Be Holy

Be Holy

Be Holy - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield


“Be Holy” is a song that calls believers to a life of holiness and purity, reflecting the nature of God. Inspired by 1 Peter 1:15-16, which commands believers to be holy as God is holy, this song emphasizes the transformative work of the Holy Spirit in sanctifying our lives.

The opening verse, “In Your presence, Lord, I stand in awe; You’ve called me to be holy, pure and true,” sets the stage for a song that highlights the awe and reverence we should have in God’s presence. The chorus, “Be holy, as You are holy; Purify my heart, make me holy too,” serves as a heartfelt prayer for sanctification and purity.

“Be Holy” also addresses the challenges of living a holy life in a world full of temptations. The second verse, “When temptation comes, and tries to sway; In Your strength, I will stand and obey,” draws from 1 Corinthians 10:13, which promises that God will provide a way out of temptation so that we can endure it.

The bridge, “Set me apart, for Your glory; Make me pure, like refined gold,” takes inspiration from Malachi 3:3, where God is described as a refiner and purifier of silver. This song is a powerful reminder of the ongoing process of sanctification and the call to live a life that reflects God’s holiness.

“Be Holy” is an essential track for personal devotion and corporate worship, encouraging believers to pursue a life of holiness and purity, trusting in the Holy Spirit’s transformative power.



1 Peter 1:15-16 calls us to be holy in all we do, just as God is holy. “Be Holy” emphasizes the call to live a life of holiness and purity, reflecting God’s nature.

Holiness is not about perfection but about being set apart for God’s purposes. Reflect on what it means to be holy. It involves living a life that is distinct from the world, characterized by purity, obedience, and devotion to God.

Consider the process of sanctification. 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7 reminds us that God’s will is for us to be sanctified, avoiding sexual immorality and living in holiness and honor. This process is ongoing, requiring daily surrender to the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. 

Holiness also involves our thoughts and attitudes. Philippians 4:8 encourages us to think about things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. Guard your mind and heart, allowing God’s truth to shape your perspective.

Rely on God’s strength to live a holy life. 2 Corinthians 12:9 reminds us that God’s grace is sufficient, and His power is made perfect in our weakness. When we struggle, we can trust in His strength to help us overcome.


Lord, I desire to be holy as You are holy. Set me apart for Your purposes and purify my heart. Help me to live a life that reflects Your holiness and honor. Strengthen me in my weakness and guide me by Your Spirit. Amen.


Track 4: Be Holy

Verse 1:

In Your presence, Lord, I stand in awe
You’ve called me to be holy, pure and true
By Your Spirit, sanctify my heart
Make me more like You, set apart


Be holy, as You are holy
Purify my heart, make me holy too
Be holy, as You are holy
Lord, my life, I give to You

Verse 2:

When temptation comes, and tries to sway
In Your strength, I will stand and obey
By Your grace, I am made anew
In Your holiness, I pursue


Set me apart, for Your glory
Make me pure, like refined gold
By Your Spirit, make me holy
In Your image, I am molded


Be holy, as You are holy
Purify my heart, make me holy too
Be holy, as You are holy
Lord, my life, I give to You

Lead Sheet

Time Signature: 3/4

Key: D Major

Tempo: 75 BPM

Reason: The 3/4 time signature creates a waltz-like, reverent feel, enhancing the theme of holiness. D Major is a key that conveys triumph and light, fitting for a song about becoming more like God. The slower tempo provides space for reflection and emphasizes the call to sanctification and purity.

Storyboard descriptions for music video

Verse 1:

  • Scene: A quiet, candle-lit room where a person kneels in prayer, seeking God’s presence.
  • Audio: Soft piano and strings create a reverent and intimate atmosphere.
  • Visual: Close-up shots of the person’s face, hands, and the flickering candlelight. The room is filled with a sense of holy awe.
  • Mood: Reverent, intimate, and earnest.


  • Scene: The scene transitions to an ethereal, heavenly landscape with golden light and a sense of divine purity.
  • Audio: The music swells with a full choir and orchestral arrangement, emphasizing the call to holiness.
  • Visual: The person is now clothed in white, standing amidst a field of lilies, symbolizing purity. The camera captures the light and beauty of the setting.
  • Mood: Pure, uplifting, and divine.

