Tempo: Moderato (90-100 BPM) – Brisk but grounded, reflecting steady resolve.

Storyboard descriptions for music video


  • Mood: Quiet serenity, groundedness amidst shifting circumstances.
  • Music: Begins with a single instrument – oboe or flute – weaving a contemplative melody. Orchestral backing slowly weaves in, adding depth.
  • Visual: Window framing a changing landscape (transitioning through seasons). Figure with their back to the camera sits with a worn Bible open on a table beside them.
  • Camera: Slow tilt downwards to focus on the weathered surface of the Bible, a sturdy but well-used walking stick rests against it.

Verse 1

  • Mood: Acknowledgement of joy and its fleeting nature.
  • Visual: Landscape transitions to vibrant spring or summer hues. Figure is only dimly visible through the window, now out in the field – perhaps laughing, playful, enjoying the scene.
  • Camera: Focus shifts back to the interior, panning over the open Bible, now a bit dusty with neglect.


  • Mood: Faith anchors – remembering God’s constant hand through bright seasons.
  • Visual: Landscape holds its summer colors, figure returns and takes their chair again. They glance back outside, then down at the open Bible with a slight sigh.
  • Camera: Intermingles shots of the figure’s contemplative expression with glimpses of the sun-drenched fields outside.

Verse 2

  • Mood: Shadows intrude – reflection on sorrow and uncertainty.
  • Visual: Landscape morphs to harsh winter imagery – barren, ice, stark trees. Figure hunches within their chair, hand covering their face for a moment.
  • Camera: Close-up shot of the figure’s hand resting on the open Bible, their knuckles white in a subtle display of inner-tension.


    • Mood: Strength drawn from hardship, trust amidst desolate circumstances.
    • Visual: Figure stands slowly, gazing determinedly beyond the winter vista. They lift the walking staff, sunlight catching the worn wood.
    • Camera: Sweeping outward shot to reveal the winter landscape stretching far, ending with a zoom in as the figure takes their first step out into the bleak scenery.


      • Mood: Endurance. Recognizing the cycles of life, each season bearing meaning.
      • Visual: Quick montage of seasonal shifts – the stark winter softens, green buds emerge, then fall colors take hold, snow returns. Figure is only occasionally visible, but always moving purposefully forward.
      • Camera: Dynamic movement reflecting the swift shifts of seasonal transitions, focusing on the figure’s continued movement despite the changing environments.


      • Mood: Peaceful resolve, finding strength from a reliable, unseen source.
      • Visual: Landscape returns to its starting point. Figure finally takes their seat. Bible is picked up once more, finger delicately tracing the text.
      • Camera: Slow pullback out the window. Landscape shifts once more through a single seasonal cycle, hinting at its perpetuity.
      Harvester’s Call

      Harvester’s Call

      Harvester's Call - Coming Soon

      by Darren Winfield


      “Harvester’s Call” concludes the album with focus shifting outwards. With a blend of prayer and plea, it expresses longing for salvation of lost souls and acknowledges our role as laborers in God’s spiritual harvest. The lyrics emphasize God’s love for all and His desire to equip us to share this life-changing message. Ultimately, it’s a call to action, inviting surrender not just for our inner world, but for active participation in His Kingdom work.

      Emotional Heart:

      This track balances urgency and empowerment. There’s a clear passion for those not yet touched by God’s salvation, perhaps stemming from the recognition of joy found in our own relationship with Him. There’s no judgment, but a burning desire for others to experience that same life-giving love. Alongside this, there’s an empowering undercurrent, a faith that God not only saves, but shapes us into effective vessels for sharing His message.

      Potential Blog Prompts:

          • Do you resonate with the urgency of sharing your faith with the lost? Why or why not?
          • In what areas do you feel confident proclaiming the Gospel? Where do you need God’s further help?
          • Does the idea of ‘preparing for the harvest’ motivate you in your pursuit of God and your willingness for Kingdom work?


      Scripture Foundation: 

      • Matthew 9:37-38: “Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
      • John 4:35: “Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.”
      • Romans 10:14-15: “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

      Deep Dive:

      The “harvest” isn’t just the culmination of growth; it’s a time of urgency. Jesus saw lost souls ripe and ready, but lamented the lack of workers. Salvation isn’t something God withholds, but requires His followers to actively proclaim. Romans outlines the chain: one can’t believe without hearing, hearing requires a messenger, and messengers are God-appointed. Participating in this Great Commission involves both prayerful petition AND obedience to be His laborers.

