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Our Team

The Best and Brightest

Darren Winfield

Darren Winfield


Passionate interactive multimedia teacher for 30 years, his educational journey evolved through multiple disciplines from brass instrumental, ensemble conductor, classroom music, media, information technology, 3D modelling and animation, game development, interactive digital media, Head of digital technologies.

He is striving to add that evolving nature and experience into both Architecture/Data Visulisation.

Through years of teaching experience, Darren will bring to the team his knowledge in multimedia in a new collaborative environment.

Robert Lam

Robert Lam

Analytics / Coding

Currently studying Advanced Computer Science at Monash University, Robert is a passionate programmer that brings analytic and programming ability to the team.

His enthusiasm for game development has lead him through disciplines of interactive media, digital art, web development, user interface design, user experience design and programming expertise.

He aspires to be leading innovative games with highly complex interaction with the end-user.

Johno Stevens

Johno Stevens

Design Consultant

Johno brings his product design skills to Visualisation projects which add the client as the center of the design focus.

Founded by Darren Winfield, Ignited Renders is the culmination of years of development and passion for innovation.

Ignited Renders is a IT and design solution company that specializes in Visulisation of design ideas