Verse 2:

  • Scene: The person walks through a city, facing temptations and distractions, but remaining focused on their spiritual journey.
  • Audio: The music becomes more rhythmic, reflecting the challenges and the determination to stay holy.
  • Visual: The person encounters various temptations but responds with prayer and scripture, staying true to their path.
  • Mood: Determined, focused, and steadfast.


  • Scene: Back to the heavenly landscape, where the person stands before a glowing figure symbolizing God, receiving a blessing.
  • Audio: The choir sings in powerful harmonies, with the orchestra highlighting the climactic moment.
  • Visual: The figure places a hand on the person’s head, and a radiant light envelops them, signifying sanctification.
  • Mood: Holy, transformative, and profound.


    • Scene: The person returns to their daily life, now visibly transformed and exuding a sense of peace and holiness.
    • Audio: The music softens, with a gentle resolution of piano and strings.
    • Visual: The person interacts with others, sharing their transformed life and inspiring holiness in those around them.
    • Mood: Peaceful, inspiring, and fulfilled.
      Seek First the Kingdom

      Seek First the Kingdom

      Seek First the Kingdom - Coming Soon

      by Darren Winfield


      “Seek First the Kingdom” is a reflective song that emphasizes the importance of prioritizing God’s kingdom in our lives. Inspired by Matthew 6:33, which instructs believers to seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness, this song encourages listeners to trust in God’s provision and guidance.

      The first verse, “In the quiet place, where I seek Your face; All my worries fade, in Your embrace,” sets a serene tone, inviting believers to find peace and focus in God’s presence. The chorus, “Seek first the kingdom, and His righteousness; All these things will be added to you,” reiterates the promise that when we prioritize God’s kingdom, He will take care of our needs.

      The second verse, “In the daily grind, help me keep in mind; Your kingdom’s call, and leave the world behind,” speaks to the challenges of maintaining a kingdom-focused mindset amidst the busyness of life. This verse draws inspiration from Colossians 3:2, which urges believers to set their minds on things above, not on earthly things.

      The bridge, “Not my will but Yours, be done on earth; In my heart, let Your kingdom birth,” emphasizes the surrender of our will to God’s purposes, echoing the prayer of Jesus in Matthew 6:10. “Seek First the Kingdom” serves as both a personal reminder and a corporate call to align our lives with God’s priorities, making it a powerful and introspective track for worship and reflection.



      Matthew 6:33 calls us to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, promising that all other things will be added to us. “Seek First the Kingdom” challenges us to prioritize God’s kingdom above all else.

      Reflect on what it means to seek God’s kingdom first. It involves aligning our desires with His will, prioritizing His purposes over our own. Colossians 3:1-2 encourages us to set our hearts and minds on things above, not on earthly things. This shift in focus requires intentionality and daily surrender.

      Consider the practical ways to seek God’s kingdom. It starts with spending time in His presence through prayer and worship. Psalm 27:4 expresses a deep desire to dwell in the house of the Lord and gaze upon His beauty. Cultivate a heart that longs for His presence.

      Obedience is another crucial aspect of seeking God’s kingdom. James 1:22-25 urges us to be doers of the Word, not just hearers. Let God’s Word guide your decisions and actions, even when it challenges your comfort zones.

      Trusting in God’s provision is essential. Matthew 6:25-34 reassures us that God knows our needs and will provide for us as we focus on His kingdom. Release your worries and anxieties to Him, trusting in His faithfulness.


      Lord, help me to seek Your kingdom above all else. Align my desires with Your will and guide my steps. Teach me to trust in Your provision and live in obedience to Your Word. May my life reflect Your kingdom priorities. Amen.