      Relevance to the Song:

      “Harvester’s Call” closes the album with this outward focus. It begins with heartfelt prayer for lost souls, acknowledging our role as messengers, not just spectators. There’s a sense of urgency – that salvation isn’t solely an afterlife concern, but a present imperative. Notably, it urges self-examination: am I equipped, my own relationship with God strong enough to overflow on others?

      Application for the Listener: 

      • Sharing faith can be daunting. Is this fear, or true humility recognizing your need for Christ’s equipping?
      • Think beyond grand evangelism. Is there one person God places on your heart to offer spiritual support?
      • Are areas of your life hindering a bold testimony? Ask God to address them for His Kingdom purposes.

      Closing Prayer: 

      Lord of the Harvest, break my heart with what breaks Yours – the souls still adrift in darkness. Forgive my complacency, and ignite within me a burning passion to participate in Your work. Prepare me. Show me how to speak Your truth in love, how to walk with others towards life-changing understanding of Your grace. May every aspect of my life draw others closer to the Savior I have found. Amen.


      Harvester’s Call

      Verse 1

      Open hearts and seeking eyes, longing to behold,
      The beauty of Your sacrifice, the grace that makes us bold.
      Break down walls of hardened wills, soften doubt and fear,
      May Your Spirit draw them close, Your saving voice so clear.


      Harvester of souls, gather the lost ones home,
      Your love compels us, we will not rest alone.
      Use our hands, our feet, our words, reflections of Your might,
      Shine Your light through broken vessels, guide them into the light.

      Verse 2

      For those weary from the fight, burdened by their shame,
      Let healing floods come crashing through the power of Your name.
      Release them from the chains of sin, their shattered spirits mend,
      Fill them with Your joy unspeakable, a hope that knows no end.


      Harvester of souls, gather the lost ones home,
      Your love compels us, we will not rest alone.
      Use our hands, our feet, our words, reflections of Your might,
      Shine Your light through broken vessels, guide them into the light.


      Stir within us holy passion, Your vision to impart,
      Let our lives proclaim the gospel, with love in every heart.
      Equip us for the task at hand, Your wisdom we implore,
      May Your mighty harvest fill the earth from shore to shore.


      Gather the lost ones home… guide them into the light.

      Lead Sheet

      • Key: C Major (transitions to G Major in final build) – Uplifting, mission-focused, ending in triumph.
      • Time Signature: 4/4 – Driving and purposeful, conveying urgency and shared labor.
      • Tempo: Allegro to Vivace (120 BPM and building) – Begins energetic, growing triumphant.

      Storyboard descriptions for music video


      • Mood: Urgency mingled with joyful expectation.
      • Music: Rhythmic drumming building in intensity, rousing brass instruments, a choir swells in the background.
      • Visual: A vast field bursts into view – ripe golden grain stretches towards the horizon under a blazing sunset.
      • Camera: Rapid montage of hands gently opening grains, testing for readiness, then pans over the endless expanse.

      Verse 1

      • Mood: Sorrow mingling with urgency, recognizing the lostness waiting in the ready field.
      • Action: Figure enters the frame, dressed in simple clothes, carrying a weathered sickle. Their gaze scans the scene with a burdened heart.
      • Camera: Wide angle shot to emphasize the abundance of the field in contrast to the solitary harvester.


      • Mood: Plea for laborers, echoing God’s own desire for all to find salvation.
      • Action: Figure lifts the sickle, poised high in the air, the setting sun glinting off the blade. They beckon toward the horizon, as if calling others to join them.
      • Camera: Shot from behind the figure, highlighting the open expanse that awaits additional workers.

      Verse 2

      • Mood: Focus shifts inward – recognizing the need for personal equipping for the task.
      • Action: Figure sinks to their knees in the rich soil, lifting their face upwards in focused prayer.
      • Camera: Close-up of the figure’s face, eyes closed, then opening with a burst of renewed determination.


        • Mood: Bold resolution, answering the call with a fervent “yes”.
        • Action: Figure rises, begins to cut through the crop, moving briskly but carefully, sickle flashing as grain sheaves are gathered.
        • Camera: Tracking shot follows the figure, showing the immediate impact of their work, yet emphasizing the still abundant harvest yet untouched.


          • Mood: Anticipation intensifies, focus on the urgency of spreading the message.
          • Action: Other figures start to appear in the distance, outlined against the sunset, carrying their own tools. A growing sense of unified purpose takes over.
          • Camera: Cross-cuts between the individual workers, now scattered throughout the field, each cutting and gathering with intensity.


