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Track 1: The Call to Worship


“The Call to Worship” sets the tone for the album by drawing listeners into the profound invitation that Jesus extends to worship in spirit and truth. Based on John 4:23-24, this track emphasizes that true worship transcends physical locations and rituals, focusing instead on a heartfelt connection with God. The lyrics encourage believers to lay aside their distractions and come before God with open hearts, allowing the Holy Spirit to lead them into genuine worship. This song is a reminder that God seeks worshipers who are fully surrendered and engaged in a relationship with Him, making it the perfect opening for a journey into deeper worship.


Track 1: The Call to Worship

Scripture: John 4:23-24


In John 4:23-24, Jesus speaks profound words to the Samaritan woman: “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

These verses illuminate the essence of true worship. It is not confined to a location or a ritual, but it is an intimate encounter with God that transcends physical boundaries. True worshipers are those who engage with God on a spiritual level, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and transform their worship.

To worship in spirit means to engage with God with our entire being, led by the Holy Spirit. It involves a heart that is open and surrendered to God, allowing His Spirit to move within us and through us. This kind of worship is not about external expressions alone but about an internal posture of reverence, love, and obedience to God.

Worshiping in truth involves aligning our worship with the truth of who God is as revealed in His Word. It means understanding His nature, His character, and His will, and letting this understanding shape our worship. Worship in truth also means living a life that reflects the truth of the gospel, walking in obedience to God’s commands, and bearing the fruit of the Spirit.

This call to worship in spirit and truth invites us into a deeper relationship with God. It challenges us to move beyond mere rituals and lip service and to seek a genuine, transformative encounter with God. It is a call to surrender our hearts, minds, and lives to Him fully.

As you reflect on these verses and this song, consider how you can engage more deeply with God in your worship. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and to reveal areas in your life that need to be aligned with the truth of God’s Word. Seek to worship God with your whole heart, in spirit and in truth, and allow His presence to transform you.


Track 1: The Call to Worship

Scripture: John 4:23-24

“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

Verse 1:

A time is coming, it has now arrived,
True worshipers in spirit will arise,
Not on this mountain, nor in temples made by hands,
But in hearts surrendered, we’ll stand.


We worship You, in spirit and in truth,
Our hearts laid bare, our souls renewed,
Father, seek us now, Your worshipers we become,
In spirit and in truth, Your kingdom come.

Verse 2:

God is spirit, and we worship in His light,
Our hearts united, shining ever bright,
In every moment, in every breath we take,
We honor You, O Lord, for Your name’s sake.


We worship You, in spirit and in truth,
Our hearts laid bare, our souls renewed,
Father, seek us now, Your worshipers we become,
In spirit and in truth, Your kingdom come.


With every voice, we lift our praise,
In holy reverence, our hands we raise,
Spirit of God, fill this place,
We worship You, we seek Your face.


We worship You, in spirit and in truth,
Our hearts laid bare, our souls renewed,
Father, seek us now, Your worshipers we become,
In spirit and in truth, Your kingdom come.


In spirit and in truth, we come before Your throne,
Our hearts as offerings, to You alone.