      Track 3: Seek First the Kingdom

      Verse 1:

      In the quiet place, where I seek Your face
      All my worries fade, in Your embrace
      With a heart surrendered, I bow my knee
      Lord, Your kingdom come, let Your will be done


      Seek first the kingdom, and His righteousness
      All these things will be added to you
      Seek first the kingdom, and His righteousness
      Let Your will be done, in everything I do

      Verse 2:

      In the daily grind, help me keep in mind
      Your kingdom’s call, and leave the world behind
      With my eyes on You, and my faith so true
      Lord, Your kingdom come, let Your will be done


      Not my will but Yours, be done on earth
      In my heart, let Your kingdom birth
      In every step I take, let Your Spirit lead
      For Your glory Lord, in word and deed


      Seek first the kingdom, and His righteousness
      All these things will be added to you
      Seek first the kingdom, and His righteousness
      Let Your will be done, in everything I do

      Lead Sheet

      Time Signature: 4/4

      Key: G Major

      Tempo: 80 BPM

      Reason: The 4/4 time signature offers a balanced and approachable rhythm, suitable for a song focused on prioritizing God’s kingdom. G Major is often associated with warmth and positivity, reflecting the hopeful message of seeking God’s kingdom first. The moderate tempo allows for a calm and reflective mood, encouraging listeners to contemplate their priorities.

      Storyboard descriptions for music video

      Verse 1:

      • Scene: A peaceful, early morning setting with a person sitting by a window, looking out at the dawn.
      • Audio: Soft piano and gentle strings, creating a serene and contemplative atmosphere.
      • Visual: The person sips a cup of coffee, then opens a Bible. The camera captures the warm, golden light of the morning.
      • Mood: Peaceful, reflective, and hopeful.


      • Scene: Transition to various scenes of people engaging in acts of kindness and service—feeding the homeless, praying with others, teaching children.
      • Audio: The music swells with uplifting strings and choir harmonies.
      • Visual: Close-ups of smiling faces, hands reaching out in love and service. The camera moves fluidly between different acts of kindness.
      • Mood: Uplifting, inspiring, and joyful.

      Verse 2:

      • Scene: A busy urban setting where the same person from the morning scene navigates through a hectic day, but with a calm demeanor.
      • Audio: The music remains gentle but adds a rhythmic pulse to reflect the busyness.
      • Visual: The person pauses amidst the hustle to pray, read a Bible verse on their phone, or help someone in need. The contrast between the rush and their peace is highlighted.
      • Mood: Calm, centered, and devoted.


      • Scene: The person joins a community prayer meeting in a church or a park, with people of all ages and backgrounds.
      • Audio: The choir and a full orchestra build, adding depth and richness to the scene.
      • Visual: The camera captures hands held in prayer, faces lifted in worship, and the unity of the community. The setting sun casts a warm glow over the scene.
      • Mood: Unified, hopeful, and spiritually enriching.


        • Scene: Return to the morning setting, now showing a sunset, symbolizing a day well spent in seeking God’s kingdom.
        • Audio: The music resolves softly, with lingering notes of piano and strings.
        • Visual: The person closes their Bible, smiles, and looks out at the peaceful evening sky. The camera slowly pans out to show the serene surroundings.
        • Mood: Peaceful, fulfilled, and content.
          Armor of God

          Armor of God

          Armor of God - Coming Soon

          by Darren Winfield


          “Armor of God” is a powerful anthem inspired by Ephesians 6:10-18, where the Apostle Paul instructs believers to put on the full armor of God to stand against the schemes of the devil. This song captures the essence of spiritual warfare, emphasizing the protection and strength that God provides to His children.

          The opening verse, “When the darkness closes in like a flood; I will stand in the power of Your blood,” sets the tone for a song that encourages believers to rely on God’s strength in times of trial. The chorus, “Put on the armor, the armor of God; Stand firm in faith, wield the Spirit’s sword,” serves as a reminder of the various pieces of spiritual armor—truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God.

          “Armor of God” also highlights the importance of prayer and reliance on God’s power, as mentioned in Ephesians 6:18. The bridge, “In every battle, in every storm; You are my fortress, You keep me warm,” reinforces the theme of God’s protection and the believer’s unwavering trust in His provision.