          • Mood: Exhilaration of shared mission, victory foreshadowed.
          • Action: Figures rise triumphantly, silhouetted against the fading sunset, arms raised high with their gathered wheat sheaves and tools.
          • Camera: Sweeping wide shot encapsulating the field of workers, now numerous, with harvested grain piling high between them. Music builds to a crescendo.
          Unfailing Love

          Unfailing Love

          Unfailing Love - Coming Soon

          by Darren Winfield


          “Unfailing Love” focuses on the steadfast, relentless nature of God’s love for us, even (and especially) when we falter. It explores the reality that everyone makes mistakes, succumbs to temptation, and sometimes drifts away from God. However, this song emphasizes that His love isn’t dependent on our worthiness. Lyrics evoke a return, a prodigal welcomed with open arms and a restoration far greater than deserved.

          Emotional Heart:

          This track carries a sense of relief, humility, and overwhelming gratitude. There’s the ache of recognizing our failures, followed by the wave of comfort knowing that God’s love persists regardless. This isn’t simply about receiving forgiveness, but also about the power of God’s love to renew us from the inside out. It’s the sensation of being found by boundless grace, undeserved yet freely given, sparking a renewed passion to avoid straying again.

          Potential Blog Prompts:

              • Can you recall a time when you felt truly overwhelmed by God’s love despite your failings?
              • Does the knowledge of God’s unconditional love make you want to avoid wrongdoing in the future?
              • Where do you find reminders of God’s love when you feel far from Him?


          Scripture Foundation:

          • Psalm 103:8-11: “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him.”
          • Lamentations 3:22-23: “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
          • Romans 8:38-39: “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

          Deep Dive:

          The Bible is raw about human weakness, yet saturated with the reminder of God’s unconditional, boundless love. The Psalms portray His anger as fleeting, but mercy enduring. It’s not that He overlooks sin, but chooses not to let our stumbles define our worth to Him. His love offers a lifeline of restoration, and as Lamentations declares, this mercy renews each morning. No matter how far we drift or willfully sin, nothing (Romans 8 declares) separates us from God’s love in Christ.

          Relevance to the Song:

          “Unfailing Love” revels in this truth. While acknowledging our stumbles, it echoes the joy of homecoming – not begrudging forgiveness, but exuberant welcome. There’s an emphasis on relief and gratitude, knowing our unworthiness doesn’t erase the depth of His love or negate the restoration possible through repentance.

          Application for the Listener:

          • Do you struggle to believe God loves you as is, knowing your messiness? Reflect on Romans 8:38-39.
          • Recall a time of failure. Did it define how you viewed God’s love, or did you sense His pursuit of you?
          • Meditate on Psalm 103. Consider this same level of mercy extends to even those who’ve hurt you.

          Closing Prayer:

          Father, my failures can feel so massive compared to Your unfathomable love. Help my heart truly accept what my mind knows – that nothing I do diminishes Your affection. Free me from believing guilt holds more sway than grace. May Your unfailing love reshape how I live, how I view others, and how I forgive myself. Amen.


          Unfailing Love

          Verse 1

          When my steps begin to wander, my spirit starts to stray,
          And shadows of temptation lure me far away,
          Your whispers gently guide me, a beacon in the night,
          Your tender mercy pulls me back into Your glorious light.


          Unfailing love, Your endless grace astounds,
          In my weakness and my failings, Your forgiveness still abounds.
          Lifted from the depths of where my pride has brought me low,
          I fall into Your arms, embraced by love that sets me whole.

          Verse 2

          The burdens of my yesterday, regrets that haunt my mind,
          Are swept away by promises on Your word I find.
          Guilt loses its hold when met with Your redeeming tide,
          Each tear I cry is precious, for You walked by my side.


          Unfailing love, Your endless grace astounds,
          In my weakness and my failings, Your forgiveness still abounds.
          Lifted from the depths of where my pride has brought me low,
          I fall into Your arms, embraced by love that sets me whole.


          My faltering heart finds its footing on Your solid ground,
          When shame would rise against me, Your steadfast love surrounds.
          And even when I doubt Your goodness, even when I fear,
          Your faithfulness reminds me that You are always near.


          Unfailing love, Your grace my heart surrounds,
          Hallelujah to the Savior, whose boundless love resounds!

          Lead Sheet

          • Key: Bb Major – Warm and resolute, conveying steadfast endurance despite hardship.
          • Time Signature: 3/4 – Gently swaying, mirroring unshakeable faith amidst life’s shifts.
          • Tempo: Andante (75-85 BPM) – Unhurried confidence, with underlying emotional depth.

          Storyboard descriptions for music video


          • Mood: Somber, tinged with deep ache yet an unwavering faith.
          • Music: Haunting solo piano, strings slowly layer in underlay a melancholy melody.
          • Visual: Stormy beach landscape. A figure is barely visible through heavy wind and rain, hunched against the onslaught.
          • Camera: Slow zoom in on the huddled figure, emphasizing their struggle against the elements.

          Verse 1

          • Mood: Confession of weakness, the feeling of being washed away by despair.
          • Action: Figure lifts their head, but struggles to remain upright against the gusts. Sand whips their face. They gesture helplessly toward the churning sea.
          • Camera: Focus shifts between the figure, and the ocean waves – their relentless power conveying the internal battle.


          • Mood: Clinging to hope amidst the turmoil – unwavering trust in love despite feeling it falter.
          • Action: Figure stumbles, momentarily swept off their feet by a powerful wave. Yet, they reach out, emerging grasping a rough piece of driftwood. Camera lingers on a bruised hand clinging tightly.
          • Camera: Brief aerial shot of the scene, dwarfing the figure on the vast windswept beach, then back to a close-up of them clutching the driftwood.

          Verse 2

          • Mood: Shame and regret. Acknowledgment of one’s imperfections causing distance.
          • Action: Figure sits slumped on the sand, head down. Rain streaks tears on their face as their grip on the driftwood loosens.
          • Camera: Close-up on the driftwood slowly being pulled away by the retreating tide, the figure’s fingers trailing on the sand.


            • Mood: Desperation rekindles resilience, turning to an urgent plea.
            • Action: Figure launches forward, scrambling with new determination toward the receding driftwood. They fall once, twice, but push themselves up. Light begins to emerge, casting faint warmth across the face of the waves.
            • Camera: Fast cuts intermixing images: the figure’s strained determination, the driftwood, and the fading stormclouds with patches of blue showing.


              • Mood: Quiet shift towards relief, a recognition of grace breaking through.
              • Action: Figure grasps the driftwood once more, cradling it tightly to their chest, kneeling in the wet sand.
              • Camera: A break in the clouds, a single beam of sunlight pierces through and highlights the driftwood and a tear of gratitude falling down the figure’s cheek.


              • Mood: Exhaustion intertwined with profound relief. Love found not because of worth, but by unyielding grace.
              • Action: Figure slowly trudges out of the retreating surf, carrying the driftwood. Head is no longer bowed, gaze forward. Clouds begin to part, the sky lightening.
              • Camera: Tracking shot following the figure’s resolute walk. Music grows hopeful, with subtle shifts suggesting triumph over sorrow.
              Refiner’s Fire

              Refiner’s Fire

              Refiner's Fire - Coming Soon

              by Darren Winfield


              “Refiner’s Fire” acknowledges the often painful purifying process God sometimes leads us through. Its imagery references the intense heat used to remove impurities from precious metals, drawing a parallel to how trials can burn away the parts of us that hinder spiritual growth. While the lyrics don’t gloss over hardship, they emphasize that God’s purpose within such experiences is transformative – to shape us into vessels that reflect His pure love.

              Emotional Heart:

              This track balances realism and hope. It doesn’t shy away from the reality that seasons of refinement can feel brutal, evoking sensations of discomfort, despair, and the sense of being stripped bare. Yet, through it runs a strong current of trust. There’s a relentless clinging to the promise that out of the crucible emerges something far more beautiful – a deeper intimacy with God, strength replacing weakness, and a character molded into His likeness.

              Potential Blog Prompts:

                  • Can you identify with seasons where pain felt like “refinement?” Did it impact your faith?
                  • Do you find it easier to trust God during good times, or in trials? Explain.
                  • How does the image of emerging stronger from the “fire” shape your view of current struggles?


              Scripture Foundation:

                  • Isaiah 48:10: “See, I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of adversity.”
                  • 1 Peter 1:6-7: “In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”
                  • James 1:2-4: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

              Deep Dive:

              The Bible doesn’t sugarcoat adversity; it’s likened to a crucible used to purify metals. This isn’t about punishment, but the knowledge that heat is part of the process to reveal beauty within. Peter compares faith itself to precious gold. Its testing doesn’t reduce its value, but intensifies it. Yet, we rarely feel joyous during such experiences. James offers the key: perseverance isn’t gritted-teeth endurance, but trusting that while God doesn’t always stop trials, He works within them for powerful purposes.

              Relevance to the Song:

              “Refiner’s Fire” echoes this tension between struggle and trust. It expresses both the raw hurt of difficult seasons, with a counterpoint of the promise that pain has a role in making us more like Christ. The lyrics acknowledge that it’s hard to grasp purpose in the moment, but affirm God’s faithfulness in carrying us through.