          This song is not only a call to spiritual readiness but also an encouragement to stand firm in the face of adversity. It serves as a reminder that, through God’s power, we are equipped to overcome any challenge that comes our way. “Armor of God” is a fitting piece for both personal meditation and corporate declaration, making it a vital addition to the album.



          Ephesians 6:10-18 vividly describes the full armor of God, equipping us for spiritual warfare. “Armor of God” reminds us of the importance of standing firm in our faith, protected by the armor God provides.

          Paul begins by encouraging us to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power (Ephesians 6:10). This strength comes from God, not ourselves. We are called to put on the full armor of God so that we can stand against the devil’s schemes. Reflect on each piece of armor:

          • The belt of truth (Ephesians 6:14): Truth holds everything together. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). Embrace His truth.
          • The breastplate of righteousness (Ephesians 6:14): Our righteousness comes from Christ (Philippians 3:9). It protects our hearts from accusations and guilt.
          • The gospel of peace (Ephesians 6:15): Stand firm with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts (Colossians 3:15).
          • The shield of faith (Ephesians 6:16): Faith extinguishes the flaming arrows of the evil one. Trust in God’s promises.
          • The helmet of salvation (Ephesians 6:17): Protect your mind with the assurance of salvation. We have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16).
          • The sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17): God’s Word is our weapon. Study and meditate on it (Hebrews 4:12).

          Prayer and dependence on God are crucial in spiritual warfare. Ephesians 6:18 urges us to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.


          Father, equip me with Your full armor. Help me to stand firm in truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation. May Your Word be my weapon against the enemy. Strengthen me through prayer and the power of Your Spirit. Amen.


          Track 2: Armor of God

          Verse 1:

          When the darkness closes in like a flood
          I will stand in the power of Your blood
          Clothed in righteousness, shielded by Your grace
          I’ll declare Your truth, seek Your face


          Put on the armor, the armor of God
          Stand firm in faith, wield the Spirit’s sword
          With the belt of truth, and the shield of faith
          In the power of Your might, I will not be afraid

          Verse 2:

          Feet fitted with the gospel of peace
          In Your strength, all my fears will cease
          Helmet of salvation, protecting my mind
          In Your Word, my refuge I find


          In every battle, in every storm
          You are my fortress, You keep me warm
          By Your Spirit, I am strong
          In Your power, I will press on


          Put on the armor, the armor of God
          Stand firm in faith, wield the Spirit’s sword
          With the belt of truth, and the shield of faith
          In the power of Your might, I will not be afraid

          Lead Sheet

          Time Signature: 4/4

          Key: E Minor

          Tempo: 90 BPM

          Reason: The 4/4 time signature gives a solid and marching rhythm, fitting for a song about spiritual warfare. E Minor adds a sense of seriousness and urgency, reflecting the gravity of the battle against spiritual forces. The moderate tempo provides energy and momentum, driving the message of standing firm and ready for battle.

          Storyboard descriptions for music video

          Verse 1:

          • Scene: A darkened battlefield with a single figure standing firm, holding a shield and sword.
          • Audio: Deep, resonant drums and powerful strings, creating a sense of impending battle.
          • Visual: Slow-motion shots of the figure preparing for battle, putting on pieces of armor.
          • Mood: Intense, resolute, and empowering.


          • Scene: The battlefield brightens as light pierces through the clouds, symbolizing God’s presence and power.
          • Audio: The music crescendos with brass and choir, signifying divine empowerment.
          • Visual: The figure stands tall, fully armored, facing the light with determination. The camera zooms out to show an army of believers, similarly armored.
          • Mood: Triumphant, powerful, and unyielding.

          Verse 2:

          • Scene: A quiet room where the figure from the battlefield is seen praying and studying the Bible, preparing spiritually.
          • Audio: The music softens to a contemplative melody with piano and soft strings.
          • Visual: Close-up of the person’s face, eyes closed in prayer. The scene intercuts with flashes of the battlefield, showing the dual nature of spiritual preparation.
          • Mood: Reflective, focused, and solemn.