              Application for the Listener:

                  • Facing current trials? Ask: In what areas am I fighting rather than trusting in God’s work within this?
                  • Reflect on James 1:2-4. Look for perseverance growing within you, even as pain persists.
                  • Can you point to past “refinement” times? How was a painful season transformative in retrospect?

              Closing Prayer:

              Lord, when Your fire feels more scorching than purifying, ignite a fierce trust within me. I struggle to see Your hand in hardship, yet You promise nothing I endure lacks purpose. Help me hold fast to this in dark moments. As painful as it may be, grant me the courage to remain on the anvil, yielding to Your hands, so Your image may be more clearly stamped upon my soul. Amen.


              Refiner’s Fire

              Verse 1

              Through trials of blazing heat, when comforts turn to dust,
              And all my strength seems vanished, in You alone I trust.
              Through valleys deep and shadowed, where hope begins to fade,
              Your faithful hand upholds me, of Your presence I’m not afraid.


              Refiner’s Fire, burn away the sin,
              Consume the pride, let healing deep within begin.
              In the crucible of sorrow, Your purpose unfolds,
              Like precious jewels emerging, more radiant than gold.

              Verse 2

              Though my faith may falter, and tears fall like rain,
              I cling to Your promise that loss is not in vain.
              For in the crucible of anguish, weakness turns to might,
              And my scars become beacons, reflecting Your glorious light.


              Refiner’s Fire, burn away the sin,
              Consume the pride, let healing deep within begin.
              In the crucible of sorrow, Your purpose unfolds,
              Like precious jewels emerging, more radiant than gold.


              Though the flames may scorch me, I will not draw away,
              For in Your hands, I’m molded, reshaped from humble clay.
              Break me, bend me, form me, to Your holy design,
              Through the fire of testing, Your image in me will shine.


              Refiner’s Fire… Like precious jewels emerging, more radiant than gold.

              Lead Sheet

              • Key: E minor – Intense, hinting at both destruction and the beauty emerging from it.
              • Time Signature: 4/4 with shifting accents – Reflects unpredictable but cleansing process.
              • Tempo: Allegro to Maestoso (100-120 BPM, shifts within the piece match imagery).

              Storyboard descriptions for music video


              • Mood: Stark, harsh, a sense of being consumed.
              • Music: Discordant strings, metallic clangs, suggesting intense heat and pressure.
              • Visual: Flames in extreme close-up, their movement chaotic and unforgiving. A rough, metallic object is partially visible within the fire.
              • Camera: Rapid, shifting focus between the flames and the object, mimicking the relentless assault the object endures.

              Verse 1

              • Mood: Acknowledgement of pain in the process, yet with a tinge of underlying trust.
              • Action: Flames begin to pull back, revealing more of the object. It’s misshapen, bearing burn marks and jagged edges.
              • Camera: Pan around the object, showcasing its imperfections. Wisps of smoke and sparks continue to dance around it.


              • Mood: Defiance against the destruction, focusing on the purpose amidst the suffering.
              • Action: Pinpoints of light begin to appear within the object, suggesting inner strength despite its state. A rough hammer is slowly lowered into the frame, positioned above the object.
              • Camera: Close-up shot of the glowing specks within the object, cross-faded with the hammer lifted for its first strike.

              Verse 2

              • Mood: Internal struggle – yielding to the painful reshaping, while recognizing the need.
              • Action: The hammer falls, the object partially shatters, releasing a burst of sparks and molten matter. Yet, amidst the fragments, something more pure begins to shine through.
              • Camera: Slow-motion shots of the impact, then transitioning to close-up of the newly revealed, brighter surface of the object.


                • Mood: Willingness grows, determination overshadowing the continued discomfort of the process.
                • Action: Hammer rises and falls repeatedly, each strike further transforming the object. Molten material continues to run in rivulets.
                • Camera: Dynamic shots intercutting between the strikes and details of the evolving object – smoother surfaces beginning to emerge.


                  • Mood: Anticipation amidst the fire – a beautiful but incomplete form emerges.
                  • Action: Flames die down, revealing the reshaped object in silhouette. Tools – pliers, shaping implements – sit ready next to it. A burst of light shines directly on a small imperfection.
                  • Camera: Focus shifts from the overall form to the imperfection, hinting at the next phase of refining still remaining.


                  • Mood: Unfinished, battle-worn, yet reflecting resilience and growing light.
                  • Action: Figure enters the frame, hands gently lifting the object. Soft, ethereal music blends with the lingering sounds of the workshop.
                  • Camera: Close-up of the figure’s face as they examine the object with a quiet mix of satisfaction and determined anticipation.
                  Take My All

                  Take My All

                  Take My All - Coming Soon

                  by Darren Winfield


                  “Take My All” embodies a heartfelt offering of everything we are and possess to God’s service. It moves beyond acknowledging He deserves this; it voices a desire that every thought, talent, and relationship would be used for His Kingdom purposes. The lyrics depict a willing surrender, casting aside fear and trusting God’s plan above even earthly security or comforts.

                  Emotional Heart:

                  This song pulses with passion and a touch of fearlessness. There’s a joyful zeal at the prospect of fully living for God, yet an acknowledgement of the sacrifice this entails. However, the lyrics reveal a core belief: His purposes are worth any cost, for in His hands, our gifts can accomplish far beyond our limited perspective. It evokes a willingness to step out in courageous faith, knowing that nothing withheld from God is ever truly lost.

                  Potential Blog Prompts:

                      • Have you ever taken a “leap of faith” and put your complete trust in God? How did it turn out?
                      • Where do you feel hesitation in offering every part of yourself to God?
                      • What motivates you to want to give all you have to God’s Kingdom work?


                  Scripture Foundation:

                    • Luke 12:33-34: “Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
                    • 1 Chronicles 29:14: “But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”
                    • Mark 10:29-30: “Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age…and in the age to come eternal life.”

                  Deep Dive:

                  Laying everything before God isn’t a begrudging duty, but a joyous response to His immeasurable generosity. The Bible consistently highlights two principles: God owns it all (even what we feel ‘earned’), and generosity unlocks blessings beyond material gain. Jesus’ radical promise in Mark emphasizes that the ‘ROI’ for sacrifice extends both spiritually and practically. Yet, He doesn’t promise ease, as true surrender often includes earthly uncertainty. Trust becomes the cornerstone.

                  Relevance to the Song:

                  “Take My All” echoes this zealous giving that surpasses even comfort – offering talents, fears, everything – laid in willing hands for His purposes. It acknowledges a cost, but underscores the overwhelming belief that when God ‘uses’ all of us, the result far outweighs what’s held back.

                  Application for the Listener:

                      • Inventory time, money, & skills. Do you give the ‘leftovers’ to God, or firstfruits of each to express trust?
                      • Examine your clinging. Where does fear that God won’t provide hinder generosity beyond comfort levels?
                      • Jesus asks us to leave earthly security. Is there an act of ‘leaving’ obedience He calls to, regardless of results?

                  Closing Prayer:

                  Father, my hand feels so cramped, gripping tightly to what I fear losing. Give me the grace of open palms, not out of self-righteous ‘sacrifice’, but from deep belief in Your abundant goodness. Teach me the thrill of holding nothing back, trusting only in the richness of Your Kingdom. Make me a conduit of love and provision to others, reflecting Your own heart of joyful generosity. Amen


                  Take My All

                  Verse 1

                  All that I possess, and all that I hold dear,
                  My earthly comforts, all that soothes my fear,
                  I lay them down before You, a sacrifice refined,
                  In trembling hands, I place them, leaving none behind.


                  Take my all, and use me as You will,
                  Every talent, every treasure, surrendered to fulfill
                  Your perfect plan unfolding, Your kingdom drawing near,
                  All that I am, I offer, casting out all fear.

                  Verse 2

                  My guarded heart, with all its wounds and scars,
                  The hidden dreams and secrets locked behind those bars.
                  Let Your light shine brightly, every shadow chased away,
                  Until every broken piece reflects Your glorious ray.


                  Take my all, and use me as You will,
                  Every talent, every treasure, surrendered to fulfill
                  Your perfect plan unfolding, Your kingdom drawing near,
                  All that I am, I offer, casting out all fear.


                  Not for earthly riches, nor for transient fame,
                  But let Your name be lifted, magnified in shame.
                  My every breath, a joyful echo of Your worth,
                  Your purpose my true mission, from my humble birth.


                  Take my all, and mold me day by day,
                  A vessel of Your glory, Your goodness to display.
                  All that I am, a gift laid at Your feet,
                  Your loving hands complete me, Your embrace makes life so sweet.

                  Lead Sheet

                  • Key: Eb Major – Suggests warmth, devotion, with glimpses of struggle within generosity.
                  • Time Signature: 4/4 – Clear structure, but a slower tempo maintains introspective quality.
                  • Tempo: Andante (75-85 BPM) – Measured offering, a heartbeat-like pulse underlying surrender

                  Storyboard descriptions for music video


                  • Mood: Earnestness, but with an undercurrent of joyful readiness.
                  • Music: Begins simple – solo acoustic guitar or piano – layered with vocals and gradually increasing in richness.
                  • Visual: Figure enters a sun-filled room. They walk toward a table in the center, on which sits an empty treasure chest.
                  • Camera: Over-the-shoulder shot of the figure as they approach, emphasizing the open chest as the destination.