          • Scene: The figure, now in a church, surrounded by other believers. Together, they lift their shields and swords in unity.
          • Audio: The choir joins in with powerful harmonies, emphasizing unity and collective strength.
          • Visual: The camera pans over the congregation, all standing firm and united. Close-ups of individuals show determination and faith.
          • Mood: Unified, strong, and inspiring.


            • Scene: Back to the battlefield, now bathed in a golden light, symbolizing victory and divine presence.
            • Audio: The music reaches a powerful conclusion with full orchestration and choir.
            • Visual: The figure and the army march forward with confidence, the light guiding their path.
            • Mood: Victorious, empowered, and hopeful.
              Throne of Surrender

              Throne of Surrender

              Throne of Surrender - Coming Soon

              by Darren Winfield


              “Throne of Surrender” is a song born out of the desire to fully yield to God’s will and allow His Spirit to lead every aspect of our lives. Inspired by Romans 12:1-2, this song emphasizes the act of offering our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, as our true and proper worship. The lyrics reflect a heartfelt prayer of surrender, renouncing selfish ambitions and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit in every decision and action.

              The chorus, “I surrender, I yield my heart to You; King of kings, make me pure and true,” echoes the call to seek God’s kingdom first, as stated in Matthew 6:33. This track serves as a reminder that true transformation comes from renewing our minds and aligning our desires with God’s will. The bridge reinforces the theme of surrender with the words, “Not my will, but Yours be done; Father, let Your kingdom come.”

              “Throne of Surrender” also addresses the ongoing battle between flesh and spirit, drawing inspiration from James 4:7, which encourages believers to submit to God and resist the devil. This song is a powerful declaration of trust in God’s strength and guidance, making it an essential piece for personal reflection and corporate worship.



              In Romans 12:1-2, Paul urges us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. This act of surrender is our true and proper worship. When we surrender our ambitions and desires, we allow the Holy Spirit to lead and transform us. “Throne of Surrender” is a heartfelt prayer to yield every part of our lives to God. 

              Consider the ongoing battle between the flesh and the spirit. Galatians 5:16-17 tells us that the desires of the flesh are contrary to the Spirit, and they are in conflict with each other. Daily, we face choices that reflect who is on the throne of our hearts—ourselves or God. James 4:7-8 reminds us to submit to God, resist the devil, and draw near to Him, promising that He will draw near to us.

              Reflect on the importance of seeking God’s kingdom first (Matthew 6:33). When we prioritize His will and seek His righteousness, everything else falls into place. This requires a heart that is fully surrendered, recognizing that apart from Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5).


              Lord, I lay my life before Your throne. I renounce every selfish ambition and ask that Your Spirit guide my steps. Help me to seek Your kingdom first and trust in Your provision. Teach me to resist the temptations of the flesh and draw near to You daily. May Your will be done in my life. Amen.


              Track 1: Throne of Surrender

              Verse 1:

              Lord, I lay my life before Your throne
              Every selfish ambition, I renounce, let it be gone
              Guide my steps, lead me in Your ways
              Let Your Spirit dominate my days


              I surrender, I yield my heart to You
              King of kings, make me pure and true
              Your kingdom come, Your will be done
              In my life, let Your Spirit reign, Lord

              Verse 2:

              When the tempter comes knocking at my door
              In Your strength, I’ll stand and resist once more
              Through the power of prayer and Your holy name
              I find victory, I’m never the same


              Not my will, but Yours be done
              Father, let Your kingdom come
              In my life, in my heart, let me reflect Your love


              I surrender, I yield my heart to You
              King of kings, make me pure and true
              Your kingdom come, Your will be done
              In my life, let Your Spirit reign, Lord

              Lead Sheet

              Time Signature: 4/4

              Key: C Major

              Tempo: 70 BPM

              Reason: The 4/4 time signature provides a steady and reflective rhythm, suitable for a song about surrender. C Major is a key that often conveys purity and sincerity, which aligns with the theme of yielding to God. The slower tempo allows for contemplation and emphasizes the heartfelt prayer and devotion in the lyrics.