                  Verse 1

                  • Mood: Honest inventory, recognition of what is precious, both tangible and intangible.
                  • Action: Figure pauses, a thoughtful crease on their brow. Their empty hand brushes their pockets, chest, and head, signifying internal assessment.
                  • Camera: Short vignettes flash onscreen, representing cherished things (physical object, skill being exercised, close relationship).



                  • Mood: Unreserved offering, the struggle of loosening one’s grasp.
                  • Action: Figure begins placing items around the open chest (physical objects from vignettes, or other visual representations of talents, dreams). Each placement has a slight hesitation, but with growing resolve.
                  • Camera: Tight panning shots over the growing collection, ending on a close-up of the figure’s hands, the last item still grasped within one.

                  Verse 2

                  • Mood: Introspective – examining the heart behind the possessions.
                  • Action: Figure takes a seat a short distance from the chest. One hand opens slowly, palm up, to reveal the withheld item. Their eyes fixate on it.
                  • Camera: Over-the-shoulder shot tightly framed on the item in the open hand and the conflicted expression on the figure’s face.


                    • Mood: Release, final surrender, and a hint of the joy yet to be experienced.
                    • Action: Figure rises, carefully places the last item in the chest, then closes the lid firmly. Turning back to the camera, their face now shines with an open smile.
                    • Camera: Slow upwards pan, ending with the chest bathed in sunlight streaming through a window overhead.


                      • Mood: Transformation of offerings, focus shifts from earthly to otherworldly.
                      • Action: Chest vibrates slightly, emitting a soft glow. It begins to dematerialize, fading away leaving behind only a warm light. Dove silhouette in flight appears and soars upward through the light.
                      • Camera: Follows the dove’s ascent, with lingering shot of empty space with only the golden light as the visual focus.


                      • Mood: Peaceful expectation, confidence in exchange of sacrifice for higher purpose.
                      • Action: Figure extends open palms upward, head slightly tilted as if gazing beyond what the camera sees.
                      • Camera: Slow upward tracking shot, revealing the light from before transforming into falling rays, as if showering the figure in blessings.
                      In Your Awestruck Presence

                      In Your Awestruck Presence

                      In Your Awestruck Presence - Coming Soon

                      by Darren Winfield


                      “In Your Awestruck Presence” marks a profound shift in the album’s journey. It moves from confession and surrender into worship and adoration. The lyrics vividly portray the weight of God’s majesty and the simultaneous, counterintuitive sense of profound intimacy His grace invites. This song celebrates the wonder ofstanding in God’s radiance, humbled yet enveloped in peace.

                      Emotional Heart:

                      This track evokes awe and profound gratitude. Imagine being completely overwhelmed by natural beauty, yet not fearing the vastness but feeling completely enveloped and safe within it. Similarly, this song evokes that sensation of smallness before God’s greatness, coupled with a paradoxical security – that we are deeply loved by that infinite power. It offers a moment of respite in the album, a quiet sanctuary of praise before diving back into the work of refinement and preparation.

                      Potential Blog Prompts:

                      • Do you experience worship as primarily feeling close to God, or more focused on awe of His nature?
                      • Can you think of times when a sense of God’s awe has calmed your fears?
                      • What might it look like to carry this ‘awestruck’ mindset into daily life?

                      Scripture Foundation:

                      • Psalm 95:6: “Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.”
                      • Psalm 29:2: “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.”
                      • Revelation 4:10-11: “The twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: ‘You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your will they were created and have their being.'”

                      Deep Dive:

                      Worship isn’t simply songs or eloquent prayers, but a heart posture toward God. Kneeling, as the Psalms direct, embodies this surrender – not in fear, but recognizing His awesomeness. In worship, worthiness takes its rightful place – all glory goes to Him, the One from whom life itself flows. Revelation shows even heavenly hosts offering crowns as an act of complete recognition; though we have nothing as grand, this same principle guides our heart’s orientation.

                      Relevance to the Song:

                      “In Your Awestruck Presence” shifts focus from internal struggle to the glorious wonder of God. Lyrics paint vivid pictures of His magnificence, contrasted with our smallness. This isn’t about feeling insignificant, but a joyful release to simply worship in light of who He is. No requests, no focus on problems – just basking in awe of His being.