              Storyboard descriptions for music video

              Verse 1:

              • Scene: A quiet room with soft morning light streaming through a window. A person kneels at a makeshift altar with an open Bible.
              • Audio: Gentle piano and strings, setting a reflective and prayerful mood.
              • Visual: The person closes their eyes, placing their hands over their heart, symbolizing surrender. The camera zooms in on their peaceful face.
              • Mood: Introspective, serene, and reverent.


              • Scene: Transition to a majestic outdoor setting, perhaps a mountaintop at sunrise, symbolizing God’s majesty.
              • Audio: The music swells with a full orchestra, emphasizing the grandeur and depth of surrender to God.
              • Visual: The person stands with arms raised, facing the rising sun. The camera circles around them, capturing the vast landscape.
              • Mood: Uplifting, awe-inspiring, and worshipful.

              Verse 2:

              • Scene: Back to the room, but now it’s evening with a soft glow from candles. The person is writing in a journal.
              • Audio: The music returns to a softer, more intimate arrangement, with acoustic guitar and gentle percussion.
              • Visual: Close-up shots of the person’s hands writing words of prayer and surrender. A tear rolls down their cheek, reflecting the emotional struggle and victory.
              • Mood: Reflective, emotional, and intimate.


              • Scene: A church sanctuary filled with worshippers, candles lit, creating a warm, inviting atmosphere.
              • Audio: Choir harmonies join in, creating a powerful, communal worship experience.
              • Visual: The camera pans over the congregation, all kneeling and praying. Focus on the worship leader at the altar, leading the prayer.
              • Mood: Unified, reverent, and spiritually powerful.


                • Scene: Return to the mountaintop at dusk, the person still standing with arms raised, now joined by others, symbolizing corporate surrender.
                • Audio: The orchestra and choir reach a climactic, yet peaceful resolution.
                • Visual: A wide shot of the group silhouetted against the setting sun, hands joined, heads bowed.
                • Mood: Peaceful, resolved, and triumphant.
                  Illuminating the Darkness

                  Illuminating the Darkness

                  Illuminating the Darkness - Coming Soon

                  by Darren Winfield

                  “Illuminating the Darkness” is a powerful and reflective track that focuses on the call for believers to be a light in the darkest places. Inspired by Ephesians 5:8-14, this song emphasizes the transformative power of Christ’s light and the believer’s role in exposing and overcoming darkness. It encourages listeners to live as children of light, bringing God’s truth and hope into every situation.


                  Song Devotion:

                  Illuminating the Darkness: Walking as Children of Light

                  Scriptural Foundation:

                  • Ephesians 5:8-14: “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light… everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.”
                  • John 8:12: “When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’”
                  • Matthew 5:14-16: “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden… let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

                  Devotional Thoughts:

                  “Illuminating the Darkness” reminds us of the profound responsibility and privilege of being light in a dark world. As followers of Christ, we are called to live in such a way that His light shines through us, exposing darkness and bringing hope and truth. This song is a prayer and declaration for intercessors to rise and shine, illuminating the darkness with the light of Christ and transforming lives through His power.

                  Prayer Focus:

                  • Pray for the courage and strength to be a light in dark places, exposing and overcoming darkness with God’s truth.
                  • Intercede for those who are living in spiritual darkness, that they may encounter the light of Christ through your witness.
                  • Ask for the grace to live as children of light, reflecting God’s purity and holiness in all you do.
                  • Pray for the global church to shine brightly, bringing hope and transformation to a world in need.


                  Illuminating the Darkness

                  Narration (Scripture Reading over Am and F)

                  For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness, and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. (Ephesians 5:8-11)

                  Verse 1

                  We once were lost in shadows, bound by sin and shame 
                  But now we walk in freedom, in Jesus’ holy name
                  The light of Christ within us, dispels the darkest night 
                  We shine His truth and goodness, with power and with might


                  Illuminating the darkness, with the light of His love 
                  Bringing hope to the hopeless, from the heavens above 
                  Illuminating the darkness, we will shine so bright 
                  Reflecting His glory, in the darkest night

                  Verse 2

                  We live as children of light, in all we say and do 
                  Proclaiming His salvation, His mercies ever new
                  Exposing every falsehood, with righteousness and truth 
                  With hearts ablaze for Jesus, we shine His light in youth