                      Application for the Listener:

                      • How often does worship turn into listing what you need from God? Practice praise with NO agenda.
                      • Visualize yourself in Revelation’s throne room: What blocks you from full-hearted abandonment in worship?
                      • Spend time pondering a single attribute of God – His love, power, sovereignty. Let that fuel your worship.

                      Closing Prayer:

                      Majestic Lord, too often my approach to You mirrors worldly transactions. Teach me the joy of worship emptied of self, my spirit consumed with simply adoring who You are. May the awe found in Your Presence reshape every aspect of how I perceive my life, my problems, and the power of Your love. Amen.


                      In Your Awestruck Presence

                      Verse 1

                      Before Your boundless glory, my spirit stands in awe,
                      Your majesty surrounds me, Your love dissolves my flaws.
                      The heavens sing Your praises, the ocean echoes wide,
                      Yet in Your presence, Father, is where I long to abide.


                      Awestruck in Your presence, all earthly cares subside,
                      Doubts and worries vanish in Your love’s gentle tide.
                      Humbled at Your feet, my soul finds sweet release,
                      In You, O God, I discover perfect peace.

                      Verse 2

                      Though unworthy I may be, Your grace calls me so near,
                      You whisper words of welcome, dispelling every fear.
                      My spirit cries “Abba,” embraced by love so bold,
                      This precious gift of knowing You is worth more than fine gold.


                      Awestruck in Your presence, all earthly cares subside,
                      Doubts and worries vanish in Your love’s gentle tide.
                      Humbled at Your feet, my soul finds sweet release,
                      In You, O God, I discover perfect peace.


                      Hallelujah, King eternal, my heart cries out Your name,
                      Your majesty astounds me, Your mercy puts to shame
                      All my worldly striving, all my foolish pride,
                      With boundless love and wonder, by Your side I will abide.


                      Awestruck in Your presence…in You,
                      O God, I discover perfect peace.

                      Lead Sheet

                      • Key: F Major – Evokes both quiet reverence and soaring wonder.
                      • Time Signature: 4/4 with potential rubato – Allows for some rhythmic freedom in worship.
                      • Tempo: Lento (around 50-60 BPM) – Spacious, inviting reflection upon vastness.

                      Storyboard descriptions for music video


                      • Mood: Tranquil, reverential, tinged with wonder.
                      • Music: Gentle strings, a lilting flute melody, hinting at an ethereal quality.
                      • Visual: Camera pans slowly across a breathtaking starry night sky, galaxies ablaze in the vast expanse. A solitary figure stands in silhouette, dwarfed by the cosmos.
                      • Camera: Gradual zoom in on the figure to reveal their posture of awe.

                      Verse 1

                      • Mood: Recognition of one’s smallness, a joyful release into the grandeur of it all.
                      • Action: Figure collapses to their knees, arms dropping loosely to their sides as they surrender to the overwhelming sight.
                      • Camera: A wide shot focusing on the posture of kneeling, emphasizing the overwhelming scale of the night sky backdrop.


                      • Mood: Worship expressed through physicality, intimacy amidst vastness.
                      • Action: Figure rises, lifting their hands in graceful arcs as if embracing the cosmos. Light begins to radiate around their form, but gentle and diffused.
                      • Camera: Circular tracking shot to encompass the figure and the majesty of the sky, conveying a sense of being cradled within the universe.

                      Verse 2

                      • Mood: Humility turns to quiet communion, a personal encounter amidst the awe.
                      • Action: Figure lowers hands, closes their eyes. Still kneeling, they seem to sink into the stillness of the moment.
                      • Camera: Close-up on face, reflecting profound peace rather than the initial overwhelming awe.


                        • Mood: Adoration deepens, an invitation for an even closer encounter.
                        • Action: Figure’s eyes remain closed, but they lift their face upwards, mouth shaping a whispered prayer. The soft glow around them strengthens and begins to pulse in rhythm with a heartbeat.
                        • Camera: Tracking shot, slow pullback, the glow surrounding the figure now stands out with increasing contrast against the inky black of the cosmos.


                          • Mood: Quiet intensity, a holy tension between awareness of greatness and an answering love.
                          • Action: Figure slowly opens their eyes, gazing directly upwards. A single tear traces a path down their cheek.
                          • Camera: Upward tilt, mirroring their eye movement, but ending not on the starry expanse, but with a transition to a soft white light.


                          • Mood: Pure serenity, awe tempered with intimate embrace.
                          • Action: The white light begins to slowly recede, revealing glimpses of a serene body of water. The figure’s reflection ripples gently on the surface.
                          • Camera: Slow zoom out on the scene, emphasizing the reflective qualities of the still water – a microcosm reflecting the infinite space from earlier.