                  We decree His justice reigns 
                  We proclaim His holy name 


                  Illuminating the darkness, with the light of His love 
                  Bringing hope to the hopeless, from the heavens above 
                  Illuminating the darkness, we will shine so bright 
                  Reflecting His glory, in the darkest night


                  In the courts of heaven, we pray 
                  For Your light to lead the way 
                  In the Spirit, we declare 
                  Your kingdom come, Your truth laid bare


                  Illuminating the darkness, with the light of His love 
                  Bringing hope to the hopeless, from the heavens above 
                  Illuminating the darkness, we will shine so bright 
                  Reflecting His glory, in the darkest night


                  We once were lost in shadows, bound by sin and shame 
                  But now we walk in freedom, in Jesus’ holy name 
                  The light of Christ within us, dispels the darkest night 
                  We shine His truth and goodness, with power and with might

                  Lead Sheet

                  • Key: F Major
                  • Time Signature: 4/4
                  • Tempo: 76 BPM (Moderate, reflective worship)

                  Storyboard descriptions for music video


                  • Music: Soft ambient pad with gentle piano chords, creating a serene and reflective atmosphere.
                  • Visuals: A dark screen slowly brightens to reveal a dense, dark forest. The camera pans through the forest, showing the shadows and the absence of light.
                  • Mood: Tranquility, anticipation of light breaking through darkness.

                  Narration (Scripture Reading over F and C):

                  • Music: Gentle piano and pad continue, with a slight rise in volume as the narration progresses.
                  • Visuals: Text appears on the screen, displaying Ephesians 5:8-14. As each verse is read, small beams of light begin to pierce through the canopy of the forest.
                  • Mood: Reverence, inspiration, and divine revelation.

                  Verse 1:

                  • Music: Guitar joined by soft strings, creating a warm and inviting sound.
                  • Visuals: The camera follows a single beam of light as it illuminates the path through the forest. A person walks along the path, guided by the light.
                  • Mood: Intimacy, the beginning of transformation through Christ’s light.


                  • Music: Full band enters with drums, bass, and strings, creating a powerful, uplifting sound.
                  • Visuals: The light spreads throughout the forest, illuminating trees and plants. The darkness recedes as the light reveals the beauty of the forest.
                  • Mood: Triumph, joy, and the spreading of God’s light.

                    Verse 2:

                    • Music: The intensity slightly pulls back, with a focus on guitar and strings.
                    • Visuals: More people are seen walking through the forest, each carrying their own light. They join the first person, illuminating the path together.
                    • Mood: Community, collective experience of God’s light.


                      • Music: Drums build with a crescendo, adding a sense of urgency and anticipation.
                      • Visuals: The camera focuses on individuals’ faces, showing their joy and connection. The light in their hands grows brighter.
                      • Mood: Determination, rising action.


                      • Music: The full band returns with even greater intensity, emphasizing the song’s climax.
                      • Visuals: The forest is now fully illuminated, with light spreading to the surrounding landscape. The sky brightens, symbolizing the overwhelming power of God’s light.
                      • Mood: Exhilaration, victory, and overwhelming joy.


                      • Music: A quieter, more reflective section with soft vocals, piano, and strings.
                      • Visuals: Close-ups of individuals praying and worshiping, their faces lit with a soft glow. The scene transitions to show light entering homes, workplaces, and cities.
                      • Mood: Contemplation, deep worship, and connection to God.


                      • Music: The intensity builds again, returning to the full band for a final, triumphant rendition of the chorus.
                      • Visuals: The camera pulls back to show the entire forest illuminated, with light spreading across the landscape. People everywhere are seen rejoicing and worshiping.
                      • Mood: Celebration, global unity in the light of Christ.


                      • Music: The music gradually fades, returning to the soft ambient pad and piano from the intro.
                      • Visuals: The scene fades to a bright white light, symbolizing God’s eternal presence. The final shot shows the text “Illuminating the Darkness” with the reference to Ephesians 5:8-14.
                      • Mood: Peace, fulfillment, and the lasting impact of God’s light.